private JobCostRow ParseJobCostExcelRow(ExcelRange cells, int row, string inputSource)
            var costRow = new JobCostRow();

            costRow.JobCostTotal     = GetSafeCellString(cells[row, _costTotalCol].Value);
            costRow.JobCostPayee     = GetSafeCellString(cells[row, _costPayeeCol].Value);
            costRow.PropertyCode     = GetSafeCellString(cells[row, _costPropertyCol].Value);
            costRow.JobCostProperty2 = GetSafeCellString(cells[row, _costProperty2Col].Value);
            costRow.JobCostType      = GetSafeCellString(cells[row, _costTypeCol].Value);
            costRow.JobCostDate      = GetSafeDate(cells[row, _costDateCol].Text);
            costRow.JobCostNumber    = GetSafeCellString(cells[row, _costNumberCol].Value);
            costRow.JobCostSource    = GetSafeCellString(cells[row, _costSourceCol].Value);
            costRow.JobCostMemo      = GetSafeCellString(cells[row, _costMemoCol].Value);
            costRow.JobCostAccount   = GetSafeCellString(cells[row, _costAccountCol].Value);
            costRow.JobCostClass     = GetSafeCellString(cells[row, _costClassCol].Value);
            costRow.JobCostBillable  = string.Compare(GetSafeCellString(cells[row, _costBillingCol].Value), "Unbilled", true) == 0 ? true : false;
            costRow.JobCostAmount    = GetSafeNumber(cells[row, _costAmountCol].Text);
            costRow.JobCostBalance   = GetSafeNumber(cells[row, _costBalanceCol].Text);

            // temporary testing for billable and unbillable setting
            //if (costRow.JobCostDate != null)
            //    if (costRow.JobCostDate.Value.Day == 31) costRow.JobCostDate = costRow.JobCostDate.Value.AddDays(-1);
            //    costRow.JobCostDate = costRow.JobCostDate.Value.AddMonths(1);

            // house keeping fields
            costRow.JobCostInputSource = inputSource;

 private JobCost MapJobCost(JobCostRow costRow)
     return(new JobCost
         PropertyCode = costRow.PropertyCode,
         JobCostPayoutTo = costRow.JobCostPayoutTo,
         JobCostType = costRow.JobCostType,
         JobCostDate = ConversionHelper.EnsureUtcDate(costRow.JobCostDate),
         JobCostNumber = costRow.JobCostNumber,
         JobCostSource = costRow.JobCostSource,
         JobCostMemo = costRow.JobCostMemo,
         JobCostAccount = costRow.JobCostAccount,
         JobCostClass = costRow.JobCostClass,
         JobCostBillable = costRow.JobCostBillable,
         JobCostAmount = costRow.JobCostAmount,
         JobCostBalance = costRow.JobCostBalance,
         OriginalPropertyCode = costRow.OriginalPropertyCode
        public int ImportExcel(Stream excelData, bool newVersion)
            int    startRow            = 2; // starting row for reservation data
            int    errorCount          = 0;
            string currentProperty     = string.Empty;
            string currentPayee        = string.Empty;
            string inputSource         = "Job Cost Excel";
            int    totalCols           = newVersion ? 25 : 23;
            int    billingStatusOffset = newVersion ? 0 : -2;

            _costSkip10Col  += billingStatusOffset;
            _costAmountCol  += billingStatusOffset;
            _costSkip11Col  += billingStatusOffset;
            _costBalanceCol += billingStatusOffset;

            List <JobCost> jobCosts         = new List <JobCost>();
            var            propertyProvider = new PropertyProvider(_context);

            using (var package = new ExcelPackage(excelData))
                // storage for parsed data
                List <InputError> errorRows = new List <InputError>();

                ExcelWorkbook workBook = package.Workbook;
                if (workBook != null)
                    if (workBook.Worksheets.Count > 0)
                        ExcelWorksheet currentWorksheet = workBook.Worksheets[1];

                        for (int row = startRow; row <= currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Row; row++)
                            if (currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Column != totalCols)
                                var message    = string.Format("The total number of columns {0:d} does not match {1:d}", currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Column, totalCols);
                                var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, row, "Parse", message, "Excel row");

                                JobCostRow costRow = ParseJobCostExcelRow(currentWorksheet.Cells, row, inputSource);

                                // the last row has 'Total' on the first column
                                if (IsLastRow(costRow))

                                if (IsPropertyRow(costRow))
                                    currentProperty = costRow.PropertyCode != string.Empty ? costRow.PropertyCode : costRow.JobCostProperty2;
                                else if (IsOwnerRow(costRow))
                                    currentPayee = costRow.JobCostPayee;
                                else if (IsCostRow(costRow))
                                    costRow.OriginalPropertyCode = currentProperty;
                                    if (propertyProvider.PropertyExist(currentProperty))
                                        costRow.PropertyCode = currentProperty;
                                        costRow.PropertyCode = AppConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTY_CODE;

                                    costRow.JobCostPayoutTo = currentPayee;
                                else if (IsOwnerTotalRow(costRow) || IsSubTotalRow(costRow))
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                var message    = "Data parse exception: " + ex.Message;
                                var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, row, "Exception", message, "Job Cost Excel row");

                            // save job cost if there is no error
                            if (errorCount == 0 && jobCosts.Count > 0)
                                _context.SaveChanges(); // save job costs
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            var message    = "Job Cost saving error: " + ex.Message;
                            var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, 0, "Exception", message, "Database saving");
                            _context.SaveChanges(); // save errors
                            errorCount = 100000;    // a large number
                        var message    = "Input file error: Cannot detect workbook in the import file.";
                        var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, 0, "Input File", message, "Job Cost Excel file");
                    var message    = "Input file error: Cannot detect worksheet in the import file.";
                    var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, 0, "Input File", message, "Job Cost Excel file");

            return(errorCount == 0 ? jobCosts.Count * 10000 : -errorCount);
 private bool IsOwnerRow(JobCostRow row)
     return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.JobCostPayee) && !IsCostRow(row) && row.JobCostBalance == 0 && row.JobCostAmount == 0);
 private bool IsOwnerTotalRow(JobCostRow row)
     return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.JobCostPayee) && !IsCostRow(row));
 private bool IsSubTotalRow(JobCostRow row)
     return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.PropertyCode) && !IsCostRow(row));
 private bool IsPropertyRow(JobCostRow row)
     return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.PropertyCode) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.JobCostProperty2));
 private bool IsCostRow(JobCostRow row)
     return(row.JobCostDate != null && row.JobCostAccount != string.Empty);
 private bool IsLastRow(JobCostRow row)
     return(string.Compare(row.JobCostTotal, "total", true) == 0);