public void RunCatalogue() { Console.WriteLine("Welcome"); for (int j = 0; j < basket.SelectedItems.Length; j++) { for (CatalogueOptionLoop = 1; CatalogueOptionLoop == 1;) { Console.WriteLine(PromptUser); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(options[0]); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; fstInput = Console.ReadLine(); Console.ResetColor(); if (!(string.Equals(fstInput.ToLower(), "b")) || (string.Equals(fstInput.ToLower(), "quit"))) { try { FstInput = int.Parse(fstInput); if (!(FstInput == 1 || FstInput == 2)) { throw new OutOfBoundsException(OutOfBoundsException.OutOfBoundsExceptionMessage); } if (FstInput == 1) { code[0] = 'M'; ItemDescription[0] = "Mens "; } else if (FstInput == 2) { code[0] = 'W'; ItemDescription[0] = "Womens "; } CatalogueOptionLoop = 2; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); CatalogueOptionLoop = 1; } } else { basket.ProfileLoginCheck(); if (ProfileLogin.LoggedIn == true) { basket.ViewSelectedItems(); basket.CalculateTotalPrice(); } else if (ProfileLogin.LoggedIn == false) { ProfileLogin.loginAttempt(); basket.ViewSelectedItems(); basket.CalculateTotalPrice(); //break; } } if (fstInput.ToLower() == "quit") { ProfileLogin.LoggedIn = false; Console.Clear(); Menu menu = new Menu(); } } for (CatalogueOptionLoop = 2; CatalogueOptionLoop == 2;) { Console.WriteLine(PromptUser); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(options[1]); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; sndInput = Console.ReadLine(); Console.ResetColor(); if (string.Equals(sndInput.ToLower(), "quit")) { ProfileLogin.LoggedIn = false; Console.Clear(); Menu menu = new Menu(); } try { SndInput = int.Parse(sndInput); if (!(SndInput == 1 || SndInput == 2 || SndInput == 3 || SndInput == 4 || SndInput == 5)) { throw new OutOfBoundsException(OutOfBoundsException.OutOfBoundsExceptionMessage); } if (SndInput == 1) { code[1] = 'K'; ItemDescription[1] = "Trainers "; } else if (SndInput == 2) { code[1] = 'T'; ItemDescription[1] = "T-shirts "; } else if (SndInput == 3) { code[1] = 'S'; ItemDescription[1] = "Shorts "; } else if (SndInput == 4) { code[1] = 'B'; ItemDescription[1] = "Tracksuit bottoms "; } else if (SndInput == 5) { code[1] = 'H'; ItemDescription[1] = "Hoodies "; } CatalogueOptionLoop = 3; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); CatalogueOptionLoop = 2; } } for (CatalogueOptionLoop = 3; CatalogueOptionLoop == 3;) { Console.WriteLine(PromptUser); Console.WriteLine(options[2]); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; trdInput = Console.ReadLine(); Console.ResetColor(); if (string.Equals(trdInput.ToLower(), "quit")) { ProfileLogin.LoggedIn = false; Console.Clear(); Menu menu = new Menu(); } try { TrdInput = int.Parse(trdInput); if (!(TrdInput == 1 || TrdInput == 2 || TrdInput == 3 || TrdInput == 4 || TrdInput == 5)) { throw new OutOfBoundsException(OutOfBoundsException.OutOfBoundsExceptionMessage); } if (TrdInput == 1) { code[2] = '1'; ItemDescription[2] = "White "; } else if (TrdInput == 2) { code[2] = '2'; ItemDescription[2] = "Black "; } else if (TrdInput == 3) { code[2] = '3'; ItemDescription[2] = "Blue "; } else if (TrdInput == 4) { code[2] = '4'; ItemDescription[2] = "Red "; } else if (TrdInput == 5) { code[2] = '5'; ItemDescription[2] = "Green "; } CatalogueOptionLoop = 4; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); CatalogueOptionLoop = 3; } } for (CatalogueOptionLoop = 4; CatalogueOptionLoop == 4;) { Console.WriteLine(PromptUser); Console.WriteLine(options[3]); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; frthInput = Console.ReadLine(); Console.ResetColor(); if (string.Equals(frthInput.ToLower(), "quit")) { ProfileLogin.LoggedIn = false; Console.Clear(); Menu menu = new Menu(); } try { FrthInput = int.Parse(frthInput); if (!(FrthInput == 1 || FrthInput == 2 || FrthInput == 3 || FrthInput == 4 || FrthInput == 5)) { throw new OutOfBoundsException(OutOfBoundsException.OutOfBoundsExceptionMessage); } else if (FrthInput == 1) { code[3] = 'N'; ItemDescription[3] = "Nike \n"; } else if (FrthInput == 2) { code[3] = 'A'; ItemDescription[3] = "Addidas \n"; } else if (FrthInput == 3) { code[3] = 'P'; ItemDescription[3] = "Puma \n"; } else if (FrthInput == 4) { code[3] = 'C'; ItemDescription[3] = "Converse \n"; } else if (FrthInput == 5) { code[3] = 'L'; ItemDescription[3] = "Lonsdale \n"; } CatalogueOptionLoop = 5; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); CatalogueOptionLoop = 4; } } for (CatalogueOptionLoop = 5; CatalogueOptionLoop == 5;) { ProductCode = new string(code); Console.WriteLine("Product Code : " + ProductCode); foreach (string item in ItemDescription) { Console.Write(item); } double price = priceList.GetPrice(ProductCode); Console.WriteLine("Price : £" + price); Console.WriteLine("Add item to basket Y/N?"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; string addToBasket = Console.ReadLine(); Console.ResetColor(); if (!(addToBasket.ToLower() == "y" || addToBasket == "n")) { CatalogueOptionLoop = 5; throw new Exception(); } if (addToBasket.ToLower() == "y") { try { basket.SelectedItems[j] = ProductCode; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); CatalogueOptionLoop = 5; } CatalogueOptionLoop = 1; } else if (addToBasket.ToLower() == "n") { j--; CatalogueOptionLoop = 1; } } } basket.ViewSelectedItems(); basket.CalculateTotalPrice(); }
public Menu() { WelcomeMessage welcomeMessage = new WelcomeMessage(); ProfileLogin.LoginResult = 0; string errorMessage = "Invalid input"; for (i = 0; i < 1;) { while (ProfileLogin.LoginResult < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Enter 1 to browse catalogue, 2 to sign in, 3 to sign up or quit to shut down program : "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; string entry = Console.ReadLine(); Console.ResetColor(); if (string.Equals(entry.ToLower(), "quit")) { System.Environment.Exit(1); } else if (string.Equals(entry, "")) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(errorMessage); Console.Beep(); Console.ResetColor(); } try { int userEntry = int.Parse(entry); if (userEntry == 1) { Catalogue catalogue = new Catalogue(); catalogue.RunCatalogue(); } else if (userEntry == 2) { ProfileLogin.loginAttempt(); i = 1; } else if (userEntry == 3) { NewProfile.addNewProfile(); i = 0; } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(errorMessage); Console.Beep(); Console.ResetColor(); } } catch (Exception) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(errorMessage + " Exception handled!"); Console.Beep(); Console.ResetColor(); } if (ProfileLogin.LoginResult == 2)//admin user options { AdminProfile.RunAdminProfile(); } else if (ProfileLogin.LoginResult == 3)//general user options { UserProfile.RunUserProfile(); } else if (ProfileLogin.LoginResult == 4)//John Doe user options { ExampleProfile.RunExampleProfile(); } ProfileLogin.LoginResult = 0; } i = 0; } }