         * ********************************CONFIG*******************************
        // retrieves the commands from the config file
        public void initCommands(Port p)
            // bring in the serial port
            serialComm = p;
            commands = new CommandsInfo();

            // for reading form the file
            string line;
            string commandsFile = "config/commands.conf";

            // read all setting from our config
                using ( StreamReader commandsConf =
                        new StreamReader(commandsFile) )
                    // revisit; think about using reflections and doing
                    // this with a foreach loop (add string[] to commandsInfo)
                    while ( (line = commandsConf.ReadLine()) != null )
                        if ( line.Contains("command") )
                            commands.command =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("displayOn") )
                            commands.displayOn =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("displayOff") )
                            commands.displayOff =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("cursorHome") )
                            commands.cursorHome =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("underlineOn") )
                            commands.underlineOn =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("underlineOff") )
                            commands.underlineOff =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("cursorLeft") )
                            commands.cursorLeft =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("cursorRight") )
                            commands.cursorRight =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("blinkOn") )
                            commands.blinkOn =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("blinkOff") )
                            commands.blinkOff =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("backspace") )
                            commands.backspace =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("clear") )
                            commands.clear =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("contrast") )
                            commands.contrast =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("brightness") )
                            commands.brightness =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("customChar") )
                            commands.customChar =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("displayLeft") )
                            commands.displayLeft =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("displayRight") )
                            commands.displayRight =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("baudRate") )
                            commands.baudRate =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("i2dAddress") )
                            commands.i2cAddress =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("displayBaud") )
                            commands.displayBaud =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("displayI2c") )
                            commands.displayI2c =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
                        else if ( line.Contains("setCursor") )
                            commands.setCursor =
                                stringToByte(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("0x"), 4));
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Could not read: {0}", commandsFile);
         * *****************************MAIN************************************
        static int Main(string[] args)
            // set up serial
            serialComm = new Port();

            // set up commands
            commands = new Commands();

            // flags for options
            bool showHelp = false;
            bool printSentence = false;

            // get the options
            OptionSet options = new OptionSet()
                // short (common)
                .Add("b|backspace", "equivalent to backspace key", bs => commands.backspace())
                .Add("c|clear", "clears the LCD screen", c => commands.clear())
                .Add("displayleft", "shifts display x-1", dl => commands.displayLeft())
                .Add("displayright", "shifts display x+1", dr => commands.displayRight())
                .Add("home", "sets cursor position to 0,0", home => commands.cursorHome())
                .Add("i|info", "dipslays baud and i2c address", i => {
                        // wait for input to change
                        Console.WriteLine("Press any key  to show I2C address");
                        commands.displayI2c(); })
                .Add("l|left", "sets cursor position x-1", l => commands.cursorLeft())
                .Add("r|right", "sets cursor position x+1", r => commands.cursorRight())
                // long only (not used as much)
                .Add("baud=", "change the baud rate; default 9600"
                        , (byte baud) => commands.setBaud(baud))
                .Add("blink=", "turns blinking cursor on(1)/off(0); default off (0)"
                        , (int b) => commands.blink(b))
                .Add("brightness=", "change brightness 1-8; default 5"
                        , (byte br) => commands.display(br))
                .Add("contrast=", "change contrast 1-50; default 40"
                        , (byte w) => commands.setContrast(w))
                .Add("display=", "turns LCD on(1)/off(0); default off (0)"
                        , (int d) => commands.display(d))
                .Add("i2c=", "change the I2C address; default 0x50"
                        , (byte addr) => commands.setI2c(addr))
                .Add("position=", "sets the cursor position x,y (top left" +
                        "1,1)", (byte x, byte y) => commands.setCursor(x, y))
                .Add("underline=", "turns underline on(1)/off(0); default off (0)"
                        , (int u) => commands.underline(u))
                // help and default
                .Add("?|h|help", "displays this help", h => showHelp = true)
                .Add("<>", words => printSentence = true);

            // parse options
            try {
            } catch (OptionException e) {
                Console.Write("Error: ");
                showHelp = true;

            // shows help if flag is set
            // otherwise prints text
            if ( showHelp )
            else if (printSentence)
                serialComm.commPort.Write(String.Join(" ", args));

            // release comm

            return 0;