AddTextEntry() public method

public AddTextEntry ( int x, int y, int width, int height, int hue, int entryID, string initialText ) : void
x int
y int
width int
height int
hue int
entryID int
initialText string
return void
        // same as above but with two entries side by side and label included
        public static void AddTextEntryMinMaxLabel( Gump g, string s, int imageid, int x, int y, int hue, int entryIdMin, int entryIdMax, string initialText, int size, string name = "")
            g.AddLabel(x, y, hue, s);

            // Min
            g.AddImageTiled( (x + 10 -  (StringWitdth(s) / 2)) + 35 , y -1 , /*height*/ 52, /*width*/ 20, imageid);
            g.AddTextEntry( (x + 10 - (StringWitdth(s) / 2))+ 35 , y- 1 , 52, 20, hue, entryIdMin, "Min", size);

            // Max
            g.AddImageTiled( (x + 10 - (StringWitdth(s) / 2)) + 97 , y -1 , 52, 20, imageid);
            g.AddTextEntry( (x + 10 - (StringWitdth(s) / 2)) + 97 , y -1 , 52, 20, hue, entryIdMax, "Max", size );
        // same as above but with two entries side by side and label included
        public static void AddTextEntryMinMaxLabel(Gump g, string s, int imageid, int x, int y, int hue, int entryIdMin, int entryIdMax, string initialText, int size, string name = "")
            g.AddLabel(x, y, hue, s);

            // Min
            g.AddImageTiled((x + 10 - (StringWitdth(s) / 2)) + 35, y - 1, /*height*/ 52, /*width*/ 20, imageid);
            g.AddTextEntry((x + 10 - (StringWitdth(s) / 2)) + 35, y - 1, 52, 20, hue, entryIdMin, "Min", size);

            // Max
            g.AddImageTiled((x + 10 - (StringWitdth(s) / 2)) + 97, y - 1, 52, 20, imageid);
            g.AddTextEntry((x + 10 - (StringWitdth(s) / 2)) + 97, y - 1, 52, 20, hue, entryIdMax, "Max", size);
        // same as above but with two entries side by side and label included
        public static void AddTextEntryMinMax(Gump g, string s, int imageid, int labelX, int entryX, int y, int hue, int entryIdMin, int entryIdMax, string initialText, int size, string name = "")
            g.AddLabel(labelX, y, hue, s);

            // Min
            g.AddImageTiled(entryX - 1, y - 2, 52 + 2, 20 + 2, 9204);
            g.AddImageTiled(entryX, y - 1, /*height*/ 52, /*width*/ 20, imageid);
            g.AddTextEntry(entryX, y - 1, 52, 20, hue, entryIdMin, "Min", size);

            // Max
            g.AddImageTiled(entryX + 62 - 1, y - 2, 52 + 2, 20 + 2, 9204);
            g.AddImageTiled(entryX + 62, y - 1, 52, 20, imageid);
            g.AddTextEntry(entryX + 62, y - 1, 52, 20, hue, entryIdMax, "Max", size);
        // same as above but with two entries side by side and label included
        public static void AddTextEntryMinMax( Gump g, string s, int imageid, int labelX, int entryX , int y, int hue, int entryIdMin, int entryIdMax, string initialText, int size, string name = "")
            g.AddLabel(labelX, y, hue, s);

            // Min
            g.AddImageTiled( entryX - 1, y - 2, 52 + 2, 20 + 2, 9204);
            g.AddImageTiled( entryX, y -1 , /*height*/ 52, /*width*/ 20, imageid);
            g.AddTextEntry( entryX, y- 1 , 52, 20, hue, entryIdMin, "Min", size );

            // Max
            g.AddImageTiled( entryX + 62 - 1, y - 2, 52 + 2, 20 + 2, 9204);
            g.AddImageTiled( entryX + 62 , y -1 , 52, 20, imageid);
            g.AddTextEntry( entryX + 62 , y -1 , 52, 20, hue, entryIdMax, "Max", size );
 // text entry with tiled image background
 public static void AddTextEntryPreFab(Gump g, int imageid, int x, int y, int width, int height, int hue, int entryID, string initialText, int size, string name = "")
     g.AddImageTiled(x - 1, y - 1, width + 2, height + 2, 9204);
     g.AddImageTiled(x, y, width, height, imageid);
     g.AddTextEntry(x, y, width, height, hue, entryID, initialText, size);
 // text entry with tiled image background
 public static void AddTextEntryPreFab( Gump g, int imageid, int x, int y, int width, int height, int hue, int entryID, string initialText, int size, string name = "")
     g.AddImageTiled( x - 1, y - 1, width + 2, height + 2, 9204);
     g.AddImageTiled( x, y, width, height, imageid);
     g.AddTextEntry( x, y, width, height, hue, entryID, initialText, size );
        public override void Gump(Mobile from, Gump gump, ACCGumpParams subParams)
            gump.AddButton(195, 40, 2445, 2445, 101, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            gump.AddLabel(200, 41, 1153, "Manage System");
            gump.AddButton(310, 40, 2445, 2445, 102, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            gump.AddLabel(342, 41, 1153, "Import");

            if (subParams == null || !(subParams is PGGumpParams))
                gump.AddHtml(215, 65, 300, 25, "<basefont size=7 color=white><center>Public Gates</center></font>", false, false);
                gump.AddHtml(140, 95, 450, 250, "<basefont color=white><center>Welcome to the Public Gate Admin Gump!</center><br>With this gump, you can manage the entire system and import and export locations or full categories.  Please choose an option from the top bar.<br><br>Manage System allows you to add/change/delete locations and categories from anywhere in the world.<br><br>Im/Ex port allows you to import or export categories and locations to files that you can distribute to other servers that use this system.</font>", false, false);

            Params = subParams as PGGumpParams;

            switch ((int)Params.Page)
                #region Manage Gump Code
                case (int)Pages.Manage:
                        gump.AddBackground(640, 0, 160, 400, 5120);
                        gump.AddButton(425, 40, 2445, 2445, 123, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                        gump.AddLabel(456, 41, 1153, "Export");

                        for (int i = 0; i < m_CategoryList.Count && i < 50; i++)
                            PGCategory PGC = m_CategoryList[i];
                            if (PGC != null)
                                gump.AddButton(650, 10 + i * 30, 2501, 2501, 150 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                                gump.AddButton(655, 12 + i * 30, (Params.SelectedCategory.Key == PGC ? 5401 : 5402), (Params.SelectedCategory.Key == PGC ? 5402 : 5401), 150 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                                gump.AddLabel(675, 10 + i * 30, 1153, PGC.Name);

                        if (Params.SelectedCategory.Key != null)
                            gump.AddBackground(425, 75, 170, 285, 5120);
                            gump.AddButton(195, 65, 2445, 2445, 121, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                            gump.AddLabel(206, 66, 1153, "Add Category");
                            gump.AddButton(310, 65, 2445, 2445, 122, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                            gump.AddLabel(322, 66, 1153, "Add Location");

                            for (int i = 0, c = 0, r = 0; i < Params.SelectedCategory.Key.Locations.Count; i++)
                                PGLocation PGL = Params.SelectedCategory.Key.Locations[i];
                                if (PGL != null)
                                    gump.AddButton(120 + c * 150, 100 + r * 30, 2501, 2501, 200 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                                    gump.AddButton(125 + c * 150, 102 + r * 30, (Params.SelectedLocation.Key == PGL ? 5401 : 5402), (Params.SelectedLocation.Key == PGL ? 5402 : 5401), 200 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                                    gump.AddLabel(145 + c * 150, 100 + r * 30, 1153, PGL.Name);
                                    r += (c == 1 ? 1 : 0);
                                    c += (c == 1 ? -1 : 1);

                            if (Params.SelectedLocation.Key != null)
                                gump.AddButton(550, 265, 2642, 2643, 103, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Apply Location

                                gump.AddImage(440, 85, 2501);
                                gump.AddTextEntry(446, 85, 130, 20, 0, 105, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Name);

                                gump.AddImage(445, 110, 2443);
                                gump.AddImage(513, 110, 2443);
                                gump.AddImage(445, 135, 2443);
                                gump.AddImage(513, 135, 2443);
                                gump.AddImage(445, 160, 2443);

                                gump.AddTextEntry(450, 110, 53, 20, 0, 106, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Location.X.ToString());
                                gump.AddTextEntry(518, 110, 53, 20, 0, 107, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Location.Y.ToString());
                                gump.AddTextEntry(450, 135, 53, 20, 0, 108, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Location.Z.ToString());
                                gump.AddTextEntry(518, 135, 53, 20, 0, 109, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Hue.ToString());
                                gump.AddTextEntry(450, 160, 53, 20, 0, 110, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Cost.ToString());

                                gump.AddLabel(435, 112, 1153, "X");
                                gump.AddLabel(578, 112, 1153, "Y");
                                gump.AddLabel(435, 137, 1153, "Z");
                                gump.AddLabel(578, 137, 1153, "H");
                                gump.AddLabel(435, 162, 1153, "C");

                                gump.AddRadio(435, 190, 208, 209, (Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Map == Map.Trammel), 111);
                                gump.AddRadio(570, 190, 208, 209, (Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Map == Map.Malas), 112);
                                gump.AddRadio(435, 215, 208, 209, (Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Map == Map.Felucca), 113);
                                gump.AddRadio(570, 215, 208, 209, (Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Map == Map.Ilshenar), 114);
                                gump.AddRadio(435, 240, 208, 209, (Params.SelectedLocation.Key.Map == Map.Tokuno), 115);

                                gump.AddLabel(460, 192, 1153, "Tram");
                                gump.AddLabel(530, 192, 1153, "Malas");
                                gump.AddLabel(460, 217, 1153, "Fel");
                                gump.AddLabel(542, 217, 1153, "Ilsh");
                                gump.AddLabel(460, 242, 1153, "Tokuno");

                                gump.AddLabel(465, 282, 1153, "Young?");
                                gump.AddCheck(440, 280, 210, 211, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.Young), 120);
                                gump.AddLabel(465, 307, 1153, "Gen?");
                                gump.AddCheck(440, 305, 210, 211, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.Generate), 116);
                                gump.AddLabel(515, 307, 1153, "Staff?");
                                gump.AddCheck(565, 305, 210, 211, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.StaffOnly), 117);
                                gump.AddLabel(465, 332, 1153, "Reds?");
                                gump.AddCheck(440, 330, 210, 211, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.Reds), 118);
                                gump.AddLabel(522, 332, 1153, "Chrg?");
                                gump.AddCheck(565, 330, 210, 211, Params.SelectedLocation.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.Charge), 119);

                                gump.AddButton(550, 265, 2642, 2643, 104, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Apply Category

                                gump.AddImage(440, 110, 2501);
                                gump.AddTextEntry(446, 110, 130, 20, 0, 105, Params.SelectedCategory.Key.Name);

                                gump.AddImage(445, 160, 2443);
                                gump.AddTextEntry(450, 160, 53, 20, 0, 110, Params.SelectedCategory.Key.Cost.ToString());
                                gump.AddLabel(435, 162, 1153, "C");

                                gump.AddLabel(465, 282, 1153, "Young?");
                                gump.AddCheck(440, 280, 210, 211, Params.SelectedCategory.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.Young), 120);
                                gump.AddLabel(465, 307, 1153, "Gen?");
                                gump.AddCheck(440, 305, 210, 211, Params.SelectedCategory.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.Generate), 116);
                                gump.AddLabel(515, 307, 1153, "Staff?");
                                gump.AddCheck(565, 305, 210, 211, Params.SelectedCategory.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.StaffOnly), 117);
                                gump.AddLabel(465, 332, 1153, "Reds?");
                                gump.AddCheck(440, 330, 210, 211, Params.SelectedCategory.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.Reds), 118);
                                gump.AddLabel(522, 332, 1153, "Chrg?");
                                gump.AddCheck(565, 330, 210, 211, Params.SelectedCategory.Key.GetFlag(EntryFlag.Charge), 119);
                #endregion //Manage Gump Code

                #region Import Gump Code
                case (int)Pages.Import:
                        if (!Directory.Exists("ACC Exports"))
                            from.SendMessage("There are no files to import!");

                        gump.AddButton(195, 65, 2445, 2445, 124, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Switch to Systems
                        gump.AddLabel(220, 66, 1153, "Systems");

                        gump.AddButton(310, 65, 2445, 2445, 125, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Switch to Categories
                        gump.AddLabel(328, 66, 1153, "Categories");

                        gump.AddButton(425, 65, 2445, 2445, 126, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Switch to Locations
                        gump.AddLabel(447, 66, 1153, "Locations");
                        switch ((int)Params.ImportSelection)
                            case (int)ImportSelections.Systems: { Dirs = Directory.GetFiles("ACC Exports/", "*.pgs"); break; }
                            case (int)ImportSelections.Categories: { Dirs = Directory.GetFiles("ACC Exports/", "*.pgc"); break; }
                            case (int)ImportSelections.Locations: { Dirs = Directory.GetFiles("ACC Exports/", "*.pgl"); break; }
                            default: { return; }
                        if (Dirs == null || Dirs.Length == 0)
                            from.SendMessage("There are no files of that type!");
                        for (int i = 0, r = 0, c = 0; i < Dirs.Length && c < 3; i++)
                            string s = Dirs[i];
                            s = s.Remove(0, 12);
                            s = s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4);
                            if (Params.ImportSelection == ImportSelections.Systems)
                                s = s.Remove(0, 9);

                            gump.AddButton(120 + c * 150, 100 + r * 30, 2501, 2501, 300 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                            gump.AddLabelCropped(125 + c * 150, 101 + r * 30, 140, 30, 1153, s);

                            c += (r == 7 ? 1 : 0);
                            r += (r == 7 ? -7 : 1);
                #endregion //Import Gump Code