        public IEnumerable<CitySupplierInfo> GetCitySuppliers(int cityId)
            using (var db = new LomsContext())
                var suppliers = from a in db.DispatchSuppliers.IncludeAll("Country", "State", "State.Country", "Suburb", "Suburb.Country", "Suburb.State", "Suburb.State.Country")
                                join ac in db.DispatchSupplierCities on a.Id equals ac.SupplierId
                                where ac.CityId == cityId
                                orderby a.Name
                                select a;

                var citySupplierInfos = new List<CitySupplierInfo>();

                foreach (var supplier in suppliers.ToList())
                    if (supplier.CountryId != null && supplier.Country == null)
                        supplier.Country = db.Countries.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == supplier.CountryId);
                    else if (supplier.StateId != null && supplier.State == null)
                        supplier.State = db.States.Include("Country").SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id == supplier.StateId);
                    else if (supplier.SuburbId != null && supplier.Suburb == null)
                        supplier.Suburb = db.Suburbs.IncludeAll("State", "State.Country", "Country").SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id == supplier.SuburbId);

                    var info = new CitySupplierInfo() { Supplier = supplier };

                    info.Manager = db.DispatchSupplierUsers.FirstOrDefault(u => u.SupplierId == supplier.Id && u.RoleId == (int)SupplierUserRole.Manager);

                    var supplierCity = db.DispatchSupplierCities.IncludeAll("VehicleTypes", "VehicleTypes.VehicleType").SingleOrDefault(c => c.SupplierId == supplier.Id && c.CityId == cityId);
                    info.CityVehicleTypes = supplierCity.VehicleTypes;

                return citySupplierInfos;
 public DispatchWorldwide GetWorldwide()
     using (var db = new LomsContext())
         return db.DispatchWorldwides.IncludeAll("Suburb", "Suburb.Country", "Suburb.State", "Suburb.State.Country").FirstOrDefault();
 public Association GetAssociation()
     using (var db = new LomsContext())
         return db.Associations.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Id == CurrentAssociationId);
        public IEnumerable<AssociationUserCreditCard> GetCreditCards(int profileId, SearchRequest searchRequest)
            using (var db = new LomsContext())
                var query = db.AssociationUserCreditCards.IncludeAll("Info")
                      .Where(a => a.AssociationUserId == profileId);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchRequest.SearchFilterValue))
                    if (searchRequest.SearchFilter == "Nickname")
                        query = from card in query
                                where card.Nickname.Contains(searchRequest.SearchFilterValue)
                                select card;

                var cards = query.OrderBy(a => a.Nickname).ToList();
                cards.ForEach(card =>
                    card.Number = ObfuscateCreditCardNumber(card.Info.Number);
                    card.Info = null;

                return cards;
        public static double GetRate(LomsContext db, Booking booking, DebugWriter debugInfoWriter)
            double extras;
            bool autoPending = false;

            double price = 0.0;

                price = GetBaseRateWithAdminFees(db, booking, debugInfoWriter, out autoPending, out extras);
                if (price == 0.0 || autoPending)
                    return 0.0;
            catch (Exception ex)
                debugInfoWriter.WriteLine("Exception during GetBaseRateWithAdminFees!");
                return 0.0;

            RateHelper.ApplyVehicleMargin(db, booking, debugInfoWriter, ref price);

            price += extras;

            RateHelper.ApplyHourZone(db, booking, debugInfoWriter, ref price);

            //RateHelper.ApplyEventMargin(db, booking, debugInfoWriter, ref price, ref autoPending, ref eventName);
            //if (autoPending)
            //    return 0.0;

            return price;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                string guidStr = Page.RouteData.Values["guid"] as string;
                Guid guid;
                if (guidStr == null || !Guid.TryParseExact(guidStr, "D", out guid))
                    lblError.Text = "Wrong reset guid!";
                    using (var db = new LomsContext())
                        var pwdReset = db.AssociationUserPasswordResets.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Guid == guid);
                        if (pwdReset == null)
                            lblError.Text = "Wrong reset guid!";

                        var user = db.AssociationUsers.First(u => u.Id == pwdReset.AssociationUserId);

                        lblUserWelcome.Text = string.Format("Welcome, {0}.", user.FullName.ToUpper());
 public IEnumerable<AssociationUserCreditCard> GetCreditCards(int profileId, SearchRequest searchRequest)
     using (var db = new LomsContext())
         return GetCreditCards(db, profileId, searchRequest);
        private IEnumerable<AssociationUserCreditCard> GetCreditCards(LomsContext db, int profileId, SearchRequest searchRequest)
            var query = db.AssociationUserCreditCards.IncludeAll("Info")
                  .Where(a => a.AssociationUserId == profileId);

            if (searchRequest != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchRequest.SearchFilterValue))
                if (searchRequest.SearchFilter == "Nickname")
                    query = from card in query
                            where card.Nickname.Contains(searchRequest.SearchFilterValue)
                            select card;

            var cards = query.OrderBy(a => a.Nickname).ToList();
            cards.ForEach(card =>
                card.Number = AssociationUserCreditCard.ObfuscateCreditCardNumber(card.Info.Number);
                card.Info = null;

            var defaultBilling = db.AssociationUserDefaultBillings.SingleOrDefault(b => b.AssociationUserId == profileId);
            if (defaultBilling != null && defaultBilling.CreditCardId.HasValue)
                var card = cards.Single(i => i.Id == defaultBilling.CreditCardId);
                card.IsDefaultBilling = true;

            return cards;
        public static bool AllocateVehicle(LomsContext db, Booking booking, bool isPhantom, StringBuilder debug)
            int vehicleTypeId = booking.VehicleTypeId.Value;
            var pickUpTime = booking.PickUpTime.Value;
            int jorneyLength = 30; //min

            DateTime fromDate = pickUpTime.Date;
            DateTime toDate = pickUpTime.AddMinutes(jorneyLength).Date;

            int fromTime = (((int)pickUpTime.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes) / 30) * 30;
            int toTime = (((int)pickUpTime.AddMinutes(jorneyLength).TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes) / 30) * 30;

            if (!CheckAvailability(db, booking.Id, booking.CityId, vehicleTypeId, fromDate, toDate, fromTime, toTime, isPhantom, debug))
                return false;

            if (booking.AllocatedVehicle == null)
                booking.AllocatedVehicle = new BookingAllocatedVehicle() { BookingId = booking.Id };

            booking.AllocatedVehicle.CityId = booking.CityId;
            booking.AllocatedVehicle.VehicleTypeId = vehicleTypeId;
            booking.AllocatedVehicle.From = fromDate.AddMinutes(fromTime);
            booking.AllocatedVehicle.To = toDate.AddMinutes(toTime);
            booking.AllocatedVehicle.IsPhantom = isPhantom;

            return true;
 public Booking GetBooking(int id)
     using (var db = new LomsContext())
         return GetBooking(db, id);
        public AssociationUserAddress SaveAddress(AssociationUserAddress address)
                using (var db = new LomsContext())
                    if (address.SuburbId != null)
                        address.Country = null;
                        address.State = null;
                    else if (address.StateId != null)
                        address.Country = null;


                    return db.AssociationUserAddresses.IncludeAll("Country", "State", "State.Country", "Suburb", "Suburb.Country", "Suburb.State", "Suburb.State.Country")
                        .FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == address.Id);
            catch (Exception ex)
                address.AddError("Error", ex.Message);
                return address;
        public DispatchUser SaveWorldwideUser(DispatchUser user, byte[] imageBytes, bool deleteImage)
            int managerId = int.Parse(((FormsIdentity)(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity)).Ticket.UserData);

            using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
            using (var db = new LomsContext())
                if (user.Id == 0)
                    user.Login = user.FirstName[0] + user.LastName;

                    var staffManager = (from m in db.DispatchUsers
                                        where m.Id == managerId
                                        select m).Single();

                    user.CreatedBy = staffManager.FirstName + " " + staffManager.LastName;
                    user.CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (user.Id == 0)
                    if (user.Id == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Pwd))
                        user.Pwd = "123456!";

                    MembershipCreateStatus ret;
                    MembershipUser membershipUser = Membership.CreateUser(user.Login, user.Pwd, user.Email, "Who am I?", "I", true, null, out ret);
                    if (ret != MembershipCreateStatus.Success)
                        throw new ApplicationException(ret.ToString());

                    user.AspNetUserId = (Guid)membershipUser.ProviderUserKey;
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Pwd))
                    MembershipUser membershipUser = Membership.GetUser(user.Login);
                    string tempPwd = membershipUser.ResetPassword();
                    membershipUser.ChangePassword(tempPwd, user.Pwd);

                if (!Roles.IsUserInRole(user.Login, RoleName.DispatchUser))
                    Roles.AddUserToRole(user.Login, RoleName.DispatchUser);

                if (user.Role == DispatchUserRole.Manager && !Roles.IsUserInRole(user.Login, RoleName.DispatchManager))
                    Roles.AddUserToRole(user.Login, RoleName.DispatchManager);
                else if (user.Role != DispatchUserRole.Manager && Roles.IsUserInRole(user.Login, RoleName.DispatchManager))
                    Roles.RemoveUserFromRole(user.Login, RoleName.DispatchManager);


                user = db.DispatchUsers.IncludeAll("Suburb", "Suburb.Country", "Suburb.State", "Suburb.State.Country")
                    .FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == user.Id);


                return user;
 public string GetAssociationName()
     using (var db = new LomsContext())
         return (from a in db.Associations
                 where a.Id == CurrentAssociationId
                 select a.Name).FirstOrDefault();
 public Association GetCurrentAssociation()
     var associationId = (int)HttpContext.Current.Items["AssociationId"];
     using (var db = new LomsContext())
         var association = db.Associations.Include("Country").FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == associationId);
         return association;
 public IEnumerable<DispatchUser> GetWorldwideUsers()
     using (var db = new LomsContext())
         return db.DispatchUsers.IncludeAll("Country", "Suburb", "Suburb.Country", "Suburb.State", "Suburb.State.Country")
             .Where(u => u.RegionId == null && u.DistrictId == null)
 public AssociationUser GetUser()
     using (var db = new LomsContext())
         int currentUserId = CurrentUserId();
         var user = db.AssociationUsers.IncludeAll("Country").FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == currentUserId);
         return user;
 public bool ChangePassword(int managerId, string pwd, string newPwd)
     using (var db = new LomsContext())
         var manager = db.AssociationUsers.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == managerId);
         MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(manager.Email);
         return user.ChangePassword(pwd, newPwd);
        public IEnumerable<Association> GetAssociations()
            using (var db = new LomsContext())
                var query = from a in db.Associations
                            orderby a.Name
                            select a;

                return query.ToList();
 public Segator.Loms.Modules.Common.Entities.Country GetCurrentAssociationCountry()
     var associationId = (int)HttpContext.Current.Items["AssociationId"];
     using (var db = new LomsContext())
         var query = from a in db.Associations.Include("Country")
                     where a.Id == associationId
                     select a.Country;
         return query.SingleOrDefault();
        public IEnumerable<Country> GetAssociationCountries()
            using (var db = new LomsContext())
                var query = from ac in db.AssociationCountries.Include("Country")
                            where ac.AssociationId == CurrentAssociationId && ac.Country.StatusId == (byte)EntityStatus.Active
                            orderby ac.Country.Name
                            select ac.Country;

                return query.Distinct().OrderBy(c => c.Name).ToList();
 public GetBillingsResponse GetBillings(int profileId)
     using (var db = new LomsContext())
         return new GetBillingsResponse
             CreditCards = GetCreditCards(db, profileId, null),
             BillingAccounts = GetBillingAccounts(db, profileId),
             SavedBillingAccounts = GetUserBillingAccounts(db, profileId, null)
        public IEnumerable<Country> GetCountries()
            using (var db = new LomsContext())
                var query = from city in db.Cities.Include("Country")
                            where city.Country.StatusId == (byte)EntityStatus.Active
                            orderby city.Country.Name
                            select city.Country;

                return query.Distinct().ToList();
        public IEnumerable<City> GetCities(int countryId)
            using (var db = new LomsContext())
                var query = from c in db.Cities.Include("State").Include("Country")
                            where c.CountryId == countryId && (c.Status == null || c.Status == (byte)EntityStatus.Active)
                            orderby c.Name
                            select c;

                return query.ToList();
        public bool ChangeStaffUserPassword(int staffUserId, string pwd, string newPwd)
            using (var db = new LomsContext())
                if (!Roles.IsUserInRole(RoleName.StaffUser))
                    throw new SecurityException();

                var manager = db.AssociationStaffUsers.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == staffUserId);
                MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(manager.Login);
                return user.ChangePassword(pwd, newPwd);
        private static double GetBaseRateWithAdminFees(LomsContext db, Booking booking, DebugWriter debug, out bool autoPending, out double extras)
            autoPending = false;
            extras = 0;

            double extrasForPickUp;
            SubDivision subFrom = GetSubDivision(db, booking, booking.PickUpEndpoint, debug, out autoPending, out extrasForPickUp);
            if (subFrom == null || autoPending)
                return 0.0;

            Zone zoneFrom;
            Region regionFrom;
            debug.WriteSubDivisionInfo(db, subFrom, out zoneFrom, out regionFrom);
            if (extrasForPickUp != 0.0)
                debug.WriteLine("Airport Extras: {0:0.00}", extrasForPickUp);

            double extrasForDropOff;
            SubDivision subTo = GetSubDivision(db, booking, booking.DropOffEndpoint, debug, out autoPending, out extrasForDropOff);
            if (subTo == null)
                return 0.0;

            Zone zoneTo;
            Region regionTo;
            debug.WriteSubDivisionInfo(db, subTo, out zoneTo, out regionTo);
            if (extrasForDropOff != 0.0)
                debug.WriteLine("Airport Extras: {0:0.00}", extrasForDropOff);

            SubDivisionRate baseRate = db.SubDivisionRates.FirstOrDefault(r => r.SubDivisionFromId == subFrom.Id && r.SubDivisionToId == subTo.Id);
            if (baseRate == null)
                return 0.0;

            double price = 0.0;
            if (baseRate != null)
                price = baseRate.Rate;

                //admin fees
                List<AdminFee> adminFees = GetAdminFees(db, booking, zoneFrom, regionFrom, zoneTo, regionTo);
                if (adminFees != null)
                    foreach (var value in adminFees)
                        price += baseRate.Rate * value.Margin / 100.0 + value.Fee;

            extras = extrasForPickUp + extrasForDropOff;
            return price;
        public IEnumerable<State> GetStates(int countryId)
            using (var db = new LomsContext())

                var query = from s in db.States.Include("Country")
                            where s.CountryId == countryId
                            orderby s.Name
                            select s;

                return query.ToList();
        public static bool IsInnerJourney(LomsContext db, Booking booking)
            if (!IsInner(db, booking.CityId, booking.PickUpEndpoint.Type, booking.PickUpEndpoint.SuburbId, booking.PickUpEndpoint.AirportId))
                return false;

            if (!IsInner(db, booking.CityId, booking.DropOffEndpoint.Type, booking.DropOffEndpoint.SuburbId, booking.DropOffEndpoint.AirportId))
                return false;

            foreach (BookingStop stop in booking.Stops)
                if (!IsInner(db, booking.CityId, stop.EndpointType, stop.SuburbId, stop.AirportId))
                    return false;

            return true;
        public bool IsEmailUnique(string email)
            using (var db = new LomsContext())
                email = email.Trim().ToLower();

                //check id user with such email existed already
                var count = (from u in db.AssociationUsers
                             where u.AssociationId == CurrentAssociationId && u.Email == email
                             select u).Count();

                return count == 0;
        public BreadcrumbsResponse GetBreadcrumbs(int creatorId, int primaryPassengerId)
            using (var db = new LomsContext())
                var breadcrumbs = new BreadcrumbsResponse();

                breadcrumbs.Creator = db.AssociationUsers.Single(u => u.Id == creatorId);

                if (primaryPassengerId != 0 && creatorId != primaryPassengerId)
                    breadcrumbs.PrimaryPassenger = db.AssociationUsers.Single(u => u.Id == primaryPassengerId);

                return breadcrumbs;
        private static bool CheckAvailability(LomsContext db, int bookingId, int cityId, int vehicleTypeId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, int fromTime, int toTime, bool isPhantom, StringBuilder debug)
            for (DateTime date = fromDate; date <= toDate; date = date.AddDays(1))
                var template = db.VehicleAvailabilityTemplates.FirstOrDefault(t => t.CityId == cityId && t.VehicleTypeId == vehicleTypeId && t.StartDate <= date && date <= t.EndDate);
                if (template == null)
                    debug.AppendLine("Vehicle availability template cannot be found for " + date.ToString("dd MMM yyyy") + ".");
                    return false;

                int time1 = date == fromDate ? fromTime : 0;
                int time2 = date == toDate ? toTime : 24 * 60 - 30;

                for (int time = time1; time < time2; time += 30)
                    int totalVehicles;
                    if (isPhantom)
                        totalVehicles = template.GetPhantom(date.DayOfWeek, time);
                        totalVehicles = template.GetPending(date.DayOfWeek, time);

                    var detail = db.VehicleAvailabilityTemplateDetails.FirstOrDefault(d => d.TemplateId == template.Id && d.Date == date && d.Time == time);
                    if (detail != null)
                        if (isPhantom)
                            totalVehicles = detail.Phantom;
                            totalVehicles = detail.Pending;

                    //get allocated
                    DateTime t = date.AddMinutes(time);
                    var bookedVehicles = db.BookingAllocatedVehicles.Count(v => v.BookingId != bookingId && v.CityId == cityId && v.VehicleTypeId == vehicleTypeId && v.From <= t && t < v.To && v.IsPhantom == isPhantom);

                    int availableVehicles = totalVehicles - bookedVehicles;
                    if (availableVehicles <= 0)
                        if (isPhantom)
                            debug.AppendLine("No free phantoms on " + date.AddMinutes(time).ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm") + ".");
                            debug.AppendLine("No free pending on " + date.AddMinutes(time).ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm") + ".");
                        return false;
            return true;