public GameServerListConfig(XmlElement el) { foreach (XmlElement gs in el.GetElementsByTagName("game-server")) { string name = GetElementString(gs, "name"); if (name == null) { Console.WriteLine("Game server without name ignored"); continue; } string addressString = GetElementString(gs, "address"); if (addressString == null) { Console.WriteLine("Game server without address ignored"); continue; } string[] splitted = addressString.Split(new char[] { ':' }, 2); if (splitted.Length != 2) { Console.WriteLine("Game server without port ignored"); continue; } IPAddress ip; try { IPHostEntry he = Dns.Resolve(splitted[0]); if (he.AddressList.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to resolve {0}", splitted[0]); continue; } ip = he.AddressList[he.AddressList.Length - 1]; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to resolve {0}: {1}", splitted[0], e); continue; } short port; try { port = Int16.Parse(splitted[1]); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Invalid game server port ignored"); continue; } IPEndPoint address = new IPEndPoint(ip, port); bool sendAuthID = Config.GetElementBool(gs, "send-auth-id", false); bool query = Config.GetElementBool(gs, "query", false); servers.Add(new GameServerConfig(name, address, sendAuthID, query)); } }
public LoginConfig(XmlElement el) { ignoreAuthID = Config.GetElementBool(el, "ignore-auth-id", false); autoCreateAccounts = Config.GetElementBool(el, "auto-create-accounts", false); accountDatabase = GetElementString(el, "account-database"); foreach (XmlElement priv in el.GetElementsByTagName("super-client")) { string ip = priv.InnerText; if (ip == null) { continue; } ip = ip.Trim(); if (ip == "") { continue; } superClients[ip] = true; } }
public LoginConfig(XmlElement el) { ignoreAuthID = Config.GetElementBool(el, "ignore-auth-id", false); }