		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );

			int version = reader.ReadInt();
			bool haveproximityrange = false;
			bool hasnewobjectinfo = false;
			int tmpSpawnListSize = 0;
			ArrayList tmpSubGroup = null;
			ArrayList tmpSequentialResetTime = null;
			ArrayList tmpSequentialResetTo = null;
			ArrayList tmpKillsNeeded = null;
			ArrayList tmpRequireSurface = null;
			ArrayList tmpRestrictKillsToSubgroup = null;
			ArrayList tmpClearOnAdvance = null;
			ArrayList tmpMinDelay = null;
			ArrayList tmpMaxDelay = null;
			ArrayList tmpNextSpawn = null;
			ArrayList tmpDisableSpawn = null;
			ArrayList tmpPackRange = null;
			ArrayList tmpSpawnsPer = null;

			switch( version )
				case 30:
						m_AllowNPCTriggering = reader.ReadBool();
						goto case 29;
				case 29:
						tmpSpawnListSize = reader.ReadInt();
						tmpSpawnsPer = new ArrayList( tmpSpawnListSize );
						for( int i = 0; i < tmpSpawnListSize; ++i )
							int spawnsper = reader.ReadInt();

							tmpSpawnsPer.Add( spawnsper );

						goto case 28;
				case 28:
						if( version < 29 )
							tmpSpawnListSize = reader.ReadInt();

						tmpPackRange = new ArrayList( tmpSpawnListSize );
						for( int i = 0; i < tmpSpawnListSize; ++i )
							int packrange = reader.ReadInt();

							tmpPackRange.Add( packrange );

						goto case 27;
				case 27:
						if( version < 28 )
							tmpSpawnListSize = reader.ReadInt();

						tmpDisableSpawn = new ArrayList( tmpSpawnListSize );
						for( int i = 0; i < tmpSpawnListSize; ++i )
							bool disablespawn = reader.ReadBool();

							tmpDisableSpawn.Add( disablespawn );

						goto case 26;
				case 26:
						m_SpawnOnTrigger = reader.ReadBool();
						m_FirstModified = reader.ReadDateTime();
						m_LastModified = reader.ReadDateTime();
						goto case 25;
				case 25:
						goto case 24;
				case 24:
						if( version < 27 )
							tmpSpawnListSize = reader.ReadInt();
						tmpRestrictKillsToSubgroup = new ArrayList( tmpSpawnListSize );
						tmpClearOnAdvance = new ArrayList( tmpSpawnListSize );
						tmpMinDelay = new ArrayList( tmpSpawnListSize );
						tmpMaxDelay = new ArrayList( tmpSpawnListSize );
						tmpNextSpawn = new ArrayList( tmpSpawnListSize );
						for( int i = 0; i < tmpSpawnListSize; ++i )
							bool restrictkills = reader.ReadBool();
							bool clearadvance = reader.ReadBool();
							double mind = reader.ReadDouble();
							double maxd = reader.ReadDouble();
							DateTime nextspawn = reader.ReadDeltaTime();

							tmpRestrictKillsToSubgroup.Add( restrictkills );
							tmpClearOnAdvance.Add( clearadvance );
							tmpMinDelay.Add( mind );
							tmpMaxDelay.Add( maxd );
							tmpNextSpawn.Add( nextspawn );

						bool hasitems = reader.ReadBool();

						if( hasitems )
							m_ShowBoundsItems = reader.ReadItemList();
						goto case 23;
				case 23:
						IsInactivated = reader.ReadBool();
						SmartSpawning = reader.ReadBool();

						goto case 22;
				case 22:
						SkillTrigger = reader.ReadString();    // note this will also register the skill
						m_skill_that_triggered = (SkillName)reader.ReadInt();
						m_FreeRun = reader.ReadBool();
						m_mob_who_triggered = reader.ReadMobile();
						goto case 21;
				case 21:
						m_DespawnTime = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
						goto case 20;
				case 20:
						if( version < 24 )
							tmpSpawnListSize = reader.ReadInt();
						tmpRequireSurface = new ArrayList( tmpSpawnListSize );
						for( int i = 0; i < tmpSpawnListSize; ++i )
							bool requiresurface = reader.ReadBool();
							tmpRequireSurface.Add( requiresurface );
						goto case 19;
				case 19:
						m_ConfigFile = reader.ReadString();
						m_OnHold = reader.ReadBool();
						m_HoldSequence = reader.ReadBool();
						m_FirstModifiedBy = reader.ReadString();
						m_LastModifiedBy = reader.ReadString();
						// deserialize the keyword tag list
						int tagcount = reader.ReadInt();
						m_KeywordTagList = new ArrayList( tagcount );
						for( int i = 0; i < tagcount; i++ )
							BaseXmlSpawner.KeywordTag tag = new BaseXmlSpawner.KeywordTag( null, this );
							tag.Deserialize( reader );
						goto case 18;
				case 18:
						m_AllowGhostTriggering = reader.ReadBool();
						goto case 17;
				case 17:
						if( version < 25 )
							// the textentrybooks are deleted on deserialization so no need to track them
						goto case 16;
				case 16:
						hasnewobjectinfo = true;
						m_SequentialSpawning = reader.ReadInt();
						TimeSpan seqdelay = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
						m_SeqEnd = DateTime.Now + seqdelay;
						if( version < 20 )
							tmpSpawnListSize = reader.ReadInt();
						tmpSubGroup = new ArrayList( tmpSpawnListSize );
						tmpSequentialResetTime = new ArrayList( tmpSpawnListSize );
						tmpSequentialResetTo = new ArrayList( tmpSpawnListSize );
						tmpKillsNeeded = new ArrayList( tmpSpawnListSize );
						for( int i = 0; i < tmpSpawnListSize; ++i )
							int subgroup = reader.ReadInt();
							double resettime = reader.ReadDouble();
							int resetto = reader.ReadInt();
							int killsneeded = reader.ReadInt();
							tmpSubGroup.Add( subgroup );
							tmpSequentialResetTime.Add( resettime );
							tmpSequentialResetTo.Add( resetto );
							tmpKillsNeeded.Add( killsneeded );
						m_RegionName = reader.ReadString();	// 2004.02.08 :: Omega Red
						goto case 15;
				case 15:
						m_ExternalTriggering = reader.ReadBool();
						m_ExternalTrigger = reader.ReadBool();
						goto case 14;
				case 14:
						m_NoItemTriggerName = reader.ReadString();
						goto case 13;
				case 13:
						m_GumpState = reader.ReadString();
						goto case 12;
				case 12:
						int todtype = reader.ReadInt();
						switch( todtype )
							case (int)TODModeType.Gametime:
								m_TODMode = TODModeType.Gametime;
							case (int)TODModeType.Realtime:
								m_TODMode = TODModeType.Realtime;
						goto case 11;
				case 11:
						m_KillReset = reader.ReadInt();
						m_skipped = reader.ReadBool();
						m_spawncheck = reader.ReadInt();
						goto case 10;
				case 10:
						m_SetPropertyItem = reader.ReadItem();
						goto case 9;
				case 9:
						m_TriggerProbability = reader.ReadDouble();
						goto case 8;
				case 8:
						m_MobPropertyName = reader.ReadString();
						m_MobTriggerName = reader.ReadString();
						m_PlayerPropertyName = reader.ReadString();
						goto case 7;
				case 7:
						m_SpeechTrigger = reader.ReadString();
						goto case 6;
				case 6:
						m_ItemTriggerName = reader.ReadString();
						goto case 5;
				case 5:
						m_ProximityTriggerMessage = reader.ReadString();
						m_ObjectPropertyItem = reader.ReadItem();
						m_ObjectPropertyName = reader.ReadString();
						m_killcount = reader.ReadInt();
						goto case 4;
				case 4:
						haveproximityrange = true;
						m_ProximityRange = reader.ReadInt();
						m_ProximityTriggerSound = reader.ReadInt();
						m_proximityActivated = reader.ReadBool();
						m_durActivated = reader.ReadBool();
						m_refractActivated = reader.ReadBool();
						m_StackAmount = reader.ReadInt();
						m_TODStart = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
						m_TODEnd = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
						m_MinRefractory = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
						m_MaxRefractory = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
						if( m_refractActivated == true )
							TimeSpan delay = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
							DoTimer3( delay );
						if( m_durActivated == true )
							TimeSpan delay = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
							DoTimer2( delay );
						goto case 3;
				case 3:
						m_ShowContainerStatic = reader.ReadItem() as Static;
						goto case 2;
				case 2:
						m_Duration = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
						goto case 1;
				case 1:
						m_UniqueId = reader.ReadString();
						m_HomeRangeIsRelative = reader.ReadBool();
						goto case 0;
				case 0:
						m_Name = reader.ReadString();
						// backward compatibility with old name storage
						if( m_Name != null && m_Name != String.Empty ) Name = m_Name;
						m_X = reader.ReadInt();
						m_Y = reader.ReadInt();
						m_Width = reader.ReadInt();
						m_Height = reader.ReadInt();
						if( m_Width == m_Height )
							m_SpawnRange = m_Width / 2;
							m_SpawnRange = -1;
						if( !haveproximityrange )
							m_ProximityRange = -1;
						m_WayPoint = reader.ReadItem() as WayPoint;
						m_Group = reader.ReadBool();
						m_MinDelay = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
						m_MaxDelay = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
						m_Count = reader.ReadInt();
						m_Team = reader.ReadInt();
						m_HomeRange = reader.ReadInt();
						m_Running = reader.ReadBool();

						if( m_Running == true )
							TimeSpan delay = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
							DoTimer( delay );

						// Read in the size of the spawn object list
						int SpawnListSize = reader.ReadInt();
						m_SpawnObjects = new ArrayList( SpawnListSize );
						for( int i = 0; i < SpawnListSize; ++i )
							string TypeName = reader.ReadString();
							int TypeMaxCount = reader.ReadInt();

							SpawnObject TheSpawnObject = new SpawnObject( TypeName, TypeMaxCount );

							m_SpawnObjects.Add( TheSpawnObject );

							string typeName = BaseXmlSpawner.ParseObjectType( TypeName );
							// does it have a substitution that might change its validity?
							// if so then let it go

							if( typeName == null || ((SpawnerType.GetType( typeName ) == null) &&
								(!BaseXmlSpawner.IsTypeOrItemKeyword( typeName ) && typeName.IndexOf( '{' ) == -1 && !typeName.StartsWith( "*" ) && !typeName.StartsWith( "#" ))) )
								if( m_WarnTimer == null )
									m_WarnTimer = new WarnTimer2();

								m_WarnTimer.Add( Location, Map, TypeName );

								this.status_str = "invalid type: " + typeName;

							// Read in the number of spawns already
							int SpawnedCount = reader.ReadInt();

							TheSpawnObject.SpawnedObjects = new ArrayList( SpawnedCount );

							for( int x = 0; x < SpawnedCount; ++x )
								int serial = reader.ReadInt();
								if( serial < -1 )
									// minusone is reserved for unknown types by default
									//  minustwo on is used for referencing keyword tags
									int tagserial = -1 * (serial + 2);
									// get the tag with that serial and add it
									BaseXmlSpawner.KeywordTag t = BaseXmlSpawner.GetFromTagList( this, tagserial );
									if( t != null )
										TheSpawnObject.SpawnedObjects.Add( t );
									IEntity e = World.FindEntity( serial );

									if( e != null )
										TheSpawnObject.SpawnedObjects.Add( e );
						// now have to reintegrate the later version spawnobject information into the earlier version desered objects
						if( hasnewobjectinfo && tmpSpawnListSize == SpawnListSize )
							for( int i = 0; i < SpawnListSize; ++i )
								SpawnObject so = (SpawnObject)m_SpawnObjects[i];

								so.SubGroup = (int)tmpSubGroup[i];
								so.SequentialResetTime = (double)tmpSequentialResetTime[i];
								so.SequentialResetTo = (int)tmpSequentialResetTo[i];
								so.KillsNeeded = (int)tmpKillsNeeded[i];
								if( version > 19 )
									so.RequireSurface = (bool)tmpRequireSurface[i];
								bool restrictkills = false;
								bool clearadvance = true;
								double mind = -1;
								double maxd = -1;
								DateTime nextspawn = DateTime.MinValue;
								if( version > 23 )
									restrictkills = (bool)tmpRestrictKillsToSubgroup[i];
									clearadvance = (bool)tmpClearOnAdvance[i];
									mind = (double)tmpMinDelay[i];
									maxd = (double)tmpMaxDelay[i];
									nextspawn = (DateTime)tmpNextSpawn[i];
								so.RestrictKillsToSubgroup = restrictkills;
								so.ClearOnAdvance = clearadvance;
								so.MinDelay = mind;
								so.MaxDelay = maxd;
								so.NextSpawn = nextspawn;

								bool disablespawn = false;
								if( version > 26 )
									disablespawn = (bool)tmpDisableSpawn[i];
								so.Disabled = disablespawn;

								int packrange = -1;
								if( version > 27 )
									packrange = (int)tmpPackRange[i];
								so.PackRange = packrange;

								int spawnsper = 1;
								if( version > 28 )
									spawnsper = (int)tmpSpawnsPer[i];
								so.SpawnsPerTick = spawnsper;

