private void CheckIfIShouldStartTheWizard(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.tabControl1.SelectedIndex == 6) { Wizard thewiz = new Wizard(this); this.tabControl1.SelectedIndex = 0; thewiz.ShowDialog(); thewiz.Dispose(); thewiz = null; } }
private void frm_Wikto_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { txtHeader.Text = "Accept: */*\r\nAccept-Language: en-us\r\nConnection: close\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)\r\nHost: localhost"; btnStopGoole.Enabled = false; LoadConfigInitial(); if (bl_ShowStart) { News thenews = new News(this); thenews.ShowDialog(); thenews.Dispose(); thenews = null; } LoadConfigInitial(); if (bl_ShowStart) this.chk_ShowStart.Checked = true; else this.chk_ShowStart.Checked = false; if (bl_ShowStartWiz) this.chk_StartWiz.Checked = true; else this.chk_StartWiz.Checked = false; if (isFirstTimeRun && !bl_ShowStartWiz) { MessageBox.Show("This is either the first time Wikto is being run or your configuration file has been deleted or moved.\n\nThe default settings have been loaded.\n\nPlease check this configuration now.", "Wikto Configuration"); String tmpPath = Application.ExecutablePath; String sbPath = ""; String[] arrPath = tmpPath.Split('\\'); int tmpi; for (tmpi = 0; tmpi < arrPath.Length - 1; tmpi++) { if (sbPath.Length == 0) sbPath = arrPath[tmpi]; else sbPath = sbPath + "\\" + arrPath[tmpi]; } txtDBlocationNikto.Text = sbPath + "\\databases\\nikto-scan_database.db"; txtDBLocationGH.Text = sbPath + "\\database\\GHDB.xml"; tabControl1.SelectedIndex = 5; tabControl1.TabPages[5].Refresh(); } lbl_WiktoHome.Links.Add(0, lbl_WiktoHome.Text.Length, ""); lbl_ResearchMail.Links.Add(0, lbl_ResearchMail.Text.Length, "mailto:[email protected]"); lbl_About.Text = lbl_About.Text.Replace("?", Application.ProductVersion.ToString()); if (bl_ShowStartWiz) { Wizard thewiz = new Wizard(this); this.tabControl1.SelectedIndex = 0; thewiz.ShowDialog(); thewiz.Dispose(); thewiz = null; } // We check to ensure that these things are populated... if (txtInDirs.Text.Length == 0) txtInDirs.Text = ReadBackEndFile("dirs"); if (txtInFiles.Text.Length == 0) txtInFiles.Text = ReadBackEndFile("files"); if (txtInFileTypes.Text.Length == 0) txtInFileTypes.Text = ReadBackEndFile("extensions"); }