public StormEventGateEntranceGump(Mobile mobile, StormEventGateEntrance rgate, DateTime LastChanged, ArrayList RuneBooks, int page, int selected) : base(100, 100) { m_Mobile = mobile; m_StormEventGateEntrance = rgate; m_LastChanged = LastChanged; m_RuneBooks = RuneBooks; m_page = page; m_selected = selected; myGate = m_StormEventGateEntrance.Owner(m_Mobile); AddPage(0); if (myGate) AddBackground(0, 0, 435, 465, 5054); else AddBackground(0, 0, 435, 440, 5054); AddHtmlLocalized(5, 5, 210, 20, 1012011, false, false); // Pick your destination: AddHtml(280, 5, 210, 20, "<basefont size=2 color=#0000ff>Storms Event Gate 1.2<basefont>", false, false); if (m_StormEventGateEntrance.Cost != 0) { if (myGate) AddHtml(120, 20, 210, 20, String.Format("<basefont size=4 color=#FFCC33>Cost: {0}gp<basefont>", m_StormEventGateEntrance.Cost), false, false); else AddHtml(165, 5, 210, 20, String.Format("<basefont size=4 color=#FFCC33>Cost: {0}gp<basefont>", m_StormEventGateEntrance.Cost), false, false); } if (myGate) { AddButton(110, 385, 4005, 4007, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddLabel(145, 385, 0, "ADD"); // Add Runebook AddButton(10, 435, 4005, 4007, 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddLabel(45, 435, 0, "REDEED"); // Deed Moongate (saves all entries) AddButton(110, 410, 4005, 4007, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddLabel(145, 410, 0, "REMALL"); // Add Runebook AddButton(110, 435, 4005, 4007, 7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddLabel(145, 435, 0, "HELP"); // Add Runebook if (m_StormEventGateEntrance.Active) AddButton(212, 10, 0x2c88, 0x2c94, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); else AddButton(212, 10, 0x2c94, 0x2c88, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(410, 20, 210, 20, string.Format("<basefont size=2 color=#0000ff>({0})<basefont>", m_RuneBooks.Count), false, false); } if (m_RuneBooks.Count == 0) return; if (m_StormEventGateEntrance.Active || myGate) // Only put the buttons on an active gate { AddButton(10, 385, 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(45, 385, 140, 25, 1011036, false, false); // OKAY AddButton(10, 410, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(45, 410, 140, 25, 1011012, false, false); // CANCEL } int forcount = m_RuneBooks.Count < 15 ? m_RuneBooks.Count : 12; int dispy = myGate ? 0 : 20; int slength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < forcount; i++) { int index = m_page * 12 + i; if (index >= m_RuneBooks.Count) break; Runebook runebook = m_RuneBooks[index] as Runebook; string bookdesc = runebook.Description == null ? "No Description" : runebook.Description; bookdesc.Trim(); string[] keywordargs = ParseString(bookdesc, 15, ":"); //Console.WriteLine("Args={0} len={1}", keywordargs.Length, bookdesc.Length); string booksecurity = null; if (keywordargs != null && keywordargs.Length > 1) { bookdesc = keywordargs[0]; booksecurity = keywordargs[1]; } if (bookdesc.Length > 21) { if (Insensitive.StartsWith(bookdesc, "TITLE,")) { slength = bookdesc.Length - 6; if (bookdesc.Length > 27) bookdesc = bookdesc.Substring(0, 26); } else bookdesc = bookdesc.Substring(0, 20); } //Console.WriteLine("bookdesc={0}", bookdesc); if (AccessAllowed(booksecurity, m_Mobile)) { if (selected == -1) m_selected = selected = i; if (bookdesc.Equals("SKIP") || bookdesc.Equals("BREAK") || Insensitive.StartsWith(bookdesc, "TITLE,")) { if (myGate) AddButton(30 - dispy, 35 + (i * 25), 2117, 2118, 100 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); } else AddButton(30 - dispy, 35 + (i * 25), 2117, 2118, 100 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); if (selected == i) { if (myGate) { AddButton(5, 35 + (i * 25), 3, 4, 200 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); if (index > 0) AddButton(20, 29 + (i * 25), 2435, 2436, 300 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); if (index < (m_RuneBooks.Count - 1)) AddButton(20, 41 + (i * 25), 2437, 2438, 400 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); } if (bookdesc.Equals("SKIP") || bookdesc.Equals("BREAK") || Insensitive.StartsWith(bookdesc, "TITLE,")) { if (Insensitive.StartsWith(bookdesc, "TITLE,")) { slength = bookdesc.Length - 6; AddHtml(50 - dispy, 35 + (i * 25), 155, 20, string.Format("<basefont color=#FFFFCC><U>{0}</U></basefont>", slength < 1 ? "FIX YOUR TITLE!" : bookdesc.Substring(6, slength)), false, false); } else if (myGate) AddHtml(50 - dispy, 35 + (i * 25), 155, 20, "<basefont color=#00ff42>" + bookdesc + "</basefont>", false, false); } else AddHtml(50 - dispy, 35 + (i * 25), 155, 20, "<basefont color=#00ff42>" + bookdesc + "</basefont>", false, false); DisplayBookLocations(runebook); } else { if (Insensitive.StartsWith(bookdesc, "TITLE,")) { slength = bookdesc.Length - 6; AddHtml(50 - dispy, 35 + (i * 25), 155, 20, string.Format("<basefont color=#FFFFCC><U>{0}</U></basefont>", slength < 1 ? "FIX YOUR TITLE!" : bookdesc.Substring(6, slength)), false, false); } else if (bookdesc.Equals("BREAK")) AddHtml(50 - dispy, 35 + (i * 25), 155, 20, "<basefont color=#6600CC>---------------------</basefont>", false, false); else if (bookdesc.Equals("SKIP")) { if (myGate) AddHtml(50 - dispy, 35 + (i * 25), 155, 20, bookdesc, false, false); } else AddHtml(50 - dispy, 35 + (i * 25), 155, 20, bookdesc, false, false); } } else { if (Insensitive.StartsWith(bookdesc, "TITLE,")) { slength = bookdesc.Length - 6; AddHtml(50 - dispy, 35 + (i * 25), 155, 20, string.Format("<basefont color=#FFFFCC><U>{0}</U></basefont>", slength < 1 ? "FIX YOUR TITLE!" : bookdesc.Substring(6, slength)), false, false); } else if (bookdesc.Equals("BREAK")) AddHtml(50 - dispy, 35 + (i * 25), 155, 20, "<basefont color=#6600CC>---------------------</basefont>", false, false); else if (!bookdesc.Equals("SKIP")) AddHtml(50 - dispy, 35 + (i * 25), 155, 20, "<i>" + bookdesc + "</i>", false, false); } } //int count = (m_RuneBooks.Count / 12) + (m_RuneBooks.Count % 12 > 0 ? 1:0); if (m_RuneBooks.Count > 14) for (int i = 0; i < m_RuneBooks.Count / 12.0; i++) { if (i == m_page) AddImage(9 + (i * 24), 345, 0x8B1 + i, 69); else AddButton(9 + (i * 24), 345, 0x8B1 + i, 0x8B1 + i, 50 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); } }
public DecayTimer(StormEventGateEntrance ml, TimeSpan delay) : base(delay) { Priority = TimerPriority.OneMinute; m_ml = ml; }
public StormEventGateConfirmDeleteGump(bool all, Mobile from, StormEventGateEntrance gate, string rdesc, int index) : base(Core.AOS ? 110 : 20, Core.AOS ? 100 : 30) { m_all = all; m_From = from; m_Gate = gate; m_rdesc = rdesc; m_index = index; Closable = false; int width = 250; int height = 125; AddPage(0); AddBackground(0, 0, width, height, 5054); if (m_all) AddHtml(10, 25, width - 10, height - 45, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#{0:X6}>{1}</BASEFONT>", 6684723, "Are you sure you want to delete All runebooks?"), false, false); else { AddHtml(10, 15, width - 10, height - 45, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#{0:X6}>{1}</BASEFONT>", 3407616, "Are you sure you want to delete this runebook?"), false, false); AddHtml(10, 60, width - 10, height - 15, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#{0:X6}>{1}</BASEFONT>", 13434675, m_rdesc), false, false); } AddButton(10, height - 30, 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(45, height - 30, 170, 20, 1011036, 32767, false, false); // OKAY AddButton(10 + ((width - 20) / 2), height - 30, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(45 + ((width - 20) / 2), height - 30, 170, 20, 1011012, 32767, false, false); // CANCEL }
public InternalTarget(StormEventGateEntrance StormEventGateEntrance, ArrayList RuneBooks) : base(12, false, TargetFlags.None) { this.CheckLOS = true; this.AllowGround = false; this.Range = 15; m_StormEventGateEntrance = StormEventGateEntrance; m_RuneBooks = RuneBooks; }
public StormEventGateEntranceConfirmGump(StormEventGateEntrance StormEventGateEntrance, Mobile mobile, Point3D location, Map map, string runedesc, int message) : base(10, 10) { m_Mobile = mobile; m_location = location; m_map = map; m_StormEventGateEntrance = StormEventGateEntrance; myGate = m_StormEventGateEntrance.Owner(m_Mobile); m_message = message; m_runedesc = runedesc; Effects.PlaySound(m_Mobile.Location, m_Mobile.Map, 0x20E); AddPage(0); AddBackground(0, 0, 360, 155, 5054); AddBackground(10, 10, 340, 135, 3000); switch (message) { case 1: { AddLabel(20, 30, 44, "Your destination may be dangerous, are you sure?"); AddHtml(20, 50, 380, 60, @"Press Continue to proceed or Cancel to abort.", false, false); break; } case 2: { AddLabel(20, 20, 44, "This destination requires a password:"******"You have chosen a Felucca destination, are you sure?"); AddHtml(20, 50, 380, 60, @"Press Continue to proceed or Cancel to abort.", false, false); break; } } AddButton(60, 100, 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(95, 100, 290, 40, 1011011, false, false); // CONTINUE AddButton(220, 100, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtmlLocalized(255, 100, 290, 20, 1011012, false, false); // CANCEL }