public Room_About() : base() { lineTextSprite = new TextSprite(new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font(Program.VIDEO.fontPath, 10)); lineTextSprite.BackgroundColor = Color.Black; Items.Add(new MenuItem_BackToMainMenu()); }
protected virtual void InitializeDrawing() { titleTextSprite = new TextSprite(new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font(Program.VIDEO.fontPath, 15)); titleTextSprite.BackgroundColor = Color.Black; itemTextSprite = new TextSprite(new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font(Program.VIDEO.fontPath, 10)); itemTextSprite.BackgroundColor = Color.Black; optionTextSprite = new TextSprite(new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font(Program.VIDEO.fontPath, 10)); optionTextSprite.BackgroundColor = Color.Black; }
void Run() { SdlDotNet.Input.Mouse.ShowCursor = false; Video.WindowIcon(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); Video.WindowCaption = "FlurrySharp Test Window"; g_nMonitors = Win32.User.GetSystemMetrics(Win32.User.SM_CMONITORS); screen = Video.SetVideoMode(Win32.User.GetSystemMetrics(Win32.User.SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN), Win32.User.GetSystemMetrics(Win32.User.SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN), true, true, false, true, false); Win32.User.SetWindowPos(Video.WindowHandle, new IntPtr(0), 0, 0, screen.Width, screen.Height, 0); txtSprite = new TextSprite(new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font("vera.ttf", 12)); settings = new FlurrySettings(); Events.Tick += new EventHandler<TickEventArgs>(Events_Tick); Events.VideoResize += new EventHandler<VideoResizeEventArgs>(Events_VideoResize); Events.Quit += new EventHandler<QuitEventArgs>(Events_Quit); Events.Fps = Types.iMaxFrameProgressInMs; Events.MouseMotion += new EventHandler<SdlDotNet.Input.MouseMotionEventArgs>(Events_MouseMotion); Events.KeyboardDown += new EventHandler<SdlDotNet.Input.KeyboardEventArgs>(Events_KeyboardDown); Init(); Reshape(); Events.Run(); }
private void Go() { if (File.Exists(fileName)) { filePath = ""; fileDirectory = ""; } else if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(fileDirectory, fileName))) { filePath = ""; } string file = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(filePath, fileDirectory), fileName); textDisplay = new TextSprite(" ", new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font(file, 20), Color.Red); Video.WindowIcon(); Video.WindowCaption = "SDL.NET - StreamingAudio"; screen = Video.SetVideoMode(width, height); switch (streamChoice) { case StreamChoice.InternalCallback: stream = new AudioStream(playbackFreq, AudioFormat.Unsigned16Little, SoundChannel.Mono, samples); buffer16 = new short[samples]; break; case StreamChoice.CustomCallback: callback = new AudioCallback(Unsigned16LittleCallback); stream = new AudioStream(playbackFreq, AudioFormat.Unsigned16Little, SoundChannel.Mono, samples, callback, "Hello World"); buffer16 = new short[samples]; break; case StreamChoice.CustomCallback8Bit: callback = new AudioCallback(Unsigned8Callback); stream = new AudioStream(playbackFreq, AudioFormat.Unsigned8, SoundChannel.Mono, samples, new AudioCallback(Unsigned8Callback), "Hello World"); buffer8 = new byte[samples]; break; default: stream = new AudioStream(playbackFreq, AudioFormat.Unsigned16Little, SoundChannel.Mono, samples); buffer16 = new short[samples]; break; } offset = stream.Offset; volume = 0.9 * 32768; buffer16 = new short[samples]; osc.Rate = 20; osc.Amplitude = 1; osc2.Rate = 3; osc2.Amplitude = 10; stream.Paused = false; textDisplay.Text = SdlDotNetExamplesBrowser.StringManager.GetString( "StreamingAudioDirections", CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture); textDisplay.TextWidth = 350; Events.Run(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="disposing"></param> protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!this.disposed) { if (disposing) { if (this.textDisplay != null) { this.textDisplay.Dispose(); this.textDisplay = null; } if ( != null) {; = null; } } this.disposed = true; } }
public void Go() { // Load the music and sounds. music["mason2"] = new Music(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(filePath, fileDirectory), "mason2.mid")); music["fard-two"] = new Music(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(filePath, fileDirectory), "fard-two.ogg")); boing = new Sound(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(filePath, fileDirectory), "boing.wav")); textDisplay = new TextSprite(" ", new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(filePath, fileDirectory), "FreeSans.ttf"), 20), Color.Red); // Start up SDL Video.WindowIcon(); Video.WindowCaption = "SDL.NET - AudioExample"; screen = Video.SetVideoMode(width, height); // Play the music and setup the queues. music["mason2"].Play(); //music["fard-two"].Play(); // Set up the music queue and start it music["mason2"].QueuedMusic = music["fard-two"]; music["fard-two"].QueuedMusic = music["mason2"]; MusicPlayer.EnableMusicFinishedCallback(); // Begin the SDL ticker Events.Fps = 50; textDisplay.Text = SdlDotNetExamplesBrowser.StringManager.GetString( "AudioExampleDirections", CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture); textDisplay.TextWidth = 200; Events.Run(); }
public SDLVideo(TVSystem system) { LoadSettings(); initialized = false; canRender = false; Console.WriteLine("->Initializing video ..."); fontPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Program.ApplicationFolder, "FreeSans.ttf"); // Initialize the video Video.Initialize(); Video.WindowIcon(); Video.WindowCaption = "My Nes SDL"; fullscreenModes = Video.ListModes(); Video.GLDoubleBufferEnabled = !ImmediateMode; windowW = 256 * stretchMultiply; switch (system) { case TVSystem.NTSC: { Events.TargetFps = 60; break; } case TVSystem.PALB: case TVSystem.DENDY: { Events.TargetFps = 50; break; } } if (cutLines) { if (system == TVSystem.NTSC) { scanlines = 224; firstToCut = 8; } else { scanlines = 238; firstToCut = 1; } } else { scanlines = 240; firstToCut = 0; } screenBufferSize = 256 * scanlines; originalRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 256, scanlines); screen_back = new Surface(256, scanlines, 32); windowH = scanlines * stretchMultiply; pointer = screen_back.Pixels; screen_pointer = (int*)screen_back.Pixels; NesEmu.SetupVideoRenderer(this, true, screen_back.Pixels, firstToCut * 256, 256 * (240 - firstToCut)); // Create texts Console.WriteLine("-->Loading fonts ..."); fpsTextSprite = new TextSprite(new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font(fontPath, 15)); fpsTextSprite.Color = Color.White; fpsTextSprite.BackgroundColor = Color.Black; notTextSprite = new TextSprite(new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font(fontPath, 15)); notTextSprite.BackgroundColor = Color.Black; soundRecordTextSprite = new TextSprite(new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font(fontPath, 15)); soundRecordTextSprite.BackgroundColor = Color.Black; statusTextSprite = new TextSprite(new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font(fontPath, 15)); statusTextSprite.BackgroundColor = Color.Black; // set video mode. Resize(FullScreen, true, windowW, windowH); Events.VideoResize += VideoResize; Events.MouseButtonDown += Events_MouseButtonDown; Events.MouseButtonUp += Events_MouseButtonUp; Events.Tick += OnTick; canRender = true; initialized = true; Console.WriteLine("->Video initialized successfully"); }
/// <summary> /// Event handler for tick events /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Sender of the event</param> /// <param name="e">Parameters of the event</param> private void Events_Tick(object sender, TickEventArgs e) { // Clear the screen, draw the hero and output to the window Video.Screen.Fill(Color.DarkGreen); Video.Screen.Blit(this.context.BackGround); // Add a victory area, should be tall as 50% of screen and large as 5% of screen Video.Screen.Blit( this.context.VictoryArea, this.context.VictoryArea.UpperLeft); try { foreach (Character hero in this.context.Characters) { Video.Screen.Blit(hero); } } catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace.ToString()); } // Check winning Condition SDL.Sheep[] sheeps = Array.ConvertAll( Array.FindAll( this.context.Characters.ToArray(), delegate(Character toCheck) { return toCheck.GetType().Equals(typeof(SDL.Sheep)); }), delegate(Character target) { return target as Sheep; }); TextSprite timerText = new TextSprite(string.Format("{0:00}'{1:00}''", Math.Floor(this.timer.Elapsed.TotalMinutes), this.timer.Elapsed.Seconds), new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font(System.IO.Path.Combine(@"Graphics\Ttf", "comicbd.ttf"), 14), Color.GhostWhite); Video.Screen.Blit( timerText, new Point(1, 1)); if (Array.TrueForAll( sheeps, delegate(Sheep toCheck) { return toCheck.Safe; })) { this.timer.Stop(); TextSprite victoryText = new TextSprite("Victory !", new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font(System.IO.Path.Combine(@"Graphics\Ttf", "comicbd.ttf"), 32), Color.GhostWhite); TextSprite resumeOfVictory = new TextSprite( string.Format( "It tooks you {0} minutes and {1} seconds to store your sheep", Math.Floor(this.timer.Elapsed.TotalMinutes), this.timer.Elapsed.Seconds), new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font( System.IO.Path.Combine(@"Graphics\Ttf", "comicbd.ttf"), 16), Color.GhostWhite); Video.Screen.Blit( victoryText, new Point( (Video.Screen.Width - victoryText.Width) / 2, (Video.Screen.Height - victoryText.Height - resumeOfVictory.Height) / 2)); Video.Screen.Blit( resumeOfVictory, new Point( (Video.Screen.Width - resumeOfVictory.Width) / 2, ((Video.Screen.Height - victoryText.Height - resumeOfVictory.Height) / 2) + victoryText.Height)); } Video.Screen.Update(); this.MoveCharacters(); }