Inheritance: ISerializable
        public static Guild GetGuildFor( BaseGuild def, Mobile m )
            Guild g = def as Guild;

            BaseCreature c = m as BaseCreature;
            if ( c != null )
                if ( c.Controled && c.ControlMaster != null )
                    c.DisplayGuildTitle = false;

                    if ( c.Map != Map.Internal )
                        c.Guild = g = c.ControlMaster.Guild as Guild;
                        c.Guild = g = null;
                else if ( c.Summoned && c.SummonMaster != null )
                    c.DisplayGuildTitle = false;

                    if ( c.Map != Map.Internal )
                        c.Guild = g = c.SummonMaster.Guild as Guild;
                        c.Guild = g = null;

            return g;
 public override void Write( BaseGuild value )
     if ( value == null )
         Write( 0 );
         Write( value.Id );
 public abstract void Write( BaseGuild value );
 public void Clear()
     m_Guild = null;
 public GuildEntry( BaseGuild g, long pos, int length )
     m_Guild = g;
     m_Position = pos;
     m_Length = length;
		public override void OnGuildChange(BaseGuild oldGuild)
        public static BaseGuild EventSink_CreateGuild(CreateGuildEventArgs args)
            BaseGuild g = (BaseGuild)(new Guild(args.Id));

        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            if (!(sender.Mobile is PlayerMobile pm) || pm.Guild != null)
                return; // Sanity

            switch (info.ButtonID)
            case 1:
                var tName   = info.GetTextEntry(5);
                var tAbbrev = info.GetTextEntry(6);

                var guildName   = tName == null ? "" : tName.Text;
                var guildAbbrev = tAbbrev == null ? "" : tAbbrev.Text;

                guildName   = Utility.FixHtml(guildName.Trim());
                guildAbbrev = Utility.FixHtml(guildAbbrev.Trim());

                if (guildName.Length <= 0)
                    pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070884);         // Guild name cannot be blank.
                else if (guildAbbrev.Length <= 0)
                    pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070885);         // You must provide a guild abbreviation.
                else if (guildName.Length > Guild.NameLimit)
                        );     // A guild name cannot be more than ~1_val~ characters in length.
                else if (guildAbbrev.Length > Guild.AbbrevLimit)
                        );     // An abbreviation cannot exceed ~1_val~ characters in length.
                else if (BaseGuild.FindByAbbrev(guildAbbrev) != null || !BaseGuildGump.CheckProfanity(guildAbbrev))
                    pm.SendLocalizedMessage(501153);         // That abbreviation is not available.
                else if (BaseGuild.FindByName(guildName) != null || !BaseGuildGump.CheckProfanity(guildName))
                    pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063000);         // That guild name is not available.
                else if (!Banker.Withdraw(pm, Guild.RegistrationFee))
                        );     // You do not possess the ~1_val~ gold piece fee required to create a guild.
                        );                                    // ~1_AMOUNT~ gold has been withdrawn from your bank box.
                    pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063238);         // Your new guild has been founded.
                    pm.Guild = new Guild(pm, guildName, guildAbbrev);


            case 2:
                pm.AcceptGuildInvites = !pm.AcceptGuildInvites;

                if (pm.AcceptGuildInvites)
                    pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070699);         // You are now accepting guild invitations.
                    pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070698);         // You are now ignoring guild invitations.

 public virtual void OnGuildChange( BaseGuild oldGuild )
        public virtual void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            switch ( version )
                case 28:
                    m_LastStatGain = reader.ReadDeltaTime();

                    goto case 27;
                case 27:
                    m_TithingPoints = reader.ReadInt();

                    goto case 26;
                case 26:
                case 25:
                case 24:
                    m_Corpse = reader.ReadItem() as Container;

                    goto case 23;
                case 23:
                    m_CreationTime = reader.ReadDateTime();

                    goto case 22;
                case 22: // Just removed followers
                case 21:
                    m_Stabled = reader.ReadMobileListOrNull();

                    goto case 20;
                case 20:
                    m_CantWalk = reader.ReadBool();

                    goto case 19;
                case 19: // Just removed variables
                case 18:
                    m_Virtues = VirtueInfo.Deserialize( reader );

                    goto case 17;
                case 17:
                    m_Thirst = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_BAC = reader.ReadInt();

                    goto case 16;
                case 16:
                    m_ShortTermMurders = reader.ReadInt();

                    if ( version <= 24 )

                    goto case 15;
                case 15:
                    if ( version < 22 )
                        reader.ReadInt(); // followers

                    m_FollowersMax = reader.ReadInt();

                    goto case 14;
                case 14:
                    m_MagicDamageAbsorb = reader.ReadInt();

                    goto case 13;
                case 13:
                    m_GuildFealty = reader.ReadMobile();

                    goto case 12;
                case 12:
                    m_Guild = reader.ReadGuild();

                    goto case 11;
                case 11:
                    m_DisplayGuildTitle = reader.ReadBool();

                    goto case 10;
                case 10:
                    m_CanSwim = reader.ReadBool();

                    goto case 9;
                case 9:
                    m_Squelched = reader.ReadBool();

                    goto case 8;
                case 8:
                    m_Holding = reader.ReadItem();

                    goto case 7;
                case 7:
                    m_VirtualArmor = reader.ReadInt();

                    goto case 6;
                case 6:
                    m_BaseSoundID = reader.ReadInt();

                    goto case 5;
                case 5:
                    m_DisarmReady = reader.ReadBool();
                    m_StunReady = reader.ReadBool();

                    goto case 4;
                case 4:
                    if ( version <= 25 )
                        Poison.Deserialize( reader );

                        /*if ( m_Poison != null )
                            m_PoisonTimer = new PoisonTimer( this );

                    goto case 3;
                case 3:
                    m_StatCap = reader.ReadInt();

                    goto case 2;
                case 2:
                    m_NameHue = reader.ReadInt();

                    goto case 1;
                case 1:
                    m_Hunger = reader.ReadInt();

                    goto case 0;
                case 0:
                    if ( version < 11 )
                        m_DisplayGuildTitle = true;

                    if ( version < 3 )
                        m_StatCap = 225;

                    if ( version < 15 )
                        m_Followers = 0;
                        m_FollowersMax = 5;

                    m_Location = reader.ReadPoint3D();
                    m_Body = new Body( reader.ReadInt() );
                    m_Name = reader.ReadString();
                    if (m_Name != null)
                        m_Name = string.Intern(m_Name);
                    m_GuildTitle = reader.ReadString();
                    m_Criminal = reader.ReadBool();
                    m_Kills = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_SpeechHue = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_EmoteHue = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_WhisperHue = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_YellHue = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Language = reader.ReadString();
                    if (m_Language != null)
                        m_Language = string.Intern(m_Language);
                    m_Female = reader.ReadBool();
                    m_Warmode = reader.ReadBool();
                    m_Hidden = reader.ReadBool();
                    m_Direction = (Direction) reader.ReadByte();
                    m_Hue = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Str = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Dex = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Int = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Hits = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Stam = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Mana = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Map = reader.ReadMap();
                    m_Blessed = reader.ReadBool();
                    m_Fame = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Karma = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_AccessLevel = (AccessLevel) reader.ReadByte();

                    m_Skills = new Skills( this, reader );

                    int itemCount = reader.ReadInt();

                    m_Items = new ArrayList( itemCount );

                    for ( int i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i )
                        Item item = reader.ReadItem();

                        if ( item != null )
                            m_Items.Add( item );

                    m_Player = reader.ReadBool();
                    m_Title = reader.ReadString();
                    if (m_Title != null)
                        m_Title = string.Intern(m_Title);
                    m_Profile = reader.ReadString();
                    m_ProfileLocked = reader.ReadBool();
                    if ( version <= 18 )
                        /*m_LightLevel =*/ reader.ReadInt();
                        /*m_TotalGold =*/ reader.ReadInt();
                        /*m_TotalWeight =*/ reader.ReadInt();
                    m_AutoPageNotify = reader.ReadBool();

                    m_LogoutLocation = reader.ReadPoint3D();
                    m_LogoutMap = reader.ReadMap();

                    m_StrLock = (StatLockType)reader.ReadByte();
                    m_DexLock = (StatLockType)reader.ReadByte();
                    m_IntLock = (StatLockType)reader.ReadByte();

                    if ( reader.ReadBool() )
                        m_StuckMenuUses = new DateTime[reader.ReadInt()];

                        for ( int i = 0; i < m_StuckMenuUses.Length; ++i )
                            m_StuckMenuUses[i] = reader.ReadDateTime();
                        m_StuckMenuUses = null;

                    if ( m_Player && m_Map != Map.Internal )
                        m_LogoutLocation = m_Location;
                        m_LogoutMap = m_Map;

                        m_Map = Map.Internal;

                    if ( m_Map != null )
                        m_Map.OnEnter( this );

                    if ( m_Criminal )
                        if ( m_ExpireCriminal == null )
                            m_ExpireCriminal = new ExpireCriminalTimer( this );


                    if ( ShouldCheckStatTimers )

                    if ( !m_Player && m_Dex <= 100 && m_CombatTimer != null )
                        m_CombatTimer.Priority = TimerPriority.FiftyMS;
                    else if ( m_CombatTimer != null )
                        m_CombatTimer.Priority = TimerPriority.EveryTick;

                    m_Region = Region.Find( m_Location, m_Map );

                    m_Region.InternalEnter( this );


		public override void OnGuildChange(BaseGuild oldGuild)
		    EventSink.InvokeMobileInvalidate( new MobileInvalidateEventArgs( this) );
        public virtual void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            switch ( version )
                case 36:
                case 35:
                case 34:
                        byte hairflag = reader.ReadByte();

                        if ( ( hairflag & 0x01 ) != 0 )
                            m_Hair = new HairInfo( reader );

                        if ( ( hairflag & 0x02 ) != 0 )
                            m_FacialHair = new FacialHairInfo( reader );

                        m_InstanceID = reader.ReadInt();

                        m_Race = reader.ReadRace();

                        if ( version < 36 )

                        m_TithingPoints = reader.ReadInt();

                        m_Corpse = reader.ReadItem() as Container;

                        m_CreationTime = reader.ReadDateTime();

                        m_Stabled = reader.ReadStrongMobileList();

                        m_CantWalk = reader.ReadBool();

                        m_Virtues = new VirtueInfo( reader );

                        m_Thirst = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_BAC = reader.ReadInt();

                        m_ShortTermMurders = reader.ReadInt();

                        if ( version < 35 )

                        m_MagicDamageAbsorb = reader.ReadInt();

                        m_GuildFealty = reader.ReadMobile();
                        m_Guild = reader.ReadGuild();
                        m_DisplayGuildTitle = reader.ReadBool();

                        m_CanSwim = reader.ReadBool();

                        m_Squelched = reader.ReadBool();

                        m_Holding = reader.ReadItem();

                        m_BaseSoundID = reader.ReadInt();

                        m_DisarmReady = reader.ReadBool();
                        m_StunReady = reader.ReadBool();

                        m_StatCap = reader.ReadInt();

                        m_NameHue = reader.ReadInt();

                        m_Hunger = reader.ReadInt();

                        m_Location = reader.ReadPoint3D();
                        m_Body = new Body( reader.ReadInt() );
                        m_Name = reader.ReadString();
                        if ( m_Name != null )
                            m_Name = string.Intern( m_Name );
                        m_GuildTitle = reader.ReadString();
                        m_Criminal = reader.ReadBool();
                        m_Kills = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_SpeechHue = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_EmoteHue = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_WhisperHue = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_YellHue = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Language = reader.ReadString();
                        if ( m_Language != null )
                            m_Language = string.Intern( m_Language );
                        m_Female = reader.ReadBool();
                        m_Warmode = reader.ReadBool();
                        m_Hidden = reader.ReadBool();
                        m_Direction = (Direction) reader.ReadByte();
                        m_Hue = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Str = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Dex = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Int = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Hits = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Stam = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Mana = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Map = reader.ReadMap();
                        m_Blessed = reader.ReadBool();
                        m_Fame = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Karma = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_AccessLevel = (AccessLevel) reader.ReadByte();

                        m_Skills = new Skills( this, reader );

                        int itemCount = reader.ReadInt();

                        m_EquippedItems = new List<Item>( itemCount );

                        for ( int i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i )
                            Item item = reader.ReadItem();

                            if ( item != null )
                                m_EquippedItems.Add( item );

                        m_IsPlayer = reader.ReadBool();
                        m_Title = reader.ReadString();
                        if ( m_Title != null )
                            m_Title = string.Intern( m_Title );
                        m_Profile = reader.ReadString();
                        m_ProfileLocked = reader.ReadBool();

                        m_AutoPageNotify = reader.ReadBool();

                        m_LogoutLocation = reader.ReadPoint3D();
                        m_LogoutMap = reader.ReadMap();

                        m_StrLock = (StatLockType) reader.ReadByte();
                        m_DexLock = (StatLockType) reader.ReadByte();
                        m_IntLock = (StatLockType) reader.ReadByte();

                        m_StatMods = new List<StatMod>();

                        if ( reader.ReadBool() )
                            m_StuckMenuUses = new DateTime[reader.ReadInt()];

                            for ( int i = 0; i < m_StuckMenuUses.Length; ++i )
                                m_StuckMenuUses[i] = reader.ReadDateTime();
                            m_StuckMenuUses = null;

                        if ( m_IsPlayer && m_Map != Map.Internal )
                            m_LogoutLocation = m_Location;
                            m_LogoutMap = m_Map;

                            m_Map = Map.Internal;

                        if ( m_Map != null )
                            m_Map.OnEnter( this );

                        if ( m_Criminal )
                            if ( m_ExpireCriminal == null )
                                m_ExpireCriminal = new ExpireCriminalTimer( this );


                        if ( ShouldCheckStatTimers )



        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            var pm = sender.Mobile as PlayerMobile;

            if (pm == null || pm.Guild != null)
                return;                 //Sanity

            switch (info.ButtonID)
            case 1:
                TextRelay tName   = info.GetTextEntry(5);
                TextRelay tAbbrev = info.GetTextEntry(6);

                string guildName   = (tName == null) ? "" : tName.Text;
                string guildAbbrev = (tAbbrev == null) ? "" : tAbbrev.Text;

                guildName   = Utility.FixHtml(guildName.Trim());
                guildAbbrev = Utility.FixHtml(guildAbbrev.Trim());

                Type cType = pm.Expansion == Expansion.T2A ? typeof(Silver) : typeof(Gold);

                if (guildName.Length <= 0)
                    pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070884);                                     // Guild name cannot be blank.
                else if (guildAbbrev.Length <= 0)
                    pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1070885);                                     // You must provide a guild abbreviation.
                else if (guildName.Length > Guild.NameLimit)
                    pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063036, Guild.NameLimit.ToString("#,0"));
                    // A guild name cannot be more than ~1_val~ characters in length.
                else if (guildAbbrev.Length > Guild.AbbrevLimit)
                    pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063037, Guild.AbbrevLimit.ToString("#,0"));
                    // An abbreviation cannot exceed ~1_val~ characters in length.
                else if (BaseGuild.FindByAbbrev(guildAbbrev) != null || !BaseGuildGump.CheckProfanity(guildAbbrev))
                    pm.SendLocalizedMessage(501153);                                     // That abbreviation is not available.
                else if (BaseGuild.FindByName(guildName) != null || !BaseGuildGump.CheckProfanity(guildName))
                    pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063000);                                     // That guild name is not available.
                else if (!Banker.Withdraw(pm, cType, Guild.RegistrationFee))
                        "You do not possess the {0:#,0} {1} fee required to create a guild.", Guild.RegistrationFee, cType.Name);
                    pm.SendMessage("{0:#,0} {1} has been withdrawn from your bank box.", Guild.RegistrationFee, cType.Name);

                    pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1063238);                                     // Your new guild has been founded.
                    pm.Guild = new Guild(pm, guildName, guildAbbrev);

            case 2:
                pm.AcceptGuildInvites = !pm.AcceptGuildInvites;

                // You are now accepting guild invitations. : You are now ignoring guild invitations.
                pm.SendLocalizedMessage(pm.AcceptGuildInvites ? 1070699 : 1070698);
		public virtual void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
			int version = reader.ReadInt();

			switch (version)
				case 31:
						m_STRBonusCap = reader.ReadInt();
						goto case 30;
				case 30:
						int size = reader.ReadInt32();
						FlyIDs = new int[size];

						for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
							FlyIDs[i] = reader.ReadInt();
						goto case 29;
				case 29:
						m_CanFly = reader.ReadBool();
						goto case 28;

				case 28:
						m_LastStatGain = reader.ReadDeltaTime();

						goto case 27;
				case 27:
						m_Flags = (MobileFlags)reader.ReadInt32();

						goto case 26;
				case 26:
				case 25:
				case 24:
						m_Corpse = reader.ReadItem() as Container;

						goto case 23;
				case 23:
						m_CreationTime = reader.ReadDateTime();

						goto case 22;
				case 22: // Just removed followers
				case 21:
						m_Stabled = reader.ReadMobileList();

						goto case 20;
				case 20:
						m_CantWalk = reader.ReadBool();

						goto case 19;
				case 19: // Just removed variables
				case 18:
						m_Virtues = new VirtueInfo(reader);

						goto case 17;
				case 17:
						m_Thirst = reader.ReadInt32();
						m_BAC = reader.ReadInt32();

						goto case 16;
				case 16:
						m_ShortTermMurders = reader.ReadInt32();

						if (version <= 24)

						goto case 15;
				case 15:
						if (version < 22)
							reader.ReadInt(); // followers

						m_FollowersMax = reader.ReadInt32();

						goto case 14;
				case 14:
						m_MagicDamageAbsorb = reader.ReadInt32();

						goto case 13;
				case 13:
						m_GuildFealty = reader.ReadMobile();

						goto case 12;
				case 12:
						m_Guild = reader.ReadGuild();

						goto case 11;
				case 11:
						m_DisplayGuildTitle = reader.ReadBool();

						goto case 10;
				case 10:
						m_CanSwim = reader.ReadBool();

						goto case 9;
				case 9:
						m_Squelched = reader.ReadBool();

						goto case 8;
				case 8:
						m_Holding = reader.ReadItem();

						goto case 7;
				case 7:
						m_VirtualArmor = reader.ReadInt32();

						goto case 6;
				case 6:
						m_BaseSoundID = reader.ReadInt32();

						goto case 5;
				case 5:
						m_DisarmReady = reader.ReadBool();
						m_StunReady = reader.ReadBool();

						goto case 4;
				case 4:
						if (version <= 25)

							/*if ( m_Poison != null )
								m_PoisonTimer = new PoisonTimer( this );

						goto case 3;
				case 3:
						m_StatCap = reader.ReadInt32();

						goto case 2;
				case 2:
						m_NameHue = reader.ReadInt32();

						goto case 1;
				case 1:
						m_Hunger = reader.ReadInt32();

						goto case 0;
				case 0:
						if (version < 21)
							m_Stabled = new ArrayList();

						if (version < 18)
							m_Virtues = new VirtueInfo();

						if (version < 11)
							m_DisplayGuildTitle = true;

						if (version < 3)
							m_StatCap = 225;

						if (version < 15)
							m_Followers = 0;
							m_FollowersMax = 5;

						m_Location = reader.ReadPoint3D();
						m_Body = new Body(reader.ReadInt32());
						m_Name = reader.ReadString();
						m_GuildTitle = reader.ReadString();
						m_Criminal = reader.ReadBool();
						m_Kills = reader.ReadInt32();
						m_SpeechHue = reader.ReadInt32();
						m_EmoteHue = reader.ReadInt32();
						m_WhisperHue = reader.ReadInt32();
						m_YellHue = reader.ReadInt32();
						m_Language = reader.ReadString();
						m_Female = reader.ReadBool();
						m_Warmode = reader.ReadBool();
						m_Hidden = reader.ReadBool();
						m_Direction = (Direction)reader.ReadByte();
						m_Hue = reader.ReadInt32();
						m_Str = reader.ReadInt32();
						m_Dex = reader.ReadInt32();
						m_Int = reader.ReadInt32();
						m_Hits = reader.ReadInt32();
						m_Stam = reader.ReadInt32();
						m_Mana = reader.ReadInt32();
						m_Map = reader.ReadMap();
						m_Blessed = reader.ReadBool();
						m_Fame = reader.ReadInt32();
						m_Karma = reader.ReadInt32();
						m_AccessLevel = (AccessLevel)reader.ReadByte();

						// Convert old bonus caps to 'no cap'
						if (version < 31)
							m_STRBonusCap = 0;

						// Convert old access levels to new access levels
						if (version < 31)
							switch (m_AccessLevel)
								case (AccessLevel)0: //OldPlayer = 0,
										m_AccessLevel = AccessLevel.Player;
								case (AccessLevel)1: //OldCounselor = 1,
										m_AccessLevel = AccessLevel.Counselor;
								case (AccessLevel)2: //OldGameMaster = 2,
										m_AccessLevel = AccessLevel.GameMaster;
								case (AccessLevel)3: //OldSeer = 3,
										m_AccessLevel = AccessLevel.Seer;
								case (AccessLevel)4: //OldAdministrator = 4,
										m_AccessLevel = AccessLevel.Administrator;

						m_Skills = new Skills(this, reader);

						int itemCount = reader.ReadInt32();

						m_Items = new ArrayList(itemCount);

						for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i)
							Item item = reader.ReadItem();

							if (item != null)

						m_Player = reader.ReadBool();
						m_Title = reader.ReadString();
						m_Profile = reader.ReadString();
						m_ProfileLocked = reader.ReadBool();
						if (version <= 18)
							/*m_LightLevel =*/
							/*m_TotalGold =*/
							/*m_TotalWeight =*/
						m_AutoPageNotify = reader.ReadBool();

						m_LogoutLocation = reader.ReadPoint3D();
						m_LogoutMap = reader.ReadMap();

						m_StrLock = (StatLockType)reader.ReadByte();
						m_DexLock = (StatLockType)reader.ReadByte();
						m_IntLock = (StatLockType)reader.ReadByte();

						m_StatMods = new ArrayList();

						if (reader.ReadBool())
							m_StuckMenuUses = new DateTime[reader.ReadInt32()];

							for (int i = 0; i < m_StuckMenuUses.Length; ++i)
								m_StuckMenuUses[i] = reader.ReadDateTime();
							m_StuckMenuUses = null;

						if (m_Player && m_Map != Map.Internal)
							m_LogoutLocation = m_Location;
							m_LogoutMap = m_Map;

							m_Map = Map.Internal;

						if (m_Map != null)

						if (m_Criminal)
							if (m_ExpireCriminal == null)
								m_ExpireCriminal = new ExpireCriminalTimer(this);


						if (ShouldCheckStatTimers)

						if (!m_Player && m_Dex <= 100 && m_CombatTimer != null)
							m_CombatTimer.Priority = TimerPriority.FiftyMS;
						else if (m_CombatTimer != null)
							m_CombatTimer.Priority = TimerPriority.EveryTick;

						m_Region = Region.Find(m_Location, m_Map);




			//Pix: special logic to ensure the DefensiveSpell lock in m_Actions exists if it should
			//Note protection is a different beast since there are timers that control
			// BeginAction/EndAction -- protection effects aren't serialized.
			if (MagicDamageAbsorb > 0 || MeleeDamageAbsorb > 0)
 public AllianceChatEventArgs(Mobile mob, BaseGuild guild, string speech)
     m_Mobile = mob;
     m_Guild = guild;
     m_Speech = speech;