private void RenderPortletPreview(HtmlTextWriter writer, Control container) { var controlCollection = container == null ? this.Controls : container.Controls; // custom view logic var text = _inputTextBox.Text; string currentText = text; var markup = PortletMarkup.GetFirstMarkup(currentText); while (markup != null) { var textBefore = currentText.Substring(0, markup.StartIndex); // render contents controlCollection.Add(new Literal { Text = textBefore }); markup.AddToControls(controlCollection); currentText = currentText.Substring(markup.EndIndex, currentText.Length - markup.EndIndex); markup = PortletMarkup.GetFirstMarkup(currentText); } controlCollection.Add(new Literal { Text = currentText }); base.RenderContents(writer); }
public static PortletMarkup GetFirstMarkup(string text) { var snPortletMarkup = new PortletMarkup(); try { var startIndex = text.IndexOf(MarkupStartFullTag); if (startIndex == -1) { return(null); } // find closing 'table' tag, but the enclosed fraction should be well-formed with respect to the 'table' tags // (should contain equal number of opening and closing 'table' tags) snPortletMarkup.StartIndex = startIndex; var endIndex = text.IndexOf(MarkupEndTag, startIndex); var innterText = text.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + MarkupEndTag.Length); while (!IsValidMarkupSelection(innterText)) { endIndex = text.IndexOf(MarkupEndTag, endIndex + 1); innterText = text.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + MarkupEndTag.Length); } // found valid innertext snPortletMarkup.EndIndex = endIndex + MarkupEndTag.Length; snPortletMarkup.InnerText = innterText; // extract portlet information (resides in the section enclosed by the first 2 quatation marks) var sections = innterText.Split(new char[] { '"' }); var portletInfo = sections[1]; var infos = portletInfo.Split(new char[] { ';' }); snPortletMarkup.CustomRootPath = infos[0]; snPortletMarkup.Renderer = infos[1]; return(snPortletMarkup); } catch { // could not extract portlet info from text fragment return(null); } }
public static PortletMarkup GetFirstMarkup(string text) { var snPortletMarkup = new PortletMarkup(); try { var startIndex = text.IndexOf(MarkupStartFullTag); if (startIndex == -1) return null; // find closing 'table' tag, but the enclosed fraction should be well-formed with respect to the 'table' tags // (should contain equal number of opening and closing 'table' tags) snPortletMarkup.StartIndex = startIndex; var endIndex = text.IndexOf(MarkupEndTag, startIndex); var innterText = text.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + MarkupEndTag.Length); while (!IsValidMarkupSelection(innterText)) { endIndex = text.IndexOf(MarkupEndTag, endIndex + 1); innterText = text.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + MarkupEndTag.Length); } // found valid innertext snPortletMarkup.EndIndex = endIndex + MarkupEndTag.Length; snPortletMarkup.InnerText = innterText; // extract portlet information (resides in the section enclosed by the first 2 quatation marks) var sections = innterText.Split(new char[] { '"' }); var portletInfo = sections[1]; var infos = portletInfo.Split(new char[] { ';' }); snPortletMarkup.CustomRootPath = infos[0]; snPortletMarkup.Renderer = infos[1]; return snPortletMarkup; } catch { // could not extract portlet info from text fragment return null; } }