/// <summary>
 /// internal function
 /// Check quest links to BaseCreature.Id
 /// </summary>
 private static void CheckQuest(Hashtable _cArr, int _cId, BaseQuest bq, bool addQuest, string nameVar)
     if (_cId > 0)                                       //CreatureId - link from quest (npcId, SpeakToId, DeliveryId )
         if (_cArr.ContainsKey(_cId))                    // creatures array have this CreatureId
             if (((BaseCreature)_cArr[_cId]) is BaseNPC) //this Id is BaseNPC class old
                 if (addQuest)
                     AddQuest(_cId, bq.Id);                                      //add int Id to array
                 string text  = string.Format("* {0} have bad \"{1} = {2};\" link", bq.GetType().Name, nameVar, _cId);
                 string data1 = string.Format("\t> Need change \"BaseCreature\" to \"BaseNPC\" in inherite (header) area.");
                 string data2 = string.Format("\t-> Ex: \"public class {0}: BaseNPC\"", ((BaseCreature)_cArr[_cId]).GetType().Name);
                 AddErr(text, data1, data2);
             string text  = string.Format("* {0} have bad \"{1}\" link ( Creature \"Id = {2}\" is not exist: need remark this and use questisBugged or write this creature script )", bq.GetType().Name, nameVar, _cId);
             string data1 = string.Format("\t> Need create this creature \"Id = {0};\"", _cId);
             string data2 = string.Format("\t> Or Remark line \"//{1} = {0};\" and use \"questIsBugged = true;\"", _cId, nameVar);
             AddErr(text, data1, data2);
         if (addQuest)                  //if this is a npcId
             string text  = string.Format("* {0} have bad \"{1} = ?;\" link ( need use Id from NPC questOwner )", bq.GetType().Name, nameVar);
             string data1 = string.Format("\t> Need search and find this creature questOwner and then use Id number to \"npcId = (Id);\"");
             string data2 = string.Format("\t> Or create this creature and then use it number..");
             AddErr(text, data1, data2);
 /// <summary>
 /// BaseQuest[] for npcId
 /// </summary>
 public static BaseQuest[] GetQuestsFor(int npcId)
     if (_NPCQuests.ContainsKey(npcId))
         if (_NPCQuests[npcId] is BaseQuest[])
             return((BaseQuest[])_NPCQuests[npcId]);                      //optimized
         else if (_NPCQuests[npcId] is ArrayList)
             ArrayList quests = new ArrayList();
             foreach (int qId in (_NPCQuests[npcId] as ArrayList))
                 BaseQuest bq = World.CreateQuestById(qId);
                 if (bq != null)
             return((BaseQuest[])quests.ToArray(typeof(BaseQuest)));                        //support un optimized
     return(new BaseQuest[] {});
		/// <summary>
		/// onEndQuest
		/// changed: 02.10.05
		/// </summary>
		public void SetQuestDone( BaseQuest bq, Reward[] rewards ) 
			int num = 0; 
			foreach( ActiveQuest aq in activeQuests ) 
				if ( aq != null && bq.Id == aq.Id ) 
					aq.Done = true; 
					if ( bq.Repeatable ) questsDone[ aq.Id ] = null;						// repeat quest support
					else  questsDone[ aq.Id ] = true;										// normal quest done

					QuestUpdateComplete( bq );
					//int offset = 4;
					//Converter.ToBytes( (int)aq.Id, tempBuff, ref offset ); 
					//Send( OpCodes.SMSG_QUESTUPDATE_COMPLETE, tempBuff, offset ); 
					// Output: 'Objective Complete.'
					// Also marks the quest at questlog with (Failed)

					int offset = 4; 
					Converter.ToBytes( (int)aq.Id,			tempBuff, ref offset );			// QuestId
					Converter.ToBytes( (int)0,				tempBuff, ref offset );			// Unknown
					Converter.ToBytes( (int)bq.RewardXp,	tempBuff, ref offset );			// xpReceived
					Converter.ToBytes( (int)bq.RewardGold,	tempBuff, ref offset );			// moneyReceived
					if ( rewards!= null )
						Converter.ToBytes( (int)rewards.Length,	tempBuff, ref offset );		// count rewarded items
						for ( int i=0; i< rewards.Length; i++ )
							Reward rew = rewards[i];
							Converter.ToBytes( (int)rew.Id,		tempBuff, ref offset );		// reward Id
							Converter.ToBytes( (int)rew.Amount,	tempBuff, ref offset );		// reward Amount
					else Converter.ToBytes( (int)0,			tempBuff, ref offset );
					Send( OpCodes.SMSG_QUESTGIVER_QUEST_COMPLETE, tempBuff, offset );    
					RemoveQuest( (byte)num );
		/// <summary>
		/// Quest is Done ?
		/// </summary>
		public bool QuestDone( BaseQuest bq ) 
			return !( questsDone[ bq.Id ] == null );
		/// <summary>
		/// onEndQuest
		/// changed: 01.10.05
		/// </summary>
		public void SetQuestDone( BaseQuest bq ) 
			SetQuestDone( bq, null );
		/// <summary>
		/// Get Active Quest by BaseQuest type
		/// </summary>
		public ActiveQuest FindPlayerQuest( BaseQuest bq ) 
			foreach( ActiveQuest aq in activeQuests ) 
				if ( aq == null ) continue; 
				if ( aq.Id == bq.Id ) return aq; 
			return null; 
		/// <summary>
		/// Check exist quest by BaseQuest type
		/// </summary>
		public bool HaveQuest( BaseQuest bq ) 
			return ( bq == null ) ? false : HaveQuest( bq.Id );
文件: BaseNPC.cs 项目: karliky/wowwow
 /// <summary>
 /// Extract emotion list from bq
 /// created: 09.10.05
 /// </summary>
 private static qEmote[] getEmoteOnStart( BaseQuest bq )
     if ( bq.onStartQuestCustom != null ) return bq.onStartQuestCustom;
     if ( BaseQuest.onStartQuestDefault != null ) return BaseQuest.onStartQuestDefault;
     return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// total reinitialisation, check and fill quests to arrays
        /// </summary>
        public static void Init()
            // second initialisation exclude
            if (status != InitStatus.None || World.Loading)
            status = InitStatus.Started;

            bool haveExeption = false;
            bool haveWarns    = false;

            try             // strongly recomended to use (for exclude server crush if uncorrect scripts)
                BaseQuest[]    allQuests    = GetAllQuestsInWorld();
                BaseCreature[] allCreatures = GetAllCreaturesInWorld();

                //sort all Creatures by ID
                Hashtable SortedCreatures = new Hashtable();
                foreach (BaseCreature bc in allCreatures)
                    if (!SortedCreatures.ContainsKey(bc.Id))
                        SortedCreatures.Add((int)bc.Id, bc);
                        if (bc.Id > 0)
                            string text  = string.Format("* {0} is already have ( [{2}].Id = {1} )", bc.GetType().Name, bc.Id, ((BaseCreature)(SortedCreatures[bc.Id])).GetType().Name);
                            string data1 = string.Format("\t> Check this creatureId \"{0}\" in each script", bc.Id);
                            AddErr(text, data1);
                    if (bc.Quests != null && (bc.GetType().Name != "BaseNPC") && bc.Quests.Length > 0)
                        string text  = string.Format("* {0} already have Quests line", bc.GetType().Name);
                        string data1 = string.Format("\t> Need remove/remark this line \"Quests = new ...\"");
                        string data2 = string.Format("\t-> remark mean \"//Quests = new ...\"");
                        AddErr(text, data1, data2);
                // some text output
                if (errors.Count > 0)
                    errors.Insert(0, "");
                    errors.Insert(0, "Start checking Creatures [Server.Creatures]");
                    AddErrHeader("Start checking Quests [Server.Quests]");
                    haveWarns = true;
                // checking and fill quest arrays
                foreach (BaseQuest bq in allQuests)
                    CheckQuest(SortedCreatures, bq.NPCId, bq, true, "NPCId");                       //checks NPC Id
                    CheckQuest(SortedCreatures, bq.NPCTargetId, bq, false, "NpcTargetId");          //checks Target Id

                    if (!bq.QuestIsBugged)
                        if (bq.PreviousQuest > 0 && !QuestExists(bq.PreviousQuest))                             //checks PreviousQuest
                            string text  = string.Format("* {0} have bad link to PreviousQuest (prev quest is not exist)", bq.GetType().Name);
                            string data1 = string.Format("\t> Try do quest by number {0}", bq.PreviousQuest);
                            string data2 = string.Format("\t> Or comment this line \"previousQuest = {0};\"", bq.PreviousQuest);
                            AddErr(text, data1, data2);
                        if (bq.NextQuest > 0 && !QuestExists(bq.NextQuest))                            //checks NextQuest
                            string text  = string.Format("* {0} have bad link to NextQuest (next quest is not exist)", bq.GetType().Name);
                            string data1 = string.Format("\t> Try do quest by number {0}", bq.NextQuest);
                            string data2 = string.Format("\t> Or comment this line \"nextQuest = {0};\"", bq.NextQuest);
                            AddErr(text, data1, data2);
                        if (bq.QuestFlags == 0)                           //checks for bad questflag
                            string text  = string.Format("* {0} have bad questFlags ( value is 0 )", bq.GetType().Name);
                            string data1 = string.Format("\t> Try change value to \"questFlags = 0x20;\"");
                            AddErr(text, data1);
                // some text output
                if (errors.Count > 0 && !haveWarns)
                    errors.Insert(0, "");
                    errors.Insert(0, "Start checking Quests [Server.Quests]");
                // optimisations (this operation allow use this code convertions only one time and then free some processor time )
                // int[] -> BaseQuest[] for each NPC
                Hashtable tmp = new Hashtable();
                foreach (int cId in _NPCQuests.Keys)
                    ArrayList list   = (ArrayList)_NPCQuests[cId];
                    ArrayList quests = new ArrayList();
                    foreach (int qId in list)
                        BaseQuest bq = World.CreateQuestById(qId);
                        if (bq != null)
                    tmp.Add(cId, (BaseQuest[])quests.ToArray(typeof(BaseQuest)));
                _NPCQuests = tmp;
                //End Of Optimisations
            catch (Exception e)
                haveExeption = true;
                AddErrHeader("Exeption: {0}", e);
                AddErrHeader("message: {0}", e.Message);
                AddErrHeader("source: {0}", e.Source);
                AddErrHeader("stack trace: {0}", e.StackTrace);
                AddErrHeader("inner exeption: {0}", e.InnerException);
                AddErrHeader("target site: {0}", e.TargetSite);
                AddErrHeader("help link: {0}", e.HelpLink);

            // each NPC can use this section after initialisations
            if (!haveExeption)
                status = InitStatus.Done;                              // if have exeprion - not allow use quests
 public void AddMenu(string menu, BaseQuest bq)
		//	{
		//		uint32 questID
		//	}	
		//Output: '%s failed.'
		/// <summary>
		/// Quest Update failed
		/// created: 01.10.05
		/// </summary>
		public void QuestUpdateFailed( BaseQuest bq )
			int offset = 4; 
			Converter.ToBytes( (int)bq.Id, tempBuff, ref offset ); 
			Send( OpCodes.SMSG_QUESTUPDATE_FAILED, tempBuff, offset ); 
 /// <summary>
 /// internal function
 /// Check quest links to BaseCreature.Id
 /// </summary>
 private static void CheckQuest( Hashtable _cArr, int _cId, BaseQuest bq, bool addQuest, string nameVar )
     if ( _cId > 0 )//CreatureId - link from quest (npcId, SpeakToId, DeliveryId )
         if ( _cArr.ContainsKey( _cId ) )// creatures array have this CreatureId
             if ( ((BaseCreature)_cArr[ _cId ]) is BaseNPC )//this Id is BaseNPC class old
                 if ( addQuest ) AddQuest( _cId, bq.Id );//add int Id to array
                 string text = string.Format( "* {0} have bad \"{1} = {2};\" link", bq.GetType().Name, nameVar, _cId );
                 string data1 = string.Format( "\t> Need change \"BaseCreature\" to \"BaseNPC\" in inherite (header) area." );
                 string data2 = string.Format( "\t-> Ex: \"public class {0}: BaseNPC\"", ((BaseCreature)_cArr[ _cId ]).GetType().Name );
                 AddErr( text, data1, data2 );
             string text = string.Format( "* {0} have bad \"{1}\" link ( Creature \"Id = {2}\" is not exist: need remark this and use questisBugged or write this creature script )", bq.GetType().Name, nameVar, _cId );
             string data1 = string.Format( "\t> Need create this creature \"Id = {0};\"", _cId );
             string data2 = string.Format( "\t> Or Remark line \"//{1} = {0};\" and use \"questIsBugged = true;\"", _cId, nameVar );
             AddErr( text, data1, data2 );
         if ( addQuest )//if this is a npcId
             string text = string.Format( "* {0} have bad \"{1} = ?;\" link ( need use Id from NPC questOwner )", bq.GetType().Name, nameVar );
             string data1 = string.Format( "\t> Need search and find this creature questOwner and then use Id number to \"npcId = (Id);\"" );
             string data2 = string.Format( "\t> Or create this creature and then use it number.." );
             AddErr( text, data1, data2 );
        private bool completed;                                                                                         // ( quest is done )

        #region Constructors ( public ), changed: 24.09.05

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// 24.09.05: Removed initialisations of arrays
        /// </summary>
        public ActiveQuest(BaseQuest bq)
            ConstructorInfo [] ct = bq.GetType().GetConstructors();
            activeQuest = (BaseQuest)ct[0].Invoke(null);
        private Hashtable npcobj = new Hashtable(); // Changed 24.09.05 ( format: npcobj[int]=int )

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor 
        /// 24.09.05: Removed initialisations of arrays
        /// </summary>
        public ActiveQuest( BaseQuest bq )
            ConstructorInfo []ct = bq.GetType().GetConstructors();
            activeQuest = (BaseQuest)ct[ 0 ].Invoke( null );
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialisation
        /// changed: 24.09.05
        /// </summary>
        public void Deserialisation( GenericReader gr )
            int version = gr.ReadInt();

            switch ( version )
                case 0: // version = 0;
                    // Delivery obj
                    int nDel = gr.ReadInt();
                    if ( nDel > 0 )
                        for ( int t = 0; t<nDel; t++ )
                            int _id = gr.ReadInt();
                            int _amount = gr.ReadInt();
                            delivery.Add( _id, _amount );
                    // Npc obj
                    int nNpc = gr.ReadInt();
                    if ( nNpc > 0 )
                        for ( int t = 0; t<nNpc; t++ )
                            int _id = gr.ReadInt();
                            int _amount = gr.ReadInt();
                            npcobj.Add( _id, _amount );
                    // Areas
                    int nAreas = gr.ReadInt();
                    if ( nAreas > 0 )
                        for ( int t = 0; t<nAreas; t++ )
                            areas.Add( gr.ReadInt() );
                    // init section
                    activeQuest = World.CreateQuestById( gr.ReadInt() );
                    completed = gr.ReadBool();
文件: BaseNPC.cs 项目: karliky/wowwow
        /// <summary>
        /// private internal Events on quest selections
        /// changed: 02.10.05
        /// </summary>
        private void DoQuestEvents( Character c, BaseQuest bq )
            if ( c.QuestDone( bq ) ) return;

            if ( !c.QuestCompleted( bq ) )
                if ( !c.HaveQuest( bq ) )
                    if ( bq.HaveDeliveryObj && !HaveFreeSlot( c ) ) // quest need free slot
                        c.QuestFailed( qFailedReason.InventoryFull );
                    else if ( AmountActiveQuests( c ) >= 20 ) // questLog is full
                    else // can get quest
                    {//need add questEmotion[] on get quest
                        c.ResponseQuestDetails( this, bq.Id, bq.Name, bq.Desc, bq.Details, getEmoteOnStart( bq ) );
                        //c.ResponseQuestDetails( this, bq.Id, bq.Name, bq.Desc, bq.Details, new qEmote[] { new qEmote( Emote.ONESHOT_TALK, 500 ) } );
                    //c.QuestInvalid( qInvalidReason.ReadyHaveThatQuest );
                    c.SendGossip( this, OnlyQuests ? (int)NPCMenuId.Quests : (int)NPCMenuId.MainMenu, null, null );
                    //c.ResponseMessage( this, OnlyQuests ? (int)NPCMenuId.Quests : (int)NPCMenuId.MainMenu, bq.ProgressDialog );
            else if ( c.QuestCompleted( bq ) )
            {//need add questEmotion[] on complete quest
                c.OfferReward( this, bq.Id, bq.FinishTitle, bq.FinishDialog, getEmoteOnEnd( bq ) );
                //c.OfferReward( this, bq.Id, bq.FinishTitle, bq.FinishDialog, new qEmote[] { new qEmote( Emote.ONESHOT_TALK, 500 ) } );
		/// <summary>
		/// Quest Completed ?
		/// </summary>
		public bool QuestCompleted( BaseQuest bq ) 
			bool result = false;
			if ( bq != null )
				foreach( ActiveQuest aq in activeQuests ) 
					if ( aq != null && bq.Id == aq.Id )
						result = aq.Completed; 
			return result; 
文件: BaseNPC.cs 项目: karliky/wowwow
 /// <summary>
 /// Quest for this npc ?
 /// </summary>
 public static bool QuestForNPC( BaseQuest bq, BaseNPC npc )
     return bq.HaveNPCTargetId && bq.NPCTargetId == npc.Id;
		/// <summary>
		/// Quest List
		/// changed: 04.10.05
		/// </summary>
		public void QuestList( Mobile from, string text, qEmote e, BaseQuest[] quests )
			int offset = 4;
			Converter.ToBytes( (ulong)from.Guid,		tempBuff, ref offset );			// npcGuId
			Converter.ToBytes( (string)text,			tempBuff, ref offset );			// HeaderText
			Converter.ToBytes( (byte)0,					tempBuff, ref offset );
			Converter.ToBytes( (int)e.Delay,			tempBuff, ref offset );			// Delay To Play Emote (mili secs)
			Converter.ToBytes( (int)e.emote,			tempBuff, ref offset );			// Emote (Wad use EMOTE_ONESHOT_)
			Converter.ToBytes( (byte)quests.Length,		tempBuff, ref offset );			// Amount of quests only 15 allowed
			foreach ( BaseQuest bq in quests )
				Converter.ToBytes( (int)bq.Id,			tempBuff, ref offset );			// QuestId
				int _qStatus = HaveQuest( bq ) ? 0x03 : 0x05;
				Converter.ToBytes( (int)_qStatus,		tempBuff, ref offset );			// QuestStatus, need test
				Converter.ToBytes( (int)0,				tempBuff, ref offset );			// Unknown
				Converter.ToBytes( (string)bq.Name,		tempBuff, ref offset );			// QuestName
				Converter.ToBytes( (byte)0,				tempBuff, ref offset );
			Send( OpCodes.SMSG_QUESTGIVER_QUEST_LIST, tempBuff, offset );
文件: BaseNPC.cs 项目: karliky/wowwow
 /// <summary>
 /// Check, for Race, Class, Skills, and Bugable quest
 /// </summary>
 private static bool AllowedTo( BaseQuest bq, Character c )
     return ( bq.MinLevel <= c.Level ) && bq.AllowedClass( c ) && bq.AllowedRace( c ) && bq.AllowedSkills( c ) && !bq.QuestIsBugged ;
		//	{
		//		uint32 questID
		//	}	
		//Output: 'Objective Complete.'
		//Also marks the quest at questlog with (Failed)
		/// <summary>
		/// Quest update compleate
		/// created: 04.10.05
		/// </summary>
		public void QuestUpdateComplete( BaseQuest bq )
			int offset = 4;
			Converter.ToBytes( (int)bq.Id, tempBuff, ref offset ); 
			Send( OpCodes.SMSG_QUESTUPDATE_COMPLETE, tempBuff, offset ); 
文件: BaseNPC.cs 项目: karliky/wowwow
        /// <summary>
        /// Static function for  using in all quests (for smaller code)
        /// changed: 01.10.05, need mod
        /// </summary>
        public static DialogStatus QDS( Mobile questOwner, Character c, BaseQuest bq )
            DialogStatus result = DialogStatus.ChatUnAvailable;

            if ( questOwner.Reputation( c ) > bq.MinReputation )
                if ( !c.QuestDone( bq ) )													// этот квест уже пройден
                    if ( !c.HaveQuest( bq ) )												// у чара нету этого квеста
                        if ( AllowedTo( bq, c ) )											// разрешено выдать, подходит ( расса, класс, скилл )
                            if ( bq.PreviousQuest > 0 )										// этот квест из серии, необходимо закончить предыдущий
                                BaseQuest q = World.CreateQuestById( bq.PreviousQuest );
                                if ( q != null && c.QuestDone( q ) )
                                    result = DialogStatus.SingleQuestAvailable;				//предыдущий закончен, этот можно получить
                            else															// квест одиночный или начальный для серии
                                result = DialogStatus.SingleQuestAvailable;
                    else																	// Character have this quest already
                        ActiveQuest aq = c.FindPlayerQuest( bq );
                        if ( aq.Completed )													// закончен квест, нужно наградить
                            result = aq.Repeatable ? DialogStatus.RepeatQuestCompleate : DialogStatus.SingleQuestCompleate;
                        else if ( !QuestForNPC( bq, (BaseNPC)questOwner  ) )				// квест не для этого нпс?
                            result = DialogStatus.QuestUnCompleate;
            return result;