        public SentinelSelarin() : base()
            Name  = "Sentinel Selarin";
            Id    = 3694;
            Model = 1982;
            Level = RandomLevel(19, 20);
            SetDamage(1f + 3f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level);
            AttackSpeed    = 2000;
            Armor          = 40 * Level;
            Block          = 2 * Level;
            Flags1         = 0x08400046;
            NpcFlags       = 0;
            ResistFire     = 0;
            ResistFrost    = 0;
            ResistHoly     = 0;
            ResistNature   = 0;
            ResistShadow   = 0;
            Str            = (int)(Level / 1.5f);
            BoundingRadius = 0.3077550f;
            CombatReach    = 1.500f;
            Speed          = 3.2f;
            WalkSpeed      = 3.2f;
            RunSpeed       = 6.2f;
            Faction        = Factions.Darnasus;

            NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
            Size    = 1f;
            //Equip( new Item( 7437, InventoryTypes.TwoHanded, 2, 6, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0 ));
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(DarnassusGuardsDrops.SentinelSelarin, 100f),
                                         new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f) };
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 450, 19);
        public YoungSawtoothCrocolisk() : base()
            Name  = "Young Sawtooth Crocolisk";
            Id    = 1084;
            Model = 814;
            Level = RandomLevel(35, 36);
            SetDamage(36f, 56f);
            AttackSpeed = 2125;
            Armor       = 1070;
            BaseMana    = 0;
            ManaType    = 1;

            BoundingRadius = 1.33f;
            CombatReach    = 1f;
            Size           = 1f;
            Speed          = 5f;
            WalkSpeed      = 5f;
            RunSpeed       = 8f;
            Faction        = Factions.Monster;
            AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
            NpcType        = 1;
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 1266, 35);
            SkinLoot = new Loot[] { new Loot(typeof(HeavyHide), 0.81f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(HeavyLeather), 41.67f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(ThickLeather), 11.59f) };
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrocoliskDrops.SawtoothCrocolisk, 100.0f) };
 public MaStonefield() : base()
     Name  = "Ma Stonefield";
     Id    = 244;
     Model = 3330;
     Level = RandomLevel(3);
     SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
     AttackSpeed    = 1500;
     Armor          = 20;
     Block          = 0;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     Flags1         = 0x08480046;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 0.420f;
     CombatReach    = 1.2f;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 2.9f;
     WalkSpeed      = 2.9f;
     RunSpeed       = 5.9f;
     Str            = (int)(Level / 2.5f);
     Faction        = Factions.Stormwind;
     AIEngine       = new StandingNpcAI(this);
     NpcType        = 7;
     NpcFlags       = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     //Equip( new Item( 12236, InventoryTypes.MainGauche, 2, 4, 2, 7, 0, 0, 0 ) );
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) };
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 60, 3);
        public SawtoothSnapper() : base()
            Name  = "Sawtooth Snapper";
            Id    = 1087;
            Model = 815;
            Level = RandomLevel(41, 42);
            SetDamage(42f, 65f);
            AttackSpeed = 2190;
            Armor       = 1230;
            BaseMana    = 0;
            ManaType    = 1;

            BoundingRadius = 1.4f;
            CombatReach    = 1f;
            Size           = 1f;
            Speed          = 5f;
            WalkSpeed      = 5f;
            RunSpeed       = 8f;
            Faction        = Factions.Monster;
            AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
            NpcType        = 1;
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 1460, 41);
            SkinLoot = new Loot[] { new Loot(typeof(HeavyHide), 0.72f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(HeavyLeather), 23.10f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(ThickHide), 1.44f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(ThickLeather), 26.71f) };
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrocoliskDrops.SawtoothSnapper, 100.0f) };
        public SnapjawCrocolisk() : base()
            Name  = "Snapjaw Crocolisk";
            Id    = 1152;
            Model = 833;
            Level = RandomLevel(35, 36);
            SetDamage(36f, 56f);
            AttackSpeed = 2155;
            Armor       = 1080;
            BaseMana    = 0;
            ManaType    = 1;

            BoundingRadius = 1.43f;
            CombatReach    = 1f;
            Size           = 1f;
            Speed          = 5f;
            WalkSpeed      = 5f;
            RunSpeed       = 8f;
            Faction        = Factions.Monster;
            AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
            NpcType        = 1;
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 1266, 35);
            SkinLoot = new Loot[] { new Loot(typeof(HeavyLeather), 29.36f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(MediumLeather), 23.85f) };
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrocoliskDrops.SnapjawCrocolisk, 100.0f) };
        public LargeLochCrocolisk() : base()
            Name  = "Large Loch Crocolisk";
            Id    = 2476;
            Model = 831;
            Level = RandomLevel(22, 23);
            SetDamage(22f, 36f);
            AttackSpeed = 2050;
            Armor       = 690;
            BaseMana    = 0;
            ManaType    = 1;

            BaseMana       = 0;
            BoundingRadius = 1.3f;
            CombatReach    = 1f;
            Size           = 1f;
            Speed          = 5f;
            WalkSpeed      = 5f;
            RunSpeed       = 8f;
            Faction        = Factions.Monster;
            AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
            NpcType        = 1;
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 845, 22);
            SkinLoot = new Loot[] { new Loot(typeof(LightHide), 0.50f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(LightLeather), 3.75f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(MediumLeather), 4.00f) };
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrocoliskDrops.LargeLochCrocolisk, 100.0f) };
        public RiverCrocolisk() : base()
            Name  = "River Crocolisk";
            Id    = 1150;
            Model = 1039;
            Level = RandomLevel(30, 31);
            SetDamage(31f, 48f);
            AttackSpeed = 2100;
            Armor       = 930;
            BaseMana    = 0;
            ManaType    = 1;

            BoundingRadius = 1.33f;
            CombatReach    = 1f;
            Size           = 1f;
            Speed          = 5f;
            WalkSpeed      = 5f;
            RunSpeed       = 8f;
            Faction        = Factions.Monster;
            AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
            NpcType        = 1;
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 1072, 30);
            SkinLoot = new Loot[] { new Loot(typeof(HeavyLeather), 10.94f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(MediumLeather), 40.63f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(ThickLeather), 3.73f) };
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrocoliskDrops.RiverCrocolisk, 100.0f) };
 public SenirWhitebeard() : base()
     Name  = "Senir Whitebeard";
     Id    = 1252;
     Model = 1376;
     Level = RandomLevel(9);
     SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
     AttackSpeed    = 1500;
     Armor          = 150;
     Block          = 0;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     Flags1         = 0x08480046;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 0.420f;
     CombatReach    = 1.2f;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 2.9f;
     WalkSpeed      = 2.9f;
     RunSpeed       = 5.9f;
     Str            = (int)(Level / 2.5f);
     Faction        = Factions.IronForge;
     AIEngine       = new StandingNpcAI(this);
     NpcType        = 7;
     NpcFlags       = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     Equip(new Item(24595, InventoryTypes.MainGauche, 2, 14, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) };
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 160, 9);
 public GordokMauler() : base()
     Name         = "Gordok Mauler";
     Id           = 11442;
     Model        = 12473;
     Level        = RandomLevel(53, 54);
     ResistArcane = Level;
     ResistFire   = Level;
     ResistFrost  = Level;
     ResistHoly   = Level;
     ResistNature = Level;
     ResistShadow = Level;
     Str          = (int)(Level * 4.85f);
     NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Armor        = (int)(Level * 29.2);
     Block        = Level;
     SetDamage(1f + 3.5f * Level, 1f + 4.0 * Level);
     ManaType       = 0;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     BoundingRadius = 1.0f;
     CombatReach    = 3.3f;
     Size           = 2.2f;
     Speed          = 2.9f;
     WalkSpeed      = 2.9f;
     RunSpeed       = 5.9f;
     Faction        = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Flags1         = 0x080000;
     Elite          = 1;
     //Equip( new Item ( 3385, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 7415, 53);
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(GordokDrops.GordokMauler, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(DropsME.MoneyElite1, 100f) };
      public SentinelKeldaraSunblade() : base()
          Name  = "Sentinel Keldara Sunblade";
          Id    = 8397;
          Model = 7603;
          Level = RandomLevel(44);
          SetDamage(1f + 3f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level);
          AttackSpeed    = 2000;
          Armor          = 40 * Level;
          Block          = 2 * Level;
          Flags1         = 0x0480006;
          NpcFlags       = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
          ResistFire     = 0;
          ResistFrost    = 0;
          ResistHoly     = 0;
          ResistNature   = 0;
          ResistShadow   = 0;
          Str            = (int)(Level / 1.5f);
          BoundingRadius = 0.3077550f;
          CombatReach    = 1.500f;
          Speed          = 3.25f;
          WalkSpeed      = 3.25f;
          RunSpeed       = 6.25f;
          Faction        = Factions.Darnasus;

          NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
          Size    = 1f;
          Equip(new Item(8377, InventoryTypes.MainGauche, 2, 0, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0));                 //, new Item( 8106, InventoryTypes.Ranged, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ));
          Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(DarnassusGuardsDrops.SentinelKeldaraSunblade, 100f),
                                       new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyD, 100f) };
          BCAddon.Hp(this, 1990, 44);
 public Mathiel() : base()
     Name  = "Mathiel";
     Id    = 6142;
     Model = 5083;
     Level = RandomLevel(33);
     SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     Armor          = Level * 15;
     Block          = 0;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     Flags1         = 0x08480046;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 0.420f;
     CombatReach    = 2.5f;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 2.9f;
     WalkSpeed      = 2.9f;
     RunSpeed       = 5.9f;
     Str            = (int)(Level / 2.5f);
     Faction        = Factions.Alliance;
     AIEngine       = new StandingNpcAI(this);
     NpcType        = 7;
     NpcFlags       = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     Equip(new Item(7838, InventoryTypes.MainGauche, 2, 4, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f) };
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 486, 33);
        public SentinelKyraStarsong() : base()
            Name  = "Sentinel Kyra Starsong";
            Id    = 2081;
            Model = 1682;
            Level = RandomLevel(12);
            SetDamage(1f + 3f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level);
            AttackSpeed    = 1000;
            Armor          = 40 * Level;
            Block          = 2 * Level;
            Flags1         = 0x08480046;
            NpcFlags       = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
            ResistFire     = 0;
            ResistFrost    = 0;
            ResistHoly     = 0;
            ResistNature   = 0;
            ResistShadow   = 0;
            Str            = (int)(Level / 1.5f);
            BoundingRadius = 0.3077550f;
            CombatReach    = 1.500f;
            Speed          = 3.3f;
            WalkSpeed      = 3.3f;
            RunSpeed       = 6.3f;
            Faction        = Factions.Darnasus;

            NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
            Size    = 1f;
            Equip(new Item(7420, InventoryTypes.MainGauche, 2, 7, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0));
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(DarnassusGuardsDrops.SentinelKyraStarsong, 100f),
                                         new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) };
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 375, 12);
      public AuberdineSentinel() : base()
          Name  = "Auberdine Sentinel";
          Id    = 6086;
          Model = 4845;
          Level = RandomLevel(25, 40);
          SetDamage(1f + 3f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level);
          AttackSpeed    = 2000;
          Armor          = 40 * Level;
          Block          = 2 * Level;
          Flags1         = 0x0480006;
          NpcFlags       = 0;
          ResistFire     = 0;
          ResistFrost    = 0;
          ResistHoly     = 0;
          ResistNature   = 0;
          ResistShadow   = 0;
          Str            = (int)(Level / 1.5f);
          BoundingRadius = 0.3077550f;
          CombatReach    = 1.500f;
          Speed          = 3f;
          WalkSpeed      = 3f;
          RunSpeed       = 6f;
          Faction        = Factions.Darnasus;

          NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
          Size    = 1f;
          Equip(new Item(8377, InventoryTypes.MainGauche, 2, 0, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0));
          Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(DarnassusGuardsDrops.AuberdineSentinel, 100f),
                                       new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyD, 100f) };
          BCAddon.Hp(this, 490, 25);
        public SentinelVeleneStarstrike() : base()
            Name  = "Sentinel Velene Starstrike";
            Id    = 3885;
            Model = 2867;
            Level = RandomLevel(25);
            SetDamage(1f + 3f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level);
            AttackSpeed    = 2000;
            Armor          = 40 * Level;
            Block          = 2 * Level;
            Flags1         = 0x08480046;
            NpcFlags       = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
            ResistFire     = 0;
            ResistFrost    = 0;
            ResistHoly     = 0;
            ResistNature   = 0;
            ResistShadow   = 0;
            Str            = (int)(Level / 1.5f);
            BoundingRadius = 0.3077550f;
            CombatReach    = 1.500f;
            Speed          = 3.1f;
            WalkSpeed      = 3.1f;
            RunSpeed       = 6.1f;
            Faction        = Factions.Darnasus;

            NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
            Size    = 1f;
            //Equip( new Item( 6231, InventoryTypes.Ranged, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ));
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(DarnassusGuardsDrops.SentinelVeleneStarstrike, 100f),
                                         new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f) };
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 490, 25);
        public DrywallowVicejaw() : base()
            Name  = "Drywallow Vicejaw";
            Id    = 4342;
            Model = 925;
            Level = RandomLevel(34, 37);
            SetDamage(34f, 57f);
            AttackSpeed = 2070;
            Armor       = 1050;
            BaseMana    = 0;
            ManaType    = 1;

            BaseMana       = 0;
            BoundingRadius = 1.4f;
            CombatReach    = 1f;
            Size           = 1f;
            Speed          = 5f;
            WalkSpeed      = 5f;
            RunSpeed       = 8f;
            Faction        = Factions.Monster;
            AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
            NpcType        = 1;
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 1299, 34);
            SkinLoot = new Loot[] { new Loot(typeof(HeavyHide), 0.59f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(HeavyLeather), 14.60f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(ThickLeather), 3.62f) };
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrocoliskDrops.DrywallowVicejaw, 100.0f) };
 public Ranshalla() : base()
     Name  = "Ranshalla";
     Id    = 10300;
     Model = 9775;
     Level = RandomLevel(58);
     SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     Armor          = 4526;
     Block          = 0;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     Flags1         = 0x080006;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 0.420f;
     CombatReach    = 1.2f;
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3.36f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3.36f;
     RunSpeed       = 6.36f;
     Str            = (int)(Level / 2.5f);
     Faction        = Factions.Darnasus;
     AIEngine       = new StandingNpcAI(this);
     NpcType        = 7;
     NpcFlags       = 0;
     //Item( int _model, InventoryTypes _inventoryType, int _quality, int _subclass, int _objectclass, int _sheath, int param1, int param2, int param3 )
     Equip(new Item(24503, InventoryTypes.TwoHanded, 2, 10, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyC, 100f) };
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 3573, 58);
        public GiantWetlandsCrocolisk() : base()
            Name  = "Giant Wetlands Crocolisk";
            Id    = 2089;
            Model = 925;
            Level = RandomLevel(22, 26);
            SetDamage(22f, 40f);
            AttackSpeed = 2000;
            Armor       = 750;
            BaseMana    = 0;
            ManaType    = 1;

            BaseMana       = 0;
            BoundingRadius = 1.3f;
            CombatReach    = 1f;
            Size           = 1f;
            Speed          = 5f;
            WalkSpeed      = 5f;
            RunSpeed       = 8f;
            Faction        = Factions.Monster;
            AIEngine       = new SpellCasterAI(this);
            NpcType        = 1;
            LearnSpell(3604, SpellsTypes.Offensive);
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 942, 22);
            SkinLoot = new Loot[] { new Loot(typeof(LightHide), 0.61f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(LightLeather), 7.60f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(MediumHide), 0.90f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(MediumLeather), 8.75f) };
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrocoliskDrops.GiantWetlandsCrocolisk, 100.0f) };
 public SupervisorRaelen() : base()
     Name  = "Supervisor Raelen";
     Id    = 10616;
     Model = 10995;
     Level = RandomLevel(15);
     SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
     AttackSpeed    = 1500;
     Armor          = 20;
     Block          = 0;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     Flags1         = 0x08480006;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 0.420f;
     CombatReach    = 1.2f;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 2.9f;
     WalkSpeed      = 2.9f;
     RunSpeed       = 5.9f;
     Str            = (int)(Level / 2.5f);
     Faction        = Factions.Alliance;
     AIEngine       = new StandingNpcAI(this);
     NpcType        = 7;
     NpcFlags       = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     //Equip( new Item( 12236, InventoryTypes.MainGauche, 2, 4, 2, 7, 0, 0, 0 ) );
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(SupervisorRaelenDrops.SupervisorRaelen, 100f) };
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 165, 15);
        public MottledDrywallowCrocolisk() : base()
            Name  = "Mottled Drywallow Crocolisk";
            Id    = 4344;
            Model = 2548;
            Level = RandomLevel(37, 39);
            SetDamage(37f, 59f);
            AttackSpeed = 2100;
            Armor       = 1170;
            BaseMana    = 0;
            ManaType    = 1;

            BoundingRadius = 1.5f;
            CombatReach    = 1f;
            Size           = 1f;
            Speed          = 5f;
            WalkSpeed      = 5f;
            RunSpeed       = 8f;
            Faction        = Factions.Monster;
            AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
            NpcType        = 1;
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 1331, 37);
            SkinLoot = new Loot[] { new Loot(typeof(HeavyHide), 0.60f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(HeavyLeather), 15.04f) };
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrocoliskDrops.DrywallowVicejaw, 100.0f) };
 public Deadmire() : base()
     Name  = "Deadmire";
     Id    = 4841;
     Model = 2850;
     Level = RandomLevel(45, 45);
     SetDamage(45f, 70f);
     Armor          = 1350;
     AttackSpeed    = 2114;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     ManaType       = 1;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 1.6f;
     CombatReach    = 1f;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 5f;
     WalkSpeed      = 5f;
     RunSpeed       = 8f;
     Faction        = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     NpcType        = 1;
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 1558, 45);
     SkinLoot = new Loot[] { new Loot(typeof(HeavyHide), 0.38f)
                             , new Loot(typeof(HeavyLeather), 4.99f)
                             , new Loot(typeof(ThickHide), 0.38f)
                             , new Loot(typeof(ThickLeather), 7.44f) };
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrocoliskDrops.Deadmire, 100.0f) };
 public DreadmawCrocolisk() : base()
     Name  = "Dreadmaw Crocolisk";
     Id    = 3110;
     Model = 1250;
     Level = RandomLevel(6, 11);
     SetDamage(10f, 16f);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     Armor          = 300;
     BaseMana       = 100;
     ManaType       = 1;
     BoundingRadius = 1.3f;
     CombatReach    = 1.1f;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 5f;
     WalkSpeed      = 5f;
     RunSpeed       = 8f;
     Faction        = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine       = new SpellCasterAI(this);
     NpcType        = 1;
     LearnSpell(1604, SpellsTypes.Offensive);
     LearnSpell(12166, SpellsTypes.Offensive);
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 324, 6);
     SkinLoot = new Loot[] { new Loot(typeof(LightLeather), 8.12f) };
     Loots    = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrocoliskDrops.DreadmawCrocolisk, 100.0f) };
 public CorruptedDreadmawCrocolisk() : base()
     Name  = "Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk";
     Id    = 3231;
     Model = 1034;
     Level = RandomLevel(9, 13);
     SetDamage(11f, 17f);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     Armor          = 300;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     ManaType       = 1;
     BoundingRadius = 1.3f;
     CombatReach    = 1.1f;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 5f;
     WalkSpeed      = 5f;
     RunSpeed       = 8f;
     Faction        = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     NpcType        = 1;
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 356, 9);
     SkinLoot = new Loot[] { new Loot(typeof(LightHide), 1.02f)
                             , new Loot(typeof(LightLeather), 14.77f) };
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrocoliskDrops.DreadmawCrocolisk, 100.0f) };
        public SewerBeast() : base()
            Name  = "Sewer Beast";
            Id    = 3581;
            Model = 2850;
            Level = RandomLevel(50, 50);
            SetDamage(432f, 614f);
            AttackSpeed = 2200;
            Armor       = 1500;
            BaseMana    = 0;
            ManaType    = 1;

            BoundingRadius = 1.5f;
            CombatReach    = 1f;
            Size           = 1f;
            Speed          = 5f;
            WalkSpeed      = 5f;
            RunSpeed       = 8f;
            Faction        = Factions.Monster;
            AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
            NpcType        = 1;
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 1720, 50);
            SkinLoot = new Loot[] { new Loot(typeof(RuggedLeather), 3.06f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(ThickHide), 2.06f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(ThickLeather), 14.29f) };
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrocoliskDrops.SewerBeast, 100.0f) };
        public DeviateCrocolisk() : base()
            Name  = "Deviate Crocolisk";
            Id    = 5053;
            Model = 2996;
            Level = RandomLevel(13, 19);
            SetDamage(13f, 29f);
            AttackSpeed = 2020;
            Armor       = 300;
            BaseMana    = 0;
            ManaType    = 1;

            BaseMana       = 0;
            BoundingRadius = 1.3f;
            CombatReach    = 1f;
            Size           = 1f;
            Speed          = 5f;
            WalkSpeed      = 5f;
            RunSpeed       = 8f;
            Faction        = Factions.Monster;
            AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
            NpcType        = 1;
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 480, 13);
            SkinLoot = new Loot[] { new Loot(typeof(LightHide), 0.65f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(LightLeather), 8.81f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(MediumHide), 0.24f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(MediumLeather), 2.62f) };
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrocoliskDrops.DeviateCrocolisk, 100.0f) };
        public WetlandsCrocolisk() : base()
            Name  = "Wetlands Crocolisk";
            Id    = 1400;
            Model = 1036;
            Level = RandomLevel(21, 22);
            SetDamage(22f, 34f);
            AttackSpeed = 2050;
            Armor       = 660;
            BaseMana    = 100;
            ManaType    = 1;

            BoundingRadius = 1.23f;
            CombatReach    = 1f;
            Size           = 1f;
            Speed          = 5f;
            WalkSpeed      = 5f;
            RunSpeed       = 8f;
            Faction        = Factions.Monster;
            AIEngine       = new SpellCasterAI(this);
            NpcType        = 1;
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 813, 21);
            LearnSpell(3604, SpellsTypes.Offensive);

            SkinLoot = new Loot[] { new Loot(typeof(LightHide), 0.73f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(LightLeather), 10.30f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(MediumHide), 1.15f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(MediumLeather), 11.71f) };
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrocoliskDrops.GiantWetlandsCrocolisk, 100.0f) };
        public DrywallowCrocolisk() : base()
            Name  = "Drywallow Crocolisk";
            Id    = 4341;
            Model = 1080;
            Level = RandomLevel(35, 36);
            SetDamage(35f, 56f);
            AttackSpeed = 2075;
            Armor       = 1050;
            BaseMana    = 0;
            ManaType    = 1;

            BaseMana       = 0;
            BoundingRadius = 1.3f;
            CombatReach    = 1f;
            Size           = 1f;
            Speed          = 5f;
            WalkSpeed      = 5f;
            RunSpeed       = 8f;
            Faction        = Factions.Monster;
            AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
            NpcType        = 1;
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 1266, 35);
            SkinLoot = new Loot[] { new Loot(typeof(HeavyHide), 0.64f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(HeavyLeather), 10.29f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(MediumHide), 0.95f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(MediumLeather), 8.56f) };
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrocoliskDrops.DrywallowCrocolisk, 100.0f) };
        public YoungWetlandsCrocolisk() : base()
            Name  = "Young Wetlands Crocolisk";
            Id    = 1417;
            Model = 1035;
            Level = RandomLevel(21, 22);
            SetDamage(22f, 34f);
            AttackSpeed = 2020;
            Armor       = 660;
            BaseMana    = 0;
            ManaType    = 1;

            BoundingRadius = 1.2f;
            CombatReach    = 1f;
            Size           = 1f;
            Speed          = 5f;
            WalkSpeed      = 5f;
            RunSpeed       = 8f;
            Faction        = Factions.Monster;
            AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
            NpcType        = 1;
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 813, 21);
            SkinLoot = new Loot[] { new Loot(typeof(LightLeather), 11.11f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(MediumHide), 3.70f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(MediumLeather), 14.81f) };
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrocoliskDrops.GiantWetlandsCrocolisk, 100.0f) };
        public DrywallowSnapper() : base()
            Name  = "Drywallow Snapper";
            Id    = 4343;
            Model = 814;
            Level = RandomLevel(37, 38);
            SetDamage(37f, 59f);
            AttackSpeed = 2075;
            Armor       = 1150;
            BaseMana    = 0;
            ManaType    = 1;

            BaseMana       = 0;
            BoundingRadius = 1.4f;
            CombatReach    = 1f;
            Size           = 1f;
            Speed          = 5f;
            WalkSpeed      = 5f;
            RunSpeed       = 8f;
            Faction        = Factions.Monster;
            AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
            NpcType        = 1;
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 1912, 37);
            SkinLoot = new Loot[] { new Loot(typeof(HeavyHide), 0.62f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(HeavyLeather), 16.33f)
                                    , new Loot(typeof(ThickLeather), 4.37f) };
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrocoliskDrops.DrywallowVicejaw, 100.0f) };
 public GrelinWhitebeard() : base()
     Name  = "Grelin Whitebeard";
     Id    = 786;
     Model = 1354;
     Level = RandomLevel(5);
     SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
     AttackSpeed    = 1500;
     Armor          = 150;
     Block          = 0;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     Flags1         = 0x08080066;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 0.420f;
     CombatReach    = 1.2f;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 2.9f;
     WalkSpeed      = 2.9f;
     RunSpeed       = 5.9f;
     Str            = (int)(Level / 2.5f);
     Faction        = Factions.IronForge;
     AIEngine       = new StandingNpcAI(this);
     NpcType        = 7;
     NpcText00      = "Greetings, $g sir : ma'am. I'm Grelin Whitebeard. I'm here to examine the threat posed by the growing numbers of trolls in Coldridge Valley. What have I found? It's a bit troubling...";
     NpcFlags       = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     Equip(new Item(2466, InventoryTypes.TwoHanded, 2, 5, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0), new Item(6593, InventoryTypes.RangeRight, 2, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) };
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 60, 5);
      public SentinelAynasha() : base()
          Name  = "Sentinel Aynasha";
          Id    = 11711;
          Model = 11663;
          Level = RandomLevel(20);
          SetDamage(1f + 3f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level);
          AttackSpeed    = 2000;
          Armor          = 40 * Level;
          Block          = 2 * Level;
          Flags1         = 0x0180004;
          NpcFlags       = 0;
          ResistFire     = 0;
          ResistFrost    = 0;
          ResistHoly     = 0;
          ResistNature   = 0;
          ResistShadow   = 0;
          Str            = (int)(Level / 1.5f);
          BoundingRadius = 0.3077550f;
          CombatReach    = 1.500f;
          Speed          = 3.0f;
          WalkSpeed      = 3.0f;
          RunSpeed       = 6.0f;
          Faction        = Factions.Darnasus;

          NpcType = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
          Size    = 1f;
          Equip(new Item(24931, InventoryTypes.Ranged, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0));                 //, new Item( 8106, InventoryTypes.Ranged, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ));
          Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(DarnassusGuardsDrops.SentinelAynasha, 100f),
                                       new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyD, 100f) };
          BCAddon.Hp(this, 390, 20);