public static void Main(string[] args) { Events.Quit += new EventHandler<QuitEventArgs>(ApplicationQuitEventHandler); Surface plate = Video.SetVideoMode(220, 220, 32, false, false, false, true); Surface pic = new Surface("nyanbig.png"); pic.Update(); Population fellows = new Population(15, 100); List<float> fitnesses; while (fellows.members[0].fitness < 700f) { fitnesses = new List<float>(); foreach (Genome g in fellows.members) { g.Draw(plate); Console.Read(); float f = g.GetFitness(plate, pic); fitnesses.Add(f); = f; } fellows.members.Sort(); fellows.members[0].Draw(plate); Console.WriteLine(fellows.members[0].fitness); int x = 0; } }
public virtual void SetAlert(bool on, string message) { _onAlert = on; if (_onAlert && string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) _onAlert = false; if (_alertSurface != null) _alertSurface.Dispose(); if (!_onAlert) _alertSurface = null; if (_onAlert) { message += "\n\n" + Properties.Resources.Str_AlertTail; string[] lines = message.Split('\n'); Size[] sizes = Array.ConvertAll<string, Size>(lines, (l) => { return ResourceManager.SmallPFont.SizeText(l); }); int maxWidth = 0; int height = 0; foreach (Size s in sizes) { if (maxWidth < s.Width) maxWidth = s.Width; height += (int)(s.Height * Constants.LineHeight); } _alertSurface = new Surface(maxWidth + Constants.WindowPadding * 2, height + Constants.WindowPadding * 2); SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box box = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box( Point.Empty, new Size(maxWidth + Constants.WindowPadding * 2 - 1, height + Constants.WindowPadding * 2 - 1)); _alertSurface.Lock(); _alertSurface.Draw(box, Constants.Color_AlertBackground, false, true); _alertSurface.Draw(box, Constants.Color_AlertForeground, false, false); _alertSurface.Unlock(); int y = Constants.WindowPadding; int idx = 0; foreach (string l in lines) { using (Surface ts = ResourceManager.SmallPFont.Render(l, Constants.Color_AlertForeground)) { if (idx == lines.Length - 1) { _alertSurface.Blit(ts, new Point((int)(_alertSurface.Width / 2.0 - ts.Width / 2.0), y)); } else { _alertSurface.Blit(ts, new Point(Constants.WindowPadding, y)); } y += (int)(ts.Height * Constants.LineHeight); } idx++; } _alertSurface.Update(); } }
private void drawOctaveSelecting(SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface s) { if (_octaveSelectingSurface == null) { using (Surface ts = ImageUtil.CreateMultilineStringSurface(new string[] { Properties.Resources.Str_OctaveSelecting, null, null, null, Properties.Resources.Str_OctaveSelecting_Operation }, ResourceManager.SmallPFont, Constants.Color_Background, TextAlign.Center)) { _octaveSelectingSurface = new Surface( ts.Width + Constants.WindowPadding * 2, ts.Height + Constants.WindowPadding * 2); _octaveSelectingSurface.Fill(Constants.Color_Foreground); _octaveSelectingSurface.Blit(ts, new Point(Constants.WindowPadding, Constants.WindowPadding)); _octaveSelectingSurface.Update(); } _octaveUpSurface = ResourceManager.SmallPFont.Render(Properties.Resources.Str_UpArrow, Constants.Color_Background); _octaveDownSurface = ResourceManager.SmallPFont.Render(Properties.Resources.Str_DownArrow, Constants.Color_Background); } s.Blit(_octaveSelectingSurface, new Point( (int)(Constants.ScreenWidth / 2.0 - _octaveSelectingSurface.Width / 2.0), (int)(Constants.ScreenHeight / 2.0 - _octaveSelectingSurface.Height / 2.0))); int fh = (int)(ResourceManager.SmallPFont.Height * Constants.LineHeight); int y = Constants.WindowPadding + (int)(Constants.ScreenHeight / 2.0 - _octaveSelectingSurface.Height / 2.0) + fh; if (_octave < Constants.MaxOctave) { s.Blit(_octaveUpSurface, new Point((int)(Constants.ScreenWidth / 2.0 - _octaveUpSurface.Width / 2.0), y)); } y += fh; using (Surface ts = ResourceManager.SmallPFont.Render(_octave.ToString(), Constants.Color_Background)) { s.Blit(ts, new Point((int)(Constants.ScreenWidth / 2.0 - ts.Width / 2.0), y)); } y += fh; if (_octave > Constants.MinOctave) { s.Blit(_octaveDownSurface, new Point((int)(Constants.ScreenWidth / 2.0 - _octaveDownSurface.Width / 2.0), y)); } }
//Main program loop private void Go() { //Set up screen if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(dataDirectory, "background.png"))) { filePath = ""; } background = new Surface(Path.Combine(filePath, Path.Combine(dataDirectory, "background.png"))); Video.WindowIcon(); Video.WindowCaption = "SDL.NET - Bounce Sprites"; screen = Video.SetVideoMode(width, height); screen.Blit(background); screen.Update(); //This loads the various images (provided by Moonfire) // into a SurfaceCollection for animation SurfaceCollection marbleSurfaces = new SurfaceCollection(); marbleSurfaces.Add(new Surface(Path.Combine(filePath, Path.Combine(dataDirectory, "marble1.png"))), new Size(50, 50)); for (int i = 0; i < this.maxBalls; i++) { //Create a new Sprite at a random location on the screen master.Add(new BounceSprite(marbleSurfaces, new Point(rand.Next(screen.Rectangle.Left, screen.Rectangle.Right), rand.Next(screen.Rectangle.Top, screen.Rectangle.Bottom)))); } //The collection will respond to mouse button clicks, mouse movement and the ticker. master.EnableMouseButtonEvent(); master.EnableMouseMotionEvent(); master.EnableTickEvent(); //These bind the events to the above methods. Events.KeyboardDown += new EventHandler<KeyboardEventArgs>(this.KeyboardDown); Events.Tick += new EventHandler<TickEventArgs>(this.Tick); Events.Quit += new EventHandler<QuitEventArgs>(this.Quit); //Start the event ticker Events.Run(); }
public static SurfaceCollection LoadSurfacesFromFile(string filePath, Size tileSize) { SurfaceCollection ret = new SurfaceCollection(); ret.AlphaBlending = true; if (!File.Exists(filePath)) return ret; using (Bitmap bmp = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(filePath)) { using (Surface s = new Surface(bmp)) { s.Lock(); for (int i = 0; i < s.Width; i += tileSize.Width) { for (int j = 0; j < s.Height; j += tileSize.Height) { Surface ss = new Surface(tileSize.Width, tileSize.Height, 32, s.RedMask, s.GreenMask, s.BlueMask, s.AlphaMask); ss.Transparent = true; ss.AlphaBlending = true; Color[,] tmp = s.GetColors(new Rectangle(i, j, tileSize.Width, tileSize.Height)); ss.Lock(); ss.SetPixels(Point.Empty, tmp); tmp = ss.GetColors(new Rectangle(0, 0, ss.Width, ss.Height)); ss.Unlock(); ss.Update(); ret.Add(ss); } } s.Unlock(); } } return ret; }
public void DrawInfoPanel(Surface surface, LeadActor player, Skin[] skinGroup) { /* Draws the information panel on the surface. surface: The area of the surface to draw into from the pygame window: surface class player: The lead actor being used for the player: lead_actor class skin_group: The group of skins to be used in the engines isometric view: skin class */ if (surface == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("surface"); } if (player == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("player"); } //draw titlebar Rectangle rect = surface.Blit(this.titleSprite.Surface, this.titleSprite.Rectangle); int[] draw_order; //draw inventory Object3d[] inventory_array = new Object3d[player.Inventory.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < player.Inventory.Count; i++) { inventory_array[i] = (Object3d)player.Inventory[i]; } if (player.Inventory.Count > 0) { Sprite[] sprite_group = Sprites.UpdateImages(skinGroup, inventory_array); int p = 155; draw_order = new int[player.Inventory.Count]; int q = 0; for (int i = player.UsingObject; i < player.Inventory.Count; i++) { draw_order[q] = i; q++; } for (int i = 0; i < player.UsingObject; i++) { draw_order[q] = i; q++; } foreach (int i in draw_order) { sprite_group[i].X = p; sprite_group[i].Y = 38 - sprite_group[i].Height; surface.Blit(sprite_group[i].Surface, sprite_group[i].Rectangle); Surface text = this.font.Render(skinGroup[inventory_array[i].ObjectType].Name, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255)); Point textpos = new Point(0, 0); textpos.X = p - skinGroup[inventory_array[i].ObjectType].Name.Length * 3 + sprite_group[i].Width / 2; textpos.Y = 35; surface.Blit(text, textpos); p = p + sprite_group[i].Width + 20; } } //Update the display with the panel changes surface.Update(rect); }
public static SurfaceCollection LoadSurfaces(string[] resourceNames) { SurfaceCollection ret = new SurfaceCollection(); System.Reflection.Assembly asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); foreach (string resourceName in resourceNames) { using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(asm.GetManifestResourceStream(getImgResourceFullName(resourceName)))) { Surface s = new Surface(bmp); s.AlphaBlending = true; s.Update(); ret.Add(s); } } ret.AlphaBlending = true; return ret; }
public static SurfaceCollection LoadSurfaces(string resourceName, Size tileSize) { SurfaceCollection ret = new SurfaceCollection(); ret.AlphaBlending = true; using (Surface s = LoadSurface(resourceName)) { for (int i = 0; i < s.Width; i += tileSize.Width) { for (int j = 0; j < s.Height; j += tileSize.Height) { Surface ss = new Surface(tileSize.Width, tileSize.Height, 32, s.RedMask, s.GreenMask, s.BlueMask, s.AlphaMask); ss.Transparent = true; ss.AlphaBlending = true; Color[,] tmp = s.GetColors(new Rectangle(i, j, tileSize.Width, tileSize.Height)); ss.SetPixels(Point.Empty, tmp); tmp = ss.GetColors(new Rectangle(0, 0, ss.Width, ss.Height)); ss.Update(); ret.Add(ss); } } } return ret; }
public static void SetAlpha(Surface s, float a) { if (s == null) return; Color[,] colors = s.GetColors(new Rectangle(0, 0, s.Width, s.Height)); s.Lock(); for (int i = 0; i < colors.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < colors.GetLength(1); j++) { Color c = colors[i, j]; int na = (int)(c.A * a); colors[i, j] = Color.FromArgb(na < 0 ? 0 : (na > 255 ? 255 : na), c.R, c.G, c.B); } } s.SetPixels(Point.Empty, colors); s.Unlock(); s.Update(); }
public static Surface LoadSurface(string resourceName) { Surface ret = null; using (Bitmap bmp = getImgResource(resourceName)) { ret = new Surface(bmp); ret.AlphaBlending = true; } ret.Update(); return ret; }
public static void SetColor(Surface s, Color c) { if (s == null) return; Color[,] colors = s.GetColors(new Rectangle(0, 0, s.Width, s.Height)); s.Lock(); for (int i = 0; i < colors.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < colors.GetLength(1); j++) { colors[i, j] = Color.FromArgb(colors[i, j].A, c.R, c.G, c.B); } } s.SetPixels(Point.Empty, colors); s.Unlock(); s.Update(); }
public static Surface CreateColored(Surface s, Color c0, Color c1) { if (s == null) return null; Color[,] colors = s.GetColors(new Rectangle(0, 0, s.Width, s.Height)); for (int i = 0; i < colors.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < colors.GetLength(1); j++) { Color c = colors[i, j]; float br = (c.R / 255.0f + c.G / 255.0f + c.B / 255.0f) / 3.0f; if (br > 0.8f) { br = 1.0f; } else if (br < 0.2f) { br = 0.0f; } int r = (int)((1 - br) * c0.R + br * c1.R); int g = (int)((1 - br) * c0.G + br * c1.G); int b = (int)((1 - br) * c0.B + br * c1.B); r = r < 0 ? 0 : (r > 255 ? 255 : r); g = g < 0 ? 0 : (g > 255 ? 255 : g); b = b < 0 ? 0 : (b > 255 ? 255 : b); colors[i, j] = Color.FromArgb(c.A, r, g, b); Color nc = Color.FromArgb(c.A, r, g, b); } } Surface ns = new Surface(s.Width, s.Height, s.BitsPerPixel, s.RedMask, s.GreenMask, s.BlueMask, s.AlphaMask); ns.AlphaBlending = s.AlphaBlending; ns.Alpha = s.Alpha; ns.Transparent = s.Transparent; ns.TransparentColor = s.TransparentColor; ns.Lock(); ns.SetPixels(Point.Empty, colors); ns.Unlock(); ns.Update(); return ns; }
public virtual void Render(Surface s, Rectangle r) { if (_startLineSurface == null) { #warning パフォーマンスチェック using (Surface ts = ResourceManager.LargePFont.Render("START", _foreColor, true)) { _startLineSurface = new Surface(ts.Width + 20, view.Height, 32, ts.RedMask, ts.GreenMask, ts.BlueMask, ts.AlphaMask); Color[,] tmp = ts.GetColors(new Rectangle(0, 0, ts.Width, ts.Height)); for (int i = 0; i < tmp.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tmp.GetLength(1); j++) { Color c = tmp[i, j]; tmp[i, j] = Color.FromArgb((int)(c.A / 2.0), c.R, c.G, c.B); } } _startLineSurface.Lock(); _startLineSurface.SetPixels(new Point(20, (int)(_startLineSurface.Height / 2.0 - ts.Height / 2.0)), tmp); _startLineSurface.Unlock(); } _startLineSurface.Fill(new Rectangle(0, 0, 3, _startLineSurface.Height), Color.FromArgb(128, _foreColor.R, _foreColor.G, _foreColor.B)); _startLineSurface.Update(); _startLineSurface.AlphaBlending = true; } if (_goalLineSurface == null) { using (Surface ts = ResourceManager.LargePFont.Render("GOAL", _foreColor, true)) { _goalLineSurface = new Surface(ts.Width + 20, view.Height, 32, ts.RedMask, ts.GreenMask, ts.BlueMask, ts.AlphaMask); Color[,] tmp = ts.GetColors(new Rectangle(0, 0, ts.Width, ts.Height)); for (int i = 0; i < tmp.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tmp.GetLength(1); j++) { Color c = tmp[i, j]; tmp[i, j] = Color.FromArgb((int)(c.A / 2.0), c.R, c.G, c.B); } } _goalLineSurface.Lock(); _goalLineSurface.SetPixels(new Point(0, (int)(_goalLineSurface.Height / 2.0 - ts.Height / 2.0)), tmp); _goalLineSurface.Unlock(); } _goalLineSurface.Fill(new Rectangle(_goalLineSurface.Width - 3, 0, 3, _goalLineSurface.Height), Color.FromArgb(128, _foreColor.R, _foreColor.G, _foreColor.B)); _goalLineSurface.Update(); _goalLineSurface.AlphaBlending = true; } renderBackground(s, r); if (_startLineSurface.Width >= view.X && view.X + view.Width >= 0) { s.Blit(_startLineSurface, new Point( (int)(r.X - view.X), (int)(r.Y + view.Height / 2.0 - _startLineSurface.Height / 2.0))); } if (this.HasEnd) { if (this.Width >= view.X && view.X + view.Width >= this.Width - _goalLineSurface.Width) { s.Blit(_goalLineSurface, new Point( (int)(r.X + this.Width - _goalLineSurface.Width - view.X), (int)(r.Y + view.Height / 2.0 - _goalLineSurface.Height / 2.0))); } } renderForeground(s, r); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="surface"></param> /// <param name="objectGroup"></param> /// <param name="skin_group"></param> /// <param name="offset"></param> /// <param name="old_rect"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Rectangle[] ViewUpdate(Surface surface, Object3d[] objectGroup, Skin[] skinGroup, int[] offset, Rectangle[] oldRect) { /* Update the isometric view based only on the changes in the screen surface: The pygame display area to be drawn into: surface object_group: a list of objects to be displayed: list of objects_3d or subclass skin_group: a list of skins which will be used to find the correct image for the objects sprite: list of skins offset: 2d vector to add to the isometric coordinates: list of 2 integers [x,y] old_rect: A list of pygame rectangles where the old sprites were drawn for updating: list of rect Returns old_rect: see above */ if (skinGroup == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("skinGroup"); } if (objectGroup == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("objectGroup"); } if (surface == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("surface"); } // Find out what objects are visable int visable_limit = skinGroup.Length; //Object3d[] visable_object_group; ArrayList visable_object_list = new ArrayList(); foreach (Object3d obj in objectGroup) { if (obj.ObjectType < visable_limit) { visable_object_list.Add(obj); } } Object3d[] visable_object_group = new Object3d[visable_object_list.Count]; visable_object_list.CopyTo(visable_object_group); // Draw the isometric view in the display surface Rectangle[] sprite_rect = ViewDraw(surface, (Object3d[])visable_object_group, skinGroup, offset); // Combines the rectangles that need updating: the new sprites and the old background rectangles Rectangle[] update_rect = Sprites.CombineRectangles(sprite_rect, oldRect); // Update the display surface.Update(update_rect); // Remember the sprite rectangles oldRect = new Rectangle[sprite_rect.Length]; for (int rect = 0; rect < sprite_rect.Length; rect++) { oldRect[rect] = sprite_rect[rect]; } return (oldRect); }
//public Surface UpdateImage(ImageBox imageBox) //{ // //_surface.Update( //} /// <summary> /// Render surface /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public Surface Render(Rectangle rect, bool forceRender) { //Create temporary surface Surface tempSurface = new Surface(rect.Width, _size.Height); tempSurface.Fill(Color.White); //Render surface if (Rearrange() || _surface == null || forceRender) //Check is redraw necessary { lock (_spriteCln) { Surface oldSurface = _surface; _surface = new Surface(_size); if (oldSurface != null) oldSurface.Dispose(); //Clean up old surface memory _surface.Fill(Color.White); Collection<Rectangle> rects = _surface.Blit(_spriteCln); _surface.Update(rects); } } //Blit surface to temporary surface tempSurface.Blit(_surface); tempSurface.Fill(new Rectangle(_size.Width, 0, rect.Width - _size.Width, _size.Height) , Color.White); //Fill the gap with white Debug.WriteLine("Render size: " + tempSurface.Width + "," + tempSurface.Height); return tempSurface; }