private void Load_List_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { listNCProgs.Items.Clear(); List <string> ncprogs = PowerMILLAutomation.GetListOf(PowerMILLAutomation.enumEntity.NCPrograms); foreach (string ncprog in ncprogs) { listNCProgs.Items.Add(ncprog); } }
private void LoadProjectComponents() { listNCProgs.Items.Clear(); List <string> ncprogs = PowerMILLAutomation.GetListOf(PowerMILLAutomation.enumEntity.NCPrograms); foreach (string ncprog in ncprogs) { listNCProgs.Items.Add(ncprog); } }
private void Generate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List <string> NCProg_Tools = new List <string>(); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application oXL; _Workbook oWB; _Worksheet oSheetProjectSummary = null; _Worksheet oSheetProjectSummaryFull = null; _Worksheet oSheetNCProgSummary = null; _Worksheet oSheetNewNCProgSummary = null; _Worksheet oSheetToolpathDetails = null; _Worksheet oSheetToolList = null; _Worksheet oSheetNewToolList = null; Dictionary <string, string> VarsListProjectSummary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Dictionary <string, string> VarsListProjectSummaryFull = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Dictionary <string, string> VarsListNCProgSummary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Dictionary <string, string> VarsListToolpathDetails = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Dictionary <string, string> VarsListToolList = new Dictionary <string, string>(); bool Has_ProjectSummary = false; bool Has_ProjectSummaryFull = false; bool Has_NCProgSummary = false; bool Has_ToolList = false; bool Has_ToolpathDetails = false; string Project_Path = PowerMILLAutomation.ExecuteEx("print $project_pathname(0)"); string NCProgDetails = ""; string MergedModelList = ""; int FileQty = 0; if (listNCProgsSelected.Items.Count == 0) { //No NC Program selected, do nothing... MessageBox.Show("Please select at least one NC Program"); } else { List <ToolInfo> ToolData = new List <ToolInfo>(); List <ToolpathInfo> ToolpathData = new List <ToolpathInfo>(); List <ToolInfo> ProjectToolData = new List <ToolInfo>(); List <ToolpathInfo> ProjectToolpathData = new List <ToolpathInfo>(); ProjectInfo Project = new ProjectInfo(); //Start Excel and get Application object. oXL = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); oXL.Visible = true; oXL.DisplayAlerts = false; //Get the template from the option page string Path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\ExcellSetupSheet\\Template.ini"; string TemplateFile = ""; if (File.Exists(Path)) { const Int32 BufferSize = 128; using (var fileStream = File.OpenRead(Path)) using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(fileStream, Encoding.UTF8, true, BufferSize)) { String line; while ((line = streamReader.ReadLine()) != null) { TemplateFile = line; } } } else { Path = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase.Substring(8, System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase.Length - 8); string directory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Path); TemplateFile = directory + "\\Tool_List.xlsx"; } if (!Directory.Exists(Project_Path + "\\Excel_Setupsheet\\")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Project_Path + "\\Excel_Setupsheet\\"); } string[] fileArrayXLSX = Directory.GetFiles(Project_Path + "\\Excel_Setupsheet\\", "*.xlsx"); string[] fileArrayXLS = Directory.GetFiles(Project_Path + "\\Excel_Setupsheet\\", "*.xls"); foreach (string File in fileArrayXLSX) { if (File.IndexOf("~$") < 0) { FileQty = FileQty + 1; } } foreach (string File in fileArrayXLS) { if (File.IndexOf("~$") < 0) { FileQty = FileQty + 1; } } if (FileQty > 0) { File.Copy(TemplateFile, Project_Path + "\\Excel_Setupsheet\\SetupSheet_" + FileQty + ".xlsx"); TemplateFile = Project_Path + "\\Excel_Setupsheet\\SetupSheet_" + FileQty + ".xlsx"; } else { File.Copy(TemplateFile, Project_Path + "\\Excel_Setupsheet\\SetupSheet.xlsx"); TemplateFile = Project_Path + "\\Excel_Setupsheet\\SetupSheet.xlsx"; } //Get a new workbook. oWB = (_Workbook)(oXL.Workbooks.Open(TemplateFile)); List <string> ModelList = PowerMILLAutomation.GetListOf(PowerMILLAutomation.enumEntity.MachinableModels); PowerMILLAutomation.GetModelsLimits(ModelList, out double ModelsMinX, out double ModelsMinY, out double ModelsMinZ, out double ModelsMaxX, out double ModelsMaxY, out double ModelsMaxZ); Project = new ProjectInfo(); Project.MachModelsMaxX = ModelsMaxX.ToString(); Project.MachModelsMaxY = ModelsMaxY.ToString(); Project.MachModelsMaxZ = ModelsMaxZ.ToString(); Project.MachModelsMinX = ModelsMinX.ToString(); Project.MachModelsMinY = ModelsMinY.ToString(); Project.MachModelsMinZ = ModelsMinZ.ToString(); Project.Name = PowerMILLAutomation.ExecuteEx("print $project_pathname(1)"); Project.Path = PowerMILLAutomation.ExecuteEx("print $project_pathname(0)"); Project.OrderNumber = PowerMILLAutomation.ExecuteEx("print $project.orderNumber"); Project.Programmer = PowerMILLAutomation.ExecuteEx("print $project.programmer"); Project.PartName = PowerMILLAutomation.ExecuteEx("print $project.partname"); Project.Customer = PowerMILLAutomation.ExecuteEx("print $project.customer"); Project.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString(); Project.Notes = PowerMILLAutomation.ExecuteEx("print $project.notes"); Project.ExcelTemplate = TemplateFile; foreach (string Model in ModelList) { MergedModelList = MergedModelList + Environment.NewLine + Model; } Project.ModelsList = MergedModelList; Project.CombinedNCTPList = ""; foreach (Worksheet worksheet in oWB.Worksheets) { if (worksheet.Name == "Project_Summary") { oSheetProjectSummary = worksheet; //Extract template keywords and cell adresses VarsListProjectSummary = WriteFiles.ExtractTemplateData(oSheetProjectSummary); Has_ProjectSummary = true; } else if (worksheet.Name == "Project_Summary_Full") { oSheetProjectSummaryFull = worksheet; //Extract template keywords and cell adresses VarsListProjectSummaryFull = WriteFiles.ExtractTemplateData(oSheetProjectSummaryFull); Has_ProjectSummaryFull = true; } else if (worksheet.Name == "NCProg_Summary") { oSheetNCProgSummary = worksheet; //Extract template keywords and cell adresses VarsListNCProgSummary = WriteFiles.ExtractTemplateData(oSheetNCProgSummary); Has_NCProgSummary = true; } else if (worksheet.Name == "Toolpath_Details") { oSheetToolpathDetails = worksheet; //Extract template keywords and cell adresses VarsListToolpathDetails = WriteFiles.ExtractTemplateData(oSheetToolpathDetails); Has_ToolpathDetails = true; } else if (worksheet.Name == "ToolList") { oSheetToolList = worksheet; //Extract template keywords and cell adresses VarsListToolList = WriteFiles.ExtractTemplateData(oSheetToolList); Has_ToolList = true; } } List <string> NCProg_Toolpaths = new List <string>(); foreach (String NCProg in listNCProgsSelected.Items) { if (NCProgDetails == "") { NCProgDetails = NCProg; } else { NCProgDetails = NCProgDetails + Environment.NewLine + NCProg; } NCProg_Toolpaths = PowerMILLAutomation.GetNCProgToolpathes(NCProg); foreach (string Toolpath in NCProg_Toolpaths) { NCProgDetails = NCProgDetails + Environment.NewLine + " " + Toolpath; } Project.TotalTime = Project.TotalTime + double.Parse(PowerMILLAutomation.ExecuteEx("print $entity('ncprogram';'" + NCProg + "').Statistics.TotalTime")); //Extract the PowerMILL parameters found in the template from the current NCProgram toolapths WriteFiles.ExtractData(NCProg, out ToolData, out ToolpathData); if (Has_ProjectSummaryFull) { foreach (ToolpathInfo Toolpath in ToolpathData) { ProjectToolpathData.Add(new ToolpathInfo { Name = Toolpath.Name, Description = Toolpath.Description, Notes = Toolpath.Notes, ToolName = Toolpath.ToolName, ToolNumber = Toolpath.ToolNumber, ToolDiameter = Toolpath.ToolDiameter, ToolType = Toolpath.ToolType, ToolCutterLength = Toolpath.ToolCutterLength, ToolHolderName = Toolpath.ToolHolderName, ToolOverhang = Toolpath.ToolOverhang, ToolNumberOfFlutes = Toolpath.ToolNumberOfFlutes, ToolLengthOffset = Toolpath.ToolLengthOffset, ToolRadOffset = Toolpath.ToolRadOffset, ToolpathType = Toolpath.ToolpathType, ToolTipRadius = Toolpath.ToolTipRadius, ToolDescription = Toolpath.ToolDescription, Thickness = Toolpath.Thickness, AxialThickness = Toolpath.AxialThickness, CutterComp = Toolpath.CutterComp, Feed = Toolpath.Feed, Speed = Toolpath.Speed, IPT = Toolpath.IPT, SFM = Toolpath.SFM, PlungeFeed = Toolpath.PlungeFeed, SkimFeed = Toolpath.SkimFeed, Coolant = Toolpath.Coolant, Stepover = Toolpath.Stepover, DOC = Toolpath.DOC, GeneralAxisType = Toolpath.GeneralAxisType, Statistic_Time = Toolpath.Statistic_Time, TPWorkplane = Toolpath.TPWorkplane, Tolerance = Toolpath.Tolerance, RapidHeight = Toolpath.RapidHeight, SkimHeight = Toolpath.SkimFeed, ToolpathMinX = Toolpath.ToolpathMinX, ToolpathMinY = Toolpath.ToolpathMinY, ToolpathMinZ = Toolpath.ToolpathMinZ, ToolpathMaxX = Toolpath.ToolpathMaxX, ToolpathMaxY = Toolpath.ToolpathMaxY, ToolpathMaxZ = Toolpath.ToolpathMaxZ, FirstLeadInType = Toolpath.FirstLeadInType, SecondLeadInType = Toolpath.SecondLeadInType, FirstLeadOutType = Toolpath.FirstLeadOutType, SecondLeadOutType = Toolpath.SecondLeadOutType, CuttingDistance = Toolpath.CuttingDistance, NCProgName = NCProg }); } } if (Has_NCProgSummary) { //Write the Excel document int Index = oSheetNCProgSummary.Index; oSheetNCProgSummary.Copy(oSheetNCProgSummary, Type.Missing); if (NCProg.Length > 31) { oWB.Sheets[Index].Name = NCProg.Replace("*", "").Substring(0, 30); } else { oWB.Sheets[Index].Name = NCProg; } oSheetNewNCProgSummary = oWB.Sheets[Index]; if (Has_ToolpathDetails) { WriteFiles.CreateExcelFile(NCProg, ToolpathData, ToolData, Project, oSheetNewNCProgSummary, VarsListNCProgSummary, oWB, true, Project_Path, oSheetNewNCProgSummary, NCProgDetails); } else { WriteFiles.CreateExcelFile(NCProg, ToolpathData, ToolData, Project, oSheetNewNCProgSummary, VarsListNCProgSummary, oWB, false, Project_Path, oSheetNewNCProgSummary, NCProgDetails); } } if (Has_ToolpathDetails) { //Write the Excel document WriteFiles.CreateExcelFile(NCProg, ToolpathData, ToolData, Project, oSheetToolpathDetails, VarsListToolpathDetails, oWB, false, Project_Path, oSheetNewNCProgSummary, NCProgDetails); } if (Has_ToolList) { //Write the Excel document int Index = oSheetToolList.Index; oSheetToolList.Copy(oSheetToolList, Type.Missing); if (NCProg.Length > 25) { oWB.Sheets[Index].Name = NCProg.Replace("*", "").Substring(0, 24) + "-Tools"; } else { oWB.Sheets[Index].Name = NCProg + "-Tools"; } oWB.Sheets[Index].Name = NCProg + "-Tools"; oSheetNewToolList = oWB.Sheets[Index]; WriteFiles.CreateExcelFile(NCProg, ToolpathData, ToolData, Project, oSheetNewToolList, VarsListToolList, oWB, false, Project_Path, oSheetNewNCProgSummary, NCProgDetails); } } Project.CombinedNCTPList = NCProgDetails; if (Has_ProjectSummary) { WriteFiles.CreateExcelFile("None", ToolpathData, ToolData, Project, oSheetProjectSummary, VarsListProjectSummary, oWB, true, Project_Path, oSheetProjectSummary, NCProgDetails); } if (Has_ProjectSummaryFull) { WriteFiles.CreateExcelFile("None", ProjectToolpathData, ToolData, Project, oSheetProjectSummaryFull, VarsListProjectSummaryFull, oWB, true, Project_Path, oSheetProjectSummaryFull, NCProgDetails); } if (Has_NCProgSummary) { oSheetNCProgSummary.Delete(); } if (Has_ToolpathDetails) { oSheetToolpathDetails.Delete(); } if (Has_ToolList) { oSheetToolList.Delete(); } oXL.DisplayAlerts = true; oWB.Sheets[1].Activate(); oWB.Save(); MessageBox.Show("SetupSheet exported successfully"); } }