        public void CheckItem(int itemIndex)
            var lvi = new WindowsApi.LVITEM
                iItem     = itemIndex,
                iSubItem  = 0,
                stateMask = 8192, //TODO: Replace these with the proper constants
                state     = 8192,

            using (var structBuffer = ProcessMemoryChunk.AllocStruct(process, lvi))
                if (WindowsApi.SendMessage(handle, WindowsApi.LVM_SETITEMSTATE, (IntPtr)itemIndex, structBuffer.Location) == IntPtr.Zero)
                    throw new Exception("Couldn't set list item state");
        /// <remarks>
        /// Taken from https://github.com/kvakulo/Switcheroo/blob/master/ManagedWinapi/SystemListView.cs#L75
        /// </remarks>
        public IEnumerable <string> GetListItems()
            var listViewItemCount = (int)WindowsApi.SendMessage(handle, WindowsApi.LVM_GETITEMCOUNT, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);

            for (var i = 0; i < listViewItemCount; ++i)
                var lvi = new WindowsApi.LVITEM
                    cchTextMax = 512,
                    iItem      = i,
                    iSubItem   = 0,
                    stateMask  = 0xffffffff,
                    mask       = WindowsApi.LVIF_STATE | WindowsApi.LVIF_TEXT,

                using (var textBuffer = ProcessMemoryChunk.Alloc(process, lvi.cchTextMax * 2 /* Assuming 2-byte character size just in case */))
                    lvi.pszText = textBuffer.Location;

                    using (var structBuffer = ProcessMemoryChunk.AllocStruct(process, lvi))
                        if (WindowsApi.SendMessage(handle, WindowsApi.LVM_GETITEM, IntPtr.Zero, structBuffer.Location) == IntPtr.Zero)
                            throw new Exception("Couldn't get list item");

                        lvi = (WindowsApi.LVITEM)structBuffer.ReadToStructure(0, typeof(WindowsApi.LVITEM));

                    //TODO: Check if pszText pointer location changed

                    var titleBytes = textBuffer.Read();
                    var title      = Encoding.Default.GetString(titleBytes);
                    if (title.IndexOf('\0') != -1)
                        title = title.Substring(0, title.IndexOf('\0'));

                    yield return(title);