public void TestFormulaWithList() { N3Writer instance = (N3Writer)CreateInstance(); BNode listId = new BNode(); BNode listTwoId = new BNode(); BNode listThreeId = new BNode(); instance.Add(new Statement(listId, Predicate.RdfFirst, (Entity)"A")); instance.Add(new Statement(listId, Predicate.RdfRest, listTwoId)); instance.Add(new Statement(listTwoId, Predicate.RdfFirst, (Entity)"B")); instance.Add(new Statement(listTwoId, Predicate.RdfRest, listThreeId)); instance.Add(new Statement(listThreeId, Predicate.RdfFirst, (Entity)"C")); instance.Add(new Statement(listThreeId, Predicate.RdfRest, Identifier.RdfNil)); BNode statementXId = new BNode(); BNode statementYId = new BNode(); instance.Add(new Statement(listId, "p", (Entity)"X", statementXId)); instance.Add(new Statement(listId, "p", (Entity)"Y", statementYId)); instance.Add(new Statement(statementXId, Predicate.LogImplies, statementYId)); instance.Close(); string expected = "{(<A> <B> <C>) <p> <X>.} => {(<A> <B> <C>) <p> <Y>.}."; Assert.AreEqual(expected, writer.ToString()); }
public void TestListWithFormulaElements() { N3Writer instance = (N3Writer)CreateInstance(); BNode statementXId = new BNode(); BNode statementYId = new BNode(); BNode statementZId = new BNode(); instance.Add(new Statement("S", "p", (Entity)"X", statementXId)); instance.Add(new Statement("S", "p", (Entity)"Y", statementYId)); instance.Add(new Statement("S", "p", (Entity)"Z", statementZId)); BNode listId = new BNode(); BNode listTwoId = new BNode(); BNode listThreeId = new BNode(); instance.Add(new Statement(listId, Predicate.RdfType, (Entity)"List")); instance.Add(new Statement(listId, Predicate.RdfFirst, statementXId)); instance.Add(new Statement(listId, Predicate.RdfRest, listTwoId)); instance.Add(new Statement(listTwoId, Predicate.RdfFirst, statementYId)); instance.Add(new Statement(listTwoId, Predicate.RdfRest, listThreeId)); instance.Add(new Statement(listThreeId, Predicate.RdfFirst, statementZId)); instance.Add(new Statement(listThreeId, Predicate.RdfRest, Identifier.RdfNil)); instance.Close(); string expected = "({<S> <p> <X>.}\n {<S> <p> <Y>.}\n {<S> <p> <Z>.}) a <List>."; Assert.AreEqual(expected, writer.ToString()); }
protected void ExportToN3(DalcRdfStore store) { using (var n3wr = new N3Writer(Console.Out)) { n3wr.Namespaces.AddNamespace("", "nreco"); n3wr.Namespaces.AddNamespace("", "p"); n3wr.Namespaces.AddNamespace(NS.Rdf.BASE, "rdf"); n3wr.Namespaces.AddNamespace(NS.Rdfs.BASE, "rdfs"); store.Select(n3wr); } }
public void TestNamespaces() { N3Writer instance = (N3Writer)CreateInstance(); instance.Add(new Statement("", Predicate.RdfType, (Entity)"X")); instance.Namespaces.AddNamespace("", "ex"); instance.Close(); string expected = "@prefix ex: <>.\nex:A a <X>."; Assert.AreEqual(expected, writer.ToString()); }
public static void Main() { MemoryStore store = new MemoryStore(); store.Import(new RdfXmlReader(Console.In)); // The 'using' is important because it is necessary // to Close or Dispose the writer once writing is // complete so that the final statement is closed // with a period. using (RdfWriter writer = new N3Writer(Console.Out)) writer.Write(store); }
public void TestListWithOneElement() { N3Writer instance = (N3Writer)CreateInstance(); BNode listId = new BNode(); instance.Add(new Statement(listId, Predicate.RdfType, (Entity)"List")); instance.Add(new Statement(listId, Predicate.RdfFirst, (Entity)"A")); instance.Add(new Statement(listId, Predicate.RdfRest, Identifier.RdfNil)); instance.Close(); string expected = "(<A>) a <List>."; Assert.AreEqual(expected, writer.ToString()); }
public void TestFormulaMultipleOccurences() { N3Writer instance = (N3Writer)CreateInstance(); BNode statementId = new BNode(); instance.Add(new Statement("S", "p", (Entity)"O", statementId)); instance.Add(new Statement("MyTheory", "contains", statementId)); instance.Add(new Statement(statementId, "is", (Entity)"True")); instance.Close(); string expected = "<MyTheory> <contains> {<S> <p> <O>.}.\n{<S> <p> <O>.} <is> <True>."; Assert.AreEqual(expected, writer.ToString()); }
public void TestFormulaSingleOccurence() { N3Writer instance = (N3Writer)CreateInstance(); BNode statementXId = new BNode(); BNode statementYId = new BNode(); instance.Add(new Statement("S", "p", (Entity)"X", statementXId)); instance.Add(new Statement("S", "p", (Entity)"Y", statementYId)); instance.Add(new Statement(statementXId, Predicate.LogImplies, statementYId)); instance.Close(); string expected = "{<S> <p> <X>.} => {<S> <p> <Y>.}."; Assert.AreEqual(expected, writer.ToString()); }
public void TestFormulaMixedWithRegularStatements() { N3Writer instance = (N3Writer)CreateInstance(); BNode statementXId = new BNode(); BNode statementYId = new BNode(); instance.Add(new Statement("S", "b", (Entity)"B")); instance.Add(new Statement("S", "p", (Entity)"X", statementXId)); instance.Add(new Statement("S", "p", (Entity)"Y", statementYId)); instance.Add(new Statement(statementXId, Predicate.LogImplies, statementYId)); instance.Close(); string expected = "<S> <b> <B>.\n{<S> <p> <X>.} => {<S> <p> <Y>.}."; Assert.AreEqual(expected, writer.ToString()); }
public void TestFormulaWithMultipleStatementsSingleOccurence() { N3Writer instance = (N3Writer)CreateInstance(); BNode formulaId = new BNode(); BNode statementZId = new BNode(); instance.Add(new Statement("S", "p", (Entity)"X", formulaId)); instance.Add(new Statement("S", "p", (Entity)"Y", formulaId)); instance.Add(new Statement("S", "p", (Entity)"Z", statementZId)); instance.Add(new Statement(formulaId, Predicate.LogImplies, statementZId)); instance.Close(); string expected = "{\n <S> <p> <X>.\n <S> <p> <Y>.\n} => {<S> <p> <Z>.}."; Assert.AreEqual(expected, writer.ToString()); }
public void TestFormulaWithinFormula() { N3Writer instance = (N3Writer)CreateInstance(); BNode statementXId = new BNode(); BNode statementYId = new BNode(); BNode statementImplId = new BNode(); instance.Add(new Statement("S", "p", (Entity)"X", statementXId)); instance.Add(new Statement("S", "p", (Entity)"Y", statementYId)); instance.Add(new Statement(statementXId, Predicate.LogImplies, statementYId, statementImplId)); instance.Add(new Statement(statementImplId, Predicate.LogImplies, (Entity)"Truth")); instance.Close(); string expected = "{\n{<S> <p> <X>.}\n=>\n{<S> <p> <Y>.}.\n} => <Truth>."; Assert.AreEqual(expected, writer.ToString()); }
public void TestListWithThreeElementsWithLastUnbound() { N3Writer instance = (N3Writer)CreateInstance(); BNode listId = new BNode(); BNode listTwoId = new BNode(); BNode listThreeId = new BNode(); instance.Add(new Statement(listId, Predicate.RdfType, (Entity)"List")); instance.Add(new Statement(listId, Predicate.RdfFirst, (Entity)"A")); instance.Add(new Statement(listId, Predicate.RdfRest, listTwoId)); instance.Add(new Statement(listTwoId, Predicate.RdfFirst, (Entity)"B")); instance.Add(new Statement(listTwoId, Predicate.RdfRest, listThreeId)); instance.Add(new Statement(listThreeId, Predicate.RdfFirst, (Entity)"C")); instance.Close(); string expected = @"\(<A> <B> <C> _:bnode\d+\) a <List>."; Assert.That(writer.ToString(), Text.Matches(expected)); }
public override string ToString() { System.Text.StringBuilder ret = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); ret.Append('"'); ret.Append(N3Writer.Escape(Value)); ret.Append('"'); if (Language != null) { ret.Append('@'); ret.Append(N3Writer.Escape(Language)); } if (DataType != null) { ret.Append("^^<"); ret.Append(N3Writer.Escape(DataType)); ret.Append(">"); } return(ret.ToString()); }
public static void Main() { MemoryStore store = new MemoryStore(); Entity container = new Entity(""); store.Add(new Statement(container, RDF+"type", (Entity)(RDF+"Bag"))); store.Add(new Statement(container, RDF+"_3", (Literal)"Three")); store.Add(new Statement(container, RDF+"_2", (Literal)"Two")); store.Add(new Statement(container, RDF+"_1", (Literal)"One")); // use the rdfs:member property to match for any rdf:_### predicates. Entity rdfs_member = (Entity)(RDFS+"member"); using (RdfWriter writer = new N3Writer(Console.Out)) { writer.Namespaces.AddNamespace(RDF, "rdf"); store.Select(new Statement(container, rdfs_member, null), writer); } foreach (Resource r in store.SelectObjects(container, rdfs_member)) Console.WriteLine(r); }
public void Describe(SelectableSource source, TextWriter output) { using (RdfWriter w = new N3Writer(output)) Describe(source, w); }
public void InteropSemWebInMemoryStoreSource() { MicrosoftSqlStoreManager mssql = new MicrosoftSqlStoreManager("dotnetrdf_experimental", "sa", "20sQl08"); InMemoryStoreSource source = new InMemoryStoreSource(new SqlTripleStore(mssql)); N3Writer writer = new N3Writer(Console.Out); Console.WriteLine("Outputting all Triples of the form ?s rdf:type ?type"); Statement template = new Statement(new Variable(), new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType), new Variable()); source.Select(template, writer); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Outputting all Triples of the form ?s rdf:type ?car"); template = new Statement(new Variable(), new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType), new Entity("")); source.Select(template, writer); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Outputting all Triples for Cars and Planes"); SelectFilter filter = new SelectFilter(); filter.Predicates = new Entity[] { new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType) }; filter.Objects = new Entity[] { new Entity(""), new Entity("") }; source.Select(filter, writer); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Outputting the Speeds of all Cards"); Variable car = new Variable("car"); Statement[] pattern = new Statement[] { new Statement(car, new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType), new Entity("")), new Statement(car, new Entity(""), new Variable("speed")) }; source.Query(pattern, new QueryOptions(), new SemWebResultsConsolePrinter()); Console.WriteLine(); writer.Close(); }
public void InteropSemWebGraphSource() { Graph g = new Graph(); //FileLoader.Load(g, "InferenceTest.ttl"); GraphSource source = new GraphSource(g); Console.WriteLine("Reading the input using SemWeb"); N3Reader reader = new N3Reader("InferenceTest.ttl"); reader.Select(source); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Outputting all Triples using N3Writer"); N3Writer writer = new N3Writer(Console.Out); source.Select(writer); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Outputting all Triples of the form ?s rdf:type ?type"); Statement template = new Statement(new Variable(), new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType), new Variable()); source.Select(template, writer); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Outputting all Triples of the form ?s rdf:type ?car"); template = new Statement(new Variable(), new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType), new Entity("")); source.Select(template, writer); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Outputting all Triples for Cars and Planes"); SelectFilter filter = new SelectFilter(); filter.Predicates = new Entity[] { new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType) }; filter.Objects = new Entity[] { new Entity(""), new Entity("") }; source.Select(filter, writer); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); writer.Close(); }
public Hashtable Validate() { string content = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["content"]; string format = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["format"]; if (content == null || content.Trim() == "" || format == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("index.xpd"); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } StringWriter output = new StringWriter(); RdfReader reader; RdfWriter writer; Hashtable response = new Hashtable(); response["InDocument"] = AddLineNumbers(content); if (format == "xml") { reader = new RdfXmlReader(new StringReader(content)); writer = new N3Writer(output); response["InFormat"] = "RDF/XML"; response["OutFormat"] = "Notation 3"; } else if (format == "n3") { reader = new N3Reader(new StringReader(content)); writer = new RdfXmlWriter(output); response["OutFormat"] = "RDF/XML"; response["InFormat"] = "Notation 3"; } else { throw new Exception("Invalid format."); } response["Validation"] = "Syntax validated OK."; response["OutDocument"] = ""; response["Triples"] = ""; MemoryStore data = new MemoryStore(); try { data.Import(reader); } catch (Exception e) { response["Validation"] = "Validation failed: " + e.Message + "."; return response; } finally { if (reader.Warnings.Count > 0) { response["Validation"] += " There were warnings: "; foreach (string warning in reader.Warnings) response["Validation"] += " " + warning + "."; } } writer.Namespaces.AddFrom(reader.Namespaces); try { writer.Write(data); writer.Close(); response["OutDocument"] = output.ToString(); } catch (Exception e) { response["OutDocument"] = e.Message; } StringWriter triplesoutput = new StringWriter(); using (NTriplesWriter tripleswriter = new NTriplesWriter(triplesoutput)) { tripleswriter.Write(data); } response["Triples"] = triplesoutput.ToString(); return response; }
public void Write(System.IO.TextWriter writer) { using (RdfWriter w = new N3Writer(writer)) { Select(w); }
private static object Create(string spec, bool output) { string[] multispecs = spec.Split('\n', '|'); if (multispecs.Length > 1) { SemWeb.Stores.MultiStore multistore = new SemWeb.Stores.MultiStore(); foreach (string mspec in multispecs) { object mstore = Create(mspec.Trim(), output); if (mstore is SelectableSource) { multistore.Add((SelectableSource)mstore); } else if (mstore is StatementSource) { MemoryStore m = new MemoryStore((StatementSource)mstore); multistore.Add(m); } } return multistore; } string type = spec; int c = spec.IndexOf(':'); if (c != -1) { type = spec.Substring(0, c); spec = spec.Substring(c+1); } else { spec = ""; } Type ttype; switch (type) { case "mem": return new MemoryStore(); case "xml": if (spec == "") throw new ArgumentException("Use: xml:filename"); if (output) { return new RdfXmlWriter(spec); } else { return new RdfXmlReader(spec); } case "n3": case "ntriples": case "nt": case "turtle": if (spec == "") throw new ArgumentException("Use: format:filename"); if (output) { N3Writer ret = new N3Writer(spec); // turtle is default format switch (type) { case "nt": case "ntriples": ret.Format = N3Writer.Formats.NTriples; break; } return ret; } else { return new N3Reader(spec); } /*case "file": if (spec == "") throw new ArgumentException("Use: format:filename"); if (output) throw new ArgumentException("The FileStore does not support writing."); return new SemWeb.Stores.FileStore(spec);*/ case "sqlite": case "mysql": case "postgresql": if (spec == "") throw new ArgumentException("Use: sqlite|mysql|postgresql:table:connection-string"); c = spec.IndexOf(':'); if (c == -1) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid format for SQL spec parameter (table:constring)."); string table = spec.Substring(0, c); spec = spec.Substring(c+1); string classtype = null; if (type == "sqlite") { classtype = "SemWeb.Stores.SqliteStore, SemWeb.SqliteStore"; spec = spec.Replace(";", ","); } else if (type == "mysql") { classtype = "SemWeb.Stores.MySQLStore, SemWeb.MySQLStore"; } else if (type == "postgresql") { classtype = "SemWeb.Stores.PostgreSQLStore, SemWeb.PostgreSQLStore"; } ttype = Type.GetType(classtype); if (ttype == null) throw new NotSupportedException("The storage type in <" + classtype + "> could not be found."); return Activator.CreateInstance(ttype, new object[] { spec, table }); /*case "bdb": return new SemWeb.Stores.BDBStore(spec);*/ case "sparql-http": return new SemWeb.Remote.SparqlHttpSource(spec); case "class": ttype = Type.GetType(spec); if (ttype == null) throw new NotSupportedException("The class <" + spec + "> could not be found."); return Activator.CreateInstance(ttype); default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown parser type: " + type); } }
public void Construct(SelectableSource source, TextWriter output) { using (RdfWriter w = new N3Writer(output)) Construct(source, w); }
private static object Create(string spec, bool output) { string[] multispecs = spec.Split('\n', '|'); if (multispecs.Length > 1) { SemWeb.Stores.MultiStore multistore = new SemWeb.Stores.MultiStore(); foreach (string mspec in multispecs) { object mstore = Create(mspec.Trim(), output); if (mstore is SelectableSource) { multistore.Add((SelectableSource)mstore); } else if (mstore is StatementSource) { MemoryStore m = new MemoryStore((StatementSource)mstore); multistore.Add(m); } } return(multistore); } string type = spec; int c = spec.IndexOf(':'); if (c != -1) { type = spec.Substring(0, c); spec = spec.Substring(c + 1); } else { spec = ""; } Type ttype; switch (type) { case "mem": return(new MemoryStore()); case "xml": if (spec == "") { throw new ArgumentException("Use: xml:filename"); } if (output) { return(new RdfXmlWriter(spec)); } else { return(new RdfXmlReader(spec)); } case "n3": case "ntriples": case "nt": case "turtle": if (spec == "") { throw new ArgumentException("Use: format:filename"); } if (output) { N3Writer ret = new N3Writer(spec); // turtle is default format switch (type) { case "nt": case "ntriples": ret.Format = N3Writer.Formats.NTriples; break; } return(ret); } else { return(new N3Reader(spec)); } /*case "file": * if (spec == "") throw new ArgumentException("Use: format:filename"); * if (output) throw new ArgumentException("The FileStore does not support writing."); * return new SemWeb.Stores.FileStore(spec);*/ case "sqlite": case "mysql": case "postgresql": if (spec == "") { throw new ArgumentException("Use: sqlite|mysql|postgresql:table:connection-string"); } c = spec.IndexOf(':'); if (c == -1) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid format for SQL spec parameter (table:constring)."); } string table = spec.Substring(0, c); spec = spec.Substring(c + 1); string classtype = null; if (type == "sqlite") { classtype = "SemWeb.Stores.SqliteStore, SemWeb.SqliteStore"; spec = spec.Replace(";", ","); } else if (type == "mysql") { classtype = "SemWeb.Stores.MySQLStore, SemWeb.MySQLStore"; } else if (type == "postgresql") { classtype = "SemWeb.Stores.PostgreSQLStore, SemWeb.PostgreSQLStore"; } ttype = Type.GetType(classtype); if (ttype == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("The storage type in <" + classtype + "> could not be found."); } return(Activator.CreateInstance(ttype, new object[] { spec, table })); /*case "bdb": * return new SemWeb.Stores.BDBStore(spec);*/ case "sparql-http": return(new SemWeb.Remote.SparqlHttpSource(spec)); case "class": ttype = Type.GetType(spec); if (ttype == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("The class <" + spec + "> could not be found."); } return(Activator.CreateInstance(ttype)); default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown parser type: " + type); } }
public static void query (SelectableSource source, Statement filter) { using (RdfWriter writer = new N3Writer (System.Console.Out)) source.Select (filter, writer); }
public void Write(System.IO.TextWriter writer) { using (RdfWriter w = new N3Writer(writer)) { Select(w); } }