public CampfireEntry(PlayerMobile player, Campfire fire) { m_Player = player; m_Fire = fire; m_Start = DateTime.UtcNow; m_Safe = false; }
public CampfireRegion( Campfire campfire, Region existingRegion ) : base( "", "", campfire.Map ) { Priority = Region.HousePriority; LoadFromXml = false; m_Campfire = campfire; m_ExistingRegion = existingRegion; }
public CampfireEntry(PlayerMobile player, Campfire fire) { this.m_Player = player; this.m_Fire = fire; this.m_Start = DateTime.Now; this.m_Safe = false; }
public DecayTimer(Campfire owner) : base(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)) { Priority = TimerPriority.TwoFiftyMS; m_Owner = owner; m_StartTime = DateTime.Now; }
public CampfireEntry(PlayerMobile player, Campfire fire) { m_Player = player; m_Fire = fire; m_Start = Core.Now; m_Safe = false; }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (RootParent == from || (from.InRange(GetWorldLocation(), 3) && from.InLOS(GetWorldLocation()))) { if (!Unrolled) { Unroll(); MoveToWorld(from.Location, from.Map); } else if (ItemID == 0x0A55) { if (Parent == null) { IPooledEnumerable eable = from.GetItemsInRange(7); Campfire fire = null; foreach (Item item in eable) { if (item is Campfire) { fire = (Campfire)item; break; } } eable.Free(); if (fire != null) { if (fire.CanLogout(from)) { new BedRollLogoutMenu().SendTo(from.NetState); } else { from.SendAsciiMessage("Your camp is not yet secure."); } } else { Roll(); from.AddToBackpack(this); } } else { // is in a container (not on ground) Roll(); from.AddToBackpack(this); } } } else { from.SendAsciiMessage("You must be closer to use that."); } }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (from == TrapOwner) { this.Delete(); from.SendMessage("You successfully remove the trap."); } else { int trapmaxskill = (int)Math.Round(from.Skills.RemoveTrap.Value) + (int)Math.Round(from.Skills.Tinkering.Value) + 50; int bonusmaxskill = (int)Math.Round(from.Skills[BonusSkill].Value); trapmaxskill += bonusmaxskill; int trapminskill = trapmaxskill - 20; int trappower = this.TrapPower; int trapcheck = Utility.RandomMinMax(trapminskill, trapmaxskill); CampfireEntry entry = Campfire.GetEntry(from); if (entry != null && entry.Safe) { trapcheck += 20; } if (trappower > trapmaxskill) { from.SendMessage("You have no chance of removing this trap."); return; } if (lastused + delay > DateTime.Now) { from.SendMessage("You must wait 7 seconds between uses."); return; } else { lastused = DateTime.Now; } if (trapcheck >= trappower) { this.Delete(); from.SendMessage("You successfully remove the trap."); } else { from.SendMessage("You fail to remove the trap."); if (0.5 >= Utility.RandomDouble()) { from.SendMessage("You accidently trigger one of the trap's components. It damages you before you can deactive it."); Spells.SpellHelper.Damage(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), from, from, Utility.RandomMinMax(15, 25), 100, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } } }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (!from.InRange(GetWorldLocation(), 2)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); // That is too far away. return; } IPooledEnumerable eable = this.Map.GetItemsInRange(this.Location, 3); foreach (Item item in eable) { if (item is Campfire) { Campfire campfire = item as Campfire; if (campfire.CampSecure && campfire.Camper == from) { campfire.OwnerUsedBedroll = true; from.SendGump(new CampLogoutGump(from, this)); eable.Free(); return; } } } eable.Free(); this.Consume(); int x = from.X, y = from.Y; switch (from.Direction & Direction.Mask) { case Direction.North: --y; break; case Direction.South: ++y; break; case Direction.West: --x; break; case Direction.East: ++x; break; case Direction.Up: --x; --y; break; case Direction.Down: ++x; ++y; break; case Direction.Left: --x; ++y; break; case Direction.Right: ++x; --y; break; } new Bedroll().MoveToWorld(new Point3D(x, y, from.Z), from.Map); }
public static bool CheckMusicianship(Mobile m) { CampfireEntry entry = Campfire.GetEntry(m); m.CheckSkill(SkillName.Musicianship, 0.0, 120.0); if (entry != null && entry.Safe) { return(((m.Skills[SkillName.Musicianship].Value + 20) / 100) > Utility.RandomDouble()); } else { return((m.Skills[SkillName.Musicianship].Value / 100) > Utility.RandomDouble()); } }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (this.Parent != null || !this.VerifyMove(from)) { return; } if (!from.InRange(this, 2)) { from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1019045); // I can't reach that. return; } //adam : if within a rectricted camping zone then don't allow camping, i.e., a ransom chest rect if (CampHelper.InRestrictedArea(from)) { from.SendMessage("You do not consider it safe to secure a camp here"); return; } if (this.ItemID == 0xA57) // rolled { Direction dir = PlayerMobile.GetDirection4(from.Location, this.Location); if (dir == Direction.North || dir == Direction.South) { this.ItemID = 0xA55; } else { this.ItemID = 0xA56; } } else // unrolled { this.ItemID = 0xA57; if (!from.HasGump(typeof(LogoutGump))) { CampfireEntry entry = Campfire.GetEntry(from); if (entry != null && entry.Safe) { from.SendGump(new LogoutGump(entry, this)); } } } }
public void CheckExistingCampfires(Mobile from) { if (from == null) { return; } Campfire oldestCampfire = null; int campfireCount = 0; for (int a = 0; a < Campfire.m_Instances.Count; a++) { Campfire campfire = Campfire.m_Instances[a]; if (campfire == null) { continue; } if (campfire.Deleted) { continue; } if (campfire.m_CreatedBy != from) { continue; } campfireCount++; if (oldestCampfire == null) { oldestCampfire = campfire; } } if (campfireCount >= 5 && oldestCampfire != null) { if (!oldestCampfire.Deleted) { oldestCampfire.Delete(); } } }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (!VerifyMove(from)) { return; } if (!from.InRange(GetWorldLocation(), 2)) { from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1019045); // I can't reach that. return; } Point3D fireLocation = GetFireLocation(from); if (fireLocation == Point3D.Zero) { from.SendMessage("Voce ascendeu a fogueira"); // There is not a spot nearby to place your campfire. } else if (!from.CheckSkill(SkillName.Camping, 0.0, 100.0)) { from.SendMessage("Voce nao conseguir ascender a fogueira"); // You fail to ignite the campfire. } else { Consume(); if (!Deleted && Parent == null) { from.PlaceInBackpack(this); } var campfire = new Campfire(); campfire.nomeDeQUemAscendeu = from.Name; campfire.MoveToWorld(fireLocation, from.Map); if (from.Skills[SkillName.Camping].Value >= 80) { campfire.regenera = true; from.SendMessage("Voce ascende a fogueira com perfeicao. Esta fogueira regenerara HP e Stamina de jogadores proximos."); // You fail to ignite the campfire. } } }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (Parent != null || !VerifyMove(from)) { return; } if (!from.InRange(this, 2)) { from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1019045); // I can't reach that. return; } if (ItemID == 0xA57) // rolled { Direction dir = PlayerMobile.GetDirection4(from.Location, Location); if (dir == Direction.North || dir == Direction.South) { ItemID = 0xA55; } else { ItemID = 0xA56; } } else // unrolled { ItemID = 0xA57; if (!from.HasGump(typeof(LogoutGump))) { CampfireEntry entry = Campfire.GetEntry(from); if (entry != null && entry.Safe) { from.SendGump(new LogoutGump(entry, this)); } } } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { PlayerMobile pm = m_Entry.Player; m_CloseTimer.Stop(); if (Campfire.GetEntry(pm) != m_Entry) { return; } if (info.ButtonID == 1 && m_Entry.Safe && m_BlanketOfDarkness.Parent == null && m_BlanketOfDarkness.IsAccessibleTo(pm) && m_BlanketOfDarkness.VerifyMove(pm) && m_BlanketOfDarkness.Map == pm.Map && pm.InRange(m_BlanketOfDarkness, 2)) { pm.PlaceInBackpack(m_BlanketOfDarkness); pm.BlanketOfDarknessLogout = true; sender.Dispose(); } Campfire.RemoveEntry(m_Entry); }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { PlayerMobile pm = m_Entry.Player; m_CloseTimer.Stop(); if (Campfire.GetEntry(pm) != m_Entry) { return; } if (info.ButtonID == 1 && m_Entry.Safe && m_Bedroll.Parent == null && m_Bedroll.IsAccessibleTo(pm) && m_Bedroll.VerifyMove(pm) && m_Bedroll.Map == pm.Map && pm.InRange(m_Bedroll, 2)) { pm.PlaceInBackpack(m_Bedroll); pm.BedrollLogout = true; sender.Disconnect("Disconnected by logging with bedroll"); } Campfire.RemoveEntry(m_Entry); }
protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted) { if (from == null || targeted == null) { return; } m_From = from; if (targeted is Campfire) { m_Fire = targeted as Campfire; double cookskill = from.Skills[SkillName.Cooking].Value; m_Difficulty = cookskill; if (m_CookItem != null) { if (m_CookItem is Jerky) { m_Difficulty -= 31.4; } if (m_Difficulty < 0) { from.SendMessage("You throw it in the fire having no idea how to cook it."); m_CookItem.Delete(); } else { m_CookItem.Movable = false; from.SendMessage("You begin cooking."); Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)Utility.RandomMinMax(12, 34)), new TimerCallback(CookEnd)); } } } }
public InternalTimer(Mobile from, Campfire campfire) : base(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5.0)) { this.m_From = from; this.m_Campfire = campfire; }
public DecayTimer(Campfire owner) : base(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2.0)) { Priority = TimerPriority.FiveSeconds; m_Owner = owner; }
protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted) { if (from == null || targeted == null) return; m_From = from; if (targeted is Campfire) { m_Fire = targeted as Campfire; double cookskill = from.Skills[SkillName.Cooking].Value; m_Difficulty = cookskill; if (m_CookItem != null) { if (m_CookItem is Jerky) { m_Difficulty -= 31.4; } if (m_Difficulty < 0) { from.SendMessage("You throw it in the fire having no idea how to cook it."); m_CookItem.Delete(); } else { m_CookItem.Movable = false; from.SendMessage("You begin cooking."); Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)Utility.RandomMinMax(12, 34)), new TimerCallback(CookEnd)); } } } }
public void DetermineHeatLevel() { int MaxHeatDistance = 2; double BaseLightHeatScalar = 10.0; double OpenFireHeatScalar = 20.0; double ForgeHeatScalar = 30.0; double totalHeat = 0; if (RootParent == null) { IPooledEnumerable nearbyHeatSources = Map.GetItemsInRange(Location, MaxHeatDistance); foreach (Item item in nearbyHeatSources) { double itemHeat = 0; if (item.RootParent != null) { continue; } int distance = Utility.GetDistance(Location, item.Location); double heatScalar = ((double)MaxHeatDistance + 1) - (double)distance; if (Math.Abs(Location.Z - item.Location.Z) > 15) { continue; } //Organized by Ascending Priority if (item is BaseLight) { BaseLight baseLight = item as BaseLight; if (baseLight.Burning) { itemHeat = BaseLightHeatScalar * heatScalar; } } if (item is BaseEquipableLight) { BaseEquipableLight candle = item as BaseEquipableLight; if (candle.Burning) { itemHeat = BaseLightHeatScalar * heatScalar; } } if (item is Campfire) { Campfire campfire = item as Campfire; if (campfire.Status == CampfireStatus.Burning || campfire.Status == CampfireStatus.Extinguishing) { itemHeat = OpenFireHeatScalar * heatScalar; } } if (item is Brazier || item is BrazierTall) { BaseLight brazier = item as BaseLight; if (brazier.Burning) { itemHeat = OpenFireHeatScalar * heatScalar; } } if (item is Forge || item is LargeForgeEast || item is LargeForgeWest || item is ForgeComponent) { itemHeat = ForgeHeatScalar * heatScalar; } totalHeat += itemHeat; } nearbyHeatSources.Free(); } HeatValue = totalHeat; if (HeatValue > PlantPersistance.MaxHeat) { HeatValue = PlantPersistance.MaxHeat; } }
public CampfireEntry( PlayerMobile player, Campfire fire ) { m_Player = player; m_Fire = fire; m_Start = DateTime.Now; m_Safe = false; }
public CampfireEntry(PlayerMobile player, Campfire fire) { this.m_Player = player; this.m_Fire = fire; this.m_Start = DateTime.UtcNow; this.m_Safe = false; }
private void CloseGump() { Campfire.RemoveEntry(m_Entry); m_Entry.Player.CloseGump <LogoutGump>();; }
private void CloseGump() { Campfire.RemoveEntry(m_Entry); m_Entry.Player.CloseGump(typeof(LogoutGump)); }
public void EndHeal() { StopHeal(); int healerNumber = -1, patientNumber = -1; bool playSound = true; bool checkSkills = false; SkillName primarySkill = GetPrimarySkill(m_Patient); SkillName secondarySkill = GetSecondarySkill(m_Patient); BaseCreature petPatient = m_Patient as BaseCreature; if (!m_Healer.Alive) { healerNumber = 500962; // You were unable to finish your work before you died. patientNumber = -1; playSound = false; } else if (!m_Healer.InRange(m_Patient, Bandage.Range)) { healerNumber = 500963; // You did not stay close enough to heal your target. patientNumber = -1; playSound = false; } else if (!m_Patient.Alive || (petPatient != null && petPatient.IsDeadPet)) { double healing = m_Healer.Skills[primarySkill].Value; double anatomy = m_Healer.Skills[secondarySkill].Value; CampfireEntry entry = Campfire.GetEntry(m_Healer); if (entry != null && entry.Safe) { healing += 20; } double chance = ((healing - 68.0) / 50.0) - (m_Slips * 0.02); if (((checkSkills = (healing >= 80.0 && anatomy >= 80.0)) && chance > Utility.RandomDouble()) || (Core.SE && petPatient is Factions.FactionWarHorse && petPatient.ControlMaster == m_Healer)) //TODO: Dbl check doesn't check for faction of the horse here? { if (m_Patient.Map == null || !m_Patient.Map.CanFit(m_Patient.Location, 16, false, false)) { healerNumber = 501042; // Target can not be resurrected at that location. patientNumber = 502391; // Thou can not be resurrected there! } else if (m_Patient.Region != null && m_Patient.Region.IsPartOf("Khaldun")) { healerNumber = 1010395; // The veil of death in this area is too strong and resists thy efforts to restore life. patientNumber = -1; } else { healerNumber = 500965; // You are able to resurrect your patient. patientNumber = -1; m_Patient.PlaySound(0x214); m_Patient.FixedEffect(0x376A, 10, 16); if (petPatient != null && petPatient.IsDeadPet) { Mobile master = petPatient.ControlMaster; if (master != null && m_Healer == master) { petPatient.ResurrectPet(); for (int i = 0; i < petPatient.Skills.Length; ++i) { petPatient.Skills[i].Base -= 0.1; } } else if (master != null && master.InRange(petPatient, 3)) { healerNumber = 503255; // You are able to resurrect the creature. master.CloseGump(typeof(PetResurrectGump)); master.SendGump(new PetResurrectGump(m_Healer, petPatient)); } else { bool found = false; List <Mobile> friends = petPatient.Friends; for (int i = 0; friends != null && i < friends.Count; ++i) { Mobile friend = friends[i]; if (friend.InRange(petPatient, 3)) { healerNumber = 503255; // You are able to resurrect the creature. friend.CloseGump(typeof(PetResurrectGump)); friend.SendGump(new PetResurrectGump(m_Healer, petPatient)); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { healerNumber = 1049670; // The pet's owner must be nearby to attempt resurrection. } } } else { m_Patient.CloseGump(typeof(ResurrectGump)); m_Patient.SendGump(new ResurrectGump(m_Patient, m_Healer)); } } } else { if (petPatient != null && petPatient.IsDeadPet) { healerNumber = 503256; // You fail to resurrect the creature. } else { healerNumber = 500966; // You are unable to resurrect your patient. } patientNumber = -1; } } else if (m_Patient.Poisoned) { m_Healer.SendLocalizedMessage(500969); // You finish applying the bandages. double healing = m_Healer.Skills[primarySkill].Value; double anatomy = m_Healer.Skills[secondarySkill].Value; CampfireEntry entry = Campfire.GetEntry(m_Healer); if (entry != null && entry.Safe) { healing += 20; } double chance = ((healing - 30.0) / 50.0) - (m_Patient.Poison.Level * 0.1) - (m_Slips * 0.02); if ((checkSkills = (healing >= 60.0 && anatomy >= 60.0)) && chance > Utility.RandomDouble()) { if (m_Patient.CurePoison(m_Healer)) { healerNumber = (m_Healer == m_Patient) ? -1 : 1010058; // You have cured the target of all poisons. patientNumber = 1010059; // You have been cured of all poisons. } else { healerNumber = -1; patientNumber = -1; } } else { healerNumber = 1010060; // You have failed to cure your target! patientNumber = -1; } } else if (BleedAttack.IsBleeding(m_Patient)) { healerNumber = 1060088; // You bind the wound and stop the bleeding patientNumber = 1060167; // The bleeding wounds have healed, you are no longer bleeding! BleedAttack.EndBleed(m_Patient, false); } else if (MortalStrike.IsWounded(m_Patient)) { healerNumber = (m_Healer == m_Patient ? 1005000 : 1010398); patientNumber = -1; playSound = false; } else if (m_Patient.Hits == m_Patient.HitsMax) { healerNumber = 500967; // You heal what little damage your patient had. patientNumber = -1; } else { checkSkills = true; patientNumber = -1; double healing = m_Healer.Skills[primarySkill].Value; double anatomy = m_Healer.Skills[secondarySkill].Value; CampfireEntry entry = Campfire.GetEntry(m_Healer); if (entry != null && entry.Safe) { healing += 20; } double chance = ((healing + 10.0) / 100.0) - (m_Slips * 0.02); if (chance > Utility.RandomDouble()) { healerNumber = 500969; // You finish applying the bandages. double min, max; if (Core.AOS) { min = (anatomy / 8.0) + (healing / 5.0) + 4.0; max = (anatomy / 6.0) + (healing / 2.5) + 4.0; } else { min = (anatomy / 5.0) + (healing / 5.0) + 3.0; max = (anatomy / 5.0) + (healing / 2.0) + 10.0; } double toHeal = min + (Utility.RandomDouble() * (max - min)); toHeal += (m_Healer.Skills[SkillName.Veterinary].Value + m_Healer.Skills[SkillName.Healing].Value - healing) / 8.0; if (m_Patient.Body.IsMonster || m_Patient.Body.IsAnimal) { toHeal += m_Patient.HitsMax / 100; } if (Core.AOS) { toHeal -= toHeal * m_Slips * 0.35; // TODO: Verify algorithm } else { toHeal -= m_Slips * 4; } if (toHeal < 1) { toHeal = 1; healerNumber = 500968; // You apply the bandages, but they barely help. } m_Patient.Heal((int)toHeal, m_Healer, false); } else { healerNumber = 500968; // You apply the bandages, but they barely help. playSound = false; } } if (healerNumber != -1) { m_Healer.SendLocalizedMessage(healerNumber); } if (patientNumber != -1) { m_Patient.SendLocalizedMessage(patientNumber); } if (playSound) { m_Patient.PlaySound(0x57); } if (checkSkills) { m_Healer.CheckSkill(secondarySkill, 0.0, 120.0); m_Healer.CheckSkill(primarySkill, 0.0, 120.0); } }
public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info ) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; Point3D fireLoc = new Point3D( from.X + 5, from.Y + 2, from.Z ); bool deconstruct = info.IsSwitched( 2 ); bool logout = info.IsSwitched( 3 ); if( deconstruct ) { m_Bedroll.Delete(); from.AddToBackpack( new TravelTent() ); Campfire fire = new Campfire(); fire.Status = CampfireStatus.Off; fire.MoveToWorld( fireLoc, from.Map ); } if( logout ) { m_Bedroll.Delete(); if( from.Backpack != null && from.Backpack.GetAmount( typeof( TentValidator ) ) > 0 ) { from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal( typeof( TentValidator ), 1 ); } from.AddToBackpack( new TravelTent() ); Campfire fire = new Campfire(); fire.Status = CampfireStatus.Off; fire.MoveToWorld( fireLoc, from.Map ); ((PlayerMobile)from).BedrollLogout = true; state.Dispose(); } switch( info.ButtonID ) { default: case 0: { from.CloseGump( typeof( TentManagementGump ) ); break; } } }
public DecayTimer( Campfire owner ) : base(TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1 ), TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1 )) { Priority = TimerPriority.TwoFiftyMS; m_Owner = owner; m_StartTime = DateTime.Now; }
private void OnTick() { DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; TimeSpan age = now - Created; if (age >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(220.0)) // 100 { Delete(); } else if (age >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(210.0)) // 90 { Status = CampfireStatus.Off; } else if (age >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(180.0)) // 60 { Status = CampfireStatus.Extinguishing; } if (Status == CampfireStatus.Off || Deleted) { return; } foreach (CampfireEntry entry in new ArrayList(m_Entries)) { if (!entry.Valid || entry.Player.NetState == null) { RemoveEntry(entry); } else if (!entry.Safe && now - entry.Start >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60 - 45 * (entry.Player.Skills[SkillName.Camping].Value / 100))) //originally was: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30.0) { entry.Safe = true; entry.Player.SendLocalizedMessage(500621); // The camp is now secure. #region NewCamping if (!entry.Player.HasGump(typeof(CampfireGump))) { CampfireEntry cf = Campfire.GetEntry(entry.Player); if (cf != null && cf.Safe) { entry.Player.SendGump(new CampfireGump(cf, this)); } } #endregion } if (IsUpgraded) { /* * if(entry.Player.Hits < entry.Player.HitsMax) * entry.Player.Hits +=1; * if(entry.Player.Mana < entry.Player.ManaMax) * entry.Player.Mana +=1; */ Effects.SendLocationParticles(this, 0x3779, 1, 30, 1160, 3, 9502, 0); if (!entry.IsBuffed) { DoBuff(entry.Player); entry.IsBuffed = true; } } } IPooledEnumerable eable = GetClientsInRange(SecureRange); foreach (NetState state in eable) { PlayerMobile pm = state.Mobile as PlayerMobile; if (pm != null && GetEntry(pm) == null) { CampfireEntry entry = new CampfireEntry(pm, this); m_Table[pm] = entry; m_Entries.Add(entry); pm.SendLocalizedMessage(500620); // You feel it would take a few moments to secure your camp. } } eable.Free(); }
public DecayTimer( Campfire owner ) : base( TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 2.0 ) ) { Priority = TimerPriority.FiveSeconds; m_Owner = owner; }
public InternalTimer( Mobile from, Campfire campfire ) : base( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 2.5 ) ) { m_From = from; m_Campfire = campfire; }
public SecureTimer(Mobile owner, Campfire campfire) : base(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30.0)) { Priority = TimerPriority.FiveSeconds; m_campfire = campfire; m_Owner = owner; }
public InternalTimer(Mobile from, Campfire campfire) : base(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5.0)) { m_From = from; m_Campfire = campfire; }
public SecureTimer( Mobile owner , Campfire campfire) : base( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 30.0 ) ) { Priority = TimerPriority.FiveSeconds; m_campfire = campfire; m_Owner = owner; }