public static Tuple <PopulationTransport, CelestialObject> CreatePopulationTransport(string playerName, string password, int fromBodyID, int toBodyID, int count) { using (var t = new TransactionScope()) { var db = new DbDataContext(); var player = db.GetPlayer(playerName, password); var from = player.CelestialObjects.Single(x => x.CelestialObjectID == fromBodyID); var target = db.CelestialObjects.Single(x => x.CelestialObjectID == toBodyID); if (from.Population < count) { throw new ApplicationException("There are not enough people on this planet"); } from.Population -= count; from.UpdateIncomeInfo(); var transport = new PopulationTransport() { Count = count, Player = player, Transit = new Transit() }; player.PopulationTransports.Add(transport); var transit = transport.Transit; transit.SetTransit(target, FleetBaseWarp, db.GetConfig().CombatTurn + 1, db.GetConfig()); // will start next turn db.MarkDirty(); db.SubmitChanges(); t.Complete(); return(new Tuple <PopulationTransport, CelestialObject>(transport, from)); } }
public static BodyResponse SellStructure(string playerName, string password, int celestialObjectID, int structureTypeID) { using (var t = new TransactionScope()) { var db = new DbDataContext(); var p = db.GetPlayer(playerName, password); var planet = db.CelestialObjects.Single(x => x.CelestialObjectID == celestialObjectID && x.OwnerID == p.PlayerID); var ret = new BodyResponse(); var cnt = planet.GetStructureCount(structureTypeID); if (cnt <= 0) { ret.Response = BuildResponse.DoesNotExist; return(ret); } else { planet.SetStructureCount(structureTypeID, cnt - 1); } p.Metal += db.StructureTypes.Single(x => x.StructureTypeID == structureTypeID).CostMetal / 2.0; db.MarkDirty(); db.SubmitChanges(); planet.UpdateIncomeInfo(); db.SubmitChanges(); t.Complete(); return(GetBodyOptions(playerName, password, celestialObjectID)); } }
public static BodyResponse SellMothershipModule(string playerName, string password, int structureType) { using (var t = new TransactionScope()) { var db = new DbDataContext(); var p = db.GetPlayer(playerName, password); var ret = new BodyResponse(); var cnt = p.GetStructureCount(structureType); if (cnt <= 0) { ret.Response = BuildResponse.DoesNotExist; return(ret); } p.SetStructureCount(structureType, cnt - 1); p.Metal += db.StructureTypes.Single(x => x.StructureTypeID == structureType).CostMetal / 2.0; db.SubmitChanges(); if (p.CelestialObject != null) { p.CelestialObject.UpdateIncomeInfo(); } db.MarkDirty(); db.SubmitChanges(); p.MothershipStructures.Load(); ret.Player = p; ret.NewStructureOptions = GetMotherhipModuleBuildOption(playerName, password); ret.Body = p.CelestialObject; ret.Response = BuildResponse.Ok; t.Complete(); return(ret); } }
public static Fleet ModifyFleet(string playerName, string password, int fleetID, IEnumerable <ShipTypeCount> fleetShips) { using (var t = new TransactionScope()) { var db = new DbDataContext(); var player = db.GetPlayer(playerName, password); var fleet = player.Fleets.SingleOrDefault(x => x.FleetID == fleetID); if (fleet.Transit.OrbitsObjectID == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Fleet not in orbit"); } var body = fleet.Transit.CelestialObject; if (body.OwnerID != player.PlayerID) { throw new ApplicationException("Not my planet"); } foreach (var order in fleetShips) { if (order.Count > 0) { var garrisonCount = body.GetShipCount(order.ShipTypeID); if (order.Count > garrisonCount) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Not enough ships of type {0}", order.ShipTypeID)); } body.SetShipCount(order.ShipTypeID, garrisonCount - order.Count); fleet.SetShipCount(order.ShipTypeID, order.Count); } else { var change = order.Count; var fleetCount = fleet.GetShipCount(order.ShipTypeID); if (change > fleetCount) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Not enough ships of type {0} in fleet", order.ShipTypeID)); } fleet.SetShipCount(order.ShipTypeID, fleetCount - change); body.SetShipCount(order.ShipTypeID, change); } } if (!fleet.FleetShips.Any()) { db.Fleets.DeleteOnSubmit(fleet); fleet = null; } db.MarkDirty(); db.SubmitChanges(); if (fleet != null) { fleet.FleetShips.Load(); } t.Complete(); return(fleet); } }
public static IEnumerable <StructureOption> GetMotherhipModuleBuildOption(string playerName, string password) { var db = new DbDataContext(); var player = db.GetPlayer(playerName, password); var structureOptions = new List <StructureOption>(); var noRoom = player.Level <= player.MothershipStructures.Sum(x => x.Count); foreach (var u in db.StructureTypes.Where(x => x.NeedsTechID == null || x.Tech.StarSystemTeches.Any(y => y.StarSystemID == player.SystemID))) { var option = new StructureOption() { StructureType = u }; if (noRoom) { option.CanBuild = BuildResponse.NotEnoughRoomOrBuildpower; } else if (u.CostMetal >= player.Metal) { option.CanBuild = BuildResponse.NotEnoughResources; } else { option.CanBuild = BuildResponse.Ok; } structureOptions.Add(option); } return(structureOptions); }
public static Fleet CreateFleet(string playerName, string password, int bodyID, IEnumerable <ShipTypeCount> fleetShips) { using (var t = new TransactionScope()) { var db = new DbDataContext(); var player = db.GetPlayer(playerName, password); var body = player.CelestialObjects.Single(x => x.CelestialObjectID == bodyID); var fleet = new Fleet(); fleet.Transit = new Transit(); fleet.Transit.OrbitsObjectID = bodyID; foreach (var order in fleetShips) { var garrisonCount = body.GetShipCount(order.ShipTypeID); if (order.Count > garrisonCount) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Not enough ships of type {0}", order.ShipTypeID)); } body.SetShipCount(order.ShipTypeID, garrisonCount - order.Count); fleet.SetShipCount(order.ShipTypeID, order.Count); } player.Fleets.Add(fleet); db.MarkDirty(); db.SubmitChanges(); fleet.FleetShips.Load(); t.Complete(); return(fleet); } }
public static Fleet CreateFleet(string playerName, string password, int bodyID, IEnumerable<ShipTypeCount> fleetShips) { using (var t = new TransactionScope()) { var db = new DbDataContext(); var player = db.GetPlayer(playerName, password); var body = player.CelestialObjects.Single(x => x.CelestialObjectID == bodyID); var fleet = new Fleet(); fleet.Transit = new Transit(); fleet.Transit.OrbitsObjectID = bodyID; foreach (var order in fleetShips) { var garrisonCount = body.GetShipCount(order.ShipTypeID); if (order.Count > garrisonCount) throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Not enough ships of type {0}", order.ShipTypeID)); body.SetShipCount(order.ShipTypeID, garrisonCount - order.Count); fleet.SetShipCount(order.ShipTypeID, order.Count); } player.Fleets.Add(fleet); db.MarkDirty(); db.SubmitChanges(); fleet.FleetShips.Load(); t.Complete(); return fleet; } }
public static Fleet ModifyFleet(string playerName, string password, int fleetID, IEnumerable<ShipTypeCount> fleetShips) { using (var t = new TransactionScope()) { var db = new DbDataContext(); var player = db.GetPlayer(playerName, password); var fleet = player.Fleets.SingleOrDefault(x => x.FleetID == fleetID); if (fleet.Transit.OrbitsObjectID == null) throw new ApplicationException("Fleet not in orbit"); var body = fleet.Transit.CelestialObject; if (body.OwnerID != player.PlayerID) throw new ApplicationException("Not my planet"); foreach (var order in fleetShips) { if (order.Count > 0) { var garrisonCount = body.GetShipCount(order.ShipTypeID); if (order.Count > garrisonCount) throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Not enough ships of type {0}", order.ShipTypeID)); body.SetShipCount(order.ShipTypeID, garrisonCount - order.Count); fleet.SetShipCount(order.ShipTypeID, order.Count); } else { var change = order.Count; var fleetCount = fleet.GetShipCount(order.ShipTypeID); if (change > fleetCount) throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Not enough ships of type {0} in fleet", order.ShipTypeID)); fleet.SetShipCount(order.ShipTypeID, fleetCount - change); body.SetShipCount(order.ShipTypeID, change); } } if (!fleet.FleetShips.Any()) { db.Fleets.DeleteOnSubmit(fleet); fleet = null; } db.MarkDirty(); db.SubmitChanges(); if (fleet != null) fleet.FleetShips.Load(); t.Complete(); return fleet; } }
public static BodyResponse BuildMothershipModule(string playerName, string password, int structureType) { using (var t = new TransactionScope()) { var db = new DbDataContext(); var p = db.GetPlayer(playerName, password); var ret = new BodyResponse(); if (p.Level <= p.MothershipStructures.Sum(x => x.Count)) { ret.Response = BuildResponse.NotEnoughRoomOrBuildpower; return(ret); } var structure = db.StructureTypes.Single( x => x.StructureTypeID == structureType && (x.NeedsTechID == null || x.Tech.StarSystemTeches.Any(y => y.StarSystemID == p.SystemID))); if (structure.CostMetal >= p.Metal) { ret.Response = BuildResponse.NotEnoughResources; return(ret); } p.SetStructureCount(structureType, p.GetStructureCount(structureType) + 1); p.Metal -= structure.CostMetal; db.SubmitChanges(); if (p.CelestialObject != null) { p.CelestialObject.UpdateIncomeInfo(); } db.MarkDirty(); db.SubmitChanges(); p.MothershipStructures.Load(); ret.Player = p; ret.NewStructureOptions = GetMotherhipModuleBuildOption(playerName, password); ret.Body = p.CelestialObject; ret.Response = BuildResponse.Ok; t.Complete(); return(ret); } }
public static Tuple <Player, CelestialObject> OrderMothership(string playerName, string password, int toBodyID) { using (var t = new TransactionScope()) { var db = new DbDataContext(); var player = db.GetPlayer(playerName, password); if (player.Transit == null) { player.Transit = new Transit() { CelestialObject = player.CelestialObject } } ; var originalBody = player.CelestialObject; var target = db.CelestialObjects.Single(x => x.CelestialObjectID == toBodyID); var transit = player.Transit; var oldOrbit = transit.OrbitsObjectID; var oldTarget = transit.CelestialObjectByToObjectID; transit.SetTransit(target, FleetBaseWarp, db.GetConfig().CombatTurn + 1, db.GetConfig()); // will start next turn if (oldOrbit == null && oldTarget != null) // was heading to another planet { var ev = db.AddEvent(EventType.Fleet, "{0} changed destination from {1} to {2}, ETA {3}", transit.GetNameWithOwner(), oldTarget.GetNameWithOwner(), transit.CelestialObjectByToObjectID.GetNameWithOwner(), transit.GetEtaString(db.GetConfig().SecondsPerTurn)); ev.Connect(transit.Fleets); ev.Connect(transit.GetOwner()); ev.Connect(transit.CelestialObjectByToObjectID, oldTarget); ev.Connect(transit.CelestialObjectByToObjectID.Player, oldTarget.Player); } if (originalBody != null) { originalBody.UpdateIncomeInfo(); } db.MarkDirty(); db.SubmitChanges(); t.Complete(); return(new Tuple <Player, CelestialObject>(player, originalBody)); } }
public static BodyResponse BuildShip(int count, string playerName, string password, int celestialObjectID, int shipType) { using (var t = new TransactionScope()) { if (count < 1) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid count"); } var db = new DbDataContext(); var p = db.GetPlayer(playerName, password); var planet = p.CelestialObjects.Single(x => x.CelestialObjectID == celestialObjectID); var ship = db.ShipTypes.Single(x => x.ShipTypeID == shipType && (x.NeedsTechID == null || x.Tech.StarSystemTeches.Any(y => y.StarSystemID == p.SystemID))); var ret = new BodyResponse(); if (planet.Buildpower - planet.BuildpowerUsed < ship.MetalCost * count) { ret.Response = BuildResponse.NotEnoughRoomOrBuildpower; return(ret); } if (ship.MetalCost * count > p.Metal || ship.QuantiumCost * count > p.Quantium || ship.DarkMetalCost * count > p.DarkMatter) { ret.Response = BuildResponse.NotEnoughResources; return(ret); } planet.SetShipCount(shipType, planet.GetShipCount(shipType) + count); planet.BuildpowerUsed += ship.MetalCost * count; p.Metal -= ship.MetalCost * count; p.Quantium -= ship.QuantiumCost * count; p.DarkMatter -= ship.DarkMetalCost * count; db.MarkDirty(); db.SubmitChanges(); t.Complete(); return(GetBodyOptions(playerName, password, celestialObjectID)); } }
public static BodyResponse BuildStructure(string playerName, string password, int celestialObjectID, int structureTypeID) { using (var t = new TransactionScope()) { var db = new DbDataContext(); var p = db.GetPlayer(playerName, password); var ret = new BodyResponse(); var planet = db.CelestialObjects.Single(x => x.CelestialObjectID == celestialObjectID && x.OwnerID == p.PlayerID); if (planet.Size <= planet.CelestialObjectStructures.Sum(x => x.Count)) { ret.Response = BuildResponse.NotEnoughRoomOrBuildpower; return(ret); } var structure = db.StructureTypes.Single( x => x.StructureTypeID == structureTypeID && (x.NeedsTechID == null || x.Tech.StarSystemTeches.Any(y => y.StarSystemID == p.SystemID))); if (structure.CostMetal >= p.Metal) { ret.Response = BuildResponse.NotEnoughResources; return(ret); } planet.SetStructureCount(structureTypeID, planet.GetStructureCount(structureTypeID) + 1); p.Metal -= structure.CostMetal; db.MarkDirty(); db.SubmitChanges(); planet.UpdateIncomeInfo(); db.SubmitChanges(); t.Complete(); return(GetBodyOptions(playerName, password, celestialObjectID)); } }
public static Fleet OrderFleet(string playerName, string password, int fleetID, int toBodyID, int futureOffset) { if (futureOffset < 0) { throw new ApplicationException("Future offset cannot be smaller than 0"); } using (var t = new TransactionScope()) { var db = new DbDataContext(); var player = db.GetPlayer(playerName, password); var fleet = player.Fleets.Single(x => x.FleetID == fleetID); var target = db.CelestialObjects.Single(x => x.CelestialObjectID == toBodyID); var oldOrbit = fleet.Transit.OrbitsObjectID; var oldTarget = fleet.Transit.CelestialObjectByToObjectID; fleet.Transit.SetTransit(target, FleetBaseWarp, db.GetConfig().CombatTurn + 1 + futureOffset, db.GetConfig()); // will start next turn if (oldOrbit == null && oldTarget != null) // was heading to another planet { var transit = fleet.Transit; var ev = db.AddEvent(EventType.Fleet, "{0} changed destination from {1} to {2}, ETA {3}", transit.GetNameWithOwner(), oldTarget.GetNameWithOwner(), transit.CelestialObjectByToObjectID.GetNameWithOwner(), transit.GetEtaString(db.GetConfig().SecondsPerTurn)); ev.Connect(transit.Fleets); ev.Connect(transit.GetOwner()); ev.Connect(transit.CelestialObjectByToObjectID, oldTarget); ev.Connect(transit.CelestialObjectByToObjectID.Player, oldTarget.Player); } db.MarkDirty(); db.SubmitChanges(); fleet.FleetShips.Load(); t.Complete(); return(fleet); } }
public static Fleet OrderFleet(string playerName, string password, int fleetID, int toBodyID, int futureOffset) { if (futureOffset < 0) throw new ApplicationException("Future offset cannot be smaller than 0"); using (var t = new TransactionScope()) { var db = new DbDataContext(); var player = db.GetPlayer(playerName, password); var fleet = player.Fleets.Single(x => x.FleetID == fleetID); var target = db.CelestialObjects.Single(x => x.CelestialObjectID == toBodyID); var oldOrbit = fleet.Transit.OrbitsObjectID; var oldTarget = fleet.Transit.CelestialObjectByToObjectID; fleet.Transit.SetTransit(target, FleetBaseWarp, db.GetConfig().CombatTurn + 1 + futureOffset, db.GetConfig()); // will start next turn if (oldOrbit == null && oldTarget != null) // was heading to another planet { var transit = fleet.Transit; var ev = db.AddEvent(EventType.Fleet, "{0} changed destination from {1} to {2}, ETA {3}", transit.GetNameWithOwner(), oldTarget.GetNameWithOwner(), transit.CelestialObjectByToObjectID.GetNameWithOwner(), transit.GetEtaString(db.GetConfig().SecondsPerTurn)); ev.Connect(transit.Fleets); ev.Connect(transit.GetOwner()); ev.Connect(transit.CelestialObjectByToObjectID, oldTarget); ev.Connect(transit.CelestialObjectByToObjectID.Player, oldTarget.Player); } db.MarkDirty(); db.SubmitChanges(); fleet.FleetShips.Load(); t.Complete(); return fleet; } }
public static BodyResponse GetBodyOptions(string playerName, string password, int bodyID) { var db = new DbDataContext(); var player = db.GetPlayer(playerName, password); if (player == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Fail login"); } var body = player.CelestialObjects.Single(x => x.CelestialObjectID == bodyID); body.CelestialObjectStructures.Load(); body.CelestialObjectShips.Load(); var shipOptions = new List <ShipOption>(); foreach (var opt in db.ShipTypes.Where(x => x.NeedsTechID == null || x.Tech.StarSystemTeches.Any(y => y.StarSystemID == player.SystemID))) { var so = new ShipOption(); so.ShipType = opt; if (opt.MetalCost > player.Metal || opt.QuantiumCost > player.Quantium || opt.DarkMetalCost > player.DarkMatter) { so.CanBuild = BuildResponse.NotEnoughResources; } if (opt.MetalCost > body.Buildpower - body.BuildpowerUsed) { so.CanBuild = BuildResponse.NotEnoughRoomOrBuildpower; } shipOptions.Add(so); } var noRoom = body.Size <= body.CelestialObjectStructures.Sum(x => x.Count); var structureOptions = new List <StructureOption>(); foreach (var u in db.StructureTypes.Where(x => x.NeedsTechID == null || x.Tech.StarSystemTeches.Any(y => y.StarSystemID == player.SystemID))) { var option = new StructureOption() { StructureType = u }; if (noRoom) { option.CanBuild = BuildResponse.NotEnoughRoomOrBuildpower; } else if (u.CostMetal >= player.Metal) { option.CanBuild = BuildResponse.NotEnoughResources; } else { option.CanBuild = BuildResponse.Ok; } structureOptions.Add(option); } var ret = new BodyResponse() { Body = body, NewShipOptions = shipOptions, Player = player, Response = BuildResponse.Ok, NewStructureOptions = structureOptions }; return(ret); }
public static Tuple<PopulationTransport, CelestialObject> CreatePopulationTransport(string playerName, string password, int fromBodyID, int toBodyID, int count) { using (var t = new TransactionScope()) { var db = new DbDataContext(); var player = db.GetPlayer(playerName, password); var from = player.CelestialObjects.Single(x => x.CelestialObjectID == fromBodyID); var target = db.CelestialObjects.Single(x => x.CelestialObjectID == toBodyID); if (from.Population < count) throw new ApplicationException("There are not enough people on this planet"); from.Population -= count; from.UpdateIncomeInfo(); var transport = new PopulationTransport() { Count = count, Player = player, Transit = new Transit() }; player.PopulationTransports.Add(transport); var transit = transport.Transit; transit.SetTransit(target, FleetBaseWarp, db.GetConfig().CombatTurn + 1 , db.GetConfig()); // will start next turn db.MarkDirty(); db.SubmitChanges(); t.Complete(); return new Tuple<PopulationTransport, CelestialObject>(transport, from); } }
public static Tuple<Player, CelestialObject> OrderMothership(string playerName, string password, int toBodyID) { using (var t = new TransactionScope()) { var db = new DbDataContext(); var player = db.GetPlayer(playerName, password); if (player.Transit == null) player.Transit = new Transit() { CelestialObject = player.CelestialObject }; var originalBody = player.CelestialObject; var target = db.CelestialObjects.Single(x => x.CelestialObjectID == toBodyID); var transit = player.Transit; var oldOrbit = transit.OrbitsObjectID; var oldTarget = transit.CelestialObjectByToObjectID; transit.SetTransit(target, FleetBaseWarp, db.GetConfig().CombatTurn + 1, db.GetConfig()); // will start next turn if (oldOrbit == null && oldTarget != null) // was heading to another planet { var ev = db.AddEvent(EventType.Fleet, "{0} changed destination from {1} to {2}, ETA {3}", transit.GetNameWithOwner(), oldTarget.GetNameWithOwner(), transit.CelestialObjectByToObjectID.GetNameWithOwner(), transit.GetEtaString(db.GetConfig().SecondsPerTurn)); ev.Connect(transit.Fleets); ev.Connect(transit.GetOwner()); ev.Connect(transit.CelestialObjectByToObjectID, oldTarget); ev.Connect(transit.CelestialObjectByToObjectID.Player, oldTarget.Player); } if (originalBody != null) originalBody.UpdateIncomeInfo(); db.MarkDirty(); db.SubmitChanges(); t.Complete(); return new Tuple<Player, CelestialObject>(player, originalBody); } }