SeeScore.PlayData.IPlayData GetMIDIPlayData() { if (midiPlayData_cache == null) { midiPlayData_cache = CreateMidiPlayData(); } return(midiPlayData_cache); }
private String GetMIDIFile() { if (midiPlayData_cache == null) { midiPlayData_cache = CreateMidiPlayData(); midiPlayData_cache.CreateMidiFile(midiFileName); } return(midiFileName); }
private void StartPlayAt(int barIndex, bool countIn) { axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = GetMIDIFile(); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.stop(); SeeScore.PlayData.IPlayData pd = GetMIDIPlayData(); int bar_ms = pd.durationUpToBar(barIndex); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.currentPosition = (double)bar_ms / 1000.0F; DelayedStarter starter = new DelayedStarter(this, barIndex, countIn); testingDelay = true; mediaPlayerStartDelayTestStartTime = DateTime.Now; postDelayTestStartHandler = starter.postDelayTestStartHandler;; }
SeeScore.PlayData.IPlayData CreateMidiPlayData() { SeeScore.PlayData.IPlayData pd = SeeScore.PlayData.PD.Create(score, new UTempo(this)); double rate = pd.HasDefinedTempo() ? pd.TempoAtStart().bpm : kDefaultTempoBPM; // use default 80 if no tempo defined in file bpmLabel.Text = "" + rate.ToString("F0"); notifier = new SeeScore.Notifier(pd); if (kUsingNoteCursor) { notifier.SetNoteHandler(new NoteHandler(this)); // note cursor } notifier.SetBarChangeHandler(new BarEventHandler(this)); // bar cursor notifier.SetBeatHandler(new BeatHandler(this)); notifier.SetEndHandler(new EndHandler(this)); return(pd); }
int PositionToBarIndex(double position_s) { int ms = 0; int seqIndex = 0; int pos_ms = (int)(position_s * 1000); SeeScore.PlayData.IPlayData playData = GetMIDIPlayData(); foreach (SeeScore.PlayData.IBar bar in playData) { ms += bar.Duration(); if (ms >= pos_ms) { return(seqIndex); } ++seqIndex; } return(seqIndex); }
private void LoadData(byte[] data) { try { seeScoreView.ClearAwaitLayoutCompletion();// careful to await termination of layout thread if mid-layout if (score != null) { score.Dispose(); score = null; } if (notifier != null) { notifier.Stop(); } axWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.stop(); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = null; SeeScore.LoadOptions loadOptions = new SeeScore.LoadOptions(SeeScore.K.Key, false, true); score = SeeScore.SS.LoadXMLData(data, loadOptions); SeeScore.LoadWarning[] warnings = score.GetLoadWarnings(); foreach (SeeScore.LoadWarning w in warnings) { System.Console.WriteLine(" error " + w.warning + " in " + w.element + " in part:" + w.partIndex + " bar:" + w.barIndex); } tempoSlider.Value = 100; seeScoreView.SetScore(score, new AppNotifierImpl(this)); midiPlayData_cache = null; this.zoomSlider.Value = 100; // Create MIDI file for playing midiFileName = loadedFile.Substring(0, openFileDialog1.FileName.Length - 4) + ".mid"; GetMIDIFile(); // Initialise the score follower InitialiseScoreFollower(midiFileName); } catch (SeeScore.LoadException ex) { Console.WriteLine("failed to load file: " + ex.Message); } catch (SeeScore.ScoreException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to create midi file " + ex.Message); } }
private void UpdateTempo(float tempoScaling) { if (score != null) { bool isPlaying = axWindowsMediaPlayer1.playState == WMPPlayState.wmppsPlaying; if (isPlaying) { axWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.stop(); notifier.Stop(); } axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = null; SeeScore.PlayData.IPlayData playData = GetMIDIPlayData(); double rate = (playData.HasDefinedTempo() ? playData.TempoAtStart().bpm : kDefaultTempoBPM) * tempoScaling; bpmLabel.Text = "" + rate.ToString("F0"); playData.UpdateTempo(); playData.ScaleMidiFileTempo(GetMIDIFile(), tempoScaling); if (isPlaying) { int barIndex = seeScoreView.CursorBarIndex(); StartPlayAt(barIndex, false); } } }
// called after testing mediaplayer start delay. We start the notifier and the mediaplayer with compensation for its start delay private void StartPlayerWithDelay(TimeSpan startDelay, int barIndex, bool countIn) { SeeScore.PlayData.IPlayData pd = GetMIDIPlayData(); SeeScore.PlayData.IBarEnumerator barIter = pd.GetBarEnumerator(); barIter.ChangeToBar(barIndex); SeeScore.PlayData.IBar bar = barIter.CurrentBar(); DateTime mediaPlayerStartTime = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(1000); DateTime notifierStartTime = mediaPlayerStartTime; if (countIn) { bar = bar.CreateCountIn(); mediaPlayerStartTime = notifierStartTime.AddMilliseconds(bar.Duration() - startDelay.TotalMilliseconds); } else { mediaPlayerStartTime = notifierStartTime.AddMilliseconds(-startDelay.TotalMilliseconds); } int bar_ms = pd.durationUpToBar(barIndex); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.currentPosition = (double)bar_ms / 1000.0F; new PlayerStartDispatch(mediaPlayerStartTime, this); notifier.StartAt(notifierStartTime, barIndex, countIn);// start count-in. MediaPlayer will be started after this }
private void DisposeMIDI() { midiPlayData_cache = null; }