private static void EventSink_CharacterCreated( CharacterCreatedEventArgs args )
            if ( !VerifyProfession( args.Profession ) )
                args.Profession = 0;

            Mobile newChar = CreateMobile( args.Account as Account );

            if ( newChar == null )
                Console.WriteLine( "Login: {0}: Character creation failed, account full", args.State );

            newChar.Race = Race.Human;

            args.Mobile = newChar;
            m_Mobile = newChar;

            newChar.Player = true;
            newChar.AccessLevel = args.Account.AccessLevel;
            newChar.Female = args.Female;
            //newChar.Body = newChar.Female ? 0x191 : 0x190;

            /*if( Core.Expansion >= args.Race.RequiredExpasnion )
                newChar.Race = args.Race;	//Sets body
                newChar.Race = Race.DefaultRace;

            //newChar.Hue = Utility.ClipSkinHue( args.Hue & 0x3FFF ) | 0x8000;
            newChar.Hue = newChar.Race.ClipSkinHue( args.Hue & 0x3FFF ) | 0x8000;

            newChar.Hunger = 20;
            newChar.Thirst = 20;

            //bool young = false;

            if ( newChar is PlayerMobile )
                PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile) newChar;

                pm.Profession = args.Profession;

                //if ( pm.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player && ((Account)pm.Account).Young )
                    //young = pm.Young = true;

            SetName( newChar, args.Name );

            AddBackpack( newChar );

            SetStats( newChar, args.Str, args.Dex, args.Int );
            SetSkills( newChar, args.Skills, args.Profession );

            Race race = newChar.Race;

            if( race.ValidateHair( newChar, args.HairID ) )
                newChar.HairItemID = args.HairID;
                newChar.HairHue = race.ClipHairHue( args.HairHue & 0x3FFF );

            if( race.ValidateFacialHair( newChar, args.BeardID ) )
                newChar.FacialHairItemID = args.BeardID;
                newChar.FacialHairHue = race.ClipHairHue( args.BeardHue & 0x3FFF );

            AddShirt( newChar, args.ShirtHue );
            AddPants( newChar, args.PantsHue );
            AddShoes( newChar );

            if( newChar.BankBox != null )
                BankBox bankbox = newChar.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Bank ) as BankBox;

            PlayerBankBox pbb = new PlayerBankBox( newChar );
            newChar.AddItem( pbb );
            newChar.Blessed = true;

            CityInfo city = GetStartLocation( args, false );
            //CityInfo city = new CityInfo( "Britain", "Sweet Dreams Inn", 1496, 1628, 10, Map.Felucca );

            newChar.MoveToWorld( city.Location, city.Map );

            Console.WriteLine( "Login: {0}: New character being created (account={1})", args.State, args.Account.Username );
            Console.WriteLine( " - Character: {0} (serial={1})", newChar.Name, newChar.Serial );
            Console.WriteLine( " - Started: {0} {1} in {2}", city.City, city.Location, city.Map.ToString() );

            new WelcomeTimer( newChar ).Start();
        private static void OnLogin( LoginEventArgs e )
            Mobile from = e.Mobile;

            Map map = from.Map;
            from.Map = Map.Trammel;
            from.Map = map;

            PlayerMobile m = from as PlayerMobile;
            m.m_LoginTime = DateTime.Now;
            m.Criminal = true;

            if( m.IsVampire && m.BPs < 1 )
                m.HueMod = 0;

            if( !m.OldMapChar )

            if( m.EmptyBankBoxOn != DateTime.MinValue && DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, m.EmptyBankBoxOn) > 0 )

            if( m.Age != 0 && m.MaxAge != 0 )
                CheckBirthday( m );

            if( m.Age == 0 )
                m.Age = 18;

            if( m.Lives < 1 && !m.Alive )
                m.SendMessage( 32, "You are dead." );
                m.SendMessage( 60, "Please, contact a GM if you suffered any kind of injustice in regards to your permanent death." );

            m.KnownLanguages.Common = 1500000;

            if( m.m_RacialResources == null )
                m.m_RacialResources = new RacialResources();

            CheckAtrophies( from );

            if ( AccountHandler.LockdownLevel > AccessLevel.Player )
                string notice;

                Accounting.Account acct = from.Account as Accounting.Account;

                if ( acct == null || !acct.HasAccess( from.NetState ) )
                    if ( from.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player )
                        notice = "The server is currently under lockdown. No players are allowed to log in at this time.";
                        notice = "The server is currently under lockdown. You do not have sufficient access level to connect.";

                    Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ), new TimerStateCallback( Disconnect ), from );
                else if ( from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Administrator )
                    notice = "The server is currently under lockdown. As you are an administrator, you may change this from the .Admin gump.";
                    notice = "The server is currently under lockdown. You have sufficient access level to connect.";

                from.SendGump( new NoticeGump( 1060637, 30720, notice, 0xFFC000, 300, 140, null, null ) );

            if( m.BankBox != null && !( m.BankBox is PlayerBankBox ) )
                BankBox bankbox = m.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Bank ) as BankBox;
                PlayerBankBox pbb = new PlayerBankBox( m );
                m.AddItem( pbb );

            m.SendGump( new CharInfoGump( m ) );

            if( !m.FixedStatPoints )
                int dexcap = 100 + ( m.GetBackgroundLevel(BackgroundList.Quick) * 5 ) - ( m.GetBackgroundLevel(BackgroundList.Clumsy) * 5 ) - m.TotalPenalty;
                int stamcap = 100 + ( m.GetBackgroundLevel(BackgroundList.Fit) * 5 ) - ( m.GetBackgroundLevel(BackgroundList.Unenergetic) * 5 ) - m.TotalPenalty;

                switch( m.Nation )
                    case Nation.Alyrian: dexcap += 30; stamcap += 20; break;
                    case Nation.Azhuran: dexcap += 50; stamcap += 10; break;
                    case Nation.Khemetar: dexcap += 40; stamcap += 0; break;
                    case Nation.Mhordul: dexcap += 20; stamcap += 30; break;
                    case Nation.Tyrean: dexcap += 0; stamcap += 40; break;
                    case Nation.Vhalurian: dexcap += 10; stamcap += 50; break;

                int dexoffset = m.RawDex - dexcap;
                int stamoffset = m.RawStam - stamcap;

                if( dexoffset > 0 )
                    m.RawDex -= m.RawDex - dexcap;
                    m.StatPoints += dexoffset;

                if( stamoffset > 0 )
                    m.RawStam -= m.RawStam - stamcap;
                    m.StatPoints += stamoffset;

                m.FixedStatPoints = true;

            if( !m.FixedRun )
                m.ArmourPieces = 0;
                m.LightPieces = 0;
                m.HeavyPieces = 0;
                m.MediumPieces = 0;
                m.LightPenalty = 0;
                m.MediumPenalty = 0;
                m.HeavyPenalty = 0;
                CheckPenalty( m, Layer.Arms );
                CheckPenalty( m, Layer.Gloves );
                CheckPenalty( m, Layer.Helm );
                CheckPenalty( m, Layer.InnerLegs );
                CheckPenalty( m, Layer.InnerTorso );
                CheckPenalty( m, Layer.MiddleTorso );
                CheckPenalty( m, Layer.Neck );
                CheckPenalty( m, Layer.OuterLegs );
                CheckPenalty( m, Layer.OuterTorso );
                CheckPenalty( m, Layer.Pants );
                CheckPenalty( m, Layer.Shirt );
                CheckPenalty( m, Layer.Shoes );
                CheckPenalty( m, Layer.TwoHanded );
                m.FixedRun = true;

            if( m.OldMapChar && !m.Reforging && !m.Forging )

            else if( !m.Reforging && !m.Forging && m.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster && m.BuggedCP )
                m.SendMessage( "The amount of CP you had spent was above your cap due to a bug that allowed it. Please reforge." );

            m.LogoutTime = DateTime.MinValue;

            foreach( NetState state in NetState.Instances )
                PlayerMobile staffer = state.Mobile as PlayerMobile;

                if( state.Mobile != null && state.Mobile is PlayerMobile && staffer.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player && staffer.LogMsgs )
                    staffer.SendMessage( m.Account.Username + " has logged in on " + m.Name + "." );

                if( m.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player && state.Mobile is PlayerMobile && staffer.NeedsFixing )
                    staffer.Map = Map.Felucca;

