        private void MakeGump()
            this.Closable   = true;
            this.Disposable = true;
            this.Dragable   = true;
            this.Resizable  = false;

            bool active = JailSystem.IsActive(m_Jail);


            this.AddBackground(0, 0, 600, 400, 9250);
            this.AddAlphaRegion(15, 15, 570, 370);

            // Title
            this.AddLabel(20, 20, RedHue, @"Jail Record Review");

            // Status
            this.AddLabel(290, 20, LabelHue, @"Status:");
            int    statusHue = GreenHue;
            string status    = "Active";

            if (m_Jail.Account == null)
                statusHue = RedHue;
                status    = "Account Deleted";
            else if (m_Jail.Account.Banned)
                statusHue = RedHue;
                status    = "Account Banned";
            else if (m_Jail.Expired)
                statusHue = GreenHue;
                status    = "Expired";

            this.AddLabel(350, 20, statusHue, status);

            // History Record
            this.AddImageTiled(19, 39, 562, 52, 3604);
            this.AddAlphaRegion(20, 40, 560, 50);
            this.AddHtml(20, 40, 560, 50, string.Format("<basefont color=#CCCCCC>{0}", m_Jail.HistoryRecord), false, false);

            // Player
            this.AddLabel(40, 90, LabelHue, @"Player:");

            if (m_Jail.Mobile != null)
                // Player Props: Button 1
                if (m_User.AccessLevel >= JailSystem.m_JailLevel)
                    if (m_User.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Lead)
                        this.AddButton(19, 93, 5601, 5605, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    this.AddLabel(90, 90, GreenHue, m_Jail.Mobile.Name);
                this.AddLabel(90, 90, RedHue, "Not Available");

            // Account
            this.AddLabel(310, 90, LabelHue, @"Account:");

            if (m_Jail.Account != null)
                // Account Information: Button 2
                if (m_User.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Administrator)
                    this.AddButton(290, 93, 5601, 5605, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                this.AddLabel(370, 90, GreenHue, m_Jail.Account.Username);
                this.AddLabel(370, 90, RedHue, "Deleted");

            if (active)
                // Jail Duration
                this.AddLabel(20, 120, LabelHue, "Jail Duration:");

                // Days: Text 0
                this.AddLabel(160, 120, LabelHue, @"Days");
                this.AddImageTiled(114, 119, 42, 22, 5154);
                this.AddAlphaRegion(115, 120, 40, 20);
                this.AddTextEntry(125, 120, 20, 20, LabelHue, 0, m_Jail.Duration.Days.ToString());

                // Hours: Text 1
                this.AddLabel(240, 120, LabelHue, @"Hours");
                this.AddImageTiled(194, 119, 42, 22, 5154);
                this.AddAlphaRegion(195, 120, 40, 20);
                this.AddTextEntry(205, 120, 20, 20, LabelHue, 1, m_Jail.Duration.Hours.ToString());

                // Update Jail Duration: Button 7
                if (m_User.AccessLevel >= JailSystem.m_JailLevel)
                    this.AddButton(290, 120, 4005, 4006, 7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    this.AddLabel(330, 120, LabelHue, @"Update jail duration");

                // Auto Release
                this.AddLabel(20, 150, LabelHue, @"Auto Release:");
                this.AddLabel(160, 150, m_Jail.AutoRelease ? GreenHue : RedHue, m_Jail.AutoRelease ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");

                // Toggle Auto Release: Button 3
                if (m_User.AccessLevel >= JailSystem.m_JailLevel)
                    this.AddButton(290, 150, 4005, 4006, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    this.AddLabel(330, 150, LabelHue, string.Format("Turn {0} auto release", m_Jail.AutoRelease ? "off" : "on"));

                // Full Account Jail
                this.AddLabel(20, 180, LabelHue, @"Full Account Jail:");
                this.AddLabel(160, 180, m_Jail.FullJail ? GreenHue : RedHue, m_Jail.FullJail ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");

                // Full Account Jail toggle: Button 4
                if (m_Jail.Mobile != null || (!m_Jail.FullJail))
                    if (m_User.AccessLevel >= JailSystem.m_JailLevel)
                        this.AddLabel(330, 180, LabelHue, string.Format("Turn {0} full account jail", m_Jail.FullJail ? "off" : "on"));
                        this.AddButton(290, 180, 4005, 4006, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                // New comment: Text 2
                this.AddLabel(290, 210, LabelHue, @"New comment");
                this.AddImageTiled(289, 229, 292, 102, 5154);
                this.AddAlphaRegion(290, 230, 290, 100);
                this.AddTextEntry(290, 230, 290, 100, LabelHue, 2, @"");

                // Add comment: Button 5
                this.AddLabel(330, 335, LabelHue, @"Add comment");
                this.AddButton(290, 335, 4011, 4012, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                // Unjail: Button 6
                if (m_User.AccessLevel >= JailSystem.m_JailLevel)
                    this.AddLabel(330, 360, LabelHue, @"Unjail");
                    this.AddButton(290, 360, 4002, 4003, 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                this.AddLabel(20, 120, LabelHue, "This jailing has expired and cannot be modified");

            // Comments
            string html = "";

            if (m_Jail.Comments.Count == 0)
                html = "There are no comments";
                foreach (string comment in m_Jail.Comments)
                    html += string.Format("{0}<br>", comment);

            this.AddLabel(20, 210, LabelHue, @"Comments:");
            this.AddImageTiled(19, 229, 262, 152, 3604);
            this.AddAlphaRegion(20, 230, 260, 150);
            this.AddHtml(20, 230, 260, 150, html, false, true);

            if (m_User.AccessLevel >= JailSystem.m_HistoryLevel && m_Jail.Account != null)
                // History: Button 8
                this.AddButton(450, 335, 4029, 4030, 8, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                this.AddLabel(490, 335, LabelHue, @"History");

            // Close: button 0
            this.AddButton(450, 360, 4023, 4024, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            this.AddLabel(490, 360, LabelHue, @"Close");