        public CloudPointDataset(int id, String name, String path) : base(id, name)
            m_path = path;

            using (FileStream file = File.Open($"{Application.streamingAssetsPath}/Datasets/{name}", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                if (file == null)
                    Debug.LogError($"Cannot open the file {m_path}.");

                //Read the first 4 bytes to get the number of points stored in the file
                byte[] array = new byte[4];
                file.Read(array, 0, 4);
                IntFloatUnion intFloatUnion = new IntFloatUnion();
                intFloatUnion.FillWithByteArray(array, 0);
                m_nbPoints = (UInt32)intFloatUnion.IntField;

                //Add a point field descriptor corresponding to the unique data stored in the file
                PointFieldDescriptor desc = new PointFieldDescriptor();
                desc.Format           = VTKValueFormat.VTK_FLOAT;
                desc.ID               = 0;
                desc.Name             = "data";
                desc.NbValuesPerTuple = 1;
                desc.NbTuples         = (uint)m_nbPoints;
        /// <summary>
        /// Represent a VTKDataset
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The ID of the Dataset</param>
        /// <param name="name">The Dataset's name</param>
        /// <param name="parser">The VTKParser containing all the dataset.</param>
        /// <param name="ptFieldValues">Array of point field values to take account of</param>
        /// <param name="cellFieldValues">Array of cell field values to take account of</param>
        public VTKDataset(int id, String name, VTKParser parser, VTKFieldValue[] ptFieldValues, VTKFieldValue[] cellFieldValues) : base(id, name)
            m_timesteps.Add(new VTKDatasetTimeStep {
                Parser          = parser,
                PtFieldValues   = new List <VTKFieldValue>(ptFieldValues),
                CellFieldValues = new List <VTKFieldValue>(cellFieldValues)

            m_nbTimesteps = 1;

            //Add all the field values to load
            for (int i = 0; i < PtFieldValues.Count; i++)
                VTKFieldValue        metaData = PtFieldValues[i];
                PointFieldDescriptor desc     = new PointFieldDescriptor(metaData);
                desc.ID = (UInt32)i;
        public override Task <int> LoadValues()
            return(Task.Run(() =>
                bool succeed = true;

                //Load the mask if it exists. Look at only timestep 0 (normally every timesteps should be consistent)
                foreach (VTKFieldValue fv in Parser.GetPointFieldValueDescriptors())
                    if (fv.Name == "vtkValidPointMask")
                        m_mask = Parser.ParseAllFieldValues(fv);

                for (int t = 0; t < m_nbTimesteps; t++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_ptFieldDescs.Count; i++)
                        //Get our working variables
                        PointFieldDescriptor desc = m_ptFieldDescs[i];
                        VTKFieldValue fieldVal = m_timesteps[t].PtFieldValues[i];

                        //Load disk values
                        VTKValue value = m_timesteps[t].Parser.ParseAllFieldValues(fieldVal);

                        object lockObject = new object(); //This if used as a lock

                        //Case 1: scalar values
                        if (desc.NbValuesPerTuple == 1)
                            //Compute min/max ranges
                            Parallel.For(0, desc.NbTuples,
                                         () => new float[2] {
                                float.MaxValue, float.MinValue
                                         (j, loopState, partialRes) =>
                                //Read mask
                                    if (m_mask != null && ((byte *)m_mask.Value)[j] == 0)
                                        return partialRes;

                                float val = value.ReadAsFloat((UInt64)j);
                                if (float.IsNaN(val))
                                    if (m_mask != null)
                                            ((byte *)m_mask.Value)[j] = 0;
                                    return partialRes;
                                partialRes[0] = Math.Min(partialRes[0], val);
                                partialRes[1] = Math.Max(partialRes[1], val);
                                return partialRes;
                                         (partialRes) =>
                                lock (lockObject)
                                    desc.MinVal = Math.Min(desc.MinVal, partialRes[0]);
                                    desc.MaxVal = Math.Max(desc.MaxVal, partialRes[1]);

                        //Case 2: vector values
                            //Compute min/max ranges. Consider here only vector magnitude in the computation
                            Parallel.For(0, desc.NbTuples,
                                         () => new float[2] {
                                float.MaxValue, float.MinValue
                                         (j, loopState, partialRes) =>
                                //Read mask
                                    if (m_mask != null && ((byte *)m_mask.Value)[j] == 0)
                                        return partialRes;

                                float mag = 0;
                                for (int k = 0; k < desc.NbValuesPerTuple; k++)
                                    float val = value.ReadAsFloat((UInt64)(j * desc.NbValuesPerTuple + k));
                                    if (float.IsNaN(val))
                                        if (m_mask != null)
                                                ((byte *)m_mask.Value)[j] = 0;
                                        return partialRes;
                                    mag += val * val;

                                mag = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)mag);
                                partialRes[0] = Math.Min(partialRes[0], mag);
                                partialRes[1] = Math.Max(partialRes[1], mag);
                                return partialRes;
                                         (partialRes) =>
                                lock (lockObject)
                                    desc.MinVal = Math.Min(desc.MinVal, partialRes[0]);
                                    desc.MaxVal = Math.Max(desc.MaxVal, partialRes[1]);
                m_isLoaded = true;
                return (succeed ? 1 : 0);