 public GameNode(int a, int b, int c, GameHex d, GameHex e, GameHex f, int g)
     : base(a, b, c)
     this.hex1 = d;
     this.hex2 = e;
     this.hex3 = f;
     this.settleType = g;
     threePort = false;
     woodPort = false;
     brickPort = false;
     grainPort = false;
     orePort = false;
     woolPort = false;
     hasPort = false;
 //Purpose: Draw the hexes that make up the gameboard and the hexNumbers of each hex
 private void DrawBoard()
     Texture2D texture;
     GameHex hexInfo = new GameHex();
     //Draw Ocean Pieces
     for (int row = 0; row < 7; row++)
         for (int col = 0; col < 15; col++)
             if (row % 2 == 0 && col % 2 == 0 || (row % 2 == 1 && col % 2 == 1))
                 hexMiddle.X = sea.Width / 2;
                 hexMiddle.Y = sea.Height / 2;
                 float positionWidth = halfWidth - (col - 7) * hexMiddle.X * hexScale;
                 float positionHeight = halfHeight - (row - 3) * sea.Height * 0.75f * hexScale;
                 Vector2 position = new Vector2(positionWidth, positionHeight);
                 ourGame.SpriteBatch.Draw(sea, position, null, Color.White, 0f, hexMiddle, hexScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
     //Draw game hexes and hex numbers
     foreach (GameHex gh in ourGame.gameBoard.gameHexes)
         hexInfo = ourGame.gameBoard.getHexInfo(gh);
         if (hexInfo.hexType != null)
             switch (hexInfo.hexType)
                 case "Clay":
                         texture = brick;
                 case "Desert":
                         texture = desert;
                 case "Grain":
                         texture = grain;
                 case "Wood":
                         texture = lumber;
                 case "Rock":
                         texture = ore;
                 case "Sheep":
                         texture = wool;
                 case "Ocean":
                         texture = sea;
                         texture = null;
             //X position of hex (middle)
             float positionWidth = halfWidth + (gh.column - 5) * hexMiddle.X * hexScale;
             //Y position of hex (middle)
             float positionHeight = halfHeight + (gh.row - 3) * texture.Height * 0.75f * hexScale;
             int hexNumber = hexInfo.hexNumber;
             Vector2 position = new Vector2(positionWidth, positionHeight);
             //Draw Hexes
             ourGame.SpriteBatch.Draw(texture, position, null, Color.White, 0f, hexMiddle, hexScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
             //Set position of numbers (middle of hex minus half the width/height of the scaled number texture)
             Vector2 numPosition = new Vector2(positionWidth + (hexMiddle.X - two.Width / 2) * hexScale, positionHeight + (hexMiddle.Y - two.Height / 2) * hexScale);
             //Draw Numbers on Hexes
             if (hexNumber > 0)
                 ourGame.SpriteBatch.Draw(numbers[hexNumber - 2], numPosition, null, Color.White, 0f, hexMiddle, hexScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
             //Draw the Robber
             if (hexInfo.hasRobber)
                 //Set position of Robber
                 Vector2 robberOrigin = new Vector2(robber.Width / 2, robber.Height / 2);
                 Vector2 robberPosition = new Vector2(positionWidth - 30, positionHeight - 10);
                 ourGame.SpriteBatch.Draw(robber, robberPosition, null, Color.White, 0f, robberOrigin, 0.6f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
        //Purpose:  Get the 6 GameNodes that surround GameHex gh
        //          Pass this the robber's hex to get the nodes that surround the robber
        //Params: gh - the GameHex that we're requesting the nodes for
        //Return: A list of the 6 GameNodes that surround the GameHex gh
        public List<GameNode> nodesSurroundingHex(GameHex gh)
            List<GameNode> gn = new List<GameNode>();

            for (int x = 0; x < 12; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 22; y++)
                    if (boardArray[x, y] is GameNode)
                        GameNode tmp = (GameNode)boardArray[x, y];
                        if ((tmp.hex1 == gh) || (tmp.hex2 == gh) || (tmp.hex3 == gh))
            return gn;
        //Not finished yet, right now it's set up more for automated taking
        //Need more information on wiring it up to the GUI.
        //But the logic is there
        public void moveRobber(GameHex moveHere, Player px)
            //Move the robber

            //Get the 6 nodes surrounding it
            List<GameNode> buildingAround = nodesSurroundingHex(moveHere);

            bool keepGoing = true;
            Random rdm = new Random();
            while (keepGoing)
                int random = rdm.Next(0, 6);
                GameNode tmp = buildingAround[random];
                if ((tmp.owner != 0) && (tmp.owner != px.playerNumber))

                    //steal a random card from tmp.owner
                    keepGoing = false;
 //Purpose: To return hex based upon the row and column given
 //Params: r - the row the hex is in, c - the column the hex is in
 //Return: Hexagon corresponding to the row and column given
 public GameHex getHexInfo(GameHex gh)
     GameHex boardHex = new GameHex();
     for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
         if (gameHexes[j].row == gh.row && gameHexes[j].column == gh.column)
             boardHex.hexType = gameHexes[j].hexType;
             boardHex.hexNumber = gameHexes[j].hexNumber;
             boardHex.hasRobber = gameHexes[j].hasRobber;
             return boardHex;
     return boardHex;
 //Get a list of players that have settlements around the hex provided
 public IEnumerable<Player> eligibleVictims(GameHex gh, SettlersOfCatan game, Player mover)
     List<Player> playerList = new List<Player>();
     List<GameNode> surroundSettles = nodesSurroundingHex(gh);
     foreach (GameNode gn in surroundSettles)
         foreach (Player px in game.players)
             if ((px.playerNumber == gn.owner) && (mover.playerNumber != px.playerNumber))
     IEnumerable<Player> players = playerList.Distinct();
     return players;
        public GameBoard(string gameType)
            switch (gameType)
                case "BaseGame":
                        string[] boardNumbers = { "5", "2", "6", "3", "8", "10", "9", "12", "11", "4", "8", "10", "9", "4", "5", "6", "3", "11" };
                        string[] boardHexes = {"Desert", "Sheep", "Sheep","Sheep","Sheep", "Clay", "Clay", "Clay", "Rock", "Rock", "Rock",
                            "Grain", "Grain", "Grain", "Grain","Wood", "Wood", "Wood", "Wood"};
                        Random rnd = new Random();
                        string[] randHex = boardHexes.OrderBy(x => rnd.Next()).ToArray();
                        string[,] finishedHexes = new String[19, 2];
                        int y = 0;
                        for (int x = 0; x < 19; x++)
                            string Desert = "Desert";
                            finishedHexes[x, 0] = randHex[x];
                            if (string.ReferenceEquals(randHex[x], Desert))
                                finishedHexes[x, 1] = "0";
                                finishedHexes[x, 1] = boardNumbers[y];
                        int[] ports = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                        randPorts = ports.OrderBy(x => rnd.Next()).ToArray();

                        //Game Hexes (hexType, hexNumber, row, columns
                        GameHex GH1 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[0, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[0, 1]), 1, 7);
                        GameHex GH2 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[1, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[1, 1]), 1, 5);
                        GameHex GH3 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[2, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[2, 1]), 1, 3);
                        GameHex GH4 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[3, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[3, 1]), 2, 2);
                        GameHex GH5 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[4, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[4, 1]), 3, 1);
                        GameHex GH6 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[5, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[5, 1]), 4, 2);
                        GameHex GH7 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[6, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[6, 1]), 5, 3);
                        GameHex GH8 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[7, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[7, 1]), 5, 5);
                        GameHex GH9 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[8, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[8, 1]), 5, 7);
                        GameHex GH10 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[9, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[9, 1]), 4, 8);
                        GameHex GH11 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[10, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[10, 1]), 3, 9);
                        GameHex GH12 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[11, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[11, 1]), 2, 8);
                        GameHex GH13 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[12, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[12, 1]), 2, 6);
                        GameHex GH14 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[13, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[13, 1]), 2, 4);
                        GameHex GH15 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[14, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[14, 1]), 3, 3);
                        GameHex GH16 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[15, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[15, 1]), 4, 4);
                        GameHex GH17 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[16, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[16, 1]), 4, 6);
                        GameHex GH18 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[17, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[17, 1]), 3, 7);
                        GameHex GH19 = new GameHex(finishedHexes[18, 0], int.Parse(finishedHexes[18, 1]), 3, 5);

                        GameHex Ocean = new GameHex("Ocean", -1, -5, -5);


                        //Place the Robber on the Desert

                        //Game Nodes (locx, locy, player, hex1, hex2, hex4, settleType)
                        GameNode A5 = new GameNode(1, 5, 0, Ocean, Ocean, GH1, 0);
                        GameNode A7 = new GameNode(1, 7, 0, Ocean, Ocean, GH1, 0);
                        GameNode A9 = new GameNode(1, 9, 0, GH1, Ocean, GH2, 0);
                        GameNode A11 = new GameNode(1, 11, 0, Ocean, Ocean, GH2, 0);
                        GameNode A13 = new GameNode(1, 13, 0, GH2, Ocean, GH3, 0);
                        GameNode A15 = new GameNode(1, 15, 0, Ocean, Ocean, GH3, 0);
                        GameNode A17 = new GameNode(1, 17, 0, GH3, Ocean, Ocean, 0);

                        GameNode C3 = new GameNode(3, 3, 0, Ocean, Ocean, GH12, 0);
                        GameNode C5 = new GameNode(3, 5, 0, Ocean, GH1, GH12, 0);
                        GameNode C7 = new GameNode(3, 7, 0, GH12, GH1, GH13, 0);
                        GameNode C9 = new GameNode(3, 9, 0, GH1, GH2, GH13, 0);
                        GameNode C11 = new GameNode(3, 11, 0, GH13, GH2, GH14, 0);
                        GameNode C13 = new GameNode(3, 13, 0, GH2, GH3, GH14, 0);
                        GameNode C15 = new GameNode(3, 15, 0, GH14, GH3, GH4, 0);
                        GameNode C17 = new GameNode(3, 17, 0, GH3, Ocean, GH4, 0);
                        GameNode C19 = new GameNode(3, 19, 0, GH4, Ocean, Ocean, 0);

                        GameNode E1 = new GameNode(5, 1, 0, Ocean, Ocean, GH11, 0);
                        GameNode E3 = new GameNode(5, 3, 0, Ocean, GH12, GH11, 0);
                        GameNode E5 = new GameNode(5, 5, 0, GH11, GH12, GH18, 0);
                        GameNode E7 = new GameNode(5, 7, 0, GH12, GH13, GH18, 0);
                        GameNode E9 = new GameNode(5, 9, 0, GH18, GH13, GH19, 0);
                        GameNode E11 = new GameNode(5, 11, 0, GH13, GH14, GH19, 0);
                        GameNode E13 = new GameNode(5, 13, 0, GH19, GH14, GH15, 0);
                        GameNode E15 = new GameNode(5, 15, 0, GH14, GH4, GH15, 0);
                        GameNode E17 = new GameNode(5, 17, 0, GH15, GH4, GH5, 0);
                        GameNode E19 = new GameNode(5, 19, 0, GH4, Ocean, GH5, 0);
                        GameNode E21 = new GameNode(5, 21, 0, GH5, Ocean, Ocean, 0);

                        GameNode G1 = new GameNode(7, 1, 0, Ocean, GH11, Ocean, 0);
                        GameNode G3 = new GameNode(7, 3, 0, Ocean, GH11, GH10, 0);
                        GameNode G5 = new GameNode(7, 5, 0, GH11, GH18, GH10, 0);
                        GameNode G7 = new GameNode(7, 7, 0, GH10, GH18, GH17, 0);
                        GameNode G9 = new GameNode(7, 9, 0, GH18, GH19, GH17, 0);
                        GameNode G11 = new GameNode(7, 11, 0, GH17, GH19, GH16, 0);
                        GameNode G13 = new GameNode(7, 13, 0, GH19, GH15, GH16, 0);
                        GameNode G15 = new GameNode(7, 15, 0, GH16, GH15, GH6, 0);
                        GameNode G17 = new GameNode(7, 17, 0, GH15, GH5, GH6, 0);
                        GameNode G19 = new GameNode(7, 19, 0, GH6, GH5, Ocean, 0);
                        GameNode G21 = new GameNode(7, 21, 0, GH5, Ocean, Ocean, 0);

                        GameNode I3 = new GameNode(9, 3, 0, Ocean, GH10, Ocean, 0);
                        GameNode I5 = new GameNode(9, 5, 0, Ocean, GH10, GH9, 0);
                        GameNode I7 = new GameNode(9, 7, 0, GH10, GH17, GH9, 0);
                        GameNode I9 = new GameNode(9, 9, 0, GH9, GH17, GH8, 0);
                        GameNode I11 = new GameNode(9, 11, 0, GH17, GH16, GH8, 0);
                        GameNode I13 = new GameNode(9, 13, 0, GH8, GH16, GH7, 0);
                        GameNode I15 = new GameNode(9, 15, 0, GH16, GH6, GH7, 0);
                        GameNode I17 = new GameNode(9, 17, 0, GH7, GH6, Ocean, 0);
                        GameNode I19 = new GameNode(9, 19, 0, GH6, Ocean, Ocean, 0);

                        GameNode K5 = new GameNode(11, 5, 0, Ocean, GH9, Ocean, 0);
                        GameNode K7 = new GameNode(11, 7, 0, Ocean, GH9, Ocean, 0);
                        GameNode K9 = new GameNode(11, 9, 0, GH9, GH8, Ocean, 0);
                        GameNode K11 = new GameNode(11, 11, 0, Ocean, GH8, Ocean, 0);
                        GameNode K13 = new GameNode(11, 13, 0, GH8, GH7, Ocean, 0);
                        GameNode K15 = new GameNode(11, 15, 0, Ocean, GH7, Ocean, 0);
                        GameNode K17 = new GameNode(11, 17, 0, GH7, Ocean, Ocean, 0);

                        //Game Roads (locx, locy, player, Node1, Node2)
                        GameRoad A6 = new GameRoad(1, 6, 0, A5, A7);
                        GameRoad A8 = new GameRoad(1, 8, 0, A7, A9);
                        GameRoad A10 = new GameRoad(1, 10, 0, A9, A11);
                        GameRoad A12 = new GameRoad(1, 12, 0, A11, A13);
                        GameRoad A14 = new GameRoad(1, 14, 0, A13, A15);
                        GameRoad A16 = new GameRoad(1, 16, 0, A15, A17);

                        GameRoad B5 = new GameRoad(2, 5, 0, A5, C5);
                        GameRoad B9 = new GameRoad(2, 9, 0, A9, C9);
                        GameRoad B13 = new GameRoad(2, 13, 0, A13, C13);
                        GameRoad B17 = new GameRoad(2, 17, 0, A17, C17);

                        GameRoad C4 = new GameRoad(3, 4, 0, C3, C5);
                        GameRoad C6 = new GameRoad(3, 6, 0, C5, C7);
                        GameRoad C8 = new GameRoad(3, 8, 0, C7, C9);
                        GameRoad C10 = new GameRoad(3, 10, 0, C9, C11);
                        GameRoad C12 = new GameRoad(3, 12, 0, C11, C13);
                        GameRoad C14 = new GameRoad(3, 14, 0, C13, C15);
                        GameRoad C16 = new GameRoad(3, 16, 0, C15, C17);
                        GameRoad C18 = new GameRoad(3, 18, 0, C17, C19);

                        GameRoad D3 = new GameRoad(4, 3, 0, C3, E3);
                        GameRoad D7 = new GameRoad(4, 7, 0, C7, E7);
                        GameRoad D11 = new GameRoad(4, 11, 0, C11, E11);
                        GameRoad D15 = new GameRoad(4, 15, 0, C15, E15);
                        GameRoad D19 = new GameRoad(4, 19, 0, C19, E19);

                        GameRoad E2 = new GameRoad(5, 2, 0, E1, E3);
                        GameRoad E4 = new GameRoad(5, 4, 0, E3, E5);
                        GameRoad E6 = new GameRoad(5, 6, 0, E5, E7);
                        GameRoad E8 = new GameRoad(5, 8, 0, E7, E9);
                        GameRoad E10 = new GameRoad(5, 10, 0, E9, E11);
                        GameRoad E12 = new GameRoad(5, 12, 0, E11, E13);
                        GameRoad E14 = new GameRoad(5, 14, 0, E13, E15);
                        GameRoad E16 = new GameRoad(5, 16, 0, E15, E17);
                        GameRoad E18 = new GameRoad(5, 18, 0, E17, E19);
                        GameRoad E20 = new GameRoad(5, 20, 0, E19, E21);

                        GameRoad F1 = new GameRoad(6, 1, 0, E1, G1);
                        GameRoad F5 = new GameRoad(6, 5, 0, E5, G5);
                        GameRoad F9 = new GameRoad(6, 9, 0, E9, G9);
                        GameRoad F13 = new GameRoad(6, 13, 0, E13, G13);
                        GameRoad F17 = new GameRoad(6, 17, 0, E17, G17);
                        GameRoad F21 = new GameRoad(6, 21, 0, E21, G21);

                        GameRoad G2 = new GameRoad(7, 2, 0, G1, G3);
                        GameRoad G4 = new GameRoad(7, 4, 0, G3, G5);
                        GameRoad G6 = new GameRoad(7, 6, 0, G5, G7);
                        GameRoad G8 = new GameRoad(7, 8, 0, G7, G9);
                        GameRoad G10 = new GameRoad(7, 10, 0, G9, G11);
                        GameRoad G12 = new GameRoad(7, 12, 0, G11, G13);
                        GameRoad G14 = new GameRoad(7, 14, 0, G13, G15);
                        GameRoad G16 = new GameRoad(7, 16, 0, G15, G17);
                        GameRoad G18 = new GameRoad(7, 18, 0, G17, G19);
                        GameRoad G20 = new GameRoad(7, 20, 0, G19, G21);

                        GameRoad H3 = new GameRoad(8, 3, 0, G3, I3);
                        GameRoad H7 = new GameRoad(8, 7, 0, G7, I7);
                        GameRoad H11 = new GameRoad(8, 11, 0, G11, I11);
                        GameRoad H15 = new GameRoad(8, 15, 0, G15, I15);
                        GameRoad H19 = new GameRoad(8, 19, 0, G19, I19);

                        GameRoad I4 = new GameRoad(9, 4, 0, I3, I5);
                        GameRoad I6 = new GameRoad(9, 6, 0, I5, I7);
                        GameRoad I8 = new GameRoad(9, 8, 0, I7, I9);
                        GameRoad I10 = new GameRoad(9, 10, 0, I9, I11);
                        GameRoad I12 = new GameRoad(9, 12, 0, I11, I13);
                        GameRoad I14 = new GameRoad(9, 14, 0, I13, I15);
                        GameRoad I16 = new GameRoad(9, 16, 0, I15, I17);
                        GameRoad I18 = new GameRoad(9, 18, 0, I17, I19);

                        GameRoad J5 = new GameRoad(10, 5, 0, I5, K5);
                        GameRoad J9 = new GameRoad(10, 9, 0, I9, K9);
                        GameRoad J13 = new GameRoad(10, 13, 0, I13, K13);
                        GameRoad J17 = new GameRoad(10, 17, 0, I17, K17);

                        GameRoad K6 = new GameRoad(11, 6, 0, K5, K7);
                        GameRoad K8 = new GameRoad(11, 8, 0, K7, K9);
                        GameRoad K10 = new GameRoad(11, 10, 0, K9, K11);
                        GameRoad K12 = new GameRoad(11, 12, 0, K11, K13);
                        GameRoad K14 = new GameRoad(11, 14, 0, K13, K15);
                        GameRoad K16 = new GameRoad(11, 16, 0, K15, K17);

                        //Board Array, array of all GameNodes and GameRoads
                        boardArray = new object[12, 22];
                        boardArray[1, 5] = A5;
                        boardArray[1, 6] = A6;
                        boardArray[1, 7] = A7;
                        boardArray[1, 8] = A8;
                        boardArray[1, 9] = A9;
                        boardArray[1, 10] = A10;
                        boardArray[1, 11] = A11;
                        boardArray[1, 12] = A12;
                        boardArray[1, 13] = A13;
                        boardArray[1, 14] = A14;
                        boardArray[1, 15] = A15;
                        boardArray[1, 16] = A16;
                        boardArray[1, 17] = A17;
                        boardArray[2, 5] = B5;
                        boardArray[2, 9] = B9;
                        boardArray[2, 13] = B13;
                        boardArray[2, 17] = B17;
                        boardArray[3, 3] = C3;
                        boardArray[3, 4] = C4;
                        boardArray[3, 5] = C5;
                        boardArray[3, 6] = C6;
                        boardArray[3, 7] = C7;
                        boardArray[3, 8] = C8;
                        boardArray[3, 9] = C9;
                        boardArray[3, 10] = C10;
                        boardArray[3, 11] = C11;
                        boardArray[3, 12] = C12;
                        boardArray[3, 13] = C13;
                        boardArray[3, 14] = C14;
                        boardArray[3, 15] = C15;
                        boardArray[3, 16] = C16;
                        boardArray[3, 17] = C17;
                        boardArray[3, 18] = C18;
                        boardArray[3, 19] = C19;
                        boardArray[4, 3] = D3;
                        boardArray[4, 7] = D7;
                        boardArray[4, 11] = D11;
                        boardArray[4, 15] = D15;
                        boardArray[4, 19] = D19;
                        boardArray[5, 1] = E1;
                        boardArray[5, 2] = E2;
                        boardArray[5, 3] = E3;
                        boardArray[5, 4] = E4;
                        boardArray[5, 5] = E5;
                        boardArray[5, 6] = E6;
                        boardArray[5, 7] = E7;
                        boardArray[5, 8] = E8;
                        boardArray[5, 9] = E9;
                        boardArray[5, 10] = E10;
                        boardArray[5, 11] = E11;
                        boardArray[5, 12] = E12;
                        boardArray[5, 13] = E13;
                        boardArray[5, 14] = E14;
                        boardArray[5, 15] = E15;
                        boardArray[5, 16] = E16;
                        boardArray[5, 17] = E17;
                        boardArray[5, 18] = E18;
                        boardArray[5, 19] = E19;
                        boardArray[5, 20] = E20;
                        boardArray[5, 21] = E21;
                        boardArray[6, 1] = F1;
                        boardArray[6, 5] = F5;
                        boardArray[6, 9] = F9;
                        boardArray[6, 13] = F13;
                        boardArray[6, 17] = F17;
                        boardArray[6, 21] = F21;
                        boardArray[7, 1] = G1;
                        boardArray[7, 2] = G2;
                        boardArray[7, 3] = G3;
                        boardArray[7, 4] = G4;
                        boardArray[7, 5] = G5;
                        boardArray[7, 6] = G6;
                        boardArray[7, 7] = G7;
                        boardArray[7, 8] = G8;
                        boardArray[7, 9] = G9;
                        boardArray[7, 10] = G10;
                        boardArray[7, 11] = G11;
                        boardArray[7, 12] = G12;
                        boardArray[7, 13] = G13;
                        boardArray[7, 14] = G14;
                        boardArray[7, 15] = G15;
                        boardArray[7, 16] = G16;
                        boardArray[7, 17] = G17;
                        boardArray[7, 18] = G18;
                        boardArray[7, 19] = G19;
                        boardArray[7, 20] = G20;
                        boardArray[7, 21] = G21;
                        boardArray[8, 3] = H3;
                        boardArray[8, 7] = H7;
                        boardArray[8, 11] = H11;
                        boardArray[8, 15] = H15;
                        boardArray[8, 19] = H19;
                        boardArray[9, 3] = I3;
                        boardArray[9, 4] = I4;
                        boardArray[9, 5] = I5;
                        boardArray[9, 6] = I6;
                        boardArray[9, 7] = I7;
                        boardArray[9, 8] = I8;
                        boardArray[9, 9] = I9;
                        boardArray[9, 10] = I10;
                        boardArray[9, 11] = I11;
                        boardArray[9, 12] = I12;
                        boardArray[9, 13] = I13;
                        boardArray[9, 14] = I14;
                        boardArray[9, 15] = I15;
                        boardArray[9, 16] = I16;
                        boardArray[9, 17] = I17;
                        boardArray[9, 18] = I18;
                        boardArray[9, 19] = I19;
                        boardArray[10, 5] = J5;
                        boardArray[10, 9] = J9;
                        boardArray[10, 13] = J13;
                        boardArray[10, 17] = J17;
                        boardArray[11, 5] = K5;
                        boardArray[11, 6] = K6;
                        boardArray[11, 7] = K7;
                        boardArray[11, 8] = K8;
                        boardArray[11, 9] = K9;
                        boardArray[11, 10] = K10;
                        boardArray[11, 11] = K11;
                        boardArray[11, 12] = K12;
                        boardArray[11, 13] = K13;
                        boardArray[11, 14] = K14;
                        boardArray[11, 15] = K15;
                        boardArray[11, 16] = K16;
                        boardArray[11, 17] = K17;

                case "CustomGame":

 //Purpose: Moves the Robber from its current location to moveToHere
 //Params: moveToHere - a GameHex where the robber is to be moved
 //Return: None
 public void setRobber(GameHex moveToHere)
     GameHex currentRobber = findRobber();
     foreach (GameHex gh in gameHexes)
         //We can place it when we find it, but it can't be moved to where it already is
         if ((gh == moveToHere) && (gh != currentRobber))
             currentRobber.hasRobber = false;
             gh.hasRobber = true;
        // Purpose: Import 2D Sprites that make up the HUD and different menus that are opened up
        protected override void LoadContent()
            //Sprites for the default HUD
            hudBackground = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\Hud_Background");
            hudActions = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\HUD_Actions2");
            hudResources = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\HUD_Resources");
            hudLongests = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\HUD_Longests");
            hudVictoryPoints = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\HUD_VictoryPoints");

            //Sprites to show Dice roll
            hudDiceOne = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\Dice_One");
            hudDiceTwo = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\Dice_Two");
            hudDiceThree = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\Dice_Three");
            hudDiceFour = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\Dice_Four");
            hudDiceFive = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\Dice_Five");
            hudDiceSix = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\Dice_Six");

            //Sprites that are opened up after choosing different actions on the main HUD
            hudTradeMenu = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\HUD_TradingBlock");
            hudAITradeMenu = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\HUD_aiTrade");
            hudYearOfPlenty = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\HUD_RobberGiveaway");
            hudBuildRoad = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\HUD_BuildRoad");
            hudBuildSettlement = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\HUD_BuildSettlement");
            hudBuildCity = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\HUD_BuildCity");
            hudBuildDevCard = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\HUD_BuildDevCard");
            hudCardPopup = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\HUD_CardPopup");

            //The AI player HUD Information
            aiOne = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\HUD_MaleAI");
            aiTwo = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\HUD_FemaleAI");
            aiOneSteal = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\HUD_StealFrom1");
            aiTwoSteal = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\HUD_StealFrom2");
            aiAccept = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\HUD_Accept");
            aiReject = OurGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Hud\HUD_Reject");

            //Fill the developmentCards List with card textures
            developmentCards = new List<Texture2D>();

            //Monopoly textures
            monopolyTextures = new List<Texture2D>();

            //Set the font for the text on the HUD
            largeFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>(@"Fonts\hudlarge");

            //Set Bools for draw actions
            drawDice = false;
            drawTrade = false;
            drawBuild = false;
            drawCards = false;

            //Set Bools for Hud Menus
            tradingMode = false;
            playedCard = false;
            turnCountZero = true;

            //Set Score Text Positions for humanPlayer
            brickTextPosition = new Vector2((screenWidth - hudBackground.Width) / 2 + TitleSafeArea.Left + 170,
                screenHeight - (TitleSafeArea.Bottom + 40));
            wheatTextPosition = new Vector2((screenWidth - hudBackground.Width) / 2 + TitleSafeArea.Left + 234,
                screenHeight - (TitleSafeArea.Bottom + 40));
            woodTextPosition = new Vector2((screenWidth - hudBackground.Width) / 2 + TitleSafeArea.Left + 295,
                screenHeight - (TitleSafeArea.Bottom + 40));
            woolTextPosition = new Vector2((screenWidth - hudBackground.Width) / 2 + TitleSafeArea.Left + 358,
                screenHeight - (TitleSafeArea.Bottom + 40));
            oreTextPosition = new Vector2((screenWidth - hudBackground.Width) / 2 + TitleSafeArea.Left + 420,
                screenHeight - (TitleSafeArea.Bottom + 40));
            knightsTextPosition = new Vector2((screenWidth - hudBackground.Width) / 2 + TitleSafeArea.Left + 550,
                screenHeight - (TitleSafeArea.Bottom + 100));
            roadsTextPosition = new Vector2((screenWidth - hudBackground.Width) / 2 + TitleSafeArea.Left + 550,
                screenHeight - (TitleSafeArea.Bottom + 50));
            victoryPointTextPosition = new Vector2((screenWidth - hudBackground.Width) / 2 + TitleSafeArea.Left + 642,
                screenHeight - (TitleSafeArea.Bottom + 50));

            //Set Score Text Positions for AIOne
            aiOneResourcesPos = new Vector2(TitleSafeArea.Left + 64, TitleSafeArea.Top + 162);
            aiOneDevCardsPos = new Vector2(TitleSafeArea.Left + 64, TitleSafeArea.Top + 195);
            aiOneKnightsPos = new Vector2(TitleSafeArea.Left + 114, TitleSafeArea.Top + 162);
            aiOneRoadsPos = new Vector2(TitleSafeArea.Left + 114, TitleSafeArea.Top + 195);
            aiOneVPPos = new Vector2(TitleSafeArea.Left + 90, TitleSafeArea.Top + 225);

            //Set Score Text Positions for AITwo
            aiTwoResourcesPos = new Vector2(screenWidth - (aiTwo.Width + TitleSafeArea.Right - 64), TitleSafeArea.Top + 162);
            aiTwoDevCardsPos = new Vector2(screenWidth - (aiTwo.Width + TitleSafeArea.Right - 64), TitleSafeArea.Top + 195);
            aiTwoKnightsPos = new Vector2(screenWidth - (aiTwo.Width + TitleSafeArea.Right - 114), TitleSafeArea.Top + 162);
            aiTwoRoadsPos = new Vector2(screenWidth - (aiTwo.Width + TitleSafeArea.Right - 114), TitleSafeArea.Top + 195);
            aiTwoVPPos = new Vector2(screenWidth - (aiTwo.Width + TitleSafeArea.Right - 90), TitleSafeArea.Top + 225);

            //Rectangles for Accept/Reject AI Icons
            aiOneResponse = new Rectangle(TitleSafeArea.Left + 150, TitleSafeArea.Top + 160, aiAccept.Width, aiAccept.Height);
            aiTwoResponse = new Rectangle(screenWidth - (TitleSafeArea.Right + 150 + aiAccept.Width), TitleSafeArea.Top + 160, aiAccept.Width, aiAccept.Height);
            playerRejects = new Rectangle(screenWidth / 5 + 20, screenHeight - (180 + TitleSafeArea.Bottom), aiReject.Width, aiReject.Height);

            //Rectangles for Steal from AI Icons
            aiOneStealPos = new Rectangle(TitleSafeArea.Left + 142, TitleSafeArea.Top + 160, aiOneSteal.Width, aiOneSteal.Height);
            aiTwoStealPos = new Rectangle(screenWidth - (TitleSafeArea.Right + 142 + aiTwoSteal.Width), TitleSafeArea.Top + 160, aiTwoSteal.Width, aiTwoSteal.Height);

            aiCanSteal = new List<Player>();
            robberHex = new GameHex();

            //Temporary Mouse Position information
            mouseXTextPosition = new Vector2(OurGame.width / 2 + 300, OurGame.height - (TitleSafeArea.Bottom + 40));
            mouseYTextPosition = new Vector2(OurGame.width / 2 + 400, OurGame.height - (TitleSafeArea.Bottom + 40));

            //Rectangles for main Hud Action Pieces
            diceRectangle = new Rectangle(screenWidth / 2 - 502, screenHeight - (hudActions.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom - 10), 60, 54);
            tradeRectangle = new Rectangle(screenWidth / 2 - 442, screenHeight - (hudActions.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom - 10), 60, 54);
            stopRectangle = new Rectangle(screenWidth / 2 - 502, screenHeight - (hudActions.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom - 64), 60, 54);
            buildRectangle = new Rectangle(screenWidth / 2 - 442, screenHeight - (hudActions.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom - 64), 60, 54);
            cardPopupRectangle = new Rectangle((screenWidth - hudBackground.Width) / 2 + TitleSafeArea.Left + hudActions.Width / 2 + hudResources.Width + hudLongests.Width + hudVictoryPoints.Width + 10,
                    screenHeight - (hudCardPopup.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom - 10),
                    hudCardPopup.Width - 10,
                    hudCardPopup.Height - 15);

            //Rectangles for building cards
            roadCardRectangle = new Rectangle(screenWidth / 4,
                screenHeight - (240 + TitleSafeArea.Bottom),
            settleCardRectangle = new Rectangle(screenWidth / 4 + hudBuildRoad.Width + 10,
                screenHeight - (240 + TitleSafeArea.Bottom),
            cityCardRectangle = new Rectangle(screenWidth / 4 + hudBuildRoad.Width * 2 + 20,
                screenHeight - (240 + TitleSafeArea.Bottom),
            devCardRectangle = new Rectangle(screenWidth / 4 + hudBuildRoad.Width * 3 + 30,
                screenHeight - (240 + TitleSafeArea.Bottom),

            //Rectangles, text numbers, and text position vectors for trade menu
            tradeNumbers = new int[10];
            tradeTextPos = new List<Vector2>();
            tradeMenuText = new String[10];
            increaseAmount = new List<Rectangle>();
            decreaseAmount = new List<Rectangle>();

            //Rectangles for the Up/Down buttons to increase or decrease the amount to trade
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                if (i < 5)
                    tradeTextPos.Add(new Vector2(screenWidth / 8 + 20,
                        screenHeight - (60 - i * 34 + hudTradeMenu.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom)));
                    increaseAmount.Add(new Rectangle(screenWidth / 8 + 47,
                        screenHeight - (67 - i * 34 + hudTradeMenu.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom),
                    decreaseAmount.Add(new Rectangle(screenWidth / 8 + 47,
                        screenHeight - (47 - i * 34 + hudTradeMenu.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom),
                    tradeTextPos.Add(new Vector2(screenWidth / 8 + 192,
                        screenHeight - (60 - (i - 5) * 34 + hudTradeMenu.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom)));
                    increaseAmount.Add(new Rectangle(screenWidth / 8 + 138,
                        screenHeight - (67 - (i - 5) * 34 + hudTradeMenu.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom),
                    decreaseAmount.Add(new Rectangle(screenWidth / 8 + 138,
                        screenHeight - (47 - (i - 5) * 34 + hudTradeMenu.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom),
                tradeNumbers[i] = 0;
            //rectangles for accept trade and bank trade
            acceptTrade = new Rectangle(screenWidth / 8 + 47,
                        screenHeight - (hudTradeMenu.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom - 106),
            bankTrade = new Rectangle(screenWidth / 8 + 92,
                screenHeight - (hudTradeMenu.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom - 106),
            declineTrade = new Rectangle(screenWidth / 8 + 137,
                screenHeight - (hudTradeMenu.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom - 106),

            //Initialize aiTrade information
            aiTradeNumbers = new int[10];
            aiTradeMenuText = new String[10];
            aiOffering = "";
            aiTradeTextPos = new List<Vector2>();

            aiOfferingPos = new Vector2(screenWidth / 8 + 92,
                        screenHeight - (115 + hudTradeMenu.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom));
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                if (i < 5)
                    aiTradeTextPos.Add(new Vector2(screenWidth / 8 + 40,
                        screenHeight - (60 - i * 34 + hudTradeMenu.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom)));
                    aiTradeTextPos.Add(new Vector2(screenWidth / 8 + 177,
                        screenHeight - (60 - (i - 5) * 34 + hudTradeMenu.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom)));
                aiTradeNumbers[i] = 0;
            acceptAITrade = new Rectangle(screenWidth / 8 + 70,
                        screenHeight - (hudTradeMenu.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom - 126),
            rejectAITrade = new Rectangle(screenWidth / 8 + 128,
                        screenHeight - (hudTradeMenu.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom - 126),

            //YearOfPlenty Menu
            yopCounter = 0;
            yopNumbers = new int[5];
            yopTextPos = new List<Vector2>();
            yopMenuText = new String[5];
            yopUp = new List<Rectangle>();
            yopDown = new List<Rectangle>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                yopTextPos.Add(new Vector2(6 * screenWidth / 8 + 70,
                    screenHeight - (60 - i * 34 + hudYearOfPlenty.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom)));
                yopUp.Add(new Rectangle(6 * screenWidth / 8 + 102,
                    screenHeight - (67 - i * 34 + hudYearOfPlenty.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom),
                yopDown.Add(new Rectangle(6 * screenWidth / 8 + 102,
                    screenHeight - (47 - i * 34 + hudYearOfPlenty.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom),
            yopAccept = new Rectangle(6 * screenWidth / 8 + 58,
                        screenHeight - (hudYearOfPlenty.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom - 126),
            yopDecline = new Rectangle(6 * screenWidth / 8 + 120,
                screenHeight - (hudYearOfPlenty.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom - 126),

            //rectangles for devCards
            devCardRectangles = new List<Rectangle>();
            devCardRectanglesOwned = new List<Rectangle>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                devCardRectangles.Add(new Rectangle(screenWidth - 5 * developmentCards[i].Width + (i * developmentCards[i].Width / 2),
                    screenHeight - (developmentCards[i].Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom),
                    developmentCards[i].Width / 2,
                    developmentCards[i].Height / 2));

            monopolyRectangles = new List<Rectangle>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                monopolyRectangles.Add(new Rectangle(screenWidth - 4 * monopolyTextures[i].Width + (i * monopolyTextures[i].Width / 2),
                    screenHeight - (monopolyTextures[i].Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom),
                    monopolyTextures[i].Width / 2,
                    monopolyTextures[i].Height / 2));

            amountGivePos = new Vector2((6 * screenWidth / 8 + 162), screenHeight - (114 + hudYearOfPlenty.Height + TitleSafeArea.Bottom));
        //Update the mouse spot when left click is hit. (this will be altered, more of a test to see if left click worked)
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            //Temporary Mouse Information write out
            mouseXText = "X: " + OurGame.mouseX.ToString();
            mouseYText = "Y: " + OurGame.mouseY.ToString();

            Point mouseClick = new Point( OurGame.mouseX, OurGame.mouseY );

            //Mouse updates for hudActions menu
            //Updates the dice roll for the player if the dice menu button is pressed
            if ( OurGame.humanPlayer.canRollDice && diceRectangle.Contains(mouseClick) )
                OurGame.humanPlayer.canRollDice = false;
                drawDice = true;
                playingState.rolledDice = true;
                OurGame.humanPlayer.canTrade = true;
                OurGame.humanPlayer.canBuild = true;
                OurGame.humanPlayer.canEndTurn = true;
            //Updates information if the trade menu button is pressed
            if (OurGame.humanPlayer.canTrade && tradeRectangle.Contains(mouseClick))
                drawDice = false;
                drawBuild = false;
                drawCards = false;
                playingState.buildingSettlement = false;
                playingState.buildingCity = false;
                playingState.buildingRoad = false;
                tradingMode = true;
                drawTrade = true;

            //Updates information if the build menu button is pressed
            if (OurGame.humanPlayer.canBuild && buildRectangle.Contains(mouseClick))
                drawDice = false;
                drawTrade = false;
                drawCards = false;
                playingState.buildingSettlement = false;
                playingState.buildingCity = false;
                playingState.buildingRoad = false;
                if (!drawBuild)
                    drawBuild = true;
                    drawBuild = false;
            //Updates information if the endturn menu button is pressed
            if (OurGame.humanPlayer.canEndTurn && stopRectangle.Contains(mouseClick))
                drawDice = false;
                drawTrade = false;
                drawBuild = false;
                drawCards = false;
                playedCard = false;
                OurGame.humanPlayer.devCards.CopyTo(OurGame.humanPlayer.cardsAvailable, 0);
                playingState.turnWaitCounter = 0;
                playingState.rolledDice = false;
                playingState.buildingSettlement = false;
                playingState.buildingCity = false;
                playingState.buildingRoad = false;
                OurGame.humanPlayer.canEndTurn = false;
                OurGame.humanPlayer.canTrade = false;
                OurGame.humanPlayer.canBuild = false;
                playingState.humanPlayerTurn = false;
                playingState.aiTurn = true;
            //Updates information if the card menu button is pressed
            if (playingState.humanPlayerTurn && cardPopupRectangle.Contains(mouseClick) && !playingState.gameStartMode)
                drawDice = false;
                drawBuild = false;
                drawTrade = false;
                playingState.buildingSettlement = false;
                playingState.buildingCity = false;
                playingState.buildingRoad = false;
                drawCards = true;

            //Mouse updates for buildCards
            //Updates the build bools if the buildCards are pressed
            if (OurGame.humanPlayer.canBuildRoad && roadCardRectangle.Contains(mouseClick) && drawBuild)
                playingState.buildingRoad = true;

            if (OurGame.humanPlayer.canBuildSettlement && settleCardRectangle.Contains(mouseClick) && drawBuild)
                playingState.buildingSettlement = true;

            if (OurGame.humanPlayer.canBuildCity && cityCardRectangle.Contains(mouseClick) && drawBuild)
                playingState.buildingCity = true;

            if (OurGame.humanPlayer.canBuildDevCard && devCardRectangle.Contains(mouseClick) && drawBuild)

            //Controls the trade menu
            if (tradingMode)
                bool test;
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    if (increaseAmount[i].Contains(mouseClick))
                        test = testTradeIncrement(i, tradeNumbers[i]);
                        if (test)
                    if (decreaseAmount[i].Contains(mouseClick))
                        if (tradeNumbers[i] > 0)
                if (acceptTrade.Contains(mouseClick))
                    tradingMode = false;
                    drawTrade = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                        playingState.currentTrade.tradeOffer[i] = tradeNumbers[i];
                        playingState.currentTrade.tradeRequest[i] = tradeNumbers[i + 5];
                    Array.Clear(tradeNumbers, 0, tradeNumbers.Length);
                if (bankTrade.Contains(mouseClick))
                    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                        playingState.currentTrade.tradeOffer[i] = tradeNumbers[i];
                        playingState.currentTrade.tradeRequest[i] = tradeNumbers[i + 5];
                    if (playingState.currentTrade.isBankTradeValid(OurGame.humanPlayer))
                        tradingMode = false;
                        drawTrade = false;
                        Array.Clear(tradeNumbers, 0, tradeNumbers.Length);
                if (declineTrade.Contains(mouseClick))
                    tradingMode = false;
                    drawTrade = false;
                    Array.Clear(tradeNumbers, 0, tradeNumbers.Length);

            //Controls the yearOfPlenty Menu
            if (playingState.yearOfPlentyMode)
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    if (yopUp[i].Contains(mouseClick) && yopCounter < 2)
                    if (yopDown[i].Contains(mouseClick))
                        if (yopNumbers[i] > 0)
                if (yopAccept.Contains(mouseClick))
                    yopCounter = 0;
                    playingState.yearOfPlentyMode = false;
                    playingState.currentTrade.yopRequest = yopNumbers;
                    playedCard = true;
                    Array.Clear(yopNumbers, 0, yopNumbers.Length);
                if (yopDecline.Contains(mouseClick))
                    yopCounter = 0;
                    playingState.yearOfPlentyMode = false;
                    Array.Clear(yopNumbers, 0, yopNumbers.Length);

            //Control DevCards
            if (drawCards)
                for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                    if (OurGame.humanPlayer.cardsAvailable[i] > 0)
                        if (devCardRectangles[i].Contains(mouseClick) && !playedCard)
                            playingState.PlayDevCard(i, OurGame.humanPlayer);
                            drawCards = false;

            //Control choosing which AI gets stolen from when robber moved
            if (playingState.chooseTheft)
                robberHex = OurGame.gameBoard.findRobber();
                aiCanSteal = OurGame.gameBoard.eligibleVictims(robberHex, OurGame, OurGame.humanPlayer);
                foreach (Player px in aiCanSteal)
                    if (px == OurGame.aiPlayer1)
                        if (aiOneStealPos.Contains(mouseClick))
                            int stolenResource = OurGame.humanPlayer.stealRandomCard(OurGame.aiPlayer1);
                            if (stolenResource != -1)
                            OurGame.humanPlayer.canEndTurn = true;
                            OurGame.humanPlayer.canBuild = true;
                            OurGame.humanPlayer.canTrade = true;
                            playingState.movingRobber = false;
                            playingState.chooseTheft = false;
                    if (px == OurGame.aiPlayer2)
                        if (aiTwoStealPos.Contains(mouseClick))
                            int stolenResource = OurGame.humanPlayer.stealRandomCard(OurGame.aiPlayer2);
                            if (stolenResource != -1)
                            OurGame.humanPlayer.canEndTurn = true;
                            OurGame.humanPlayer.canBuild = true;
                            OurGame.humanPlayer.canTrade = true;
                            playingState.movingRobber = false;
                            playingState.chooseTheft = false;

            //control monopoly mode cards
            if (playingState.monopolyMode)
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    if (monopolyRectangles[i].Contains(mouseClick))
                        playingState.gameCard.MonopolyChosen(i, OurGame.humanPlayer);
                        playingState.monopolyMode = false;

            //control player reject or accept of trade offered to AI players
            if (playingState.aiResponded)
                if (playingState.aiOneResponse)
                    if (playerRejects.Contains(mouseClick))
                        playingState.aiResponded = false;
                    if (aiOneResponse.Contains(mouseClick))
                        playingState.currentTrade.humanTradeWithAI(OurGame.humanPlayer, OurGame.aiPlayer1);
                        playingState.aiResponded = false;
                if (playingState.aiTwoResponse)
                    if (playerRejects.Contains(mouseClick))
                        playingState.aiResponded = false;
                    if (aiTwoResponse.Contains(mouseClick))
                        playingState.currentTrade.humanTradeWithAI(OurGame.humanPlayer, OurGame.aiPlayer2);
                        playingState.aiResponded = false;
                if (!playingState.aiOneResponse && !playingState.aiTwoResponse)
                    if (turnCountZero)
                        playingState.turnWaitCounter = 0;
                        turnCountZero = false;
                    if (playingState.turnWaitCounter > 2)
                        playingState.aiResponded = false;
                        turnCountZero = true;


            //Control menu for when AI requests trade
            if (playingState.aiRequestsTradeFromHuman)
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    aiTradeNumbers[i] = playingState.currentTrade.tradeOffer[i];
                    aiTradeNumbers[i + 5] = playingState.currentTrade.tradeRequest[i];
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    if (playingState.playerTurn == OurGame.players[i].playerNumber)
                        if (OurGame.players[i] == OurGame.aiPlayer1)
                            aiOffering = "Jeff";
                        else if (OurGame.players[i] == OurGame.aiPlayer2)
                            aiOffering = "Mary";

                if (acceptAITrade.Contains(mouseClick))
                    playingState.humanAcceptsTrade = true;
                    playingState.humanResponded = true;
                    playingState.aiRequestsTradeFromHuman = false;
                if (rejectAITrade.Contains(mouseClick))
                    playingState.humanAcceptsTrade = false;
                    playingState.humanResponded = true;
                    playingState.aiRequestsTradeFromHuman = false;

            //this controls the robber give away menu (uses year of plenty menu rectangles)
            if (playingState.robberGiveAway)
                bool test;
                amountGive = OurGame.humanPlayer.totalResources / 2;
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    if (yopUp[i].Contains(mouseClick))
                        test = testTradeIncrement(i, yopNumbers[i]);
                        if (test)
                    if (yopDown[i].Contains(mouseClick))
                        if (yopNumbers[i] > 0)
                if (yopAccept.Contains(mouseClick))
                    bool isValid;
                    playingState.currentTrade.yopRequest = yopNumbers;
                    isValid = playingState.currentTrade.robberGiveAway(OurGame.humanPlayer);
                    if (isValid)
                        playingState.robberGiveAway = false;
                        if (playingState.humanPlayerTurn)
                            playingState.movingRobber = true;
                        Array.Clear(yopNumbers, 0, yopNumbers.Length);
                if (yopDecline.Contains(mouseClick))
                    Array.Clear(yopNumbers, 0, yopNumbers.Length);
