static bool IsExtensionMethod(PseudoCallExpression m) { if (!m.Method.IsExtensionMethod) return false; // it seems Visual Basic only supports extensions that also return a value which is used // or Visual Basic supports extension methods on objects // which ae not literals nor constructors var Object = m.ParameterExpressions.First(); var Call = Object as PseudoCallExpression; if (Call != null) { if (Call.Method.IsConstructor) return false; } var Constant = Object as PseudoConstantExpression; if (Constant != null) { return false; } return true; }
static bool IsExtensionMethod(PseudoCallExpression m) { if (!m.Method.IsExtensionMethod) return false; // F# has some trouble with overloaded extensions? return false; }
public CreateMyApplet(StockAppletType Type) { var page_Page1 = new PseudoCallExpression { // Application(page) Object = "page", Method = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { IsProperty = true, Name = "get_Content", ReturnType = new SolutionProjectLanguageType { Name = "IHTMLElement" } } }; var new_Page1 = new PseudoCallExpression { // Application(page) Method = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { Name = SolutionProjectLanguageMethod.ConstructorName, DeclaringType = new SolutionProjectLanguageType { Namespace = Type.Namespace, Name = Type.Name } } }; this.Comment = "Initialize " + Type.Name; this.Method = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { IsStatic = true, IsExtensionMethod = true, Name = "AttachAppletTo", ReturnType = new SolutionProjectLanguageType { Name = "AppletExtensions" } }; this.ParameterExpressions = new[] { new_Page1, page_Page1 }; }
public StockReplaceWithNewSpriteExpression(string Namespace, string Name) { var page_Page1 = new PseudoCallExpression { // Application(page) Object = "page", Method = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { IsProperty = true, Name = "get_" + Name, ReturnType = new SolutionProjectLanguageType { Name = "IHTMLImage" } } }; var new_Page1 = new PseudoCallExpression { // Application(page) Method = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { Name = SolutionProjectLanguageMethod.ConstructorName, DeclaringType = new SolutionProjectLanguageType { Namespace = Namespace, Name = Name } } }; this.Comment = "Initialize " + Name + " by replacing the placeholder"; this.Method = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { IsStatic = true, IsExtensionMethod = true, Name = "ReplaceWith", ReturnType = new SolutionProjectLanguageType { Name = "SpriteExtensions" } }; this.ParameterExpressions = new[] { page_Page1, new_Page1 }; }
public static SolutionProjectLanguageMethod ToAnonymousMethod(this PseudoCallExpression e) { return(new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { Code = new SolutionProjectLanguageCode { e } }); }
public StockMethodMain(SolutionProjectLanguageType ApplicationType) { // note: this method will run under javascript #region Parameters args var _args = new SolutionProjectLanguageArgument { Type = new SolutionProjectLanguageType { ElementType = new KnownStockTypes.System.String() }, Name = "args", Summary = "Commandline arguments" }; #endregion this.Name = "Main"; //this.Summary = "In debug build you can just hit F5 and debug the server side code."; this.IsStatic = true; var AsProgram_Launch = new PseudoCallExpression { Method = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { DeclaringType = new SolutionProjectLanguageType { DeclaringType = new SolutionProjectLanguageType { Namespace = "jsc.meta.Commands.Rewrite.RewriteToUltraApplication", Name = "RewriteToUltraApplication" }, Name = "AsProgram" }, IsStatic = true, Name = "Launch" }, ParameterExpressions = new[] { ApplicationType } }; this.Code = new SolutionProjectLanguageCode { AsProgram_Launch }; this.Parameters.Add(_args); }
public StockMethodInitializeCamera(SolutionProjectLanguageField video) { var camera = new SolutionProjectLanguageArgument { Name = "camera", Type = new }; this.Parameters.Add(camera); var camera_setMode =new camera, (PseudoInt32ConstantExpression)ScriptApplicationEntryPointAttribute.DefaultWidth, (PseudoInt32ConstantExpression)ScriptApplicationEntryPointAttribute.DefaultHeight, (PseudoInt32ConstantExpression)(1000 / 24) ); var video_attachCamera = new video, camera ); var AttachTo = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { IsStatic = true, IsExtensionMethod = true, Name = "AttachTo", DeclaringType = new KnownStockTypes.ScriptCoreLib.ActionScript.Extensions.CommonExtensions() }; var video_AttachTo_this = new PseudoCallExpression { Method = AttachTo, ParameterExpressions = new object[] { video, new PseudoThisExpression() } }; this.Code = new SolutionProjectLanguageCode { camera_setMode, video_attachCamera, video_AttachTo_this }; }
public CreateMySprite(StockSpriteType Type, SolutionProjectLanguageField sprite) { var page_Page1 = new PseudoCallExpression { // Application(page) Object = "page", Method = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { IsProperty = true, Name = "get_Content", ReturnType = new SolutionProjectLanguageType { Name = "IHTMLElement" } } }; //var new_Page1 = // new PseudoCallExpression // { // // Application(page) // Method = // new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod // { // Name = SolutionProjectLanguageMethod.ConstructorName, // DeclaringType = new SolutionProjectLanguageType // { // Namespace = Type.Namespace, // Name = Type.Name // } // } // }; this.Comment = "Initialize " + Type.Name; this.Method = new KnownStockTypes.ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Extensions.SpriteExtensions.AttachSpriteTo(); this.ParameterExpressions = new object[] { sprite, page_Page1 }; }
abstract public void WritePseudoCallExpression(SolutionFile File, PseudoCallExpression Lambda, SolutionBuilder Context);
static SolutionBuilder InternalWithCanvas(SolutionBuilder sln, Action<SolutionProjectLanguageField> NotifyContent = null ) { // should we make an Undo available? sln.ApplicationPage = StockPageDefault.CanvasDefaultPage; var content = default(SolutionProjectLanguageField); sln.Interactive.GenerateTypes += AddType => { #region ApplicationCanvas var ApplicationCanvas = new StockCanvasType(sln.Name, "ApplicationCanvas"); // in Canvas applications we want to focus only the canvas // to do that we hide other implementation detail classes sln.Interactive.ApplicationWebServiceType.DependentUpon = ApplicationCanvas; sln.Interactive.ApplicationType.DependentUpon = ApplicationCanvas; sln.Interactive.ProgramType.DependentUpon = ApplicationCanvas; AddType(ApplicationCanvas); content = ApplicationCanvas.ToInitializedField("content"); content.DeclaringType = sln.Interactive.ApplicationType; // we are adding a field. does it show up in the source code later? // SolutionProjectLanguage.WriteType makes it happen! if (NotifyContent != null) NotifyContent(content); var Code = sln.Interactive.ProgramType_MainMethod.Code; sln.Interactive.ProgramType_MainMethod.Code = new SolutionProjectLanguageCode { new PseudoIfExpression { IsConditionalCompilationDirective = true, Expression = ("DEBUG"), FalseCase = Code, TrueCase = new SolutionProjectLanguageCode { new KnownStockTypes.ScriptCoreLib.Desktop.Extensions.DesktopAvalonExtensions.Launch().ToCallExpression( null, new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { ReturnType = ApplicationCanvas, Code = new SolutionProjectLanguageCode { ApplicationCanvas.GetDefaultConstructor() } } ) } } }; #endregion }; sln.Interactive.GenerateApplicationExpressions += AddCode => { // our content has been removed... if (content.DeclaringType != sln.Interactive.ApplicationType) return; var page_get_Content = new PseudoCallExpression { // Application(page) Object = "page", Method = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { IsProperty = true, Name = "get_Content", ReturnType = new KnownStockTypes.ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.DOM.HTML.IHTMLElement() } }; var page_get_ContentSize = new PseudoCallExpression { // Application(page) Object = "page", Method = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { IsProperty = true, Name = "get_ContentSize", ReturnType = new KnownStockTypes.ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.DOM.HTML.IHTMLElement() } }; AddCode( new KnownStockTypes.ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Extensions.AvalonExtensions.AttachToContainer().ToCallExpression( content, page_get_Content ) ); AddCode( new KnownStockTypes.ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Extensions.AvalonUltraExtensions.AutoSizeTo().ToCallExpression( content, page_get_ContentSize ) ); }; return sln; }
public static SolutionBuilder WithAdobeFlashWithFlare3D(this SolutionBuilder sln) { Func<StockSpriteType> GetType = () => new StockSpriteType(sln.Name, "ApplicationSprite"); var sprite = default(SolutionProjectLanguageField); sln.Interactive.GenerateTypes += AddType => { var ApplicationSprite = GetType(); sprite = ApplicationSprite.ToInitializedField("sprite"); sprite.DeclaringType = sln.Interactive.ApplicationType; // as per X:\jsc.svn\market\synergy\actionscript\Flare3DWaterShipComponent\Flare3DWaterShipComponent\ApplicationSprite.cs // jsc does not like field initializers to properties in anonymous type? var Types_ship = new SolutionProjectLanguageType { Namespace = "Flare3DWaterShipComponent", Name = "ship" }; var Types_Viewer3D = new SolutionProjectLanguageType { Namespace = "flare.basic", Name = "Viewer3D" }; var Types_Camera3D = new SolutionProjectLanguageType { Namespace = "flare.core", Name = "Camera3D" }; var Methods_set_scene = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { Name = "set_scene", IsProperty = true, DeclaringType = ApplicationSprite }; var Methods_set_camera = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { Name = "set_camera", IsProperty = true, DeclaringType = Types_Viewer3D }; var Methods_setPosition = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { Name = "setPosition", DeclaringType = Types_Camera3D }; var Methods_lookAt = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { Name = "lookAt", DeclaringType = Types_Camera3D }; var Methods_addChild = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { Name = "addChild", DeclaringType = Types_Viewer3D, ReturnType = Types_Viewer3D }; var this_camera = Types_Camera3D.ToInitializedField("camera"); var this_ship = Types_ship.ToInitializedField("ship"); var this_scene = new SolutionProjectLanguageField { FieldType = Types_Viewer3D, Name = "scene", IsReadOnly = true }; //ApplicationSprite.Fields.Add(this_ship); ApplicationSprite.Fields.Add(this_camera); ApplicationSprite.Fields.Add(this_scene); var newobj_Viewer3D = new PseudoCallExpression { Method = Types_Viewer3D.GetDefaultConstructorDefinition(), ParameterExpressions = new object[] { new PseudoThisExpression() } }; var set_scene_to_newobj_Viewer3D = Methods_set_scene.ToCallExpression( new PseudoThisExpression(), newobj_Viewer3D ); ApplicationSprite.Constructor.Code.Add(set_scene_to_newobj_Viewer3D); var this_camera_setPosition = Methods_setPosition.ToCallExpression(this_camera, (PseudoDoubleConstantExpression)120.0, (PseudoDoubleConstantExpression)40.0, (PseudoDoubleConstantExpression)(-30.0) ); ApplicationSprite.Constructor.Code.Add(this_camera_setPosition); var this_camera_lookAt = Methods_lookAt.ToCallExpression(this_camera, (PseudoDoubleConstantExpression)0.0, (PseudoDoubleConstantExpression)0.0, (PseudoDoubleConstantExpression)0.0 ); ApplicationSprite.Constructor.Code.Add(this_camera_lookAt); ApplicationSprite.Constructor.Code.Add( Methods_set_camera.ToCallExpression(this_scene, this_camera) ); ApplicationSprite.Constructor.Code.Add( Methods_addChild.ToCallExpression(this_scene, Types_ship.GetDefaultConstructor()) ); AddType(ApplicationSprite); }; sln.Interactive.GenerateApplicationExpressions += AddCode => { AddCode(new CreateMySprite(GetType(), sprite)); }; // ..\packages\Flare3D.\lib\Flare3D.dll sln.NuGetReferences.Add( new ScriptCoreLib.Ultra.Studio.SolutionBuilder.package { id = "Flare3D" } ); sln.NuGetReferences.Add( new ScriptCoreLib.Ultra.Studio.SolutionBuilder.package { id = "Flare3DWaterShipComponent" } ); return sln; }
private void InternalWriteParameterList(SolutionFile File, PseudoCallExpression Lambda, SolutionBuilder Context) { File.Write("("); #region HasComplexParameter var HasComplexParameter = Lambda.ParameterExpressions.Any( k => { if (k is XElement) return true; // anonymous method! if (k is SolutionProjectLanguageMethod) return true; var Call = k as PseudoCallExpression; if (Call != null) { // what? :) if (Call.XLinq != null) return true; } return false; } ); #endregion Action Body = delegate { var Parameters = Lambda.ParameterExpressions.ToArray(); var FirstParameter = 0; if (IsExtensionMethod(Lambda)) FirstParameter = 1; for (int i = FirstParameter; i < Parameters.Length; i++) { if (i > FirstParameter) { if (HasComplexParameter) { File.WriteLine(","); File.WriteIndent(); } else { File.WriteSpace(","); } } var Parameter = Parameters[i]; WritePseudoExpression(File, Parameter, Context); } }; if (HasComplexParameter) { File.WriteLine(); File.Indent(this, delegate { if (Lambda.ParameterExpressions.FirstOrDefault() is XElement) { // xlinq has no indent... } else { File.WriteIndent(); } Body(); //File.WriteLine(); } ); File.WriteIndent(); } else { Body(); } File.Write(")"); }
public override void WritePseudoCallExpression(SolutionFile File, ScriptCoreLib.Ultra.Studio.PseudoExpressions.PseudoCallExpression Lambda, SolutionBuilder Context) { if (Lambda.Method.IsConstructor) { File.Write(Keywords.@new); File.WriteSpace(); WriteTypeName(File, Lambda.Method.DeclaringType); InternalWriteParameterList(File, Lambda, Context); return; } if (Lambda.Method.OperatorName != null) { if (Lambda.ParameterExpressions.Length == 2) { WritePseudoExpression(File, Lambda.ParameterExpressions[0], Context); File.WriteSpaces(Lambda.Method.OperatorName); WritePseudoExpression(File, Lambda.ParameterExpressions[1], Context); return; } } var Objectless = true; if (IsExtensionMethod(Lambda)) { WritePseudoExpression(File, Lambda.ParameterExpressions[0], Context); Objectless = false; } else { if (Lambda.Method.IsStatic) { if (Lambda.Method.DeclaringType != null) { WriteTypeName(File, Lambda.Method.DeclaringType); Objectless = false; } } else { if (Lambda.Object != null) { var Constructor = Lambda.Object as PseudoExpressions.PseudoCallExpression; if (Constructor != null) { if (!Constructor.Method.IsConstructor) { Constructor = null; } } if (Constructor != null) { File.Write("("); } WritePseudoExpression(File, Lambda.Object, Context); if (Constructor != null) { File.Write(")"); } Objectless = false; } } } var Target = Lambda.Method.Name; if (Lambda.Method.IsProperty) { Target = Target.SkipUntilIfAny("set_").SkipUntilIfAny("get_"); } if (!Objectless) { File.Write("."); } File.Write( new SolutionFileWriteArguments { Fragment = SolutionFileTextFragment.None, Text = Target, Tag = Lambda.Method } ); if (Lambda.Method.IsProperty) { if (Lambda.ParameterExpressions.Length == 1) { File.WriteSpace(); if (Lambda.IsAttributeContext) { File.WriteSpace("="); } else { File.WriteSpace("<-"); } WritePseudoExpression(File, Lambda.ParameterExpressions[0], Context); } } else { InternalWriteParameterList(File, Lambda, Context); } }
public static SolutionBuilder WithFormsApplet(this SolutionBuilder sln) { var content = default(SolutionProjectLanguageField); var sprite = default(SolutionProjectLanguageField); Internal(sln, IsApplet: true, ApplcationWebServiceAsComponent: false, NotifyContent: value => content = value); sln.Interactive.GenerateTypes += AddType => { var ApplicationSprite = new StockAppletType(sln.Name, "ApplicationApplet", content); ApplicationSprite.DependentUpon = content.FieldType; content.DeclaringType = ApplicationSprite; sprite = ApplicationSprite.ToInitializedField("applet"); sprite.DeclaringType = sln.Interactive.ApplicationType; AddType(ApplicationSprite); }; sln.Interactive.GenerateApplicationExpressions += AddCode => { var page_get_Content = new PseudoCallExpression { // Application(page) Object = "page", Method = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { IsProperty = true, Name = "get_Content", ReturnType = new KnownStockTypes.ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.DOM.HTML.IHTMLElement() } }; var page_get_ContentSize = new PseudoCallExpression { // Application(page) Object = "page", Method = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { IsProperty = true, Name = "get_ContentSize", ReturnType = new KnownStockTypes.ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.DOM.HTML.IHTMLElement() } }; AddCode( new KnownStockTypes.ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Extensions.AppletExtensions.AutoSizeAppletTo().ToCallExpression( sprite, page_get_ContentSize ) ); AddCode( new KnownStockTypes.ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Extensions.AppletExtensions.AttachAppletTo().ToCallExpression( sprite, page_get_Content ) ); }; return sln; }
static SolutionBuilder Internal(SolutionBuilder sln, bool ApplcationWebServiceAsComponent = false, bool IsApplet = false, Action<SolutionProjectLanguageField> NotifyContent = null ) { // should we make an Undo available? sln.ApplicationPage = StockPageDefault.CanvasDefaultPage; var content = default(SolutionProjectLanguageField); sln.Interactive.GenerateTypes += AddType => { #region ApplicationCanvas var ApplicationCanvas = new StockUserControlType(sln.Name, "ApplicationControl"); // in Canvas applications we want to focus only the canvas // to do that we hide other implementation detail classes //sln.Interactive.ApplicationWebServiceType.DependentUpon = ApplicationCanvas; if (ApplcationWebServiceAsComponent) { sln.Interactive.ApplicationWebServiceType.With( ApplicationWebServiceType => { var ApplicationWebServiceDesignerType = new SolutionProjectLanguagePartialType { Name = ApplicationWebServiceType.Name + ".Designer", }; ApplicationWebServiceDesignerType.Type.Name = ApplicationWebServiceType.Name; ApplicationWebServiceType.NamespaceChanged += delegate { ApplicationWebServiceDesignerType.Type.Namespace = ApplicationWebServiceType.Namespace; }; #region components var components = new SolutionProjectLanguageField { IsPrivate = true, Name = "components", Summary = "Required designer variable.", FieldType = new KnownStockTypes.System.ComponentModel.IContainer() }; ApplicationWebServiceDesignerType.Type.Fields.Add(components); #endregion #region InitializeComponent var InitializeComponent = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { Summary = @"Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor.", IsPrivate = true, DeclaringType = ApplicationWebServiceDesignerType.Type, Name = "InitializeComponent", Code = new SolutionProjectLanguageCode { //set_Name, //set_Size } }; ApplicationWebServiceDesignerType.Type.Methods.Add(InitializeComponent); #endregion #region ApplicationWebServiceDesignerTypeConstructor var ApplicationWebServiceDesignerTypeConstructor = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { DeclaringType = ApplicationWebServiceDesignerType.Type, Name = SolutionProjectLanguageMethod.ConstructorName, Code = new SolutionProjectLanguageCode { new PseudoCallExpression { Object = new PseudoThisExpression(), Method = InitializeComponent } } }; ApplicationWebServiceDesignerType.Type.Methods.Add(ApplicationWebServiceDesignerTypeConstructor); #endregion ApplicationWebServiceType.BaseType = new KnownStockTypes.System.ComponentModel.Component(); ApplicationWebServiceType.DependentPartialTypes = new[] { ApplicationWebServiceDesignerType }; ApplicationWebServiceDesignerType.Type.UsingNamespaces.Add("System.ComponentModel"); } ); } sln.Interactive.ApplicationType.DependentUpon = ApplicationCanvas; sln.Interactive.ProgramType.DependentUpon = ApplicationCanvas; AddType(ApplicationCanvas); content = ApplicationCanvas.ToInitializedField("content"); content.DeclaringType = sln.Interactive.ApplicationType; // we are adding a field. does it show up in the source code later? // SolutionProjectLanguage.WriteType makes it happen! if (NotifyContent != null) NotifyContent(content); var Code = sln.Interactive.ProgramType_MainMethod.Code; sln.Interactive.ProgramType_MainMethod.Code = new SolutionProjectLanguageCode { new PseudoIfExpression { IsConditionalCompilationDirective = true, Expression = ("DEBUG"), FalseCase = Code, TrueCase = new SolutionProjectLanguageCode { new KnownStockTypes.ScriptCoreLib.Desktop.Forms.Extensions.DesktopFormsExtensions.Launch().ToCallExpression( null, new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { ReturnType = ApplicationCanvas, Code = new SolutionProjectLanguageCode { ApplicationCanvas.GetDefaultConstructor() } } ) } } }; #endregion }; sln.Interactive.GenerateApplicationExpressions += AddCode => { // our content has been removed... if (content.DeclaringType != sln.Interactive.ApplicationType) return; if (!IsApplet) { AddCode( new KnownStockTypes.ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.FormExtensions.AttachControlToDocument().ToCallExpression( content ) ); return; } var page_get_Content = new PseudoCallExpression { // Application(page) Object = "page", Method = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { IsProperty = true, Name = "get_Content", ReturnType = new KnownStockTypes.ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.DOM.HTML.IHTMLElement() } }; var page_get_ContentSize = new PseudoCallExpression { // Application(page) Object = "page", Method = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { IsProperty = true, Name = "get_ContentSize", ReturnType = new KnownStockTypes.ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.DOM.HTML.IHTMLElement() } }; AddCode( new KnownStockTypes.ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Windows.Forms.WindowsFormsExtensions.AttachControlTo().ToCallExpression( content, page_get_Content ) ); AddCode( new KnownStockTypes.ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Windows.Forms.WindowsFormsExtensions.AutoSizeControlTo().ToCallExpression( content, page_get_ContentSize ) ); }; return sln; }
public override void WritePseudoCallExpression(SolutionFile File, PseudoCallExpression Lambda, SolutionBuilder Context) { if (Lambda.Method.Name == SolutionProjectLanguageMethod.op_Implicit) { WritePseudoExpression(File, Lambda.ParameterExpressions[0], Context); return; } if (Lambda.Method.OperatorName != null) { if (Lambda.ParameterExpressions.Length == 2) { WritePseudoExpression(File, Lambda.ParameterExpressions[0], Context); File.WriteSpaces(Lambda.Method.OperatorName); WritePseudoExpression(File, Lambda.ParameterExpressions[1], Context); return; } } if (Lambda.Method.IsConstructor) { File.Write(Keywords.New); File.WriteSpace(); WriteTypeName(File, Lambda.Method.DeclaringType); InternalWriteParameterList(File, Lambda, Context); return; } if (Lambda.Method.IsEvent) { if (Lambda.Method.Name.StartsWith("add_")) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.AddHandler); } } var Objectless = true; if (IsExtensionMethod(Lambda)) { WritePseudoExpression(File, Lambda.ParameterExpressions[0], Context); Objectless = false; } else { if (Lambda.Method.IsStatic) { if (Lambda.Method.DeclaringType != null) { WriteTypeName(File, Lambda.Method.DeclaringType); Objectless = false; } } else { if (Lambda.Object != null) { WritePseudoExpression(File, Lambda.Object, Context); Objectless = false; } } } if (Lambda.Method.Name == "Invoke") { // in c# we can omit the .Invoke on a delegate } else { var Target = Lambda.Method.Name; if (Lambda.Method.IsProperty) { Target = Target.SkipUntilIfAny("set_").SkipUntilIfAny("get_"); } else if (Lambda.Method.IsEvent) { Target = Target.SkipUntilIfAny("add_").SkipUntilIfAny("remove_"); } if (!Objectless) { File.Write("."); } File.Write( new SolutionFileWriteArguments { Fragment = SolutionFileTextFragment.None, Text = Target, Tag = Lambda.Method } ); } if (Lambda.Method.IsEvent) { if (Lambda.Method.Name.StartsWith("add_")) { File.WriteSpace(","); WritePseudoExpression(File, Lambda.ParameterExpressions[0], Context); } } else if (Lambda.Method.IsProperty) { if (Lambda.ParameterExpressions.Length == 1) { File.WriteSpace(); if (Lambda.IsAttributeContext) { File.Write(":="); } else { File.Write("="); } File.WriteSpace(); WritePseudoExpression(File, Lambda.ParameterExpressions[0], Context); } } else { InternalWriteParameterList(File, Lambda, Context); } }
public void Add(PseudoCallExpression e) { // no DLR yet. we use our lite version instead. this.History.Add(e); }
void VisitCall(PseudoCallExpression Call) { Call.Method.With(VisitMethod); Call.ParameterExpressions.WithEach(VisitExpression); }
public StockUserControlType(string Namespace, string Name) { var UserControl1DesignerType = new SolutionProjectLanguagePartialType { Name = Name + ".Designer", Type = new SolutionProjectLanguageType { Namespace = Namespace, Name = Name, }, }; #region Dispose var disposing = new SolutionProjectLanguageArgument { Summary = "true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.", Name = "disposing", Type = new KnownStockTypes.System.Boolean(), }; var Dispose = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { IsProtected = true, IsOverride = true, Summary = "Clean up any resources being used.", Name = "Dispose", DeclaringType = UserControl1DesignerType.Type, Code = new SolutionProjectLanguageCode { "Note: This jsc project does not support unmanaged resources.", new PseudoCallExpression { Object = new PseudoBaseExpression(), Method = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { Name = "Dispose", }, ParameterExpressions = new[] { disposing } } } }; Dispose.Parameters.Add(disposing); #endregion #region components var components = new SolutionProjectLanguageField { IsPrivate = true, Name = "components", Summary = "Required designer variable.", FieldType = new KnownStockTypes.System.ComponentModel.IContainer() }; UserControl1DesignerType.Type.Fields.Add(components); #endregion #region set_Name var set_Name = new PseudoCallExpression { Object = new PseudoThisExpression(), Method = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { IsProperty = true, Name = "set_Name", }, ParameterExpressions = new[] { new PseudoStringConstantExpression { Value = Name } } }; #endregion #region set_Size var set_Size = new PseudoCallExpression { Object = new PseudoThisExpression(), Method = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { IsProperty = true, Name = "set_Size", }, ParameterExpressions = new[] { new PseudoCallExpression { Method = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { DeclaringType = new SolutionProjectLanguageType { Namespace = "System.Drawing", Name = "Size" }, Name = SolutionProjectLanguageMethod.ConstructorName }, ParameterExpressions = new [] { (PseudoInt32ConstantExpression) 400, (PseudoInt32ConstantExpression) 300, } } } }; #endregion #region InitializeComponent var InitializeComponent = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { Summary = @"Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor.", IsPrivate = true, DeclaringType = UserControl1DesignerType.Type, Name = "InitializeComponent", Code = new SolutionProjectLanguageCode { set_Name, set_Size } }; UserControl1DesignerType.Type.Methods.Add(InitializeComponent); #endregion #region UserControl1Constructor var UserControl1Constructor = new SolutionProjectLanguageMethod { DeclaringType = UserControl1DesignerType.Type, Name = SolutionProjectLanguageMethod.ConstructorName, Code = new SolutionProjectLanguageCode { new PseudoCallExpression { Object = new PseudoThisExpression(), Method = InitializeComponent } } }; this.Methods.Add(UserControl1Constructor); #endregion this.Namespace = Namespace; this.Name = Name; this.BaseType = new KnownStockTypes.System.Windows.Forms.UserControl(); this.DependentPartialTypes = new[] { UserControl1DesignerType }; UserControl1DesignerType.Type.UsingNamespaces.Add("System.ComponentModel"); UserControl1DesignerType.Type.UsingNamespaces.Add("System.Windows.Forms"); this.UsingNamespaces.Add("System.Collections.Generic"); this.UsingNamespaces.Add("System.ComponentModel"); this.UsingNamespaces.Add("System.Drawing"); this.UsingNamespaces.Add("System.Linq"); this.UsingNamespaces.Add("System.Text"); this.UsingNamespaces.Add("System.Windows.Forms"); UserControl1DesignerType.Type.Methods.Add(Dispose); }