        public override Stream Open()
            if (_node == null)
                    var allowCompiledContent = AllowCompiledContent(_repositoryPath);

                    // http://localhost/TestDoc.docx?action=RestoreVersion&version=2.0A
                    // When there are 'action' and 'version' parameters in the requested URL the portal is trying to load the desired version of the node of the requested action.
                    // This leads to an exception when the action doesn't have that version.
                    // _repositoryPath will point to the node of action and ContextNode will be the document
                    // if paths are not equal then we will return the last version of the requested action.
                    // We also have to ignore the version request parameter in case of binary handler, because that
                    // ashx must not have multiple versions.
                    if (PortalContext.Current == null || PortalContext.Current.BinaryHandlerRequestedNodeHead != null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(PortalContext.Current.VersionRequest) || _repositoryPath != PortalContext.Current.ContextNodePath)
                        if (allowCompiledContent)
                            // elevated mode: pages, ascx files, etc.
                            using (new SystemAccount())
                                _node = Node.LoadNode(_repositoryPath, VersionNumber.LastFinalized);
                            _node = Node.LoadNode(_repositoryPath, VersionNumber.LastFinalized);
                        VersionNumber version;
                        if (VersionNumber.TryParse(PortalContext.Current.VersionRequest, out version))
                            Node node;

                            if (allowCompiledContent)
                                // elevated mode: pages, ascx files, etc.
                                using (new SystemAccount())
                                    node = Node.LoadNode(_repositoryPath, version);
                                node = Node.LoadNode(_repositoryPath, version);

                            if (node != null && node.SavingState == ContentSavingState.Finalized)
                                _node = node;

                    // we cannot serve the binary if the user has only See or Preview permissions for the content
                    if (_node != null && (_node.IsHeadOnly || _node.IsPreviewOnly) && HttpContext.Current != null)
                catch (SenseNetSecurityException ex) // logged

                    if (HttpContext.Current == null || (_repositoryPath != null && _repositoryPath.ToLower().EndsWith(".ascx")))


            if (_node == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("{0} not found. RepositoryFile cannot be served.", _repositoryPath));

            string propertyName = string.Empty;

            if (PortalContext.Current != null)
                propertyName = PortalContext.Current.QueryStringNodePropertyName;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))
                propertyName = PortalContext.DefaultNodePropertyName;

            var propType = _node.PropertyTypes[propertyName];

            if (propType == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Property not found: " + propertyName);

            var    propertyDataType = propType.DataType;
            Stream stream;

            switch (propertyDataType)
            case DataType.Binary:
                string         contentType;
                BinaryFileName fileName;
                stream = DocumentBinaryProvider.Current.GetStream(_node, propertyName, out contentType, out fileName);

                if (stream == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("BinaryProperty.Value.GetStream() returned null. RepositoryPath={0}, OriginalUri={1}, AppDomainFriendlyName={2} ", this._repositoryPath, ((PortalContext.Current != null) ? PortalContext.Current.RequestedUri.ToString() : "PortalContext.Current is null"), AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName));

                // Set MIME type only if this is the main content (skip asp controls and pages,
                // page templates and other repository files opened during the request).
                // We need this in case of special images, fonts, etc, and handle the variable
                // at the end of the request (PortalContextModule.EndRequest method).
                if (HttpContext.Current != null &&
                    PortalContext.Current != null &&
                    string.Equals(PortalContext.Current.RepositoryPath, _repositoryPath, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                    (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PortalContext.Current.ActionName) || string.Equals(PortalContext.Current.ActionName, "Browse", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) &&
                    !string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentType) &&
                    contentType != "text/asp")
                    if (!HttpContext.Current.Items.Contains(RESPONSECONTENTTYPEKEY))
                        HttpContext.Current.Items.Add(RESPONSECONTENTTYPEKEY, contentType);

                    // set the value anyway as it may be useful in case of our custom file handler (SenseNetStaticFileHandler)
                    HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = contentType;

                    // add the necessary header for the css font-face rule
                    if (MimeTable.IsFontType(fileName.Extension))

                // set compressed encoding if necessary
                if (HttpContext.Current != null && MimeTable.IsCompressedType(fileName.Extension))
                    HttpContext.Current.Response.Headers.Add("Content-Encoding", "gzip");

                // let the client code log file downloads
                var file = _node as ContentRepository.File;
                if (file != null)

            case DataType.String:
            case DataType.Text:
            case DataType.Int:
            case DataType.DateTime:
                stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_node[propertyName].ToString()));

                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("The {0} property cannot be served because that's datatype is {1}.", propertyName, propertyDataType));

        private void OnEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HttpContext httpContext = (sender as HttpApplication).Context;

            var request = httpContext.Request;

            SnTrace.Web.Write("PCM.OnEnter {0} {1}", request.RequestType, request.Url);

            // check if messages to process from msmq exceeds configured limit: delay current thread until it goes back to normal levels

            var initInfo = PortalContext.CreateInitInfo(httpContext);

            // Check for forbidden paths (custom request filtering), mainly for phisycal folders in the web folder.
            // The built-in Request filtering module is not capable of filtering folders only in the root, but let
            // us have folders with the same name somewhere else in the Content Repository.
            if (IsForbiddenFolder(initInfo))

            // check if request came to a restricted site via another site
            if (Configuration.WebApplication.DenyCrossSiteAccessEnabled)
                if (initInfo.RequestedNodeSite != null && initInfo.RequestedSite != null)
                    if (initInfo.RequestedNodeSite.DenyCrossSiteAccess && initInfo.RequestedSite.Id != initInfo.RequestedNodeSite.Id)
                        HttpContext.Current.Response.StatusCode = 404;

            // add cache-control headers and handle ismodifiedsince requests

            PortalContext portalContext = PortalContext.Create(httpContext, initInfo);

            // Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
            if (!HttpHeaderTools.TrySetAllowedOriginHeader())
                AuthenticationHelper.ThrowForbidden("token auth");

            if (request.HttpMethod == "OPTIONS")
                // set allowed methods and headers
                (sender as HttpApplication)?.CompleteRequest();

            var action = HttpActionManager.CreateAction(portalContext);

            SnTrace.Web.Write("HTTP Action." + GetLoggedProperties(portalContext));
