/// <summary> /// Method to add new Media. /// </summary> /// <param name="media"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Medium AddMedia(MediaManagement media) { #region Business Logic Medium objMedium = new Medium(); try { objMedium.id = Guid.NewGuid(); objMedium.title = media.title; objMedium.dateUploaded = DateTime.Now; objMedium.seedId = new Guid(media.seedId); objMedium.uploadedById = new Guid(media.uploadedById); objMedium.type = media.type; objMedium.path = media.path; objMedium.embedScript = media.embedScript; repoObj.Create<Medium>(objMedium); } catch (Exception ex) { WriteError(ex); } return objMedium; #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Method to add media. /// </summary> /// <param name="memberId"></param> /// <param name="newPassword"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string AddMedia(string title, string imgName, string seedId, string fileType, string memberId) { bool isMediaSaved = false; string isSaved = string.Empty; MediaManagement objMedia = new MediaManagement(); MediaAction mediaAction = new MediaAction(); objMedia.title = title; objMedia.seedId = seedId; objMedia.uploadedById = memberId; objMedia.type = fileType; objMedia.path = "../../UploadedMedia/" + imgName; objMedia.embedScript = "Image Script"; Medium objMedium = mediaAction.AddMedia(objMedia); if (objMedium != null) isMediaSaved = true; if (isMediaSaved == true) isSaved = "Media Uploaded Successfully"; return isSaved; }
public ActionResult EditSeedInfo(string txtEdtSeedTitle, string txtEdtDesc, string seedCoordinatesEdt, string seedLocationEdt, string txtCategoryEdt, IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> mediaFilesEdt, string EdtSeedID) { #region codeRegion try { SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); LocationAction objLocation = new LocationAction(); Seed seed = GetSeedInformation(EdtSeedID); seed.title = txtEdtSeedTitle; string s = Regex.Replace(txtEdtDesc, @"<(.|\n)*?>", string.Empty); s = s.Replace(" ", " "); s = Regex.Replace(s, @"\s+", " "); s = Regex.Replace(s, @"\r\n", "\n"); s = Regex.Replace(s, @"\n+", "\n"); string description = s; badWordsFilter objWords = new badWordsFilter(); string wordsFilePath = Server.MapPath("~/utils/badWords.xml"); List<string> lstBadWords = badWordsFilter.BadWordList(ref wordsFilePath); description = objWords.FilterBadWords(lstBadWords, description); seed.description = description; Location loc = seed.Location; //Format address and create add seed model string[] splitAddress = seedLocationEdt.Split(','); string[] strSplitLatLong = seedCoordinatesEdt.Split(','); loc.localLat = Convert.ToDouble(strSplitLatLong[0].ToString()); loc.localLong = Convert.ToDouble(strSplitLatLong[1].ToString()); if (splitAddress.Length > 4) { string[] splitZipRegion = splitAddress[3].ToString().Trim().Split(' '); loc.crossStreet = splitAddress[0].ToString() + ", " + splitAddress[1].ToString(); string cityid = objLocation.GetCityIdByCityName(splitAddress[2].ToString().Trim(), splitZipRegion[0].ToString().Trim()); loc.cityId = new Guid(cityid); loc.zipcode = splitZipRegion[1].ToString().Trim(); } else { string[] splitZipRegion = splitAddress[2].ToString().Trim().Split(' '); loc.crossStreet = splitAddress[0].ToString(); string cityid = objLocation.GetCityIdByCityName(splitAddress[1].ToString().Trim(), splitZipRegion[0].ToString().Trim()); loc.cityId = new Guid(cityid); loc.zipcode = splitZipRegion[1].ToString().Trim(); } //End formatting address loc = objLocation.UpdateLocation(loc); seed.locationId = loc.id; seed = objSeed.UpdateSeed(seed); string plantedSeedId = seed.id.ToString(); if (txtCategoryEdt != null) { string catIds = string.Empty; string[] splitCategories = txtCategoryEdt.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < splitCategories.Length; i++) { CategoryAction objCatg = new CategoryAction(); string idCatg = objCatg.GetCategoryIdByCategoryName(splitCategories[i].ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(idCatg)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(catIds)) catIds = idCatg; else catIds = catIds + "," + idCatg; } } //bool isPlanted = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(catIds)) { string[] arrCatIds = catIds.Split(','); objSeed.AddCategories(plantedSeedId, arrCatIds); } } if (mediaFilesEdt != null) { foreach (var file in mediaFilesEdt) { if (file.ContentLength > 0) { Bitmap sourceImage = new Bitmap(file.InputStream); MediaManagement objMedia = new MediaManagement(); bool isMediaSaved = false; int fileSize = file.ContentLength; string fileOk = CheckFile(file.FileName, fileSize); if (fileOk != "Invalid") { string strImgFileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); DateTime datImg = DateTime.Now; string ImgfileUploadtime = datImg.Day.ToString() + datImg.Month.ToString() + datImg.Year.ToString() + datImg.Hour.ToString() + datImg.Minute.ToString() + datImg.Second.ToString(); string filePath = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("/UploadedMedia"), (plantedSeedId + "_" + ImgfileUploadtime + strImgFileExtension)); objMedia.title = plantedSeedId + "_" + ImgfileUploadtime; objMedia.path = "../../UploadedMedia/" + (plantedSeedId + "_" + ImgfileUploadtime + strImgFileExtension); objMedia.type = fileOk; objMedia.seedId = plantedSeedId; sourceImage.Save(filePath, FileExtensionToImageFormat(filePath)); objMedia.embedScript = "Image Script"; isMediaSaved = SaveMediaInformation(objMedia); } else throw new Exception("Please check file type or file size, Max Size Allowed : (Image : 2 MB) & (Video : 4 MB)"); } } } return Redirect("/Seed/SeedDetails/" + plantedSeedId); } catch (Exception ex) { SessionStore.SetSessionValue("PlantError", ex.Message.ToString()); return RedirectToAction("PlantError", "Seed"); } #endregion }
private bool SaveMediaInformation(MediaManagement objMedia) { #region bool isInfoSaved = false; Member memberData = (Member)SessionStore.GetSessionValue(SessionStore.Memberobject); objMedia.uploadedById = memberData.id.ToString(); MediaAction objMediaAction = new MediaAction(); objMediaAction.AddMedia(objMedia); isInfoSaved = true; return isInfoSaved; #endregion }
public ActionResult UploadVedioMedia(HttpPostedFileBase uploadFile, MediaManagement objMedia, string seedId) { #region Member memberData = (Member)SessionStore.GetSessionValue(SessionStore.Memberobject); try { if (uploadFile != null) { if (uploadFile.ContentLength > 0) { bool isMediaSaved = false; int fileSize = uploadFile.ContentLength; string fileOk = CheckFile(uploadFile.FileName, fileSize); string strFileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(uploadFile.FileName); DateTime dat = DateTime.Now; string fileUploadtime = dat.Day.ToString() + dat.Month.ToString() + dat.Year.ToString() + dat.Hour.ToString() + dat.Minute.ToString() + dat.Second.ToString(); string filePath = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("/UploadedMedia"), (memberData.id.ToString() + "_" + fileUploadtime + strFileExtension)); objMedia.path = "../../UploadedMedia/" + (memberData.id.ToString() + "_" + fileUploadtime + strFileExtension); objMedia.type = fileOk; if (fileOk == SystemStatements.MEDIA_VIDEO) { uploadFile.SaveAs(filePath); objMedia.embedScript = "Media Script"; isMediaSaved = SaveMediaInformation(objMedia); if (isMediaSaved == true) { SendMediaUploadMail(seedId); ViewData["MediaMsg"] = "<b>Media has been uploaded successfully.</b>"; } } if (fileOk == "Invalid") { ViewData["MediaMsg"] = "<span>Please check file type or file size, Max Size Allowed : 4 MB</span>"; } } else { ViewData["MediaMsg"] = "<span>Please check file type or file size.</span>"; } } else { ViewData["MediaMsg"] = "<span>Please select a file.</span>"; } } catch (Exception ex) { ViewData["MediaMsg"] = ex.Message.ToString(); } SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); Seed seedData = objSeed.GetSeedBySeedId(seedId); ViewData["SeedTitle"] = seedData.title; ViewData["SeedValue"] = seedData.id; ViewData["SeedData"] = seedData; IList<Medium> MList = seedData.Media.Where(x => x.type.Equals(SystemStatements.MEDIA_VIDEO)).OrderByDescending(x => x.dateUploaded).ToList(); ViewData["MList"] = MList; return View(); #endregion }
public ActionResult UploadMedia(HttpPostedFileBase uploadFile, MediaManagement objMedia, string seedId) { #region Member memberData = (Member)SessionStore.GetSessionValue(SessionStore.Memberobject); try { if (uploadFile != null) { if (uploadFile.ContentLength > 0) { bool isMediaSaved = false; int fileSize = uploadFile.ContentLength; string fileOk = CheckFile(uploadFile.FileName, fileSize); string strImgFileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(uploadFile.FileName); DateTime datImg = DateTime.Now; string ImgfileUploadtime = datImg.Day.ToString() + datImg.Month.ToString() + datImg.Year.ToString() + datImg.Hour.ToString() + datImg.Minute.ToString() + datImg.Second.ToString(); string filePath = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("/UploadedMedia"), (memberData.id.ToString() + "_" + ImgfileUploadtime + strImgFileExtension)); objMedia.path = "../../UploadedMedia/" + (memberData.id.ToString() + "_" + ImgfileUploadtime + strImgFileExtension); objMedia.type = fileOk; if (fileOk == SystemStatements.MEDIA_IMAGE) { int maxImageWidth = 600; Bitmap sourceImage = new Bitmap(uploadFile.InputStream); // Resize if source image width is greater than the max: if (sourceImage.Width > maxImageWidth) { int newImageHeight = (int)(sourceImage.Height * ((float)maxImageWidth / (float)sourceImage.Width)); Bitmap resizedImage = new Bitmap(maxImageWidth, newImageHeight); Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(resizedImage); gr.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; gr.DrawImage(sourceImage, 0, 0, maxImageWidth, newImageHeight); // Save the resized image: resizedImage.Save(filePath, FileExtensionToImageFormat(filePath)); objMedia.embedScript = "Image Script"; isMediaSaved = SaveMediaInformation(objMedia); if (isMediaSaved == true) { SendMediaUploadMail(seedId); ViewData["MediaMsg"] = "<b>Image has been uploaded successfully.</b>"; } } else { // Save the source image (no resizing necessary): sourceImage.Save(filePath, FileExtensionToImageFormat(filePath)); objMedia.embedScript = "Image Script"; isMediaSaved = SaveMediaInformation(objMedia); if (isMediaSaved == true) { SendMediaUploadMail(seedId); ViewData["MediaMsg"] = "<b>Image has been uploaded successfully.</b>"; } } } if (fileOk == "Invalid") { ViewData["MediaMsg"] = "<span>Please check file type or file size, Max Size Allowed : 4 MB</span>"; } } else { ViewData["MediaMsg"] = "<span>Please check file type or file size.</span>"; } } else { ViewData["MediaMsg"] = "<span>Please select a file.</span>"; } } catch (Exception ex) { ViewData["MediaMsg"] = ex.Message.ToString(); } SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); Seed seedData = objSeed.GetSeedBySeedId(seedId); ViewData["SeedTitle"] = seedData.title; ViewData["SeedValue"] = seedData.id; ViewData["SeedData"] = seedData; IList<Medium> MList = seedData.Media.Where(x => x.type.Equals(SystemStatements.MEDIA_IMAGE)).OrderByDescending(x => x.dateUploaded).ToList(); ViewData["MList"] = MList; return View(); #endregion }
public ActionResult ShareIdea1(string returnAction, string txtSeedTitle, string txtDesc, string seedCoordinates, string seedLocation, string txtCategory, IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> mediaFiles) { #region codeRegion try { SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); LocationAction objLocation = new LocationAction(); //Format address and create add seed model string[] splitAddress = seedLocation.Split(','); AddSeed seedData = new AddSeed(); seedData.SeedName = txtSeedTitle; seedData.Description = txtDesc; seedData.LongLat = seedCoordinates; string seedCountry = string.Empty; if (splitAddress.Length > 4) { seedData.StreetAddress = splitAddress[0].ToString() + ", " + splitAddress[1].ToString(); seedData.City = splitAddress[2].ToString().Trim(); string[] splitZipRegion = splitAddress[3].ToString().Trim().Split(' '); seedData.ZipCode = splitZipRegion[1].ToString().Trim(); seedData.StateCode = splitZipRegion[0].ToString().Trim(); seedCountry = splitAddress[4].ToString(); } else { seedData.StreetAddress = splitAddress[0].ToString(); seedData.City = splitAddress[1].ToString().Trim(); string[] splitZipRegion = splitAddress[2].ToString().Trim().Split(' '); seedData.ZipCode = splitZipRegion[1].ToString().Trim(); seedData.StateCode = splitZipRegion[0].ToString().Trim(); seedCountry = splitAddress[3].ToString(); } //End formatting address if (seedCountry.Trim().Equals("USA") || seedCountry.Trim().Equals("US")) seedCountry = seedCountry.Trim(); else throw new Exception("Seeds can not be planted outside region of United States"); string plantedSeedId = AddSeedData(seedData); if (txtCategory != null) { string catIds = string.Empty; string[] splitCategories = txtCategory.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < splitCategories.Length; i++) { CategoryAction objCatg = new CategoryAction(); string idCatg = objCatg.GetCategoryIdByCategoryName(splitCategories[i].ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(idCatg)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(catIds)) catIds = idCatg; else catIds = catIds + "," + idCatg; } } //bool isPlanted = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(catIds)) { string[] arrCatIds = catIds.Split(','); objSeed.AddCategories(plantedSeedId, arrCatIds); } } if (mediaFiles != null) { foreach (var file in mediaFiles) { if (file.ContentLength > 0) { Bitmap sourceImage = new Bitmap(file.InputStream); MediaManagement objMedia = new MediaManagement(); bool isMediaSaved = false; int fileSize = file.ContentLength; string fileOk = CheckFile(file.FileName, fileSize); if (fileOk != "Invalid") { string strImgFileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); DateTime datImg = DateTime.Now; string ImgfileUploadtime = datImg.Day.ToString() + datImg.Month.ToString() + datImg.Year.ToString() + datImg.Hour.ToString() + datImg.Minute.ToString() + datImg.Second.ToString(); string filePath = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("/UploadedMedia"), (plantedSeedId.ToString() + "_" + ImgfileUploadtime + strImgFileExtension)); objMedia.title = plantedSeedId.ToString() + "_" + ImgfileUploadtime; objMedia.path = "../../UploadedMedia/" + (plantedSeedId.ToString() + "_" + ImgfileUploadtime + strImgFileExtension); objMedia.type = fileOk; objMedia.seedId = plantedSeedId; sourceImage.Save(filePath, FileExtensionToImageFormat(filePath)); objMedia.embedScript = "Image Script"; isMediaSaved = SaveMediaInformation(objMedia); } else throw new Exception("Please check file type or file size, Max Size Allowed : (Image : 2 MB) & (Video : 4 MB)"); } } } Seed seed = GetSeedInformation(plantedSeedId); // Creating array list for token ArrayList arrTokens = new ArrayList(); arrTokens.Add(seed.Member.firstName + " " + seed.Member.lastName); arrTokens.Add(seed.title); arrTokens.Add("http://" + Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"] + "/Seed/SeedDetails/" + seed.id); arrTokens.Add("http://" + Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"] + "/Member/Profile"); // Filling mail object SendMail objSendMail = new SendMail(); Regex rgxEmail = new Regex("\\w+([-+.']\\w+)*@\\w+([-.]\\w+)*\\.\\w+([-.]\\w+)*"); if (rgxEmail.IsMatch(seed.Member.username)) objSendMail.ToEmailId = seed.Member.username; else objSendMail.ToEmailId = seed.Member.Email; objSendMail.Subject = "email.seedPlanted.subject.content"; objSendMail.MsgBody = "email.seedPlanted.body.content"; objSendMail.ChangesInMessage = arrTokens; objSendMail.SendEmail(objSendMail); return Redirect("/Seed/SeedDetails/" + seed.id); } catch (Exception ex) { SessionStore.SetSessionValue("PlantError", "Error occurred while planting seed#" + ex.Message.ToString()); //ViewData["PlantErrMsg"] = ex.Message.ToString(); return RedirectToAction("PlantError", "Seed"); } #endregion }