 private static string BuildConnectionString(Parameters parameters)
     var builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder
             ApplicationName = "ScriptDb",
             DataSource = parameters.Server.ToLowerInvariant(),
     if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameters.Database))
         builder.InitialCatalog = parameters.Database;
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameters.UserName))
         builder.IntegratedSecurity = true;
         builder.UserID = parameters.UserName;
         builder.Password = parameters.Password;
     var connectionString = builder.ToString();
     return connectionString;
        public static bool TryParse(IList<string> args, out Parameters parameters)
            parameters = null;

            var p = new Parameters
                    Server = "localhost",

            var optionSet = new OptionSet
                    {"h|?|help", "Show this help.", v => p.Help = (v != null)},
                    {"x|examples", "Show examples of usage", v => p.Examples = (v!=null)},
                    {"V|version", "Show the version.", v => p.Version = (v != null)},
                    {"S|server=", "The SQL {SERVER} to which to connect (localhost if unspecified)", v => p.Server = v},
                    {"d|database=", "The {DATABASE} to script", v => p.Database = v},
                    {"A|scriptalldatabases", "Script all databases on the server, instead of just one specified database", v => p.ScriptAllDatabases = (v != null)},
                    {"U|login|uid|username="******"The SQL {LOGIN} ID (Use trusted auth if unspecified)", v => p.UserName = v},
                    {"P|pwd|password="******"The SQL {PASSWORD}", v => p.Password = v},
                    //{"E|trustedauth", "Use trusted authentication instead of a login and password", v => p.TrustedAuthentication = (v != null)},
                    //{"con|connstr|connectionstring=", "The {CONNECTIONSTRING} to connect to the server.\nThis can also specify a database.", v => p.ConnectionString = v},
                    {"outdir|outputpath|outputdirectory=", "The {DIRECTORY} under which to write script files.", v => p.OutputDirectory = v},
                    {"outfile|filename|outputfilename=", "The {FILENAME} to which to write scripts, or - for stdout.", v => p.OutputFileName = v},
                    {"v|verbose", "Show verbose messages.", v => p.Verbose = (v != null)},
                    {"purge", "Delete files from output directory before scripting.", v => p.Purge = (v != null)},
                    {"includedatabase|scriptdatabase", "Script the database itself.", v => p.ScriptDatabase = (v != null)},
                    {"dataformat=", "Specify the {FORMAT} for scripted table data: SQL (default), CSV, and/or BCP.", v =>
                                DataScriptingFormat d;
                                Enum.TryParse(v, true, out d);
                                p.DataScriptingFormat |= d; // You can specify multiple formats in separate parameters
                    {"datatables:", "Script table data, optionally specifying {NAME}s of tables. (Default all)", v => p.AddFilter(FilterType.TableData, v)},
                    {"datatablefile=", "{FILENAME} containing tables for which to script data for each database name. File format:\ndatabase:table1,table2,table3", v => p.TableDataFilterFile = v},
                    {"tables:", "Script table schema, optionally specifying {NAME}s of tables. (Default all)", v => p.AddFilter(FilterType.Table, v)},
                    {"views:", "Script view schema, optionally specifying {NAME}s of views. (Default all)", v => p.AddFilter(FilterType.View, v)},
                    {"sps|storedprocs|storedprocedures:", "Script stored procedures, optionally specifying {NAME}s. (Default all)", v => p.AddFilter(FilterType.StoredProcedure, v)},
                    {"udfs|functions|userdefinedfunctions:", "Script user-defined functions, optionally specifying {NAME}s. (Default all)", v => p.AddFilter(FilterType.UserDefinedFunction, v)},
                    {"udts|types|userdefineddatatypes:", "Script user-defined data types, optionally specifying {NAME}s. (Default all)", v => p.AddFilter(FilterType.UserDefinedDataType, v)},
                    {"defaults:", "Script defaults, optionally specifying {NAME}s. (Default all)", v => p.AddFilter(FilterType.Default, v)},
                    {"rules:", "Script rules, optionally specifying {NAME}s. (Default all)", v => p.AddFilter(FilterType.Rule, v)},
                    {"all|scriptallobjects", "Script all objects. This is the default, but you can specify other filter parameters to limit certain objects.", v => p.AddAllFilters()},
                    {"tableonefile", "Script all parts of a table to a single file.", v => p.TableOneFile = (v != null)},
                    {"scriptascreate|scriptstoredproceduresascreate", "Script stored procedures as CREATE instead of ALTER.", v => p.ScriptAsCreate = (v != null)},
                    {"createonly", "Do not generate DROP statements.", v => p.ScriptCreateOnly = (v != null)},
                    {"p|scriptproperties", "Script extended properties.", v => p.ScriptProperties = (v != null)},
                    {"permissions|scriptpermissions", "Script permissions.", v => p.ScriptPermissions = (v != null)},
                    {"statistics|scriptstatistics", "Script statistics.", v => p.ScriptStatistics = (v != null)},
                    {"nocollation", "Skip scripting collation.", v => p.NoCollation = (v != null)}, // TODO: fix boolean... invert to make like normal options
                    {"includesystem","Include system objects (normally skipped).", v => p.IncludeSystemObjects = (v != null)},
                    {"startcommand=", "{COMMAND} to run on startup.", v => p.StartCommand = v},
                    {"prescriptingcommand=", "{COMMAND} to run before scripting each database.", v => p.PreScriptingCommand = v},
                    {"postscriptingcommand=", "{COMMAND} to run after scripting each database.", v => p.PostScriptingCommand = v},
                    {"finishcommand=", "{COMMAND} to run before shutdown.", v => p.FinishCommand = v},
            var extraArgs = optionSet.Parse(args);

            string error = null;

            if (extraArgs.Count > 0)
                error = "Unknown parameter: " + extraArgs[0];
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.Database) != p.ScriptAllDatabases)
                error = "You must specify either --database=DATABASENAME or --scriptalldatabases";
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.OutputDirectory) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.OutputFileName))
                error = "You must specify either --outputdirectory or --outputfile";
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.TableDataFilterFile) && !File.Exists(p.TableDataFilterFile))
                error = "Your --datatablefile was not found: " + p.TableDataFilterFile;
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.OutputDirectory) && p.Purge)
                error = "You must specify --outputdirectory in order to use --purge";
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.OutputDirectory) && (string.Empty + p.StartCommand + p.PreScriptingCommand + p.PostScriptingCommand + p.FinishCommand).Contains("{path}"))
                error = "You must specify --outputdirectory in order to use the {path} token in a command";
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.OutputFileName) && ((p.DataScriptingFormat & DataScriptingFormat.Bcp) == DataScriptingFormat.Bcp || (p.DataScriptingFormat & DataScriptingFormat.Csv) == DataScriptingFormat.Csv))
                error = "When writing to a single output file, you can only script data in SQL format";
            } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.OutputFileName) && p.TableOneFile)
                error = "When writing to a single output file, --tableonefile is redundant";

            if (p.Help)
                return false;

            if (p.Examples)
                return false;

            if (p.Version)
                var assembly = typeof (Parameters).Assembly;
                var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assembly.Location).ToLowerInvariant();
                var version = assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (AssemblyFileVersionAttribute), false).Cast<AssemblyFileVersionAttribute>().Select(a => a.Version).FirstOrDefault();
                Console.Error.WriteLine("{0} version {1}", name, version);
                return false;

            if (error != null)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Pass --help for usage information.");
                return false;

            if (p.DataScriptingFormat == DataScriptingFormat.None)
                p.DataScriptingFormat = DataScriptingFormat.Sql;

            parameters = p;
            return true;