        public void SortingBlock(ref Rect r)
            bool prevAutoSort = autoSort;

            GUI.enabled = ps.catLighting.renderPath == SFPSC_Lighting.RenderPath.Forward;
            autoSort    = UndoableToggle(r, autoSort, autoSort ? "自动排序..." : "自动排序", "auto sort", null);
            GUI.enabled = true;
            if (autoSort != prevAutoSort && autoSort)

            r.xMin += 20;
            r.y    += 20;

            bool prevGUI = GUI.enabled;

            GUI.enabled = !autoSort;
                int  wOrder  = SF_GUI.WidthOf("Order", EditorStyles.miniLabel) + 2;
                int  wPlus   = SF_GUI.WidthOf("+", EditorStyles.miniLabel) + 2;
                int  wOffset = 32;
                int  wEquals = SF_GUI.WidthOf("=", EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                int  wResult = 32;
                int  wField  = Mathf.FloorToInt(r.width - wOrder - wPlus - wEquals - wOffset - wResult);
                Rect tRect   = new Rect(r);
                tRect.width = wOrder;
                GUI.Label(tRect, new GUIContent("排序", "确定此着色器相对于其他渲染的顺序"), EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                SF_GUI.MoveRight(ref tRect, wField);
                //queuePreset = (Queue)EditorGUI.Popup(tRect, (int)queuePreset, strQueue );
                queuePreset = (Queue)UndoableEnumPopupNamed(tRect, queuePreset, strQueue, "render queue order");
                SF_GUI.MoveRight(ref tRect, wPlus);
                GUI.Label(tRect, "+");
                SF_GUI.MoveRight(ref tRect, wOffset);
                queueOffset = UndoableIntField(tRect, queueOffset, "render queue offset");
                SF_GUI.MoveRight(ref tRect, wEquals);
                GUI.Label(tRect, "=");
                SF_GUI.MoveRight(ref tRect, wResult);
                GUI.Label(tRect, (queueNumbers[(int)queuePreset] + queueOffset).ToString());
                r.y += 20;
                //renderType = (RenderType)SF_GUI.LabeledEnumField( r,new GUIContent("Render Type","Defines shader replacement; required for some rendering effects, such as SSAO"), renderType, EditorStyles.miniLabel );
                renderType = (RenderType)UndoableLabeledEnumPopupNamed(r, "渲染类型", renderType, strRenderType, "render type");
                r.y       += 20;
                //depthTest = (DepthTest)SF_GUI.LabeledEnumFieldNamed( r, strDepthTest, new GUIContent( "Depth Test", "Compared to the existing geometry in the scene, \nthis determines when to render this geometry. \u2264 is default, meaning:\n\"If this part is closer or as close to the camera as existing geometry, draw me!\"" ), (int)depthTest, EditorStyles.miniLabel );
                depthTest = (DepthTest)UndoableLabeledEnumPopupNamed(r, "深度测试", depthTest, strDepthTest, "depth test");
                r.y      += 20;
                //ignoreProjector = GUI.Toggle(r, ignoreProjector, "Ignore Projectors" );
                ignoreProjector = UndoableToggle(r, ignoreProjector, "忽略投影器", "ignore projectors", null);
                r.y            += 20;
                //writeDepth = GUI.Toggle( r, writeDepth, "Write to Depth buffer" );
                writeDepth = UndoableToggle(r, writeDepth, "写入深度缓冲区", "depth buffer write", null);
                r.y       += 20;
            GUI.enabled = prevGUI;

            r.xMin -= 20;
 public void InstructionLabel(ref Rect iRect, Texture2D icon, string label)
     iRect.width = icon.width;
     GUI.DrawTexture(iRect, icon);
     iRect.x    += iRect.width;
     iRect.width = SF_GUI.WidthOf(label, headerStyle) + 2;
     GUI.Label(iRect, label, headerStyle);
     iRect.x += iRect.width;
        public void UpdateExtraInputWidth()
            int widest = SF_NodeConnector.defaultConnectorWidth;

            foreach (SF_NodeConnector con in connectors)
                if (con.conType == ConType.cOutput)

                widest = Mathf.Max(SF_GUI.WidthOf(con.label, SF_Styles.MiniLabelOverflow) + 2, widest);

            extraWidthInput = widest - SF_NodeConnector.defaultConnectorWidth;
        public override float DrawInner(ref Rect r)
            float prevYpos = r.y;

            r.y = 0;

            r.y    += 20;
            r.xMin += 20; // Indent

            BlendModePreset before = blendModePreset;

            GUI.enabled     = ps.catLighting.renderPath == SFPSC_Lighting.RenderPath.Forward;
            blendModePreset = (BlendModePreset)UndoableLabeledEnumPopupNamed(r, "混合模式", blendModePreset, strBlendModePreset, "blend mode");
            GUI.enabled     = true;
            if (blendModePreset != before)
            if (blendModePreset == BlendModePreset.Custom)
                GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f);
                GUI.Label(r.PadLeft(70).PadTop(-1), "自定义混合 点击选择预设", EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                GUI.color = Color.white;

            r.y += 20;

            //if( blendModePreset != BlendModePreset.Opaque ) {
            //if( blendModePreset != BlendModePreset.Custom )
            //GUI.enabled = false;
            //EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal( GUILayout.Width( maxWidth ) );

            string srcStr      = "来源 * ";
            string dstStr      = " + 目标 * ";
            int    srcStrWidth = SF_GUI.WidthOf(srcStr, EditorStyles.miniLabel);
            int    dstStrWidth = SF_GUI.WidthOf(dstStr, EditorStyles.miniLabel);
            int    fieldWidth  = Mathf.FloorToInt((r.width - srcStrWidth - dstStrWidth) / 2);

            Rect rSrcLb    = new Rect(r); rSrcLb.width = srcStrWidth;
            Rect rSrcField = new Rect(r); rSrcField.x = rSrcLb.xMax; rSrcField.width = fieldWidth;
            Rect rDstLb    = new Rect(r); rDstLb.x = rSrcField.xMax; rDstLb.width = dstStrWidth;
            Rect rDstField = new Rect(rSrcField); rDstField.x = rDstLb.xMax;


            GUI.Label(rSrcLb, srcStr, EditorStyles.miniLabel);
            blendSrc = (BlendMode)UndoableEnumPopup(rSrcField, blendSrc, "blend source");
            GUI.Label(rDstLb, dstStr, EditorStyles.miniLabel);
            blendDst = (BlendMode)UndoableEnumPopup(rDstField, blendDst, "blend destination");

            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())

            //if( blendModePreset != BlendModePreset.Custom )
            //GUI.enabled = true;

            r.y += 20;

            UndoableColorMask(r, "颜色遮罩", ref colorMask);
            r.y += 20;

            bool canEditDithering = editor.mainNode.alphaClip.IsConnectedAndEnabled();

            if (canEditDithering)
                dithering = (Dithering)UndoableLabeledEnumPopupNamed(r, "抖动的 alpha 剪辑", dithering, strDithering, "dithered alpha clip");
                UndoableLabeledEnumPopup(r, "抖动的 alpha 剪辑", Dithering.Off, "dithered alpha clip");
            r.y += 20;

            bool canEditAlphaToCoverage = editor.mainNode.alphaClip.IsConnectedAndEnabled() || editor.mainNode.alpha.IsConnectedAndEnabled();

            if (canEditAlphaToCoverage)
                alphaToCoverage = UndoableToggle(r, alphaToCoverage, "Alpha 叠加(MSAA 一起发送)", "alpha to coverage");
                GUI.Toggle(r, false, "Alpha 叠加(MSAA 一起发送)");
            r.y += 20;

            OffsetBlock(ref r);

            RefractionBlock(ref r);

            FogBlock(ref r);

            SortingBlock(ref r);

            StencilBlock(ref r);

            r.y += prevYpos;

        public static int ContentScaledToolbar(Rect r, string label, int selected, string[] labels)
            r.height = 15;

            Rect rLeft  = new Rect(r);
            Rect rRight = new Rect(r);

            rLeft.width  = SF_GUI.WidthOf(label, EditorStyles.miniLabel) + 4;
            rRight.width = r.width - rLeft.width;
            rRight.x    += rLeft.width;

            GUI.Label(rLeft, label, EditorStyles.miniLabel);

            // Full pixel width of strings:
            float[] lblPxWidth   = new float[labels.Length];
            float   pxWidthTotal = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < labels.Length; i++)
                lblPxWidth[i] = SF_GUI.WidthOf(labels[i], EditorStyles.miniButtonMid);
                pxWidthTotal += lblPxWidth[i];

            // Scale all buttons to fit the rect
            float scale = rRight.width / pxWidthTotal;

            for (int i = 0; i < labels.Length; i++)
                lblPxWidth[i] *= scale;

            GUIStyle style  = EditorStyles.miniButtonLeft;
            int      retval = selected;

            Rect rTemp = new Rect(rRight);

            for (int i = 0; i < labels.Length; i++)
                rTemp.width = lblPxWidth[i];

                if (i == labels.Length - 1)
                    style = EditorStyles.miniButtonRight;
                else if (i > 0)
                    style = EditorStyles.miniButtonMid;

                bool prev   = selected == i;
                bool newVal = GUI.Toggle(rTemp, prev, labels[i], style);
                if (newVal != prev)
                    retval = i;

                rTemp.x += rTemp.width;
            GUI.color = Color.white;
        public override float DrawInner(ref Rect r)
            //int propCount = editor.nodeView.treeStatus.propertyList.Count;

            List <SF_Node> propertyList = editor.nodeView.treeStatus.propertyList;

            //GUI.Label( r.MovedUp(), "propertyList.Count = " + propertyList.Count );

            int propCount = propertyList.Count;

            bool multiple = propCount > 1;

            float prevYpos = r.y;

            r.y = 0;

            if (propCount == 0)
                r.y        += 16;
                GUI.enabled = false;
                GUI.Label(r, "No properties in this shader yet");
                GUI.enabled = true;
                r.y        -= 16;

            r.y    += 23;
            r.xMin += 20;             // Indent
            r.xMax -= 3;

            r.height = propertyHeight;

            // On drop...
            if (draggingProperty != null && SF_GUI.ReleasedRawLMB())
                int moveDist = Mathf.RoundToInt((Event.current.mousePosition.y - startMouseY) / propertyHeight);

                // Execute reordering!
                if (moveDist != 0)                    // See if it actually moved to another slot
                    int newIndex = Mathf.Clamp(dragStartIndex + moveDist, 0, propCount - 1);
                    Undo.RecordObject(editor.nodeView.treeStatus, "property reorder");
                    //if( newIndex > dragStartIndex )
                    //	newIndex--;
                    editor.nodeView.treeStatus.propertyList.Insert(newIndex, draggingProperty);

                draggingProperty = null;

            float yStart = r.y;

            int i = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < propertyList.Count; j++)
                SF_Node prop = propertyList[j];

                if (prop.property == null)                    // Due to a weird bug - remove these nodes

                // Disconnect
                    foreach (SF_NodeConnector con in prop.connectors)
                        if (con.conType == ConType.cOutput)
                    prop.Deselect(registerUndo: false);
                    //Debug.Log("Removing broken property...");
                    goto Restart;

                bool draggingThis = (draggingProperty == prop);
                bool dragging     = (draggingProperty != null);

                r.y = yStart + propertyHeight * i;

                if (draggingThis)
                    r.x -= 5;
                    r.y  = Mathf.Clamp(Event.current.mousePosition.y + dragStartOffsetY, yStart, yStart + propertyHeight * (propCount - 1));
                else if (dragging)
                    if (i < dragStartIndex)
                        float offset = propertyHeight + SF_Tools.Smoother(Mathf.Clamp(r.y - DragRectPosY, -propertyHeight, 0) / -propertyHeight) * -propertyHeight;
                        r.y += offset;
                    else if (i > dragStartIndex)
                        r.y -= propertyHeight - SF_Tools.Smoother(Mathf.Clamp(r.y - DragRectPosY, 0, propertyHeight) / propertyHeight) * propertyHeight;

                GUI.Box(r, string.Empty, draggingThis ? SF_Styles.HighlightStyle : SF_Styles.NodeStyle);
                bool mouseOver = r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition);

                // We're now in the property box
                // We need: Grabber, Text field, Internal label

                bool imagePreview  = (prop.property is SFP_Tex2d || prop.property is SFP_Cubemap);
                bool colorInput    = (prop.property is SFP_Color);
                bool checkboxInput = (prop.property is SFP_ToggleProperty || prop.property is SFP_SwitchProperty);

                // GRABBER
                Rect gRect = SF_Tools.GetExpanded(r, -6);
                gRect.width = gRect.height / 2f;

                gRect.yMin += 8;

                Rect gRectCoords = new Rect(gRect);

                gRectCoords.x       = 0;
                gRectCoords.y       = 0;
                gRectCoords.width  /= SF_GUI.Handle_drag.width;
                gRectCoords.height /= SF_GUI.Handle_drag.height;
                if (multiple)
                    GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(gRect, SF_GUI.Handle_drag, gRectCoords);
                gRect.yMin -= 8;

                 * if( propCount > 1 ) {
                 *      if( gRect.Contains( Event.current.mousePosition ) && SF_GUI.PressedLMB() && !dragging ) {
                 *              dragStartOffsetY = r.y - Event.current.mousePosition.y;
                 *              draggingProperty = prop;
                 *              dragStartIndex = i;
                 *              startMouseY = Event.current.mousePosition.y;
                 *      }
                 *      SF_GUI.AssignCursor( gRect,MouseCursor.Pan);
                 *      GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(gRect, SF_GUI.Handle_drag, gRectCoords );
                 * }

                // Property type name
                Color c = GUI.color;
                c.a       = 0.5f;
                GUI.color = c;
                Rect propTypeNameRect = new Rect(gRect);
                //propTypeNameRect.x += propTypeNameRect.width + 8;
                propTypeNameRect.y -= 5;
                if (imagePreview || colorInput || checkboxInput)
                    propTypeNameRect.width = r.width - r.height - 38;
                    propTypeNameRect.width = r.width - 48;
                propTypeNameRect.height = 16;
                //if( prop.property != null )
                GUI.Label(propTypeNameRect, prop.property.nameType, EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                propTypeNameRect.x += gRect.width + 8;
                c.a       = 1f;
                GUI.color = c;
                //return (int)r.yMax;

                // INTERNAL NAME

                if (mouseOver)
                    c.a       = 0.5f;
                    GUI.color = c;
                    Rect intRect = new Rect(propTypeNameRect);
                    intRect.xMin += intRect.width - SF_GUI.WidthOf(prop.property.nameInternal, EditorStyles.label);
                    //SF_GUI.AssignCursor( intRect, MouseCursor.Text );
                    GUI.Label(intRect, prop.property.nameInternal, EditorStyles.label);
                    c.a       = 1f;
                    GUI.color = c;

                // DISPLAY NAME
                Rect dispNameRect = new Rect(propTypeNameRect);
                dispNameRect.y += 18;
                //dispNameRect.x += dispNameRect.width + 4;
                //dispNameRect.height = 16;
                //dispNameRect.y += 10;
                //dispNameRect.width = ( r.width - dispNameRect.width - texRect.width - 20 ) * 0.5f;

                string bef = prop.property.nameDisplay;
                SF_GUI.AssignCursor(dispNameRect, MouseCursor.Text);
                //if( mouseOver )
                UndoableEnterableNodeTextField(prop.property.node, dispNameRect, ref prop.property.nameDisplay, "change property name", update: false, extra: prop.property);
                //GUI.Label( dispNameRect, prop.property.nameDisplay, EditorStyles.boldLabel );
                if (prop.property.nameDisplay != bef)                    // Changed

                // Texture preview
                Rect texRect = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
                c = GUI.color;
                if (imagePreview)
                    texRect       = SF_Tools.GetExpanded(new Rect(r), -4);
                    texRect.xMin += texRect.width - texRect.height;
                    //texRect.x += gRect.width + 4;
                    //texRect.width = texRect.height;
                    GUI.Box(SF_Tools.GetExpanded(texRect, 1f), string.Empty, SF_Styles.NodeStyle);
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    GUI.DrawTexture(texRect, prop.texture.texture);
                    GUI.color = c;

                if (prop.property is SFP_Slider)
                    SFN_Slider slider = (prop as SFN_Slider);

                    Rect sR = new Rect(dispNameRect);
                    sR.y    += sR.height + 5;
                    sR.width = 28;
                    GUI.Label(sR, "Min");
                    //sR.x += sR.width;
                    sR = sR.MovedRight();
                    prop.UndoableEnterableFloatField(sR, ref slider.min, "min value", null);

                    sR = sR.MovedRight();

                    sR.width = r.width - 164;

                    float beforeSlider = slider.current;

                    string sliderName = "slider" + slider.id;

                    sR.xMin += 4;
                    sR.xMax -= 4;

                    slider.current = prop.UndoableHorizontalSlider(sR, slider.current, slider.min, slider.max, "value");
                    if (beforeSlider != slider.current)
                    //SF_GUI.AssignCursor( sR, MouseCursor.Arrow );

                    sR.x    += sR.width + 4;
                    sR.width = 32;
                    prop.UndoableEnterableFloatField(sR, ref slider.max, "max value", null);
                    sR.x += sR.width;
                    GUI.Label(sR, "Max");

                else if (colorInput)
                    SFN_Color colNode = (prop as SFN_Color);

                    texRect       = SF_Tools.GetExpanded(new Rect(r), -4);
                    texRect.xMin += texRect.width - texRect.height;
                    //GUI.Box( SF_Tools.GetExpanded( texRect, 1f ), string.Empty, SF_Styles.NodeStyle );
                    GUI.color     = Color.white;
                    texRect.yMax -= 21;
                    texRect.yMin += 15;
                    texRect.xMin += 2;
                    //texRect.xMax -= 2;

                    SF_GUI.AssignCursor(texRect, MouseCursor.Arrow);

                    //Color col = EditorGUI.ColorField( texRect, colNode.texture.dataUniform );
                    Color col = colNode.UndoableColorField(texRect, colNode.texture.dataUniform, "set color of " + colNode.property.nameDisplay);
                    GUI.color = c;
                else if (prop.property is SFP_Vector4Property)
                    SFN_Vector4Property vec4 = (prop as SFN_Vector4Property);

                    Rect sR = new Rect(dispNameRect);
                    sR.y    += sR.height + 5;
                    sR.width = 20;

                    int lbWidth = 12;

                    //string channelStr = "XYZW";

                    sR.width = lbWidth;
                    GUI.Label(sR, "X", EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                    sR.x    += sR.width;
                    sR.width = 32;
                    prop.UndoableEnterableFloatField(sR, ref vec4.texture.dataUniform.x, "X channel", EditorStyles.textField);
                    SF_GUI.AssignCursor(sR, MouseCursor.Text);
                    sR.x += sR.width + 3;

                    sR.width = lbWidth;
                    GUI.Label(sR, "Y", EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                    sR.x    += sR.width;
                    sR.width = 32;
                    prop.UndoableEnterableFloatField(sR, ref vec4.texture.dataUniform.y, "Y channel", EditorStyles.textField);
                    SF_GUI.AssignCursor(sR, MouseCursor.Text);
                    sR.x += sR.width + 3;

                    sR.width = lbWidth;
                    GUI.Label(sR, "Z", EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                    sR.x    += sR.width;
                    sR.width = 32;
                    prop.UndoableEnterableFloatField(sR, ref vec4.texture.dataUniform.z, "Z channel", EditorStyles.textField);
                    SF_GUI.AssignCursor(sR, MouseCursor.Text);
                    sR.x += sR.width + 3;

                    sR.width = lbWidth;
                    GUI.Label(sR, "W", EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                    sR.x    += sR.width;
                    sR.width = 32;
                    prop.UndoableEnterableFloatField(sR, ref vec4.texture.dataUniform.w, "W channel", EditorStyles.textField);
                    SF_GUI.AssignCursor(sR, MouseCursor.Text);

                else if (prop.property is SFP_ValueProperty)
                    SFN_ValueProperty val = (prop as SFN_ValueProperty);

                    Rect sR = new Rect(dispNameRect);
                    sR.y    += sR.height + 5;
                    sR.width = 20;

                    sR.width = 35;
                    GUI.Label(sR, "Value", EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                    sR.x    += sR.width;
                    sR.width = 55;
                    //SF_GUI.EnterableFloatField( prop, sR, ref val.texture.dataUniform.r, EditorStyles.textField );
                    prop.UndoableEnterableFloatField(sR, ref val.texture.dataUniform.x, "value", EditorStyles.textField);
                    SF_GUI.AssignCursor(sR, MouseCursor.Text);
                else if (checkboxInput)
                    bool isToggle = (prop.property is SFP_ToggleProperty);

                    bool prevValue = isToggle ? (prop.property.node as SFN_ToggleProperty).on : (prop.property.node as SFN_SwitchProperty).on;


                    texRect       = SF_Tools.GetExpanded(new Rect(r), -4);
                    texRect.xMin += texRect.width - texRect.height;
                    //GUI.Box( SF_Tools.GetExpanded( texRect, 1f ), string.Empty, SF_Styles.NodeStyle );

                    texRect.yMax -= 21;
                    texRect.yMin += 15;
                    texRect.xMin += 2;
                    //texRect.xMax -= 2;

                    SF_GUI.AssignCursor(texRect, MouseCursor.Arrow);

                    bool newValue = prevValue;

                    if (isToggle)
                        prop.property.node.UndoableToggle(texRect, ref (prop.property.node as SFN_ToggleProperty).on, "", "property checkbox", EditorStyles.toggle);
                        newValue = (prop.property.node as SFN_ToggleProperty).on;
                        prop.property.node.UndoableToggle(texRect, ref (prop.property.node as SFN_SwitchProperty).on, "", "property checkbox", EditorStyles.toggle);
                        newValue = (prop.property.node as SFN_SwitchProperty).on;

                    if (newValue != prevValue)
                        //	(prop.property.node as SFN_ToggleProperty).on = newValue;
                        //} else {
                        //	(prop.property.node as SFN_SwitchProperty).on = newValue;
                        if (isToggle)
                            prop.property.node.texture.dataUniform = Color.white * (newValue ? 1f : 0f);

                if (r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && SF_GUI.PressedLMB() && !dragging && multiple)
                    dragStartOffsetY = r.y - Event.current.mousePosition.y;
                    draggingProperty = prop;
                    dragStartIndex   = i;
                    startMouseY      = Event.current.mousePosition.y;
                if (multiple)
                    SF_GUI.AssignCursor(r, MouseCursor.Pan);

                if (draggingThis)
                    r.x += 5;

                //GUI.Label( r, "prop.property.nameType = " + prop.property.nameType );

                r.y += propertyHeight;

            r.y      = yStart + propCount * propertyHeight;
            r.height = 20;

            r.y += prevYpos;
