public void ProcessResults_FlightsAreAvailable_ReturnsTrueAndListWithCountGreaterThanZero() { // We're going to test the Queries.ProcessResults function to make sure it returns a tuple<bool, List<Itenerary>> where the list count // should be greater than zero // Arrange /* Make up test input that corresponds to the query from flight_query_multiple_results.txt * Departure Date: (2019-09-01) * STN to DUB * Adults: 1 */ SearchFlights.UserInput testInput; testInput.departureDate = new DateTime(2019, 9, 1); testInput.destination = "DUB"; testInput.origin = "STN"; testInput.numberAdults = 1; // First we make our JOBject from JSON data to pass into the function string JSONData = JSONLoader.Load("Flight_Query_Mutliple_Results.txt"); JObject flightJSONResponse = JObject.Parse(JSONData); // Act Tuple <bool, List <Itinerary> > result = SearchFlights.Queries.ProcessResults(flightJSONResponse, testInput); // Assert Assert.True(result.Item1 == true && result.Item2.Count > 0); }
public void CheckParsingForTrips_TripKeyPresentInParsedJSONObject_ReturnsTrue() { // This test ensures that a trip key is present // Arrange string JSONData = JSONLoader.Load("valid_JSON.txt"); JObject parsedObject = JObject.Parse(JSONData); // Act bool result = SearchFlights.Validations.CheckParsingForTrips(parsedObject); // Assert Assert.True(result); }
public void CheckParsingForTrips_TripKeyNotPresentInParsedJSONObject_ReturnsFalse() { // If the trips key is not present in the JSON data, the method should return false // Arrange string JSONData = JSONLoader.Load("invalid_JSON.txt"); JObject parsedObject = JObject.Parse(JSONData); // Act bool result = SearchFlights.Validations.CheckParsingForTrips(parsedObject); // Assert Assert.False(result); }
public void ProcessResults_NoFlightsAvailable_ReturnsFalseAndNull() { // Arrange /* Make up test input that corresponds to the query from flight_query_no_results.txt * Departure Date: (2019-11-04) * BUD to LIS * Adults: 1 */ SearchFlights.UserInput testInput; testInput.departureDate = new DateTime(2019, 11, 4); testInput.destination = "DUB"; testInput.origin = "LIS"; testInput.numberAdults = 1; // First we make our JOBject from JSON data to pass into the function string JSONData = JSONLoader.Load("Flight_Query_No_Results.txt"); JObject flightJSONResponse = JObject.Parse(JSONData); // Act Tuple <bool, List <Itinerary> > result = SearchFlights.Queries.ProcessResults(flightJSONResponse, testInput); // Assert Assert.True(result.Item1 == false && result.Item2 == null); }