/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { var s = new StringBuilder(); s.AppendLine("alert('hi');"); //script: error JSC1000: You tried to instance a class which seems to be marked as native. //script: error JSC1000: type has no callable constructor: [ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.DOM.Blob] Void .ctor(System.String[]) var blob = new Blob(new[] { s.ToString() }); //var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); //<script src="blob:http%3A//"></script> new IHTMLScript { src = blob.ToObjectURL() }.AttachToDocument(); }
public void readAsBinaryString(Blob blob) { }
public void readAsText(Blob blob, string encoding) { }
public Blob(Blob[] blobParts, object options) { }
public void write(Blob data) { }
public static string createObjectURL(Blob blob) { return default(string); }
public Application(IApp page) { // GetScriptApplicationSourceForInlineWorker { value = view-source#worker } //Native.document.curr new IHTMLPre { new { Native.document.currentScript } }.AttachToDocument(); //{ { currentScript = null } } // we could jump to encrypted secondary app here... new IHTMLButton { "prefetch source (edit and continue can update code?)" }.AttachToDocument().WhenClicked( //async button => { //Request URL: //Request Method:0 new IXMLHttpRequest( ScriptCoreLib.Shared.HTTPMethodEnum.GET, "view-source", r => { //new IHTMLPre { new { r.responseType } }.AttachToDocument(); new IHTMLPre { new { r.responseText.Length } }.AttachToDocument(); var aFileParts = new[] { r.responseText }; var oMyBlob = new Blob(aFileParts, new { type = "text/html" }); // the blob var url = oMyBlob.ToObjectURL(); InternalInlineWorker.ScriptApplicationSourceForInlineWorker = url; new IHTMLPre { new { InternalInlineWorker.ScriptApplicationSourceForInlineWorker } }.AttachToDocument(); } ); } ); new IHTMLButton { "work" }.AttachToDocument().WhenClicked( async button => { var state = new { input_for_other_thread = new { Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground } }; // X:\jsc.svn\core\ScriptCoreLib.Extensions\ScriptCoreLib.Extensions\Extensions\TaskExtensions.cs //var x = await Task<string>.Factory.StartNew( var x = await Task.Factory.StartNew( state, scope => { // Console is special. { scope = [object Object] } Console.WriteLine( //"Console is special. " + new { scope } "Console is special. " + new { scope.input_for_other_thread.ManagedThreadId } ); return new { output = "who is serializing this? only the browser API? jsc not helping here yet?", scope, inside = new { Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground } }; //return "who is serializing this? only the browser API? jsc not helping here yet?"; } //, state ); new IHTMLPre { new { x.output, x.scope, x.inside } }.AttachToDocument(); } ); }
public string readAsDataURL(Blob blob) { throw null; }
//public static Task WriteAllBytes(this DirectoryEntry that, string filename, WebGL.WebGLRenderingContext gl) //{ //} public static Task WriteAllBytes(this DirectoryEntry that, string filename, IHTMLCanvas canvas) { // 754986ms WriteAllBytes { filename = 00272.png, position = 3101246, size = 3101246 } //view-source:63706 FileError is deprecated. Please use the 'name' or 'message' attributes of DOMError rather than 'code'. //view-source:54105 757622ms WriteAllBytes onerror { code = 7, message = An operation that depends on state cached in an interface object was made but the state had changed since it was read from disk., error = [object FileError] } //view-source:54105 757623ms out of files? //view-source:54105 757624ms WriteAllBytes { filename = 00273.png, position = 0, size = 3143207 } //view-source:54105 757624ms what happened? retry? //view-source:54105 760625ms what happened? retry! //view-source:54105 760626ms what happened? retry! retry7? //view-source:38832 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toDataURL' of null //var data = canvas.toDataURL(); // Z:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\WebGL\360\x360eiffieballs\Application.cs //Z:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\WebGL\360\x360x83\Application.cs // 8K img png will be 50mb //var data = canvas.toDataURL(quality: 0.9); var data = canvas.toDataURL(quality: 1.0); //var data = canvas.toDataURL(quality: 0.1); // Z:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\WebGL\360stereo\x360stereotransition\Application.cs var prefix = "base64,"; var fileBytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String( data.Substring(data.IndexOf(prefix) + prefix.Length)); // https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!topic/blink-dev/jcrEI_jfYFs // this blob wont delete? bytes = new Blob( blobParts: new ArrayBufferView[] { fileBytes }, options: new { type = "application/octet-stream;" + filename } ); fileBytes = null; data = null; //canvas = null; var c = new TaskCompletionSource<DirectoryEntry>(); // can do up to 120 files? // not disposing blob? //Blob blob = bytes; that.getFile( //"0000.jpg", filename, new { create = true, exclusive = false }, fentry => { // {{ fentry = [object FileEntry] }} //new IHTMLPre { new { fentry } }.AttachToDocument(); fentry.createWriter( w => { //new IHTMLPre { new { w } }.AttachToDocument(); // new Blob([document.getElementById("HTMLFile").value], //{ type: 'text/plain'} //var blob = new Blob( // blobParts: new ArrayBufferView[] { fileBytes }, // options: new { type = "application/octet-stream" } //); // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12168909/blob-from-dataurl //w.write(fileBytes); //w.write(bytes); ////w.write() //// ready? var retry7 = false; //c.SetResult(that); //WriteAllBytes onerror { error = [object FileError], code = 7 } w.onerror = new Action( delegate { // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FileError Console.WriteLine("WriteAllBytes onerror " + new { w.error.code, w.error.message, w.error }); if (w.error.code == 7) { Console.WriteLine("out of files? " + new { filename }); //https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=83736 retry7 = true; } } ); //1063359ms WriteAllBytes onerror { code = 7, message = An operation that depends on state cached in an interface object was made but the state had changed since it was read from disk., error = [object FileError] } //view-source:54104 1063360ms out of files? //view-source:54104 1063361ms WriteAllBytes { filename = 00265.png, position = 0, size = 3058562 } //view-source:54104 1063361ms what happened? retry? //view-source:54104 1066363ms what happened? retry! w.onwriteend = new Action( delegate { var position = w.position; Console.WriteLine("onwriteend WriteAllBytes " + new { filename, position, bytes.size }); if (position < (long)bytes.size) { Console.WriteLine("what happened? retry? " + new { filename }); if (position == 0) { Native.setTimeout( delegate { if (retry7) { Console.WriteLine("what happened? retry7? " + new { filename }); WriteAllBytes(that, filename, canvas).ContinueWith( delegate { Console.WriteLine("what happened? retry7! " + new { filename }); c.SetResult(that); fentry = null; } ); return; } Console.WriteLine("what happened? retry! " + new { filename }); w.write(bytes); }, 5000 ); } return; } // https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!topic/chromium-html5/6Behx6zrbCI //Console.WriteLine("WriteAllBytes Blob close"); // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=404301 // chrome://blob-internals/ //bytes.close(); bytes = null; //w.truncate(w.position); w = null; // need it? //Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate //Console.WriteLine("WriteAllBytes yield"); c.SetResult(that); fentry = null; } ); w.write(bytes); } ); } ); return c.Task; }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IDisclaimer page) { #region go Action<string> go = //async source => { // show login #region layout var layout = new Login(); // loaded app will expect id's, restore em layout.Login.id = "Login"; var newbody = layout.body; var oldbody = Native.document.body; // switch layouts Native.document.body.parentNode.replaceChild( newbody, oldbody ); #endregion // how did we get the source? //var app = new x(layout); //await //new IHTMLScript { src = new Blob(source).ToObjectURL().SetInternalScriptApplicationSource() }.AttachToHead(); var src = new Blob(source).ToObjectURL().SetInternalScriptApplicationSource(); //await new IHTMLScript { src = src }; Native.window.eval(source); // now what? }; #endregion #region onclick page.Continue.onclick += async delegate { page.Continue.disabled = true; if (go.Target != null) if (go.Target != Native.self) throw new InvalidOperationException("we can only continue with global methods for now... " + new { go.Target }); var MethodToken = ((__MethodInfo)go.Method).MethodToken; var source = await typeof(x); // we can now Activate it? //Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(x)); Native.window.history.replaceState( new { Native.window.history.state, hint = "typeof(x)", // arguments: invoke = new { function = MethodToken, arguments = new[] { source } } } ); // invoke as state? //go(source); // or reload? Native.document.location.reload(); }; #endregion // first time: // Application onpopstate { e = { state = }, history = { state = } } // after replaceState and reload // Application onpopstate { e = { state = }, history = { state = [object Object] } } #region onpopstate Native.window.onpopstate += e => { #region x var x = new Stack<Func<Task<object>>>(); Action<object> y = null; y = xstate => { if (xstate == null) return; dynamic state = xstate; // if there is parent, we have to restore that first? string hint = state.hint; dynamic invoke = state.invoke; string MethodToken = invoke.function; object arguments = invoke.arguments; x.Push( delegate { var z = new TaskCompletionSource<object>(); var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); if (!Expando.Of(Native.self).Contains(MethodToken)) { //{ hint = typeof(y) } missing { MethodToken = CAAABoz2jD6nJMVTcci_a_bQ } Console.WriteLine(new { hint } + " missing " + new { MethodToken }); //Could not load type 'ctor>b__6>d__17' from assembly 'WorkerInsideSecondaryApplicationWithStateReplace.Application, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. // script: error JSC1000: No implementation found for this native method, please implement [System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(System.Action`1[[System.Threading.Tasks.Task, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]])] } IFunction.ByName(MethodToken).ContinueWithResult( f => { // { hint = typeof(y) } ok { MethodToken = CQAABoz2jD6nJMVTcci_a_bQ, ElapsedMilliseconds = 171 } Console.WriteLine(new { hint } + " ok " + new { MethodToken, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds }); f.apply(null, args: (object[])arguments); //go(source); z.SetResult(null); } ); return z.Task; } ); object parent = state.state; y(parent); }; y(Native.window.history.state); #endregion Console.WriteLine( "Application onpopstate " + new { e = new { e.state }, history = new { Native.window.history.state } } + "\n steps to resume this state: " + new { x.Count } ); //steps to resume this state: { Count = 1 } Action all = async delegate { while (x.Count > 0) { await x.Pop()(); } }; all(); }; #endregion }
public x(ILogin page) { // Uncaught Error: InvalidOperationException: { MethodToken = BgAABqe4Nzm_bBv4spuPWGg } function is not available at { href = } #region go 2 new IHTMLButton { innerText = "go 2" }.AttachToDocument().WhenClicked( //async delegate { // hsc, why wont lambda declaration work within async scope? // http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dotnet/archive/2012/06/06/async-in-4-5-enabling-progress-and-cancellation-in-async-apis.aspx Console.WriteLine("before"); // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/backlog/knowledge-base/2013/201309-1/20130904-iprogress //var x = //await Task.Factory.StartNewWithProgress( new { value = "world!" }, progress: xx => { Console.WriteLine("DOM Progress: " + new { xx.value, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId }); Native.document.title = new { xx.value, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId }.ToString(); }, function: scope => { #region scope is null if (scope == null) { // { x = scope_progress is null { state = [object Object], BackgroundThread = 10 }, ManagedThreadId = 1 } return new { value = "scope is null " + new { BackgroundThread = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId } }; } #endregion var state = scope.Item2; #region scope_progress var scope_progress = scope.Item1; if (scope_progress == null) { // { x = null { BackgroundThread = 10 }, ManagedThreadId = 1 } return new { value = "scope_progress is null " + new { state, BackgroundThread = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId } }; } #endregion var e = new Stopwatch(); e.Start(); scope_progress.Report( new { value = "hi " + new { e.ElapsedMilliseconds, BackgroundThread = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId } } ); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { scope_progress.Report( new { value = ". " + new { i, state.value, e.ElapsedMilliseconds, BackgroundThread = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId } } ); Thread.Sleep(100); } return new { value = "done " + new { e.ElapsedMilliseconds, BackgroundThread = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId } }; } ).ContinueWithResult( x => { Console.WriteLine("after"); Native.document.title = new { x.value, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId }.ToString(); } ); } ); #endregion //Uncaught Error: InvalidOperationException: { MethodToken = BgAABqe4Nzm_bBv4spuPWGg } function is not available at { href = } #region go Action<string> go = //async source => { // show login var layout = new App(); var newbody = layout.body; var oldbody = Native.document.body; // switch layouts Native.document.body.parentNode.replaceChild( newbody, oldbody ); // how did we get the source? //var app = new y(layout); var src = new Blob(source).ToObjectURL().SetInternalScriptApplicationSource(); //await new IHTMLScript { src = src }; Native.window.eval(source); #if FUTURE var yy = await new y(default(IProgress<string>), data: default(string)); #endif }; #endregion #region onclick page.Login.onclick += async delegate { page.Login.disabled = true; var source = await typeof(y); // we can now Activate it? //Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(x)); Native.window.history.replaceState( new { Native.window.history.state, hint = "typeof(y)", invoke = new { function = ((__MethodInfo)go.Method).MethodToken, arguments = new[] { source } } } ); // invoke as state? //go(source); Native.document.location.reload(); }; #endregion }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { // see also // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\DragIntoCRX\DragIntoCRX\Application.cs page.Data.WhenClicked( async button => { var DataTable = await this.DoEnterData(); var DataTable_xml = StringConversionsForDataTable.ConvertToString( DataTable ); var grid = new DataGridView { DataSource = DataTable }; grid.AttachControlTo(page.output); var csv = WriteCSV(DataTable); // http://www.w3.org/TR/file-writer-api/ page.x.title = "special.csv"; page.x.style.textDecoration = "underline"; page.x.css.hover.style.color = "red"; // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19327749/javascript-blob-filename-without-link var blob = new Blob(new[] { csv.ToString() }, new { type = "octet/stream" }); var href = blob.ToObjectURL(); page.x.href = href; // we can now click on the link page.x.download = page.x.title; // hide the fact, we are actually using <a> //page.x.Hide(); //var iframe = new IHTMLIFrame { name = "y" }.AttachToDocument(); //page.x.target = iframe.name; // http://updates.html5rocks.com/2011/08/Saving-generated-files-on-the-client-side // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/hh779016(v=vs.85).aspx // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4309958/can-i-write-files-with-html5-js page.Csv.disabled = false; page.Csv.onclick += delegate { page.x.click(); }; page.Csv.ondragstart += e => { Console.WriteLine("ondragstart"); // public void addElement(IHTMLElement element); //e.dataTransfer.addElement( // http://help.dottoro.com/ljxfefku.php // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\DropFileIntoSQLite\DropFileIntoSQLite\Application.cs e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "copy"; e.dataTransfer.setData( typeof(DataTable).Name //"jsc/datatable" , DataTable_xml ); // ondragover: { types = 1, items = 1, files = 0 } // view-source:29615 //{ type = jsc/datatable } Console.WriteLine("setDownloadURL"); // http://www.thecssninja.com/html5/gmail-dragout // Unfortunately it doesn’t work anymore in any browser, not also in chrome // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DataTransfer#setData.28.29 e.dataTransfer.setDownloadURL( page.x.title, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(csv.ToString()) ); }; } ); }
public string readAsText(Blob blob, string encoding) { throw null; }
public void readAsArrayBuffer(Blob blob) { }
public static Task WriteAllBytes(this DirectoryEntry that, string filename, Blob bytes) { // can do up to 120 files? // not disposing blob? var c = new TaskCompletionSource<DirectoryEntry>(); //Blob blob = bytes; that.getFile( //"0000.jpg", filename, new { create = true, exclusive = false }, fentry => { // {{ fentry = [object FileEntry] }} //new IHTMLPre { new { fentry } }.AttachToDocument(); fentry.createWriter( w => { //new IHTMLPre { new { w } }.AttachToDocument(); // new Blob([document.getElementById("HTMLFile").value], //{ type: 'text/plain'} //var blob = new Blob( // blobParts: new ArrayBufferView[] { fileBytes }, // options: new { type = "application/octet-stream" } //); // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12168909/blob-from-dataurl //w.write(fileBytes); //w.write(bytes); ////w.write() //// ready? //c.SetResult(that); w.onerror = new Action( delegate { // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FileError Console.WriteLine("WriteAllBytes onerror " + new { w.error, w.error.code }); } ); w.onwriteend = new Action( delegate { var position = w.position; Console.WriteLine("WriteAllBytes " + new { filename, position, bytes.size }); if (position < (long)bytes.size) { Console.WriteLine("what happened? retry?"); if (position == 0) { Native.setTimeout( delegate { Console.WriteLine("what happened? retry!"); w.write(bytes); }, 3000 ); } return; } // https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!topic/chromium-html5/6Behx6zrbCI Console.WriteLine("WriteAllBytes Blob close"); // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=404301 // chrome://blob-internals/ //bytes.close(); bytes = null; //w.truncate(w.position); w = null; // need it? //Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate Console.WriteLine("WriteAllBytes yield"); c.SetResult(that); } ); w.write(bytes); } ); } ); return c.Task; }
// https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150831 // Z:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\ChromeWriteFiles\ChromeWriteFiles\bin\Debug\staging\ChromeWriteFiles.Application\web // subst /D b: //subst b: s:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\ChromeWriteFiles\ChromeWriteFiles\bin\Debug\staging\ChromeWriteFiles.Application\web // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150809/chrome-filesystem /// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { #region += Launched chrome.app.window dynamic self = Native.self; dynamic self_chrome = self.chrome; object self_chrome_socket = self_chrome.socket; if (self_chrome_socket != null) { if (!(Native.window.opener == null && Native.window.parent == Native.window.self)) { Console.WriteLine("chrome.app.window.create, is that you?"); // pass thru } else { // should jsc send a copresence udp message? chrome.runtime.UpdateAvailable += delegate { new chrome.Notification(title: "UpdateAvailable"); }; chrome.app.runtime.Launched += async delegate { // 0:12094ms chrome.app.window.create {{ href = chrome-extension://aemlnmcokphbneegoefdckonejmknohh/_generated_background_page.html }} Console.WriteLine("chrome.app.window.create " + new { Native.document.location.href }); new chrome.Notification(title: "ChromeWriteFiles"); var xappwindow = await chrome.app.window.create( Native.document.location.pathname, options: null ); //xappwindow.setAlwaysOnTop xappwindow.show(); await xappwindow.contentWindow.async.onload; Console.WriteLine("chrome.app.window loaded!"); }; return; } } #endregion // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\ChromeWriteFiles\ChromeWriteFiles\Application.cs //{{ Length = 4 }} //{{ prefixLength = 64, name = {D7020941-742E-4570-93B2-C0372D3D870F}, address = fe80::88c0:f0a:9ccf:cba0 }} //{{ prefixLength = 24, name = {D7020941-742E-4570-93B2-C0372D3D870F}, address = }} //{{ prefixLength = 64, name = {A8657A4E-8BFA-41CC-87BE-6847E33E1A81}, address = 2001:0:9d38:6abd:20a6:2815:3f57:d4e3 }} //{{ prefixLength = 64, name = {A8657A4E-8BFA-41CC-87BE-6847E33E1A81}, address = fe80::20a6:2815:3f57:d4e3 }} new { }.With( async delegate { // http://css-infos.net/property/-webkit-user-select // http://caniuse.com/#feat=user-select-none //(Native.body.style as dynamic).userSelect = "auto"; (Native.body.style as dynamic).webkitUserSelect = "text"; // https://css-tricks.com/almanac/properties/u/user-select/ //Native.body.style.setProperty( // X:\jsc.svn\examples\java\hybrid\JVMCLRNIC\JVMCLRNIC\Program.cs // clr does not have it async. //var refresh = new IHTMLButton { "0000.txt" }.AttachToDocument().onclick += async delegate //while (await refresh.async.onclick) { new IHTMLHorizontalRule { }.AttachToDocument(); // TypeError: Cannot read property 'getVolumeList' of undefined //var n = await chrome.fileSystem.getVolumeList(); //{ // "fileSystem" : ["write", "directory"] // } // TypeError: Cannot read property 'chooseEntry' of undefined var entry = await chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry( new { type = "openDirectory" } ); // {{ entry = [object DirectoryEntry] }} new IHTMLPre { new { entry } }.AttachToDocument(); // http://sharpkit.net/help/SharpKit.PhoneGap/SharpKit.PhoneGap/DirectoryEntry/getFile(JsString,Flags,FileEntry%5D%5D,JsAction).htm // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DirectoryEntry#getFile var dir = (DirectoryEntry)entry; dir.getFile( "0000.txt", new { create = true, exclusive = false }, fentry => { // {{ fentry = [object FileEntry] }} new IHTMLPre { new { fentry } }.AttachToDocument(); fentry.createWriter( w => { new IHTMLPre { new { w } }.AttachToDocument(); // new Blob([document.getElementById("HTMLFile").value], //{ type: 'text/plain'} var blob = new Blob( blobParts: new[] { "hello\nworld" }, options: new { type = "text/plain" } ); // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12168909/blob-from-dataurl w.write(blob); //w.write() } ); } ); //foreach (var item in n) //{ // new IHTMLPre { new { item, item.volumeId, item.writable } }.AttachToDocument(); //} }; IHTMLImage c0002 = new IHTMLDiv { "frame2 " + new { DateTime.Now } }; IHTMLImage c0001 = new IHTMLDiv { "frame1 " + new { DateTime.Now } }; IHTMLImage c = new IHTMLDiv { "lets render this div into file " + new { DateTime.Now } }; c.AttachToDocument(); // "Z:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\ChromeWriteFiles\ChromeWriteFiles\bin\Debug\staging\ChromeWriteFiles.Application\web\manifest.json" //var data = c.toDataURL(); //new IHTMLPre { new { data } }.AttachToDocument(); // { data =  //var fileBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(data.SkipUntilOrEmpty("base64,")); // { Length = 1382 } //new IHTMLPre { new { fileBytes.Length, fileBytes } }.AttachToDocument(); new IHTMLButton { "0000.jpg" }.AttachToDocument().onclick += async delegate //while (await refresh.async.onclick) { new IHTMLHorizontalRule { }.AttachToDocument(); // TypeError: Cannot read property 'getVolumeList' of undefined //var n = await chrome.fileSystem.getVolumeList(); //{ // "fileSystem" : ["write", "directory"] // } // TypeError: Cannot read property 'chooseEntry' of undefined // 1757ms TypeError: Cannot read property 'chooseEntry' of undefined var entry = await chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry(new { type = "openDirectory" }); // {{ entry = [object DirectoryEntry] }} new IHTMLPre { new { entry } }.AttachToDocument(); // http://sharpkit.net/help/SharpKit.PhoneGap/SharpKit.PhoneGap/DirectoryEntry/getFile(JsString,Flags,FileEntry%5D%5D,JsAction).htm // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DirectoryEntry#getFile var dir = (DirectoryEntry)entry; dir.getFile( "0000.jpg", new { create = true, exclusive = false }, fentry => { // {{ fentry = [object FileEntry] }} new IHTMLPre { new { fentry } }.AttachToDocument(); fentry.createWriter( w => { new IHTMLPre { new { w } }.AttachToDocument(); // new Blob([document.getElementById("HTMLFile").value], //{ type: 'text/plain'} //var blob = new Blob( // blobParts: new ArrayBufferView[] { fileBytes }, // options: new { type = "application/octet-stream" } //); // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12168909/blob-from-dataurl //w.write(fileBytes); w.write(c); //w.write() } ); } ); //foreach (var item in n) //{ // new IHTMLPre { new { item, item.volumeId, item.writable } }.AttachToDocument(); //} }; new IHTMLButton { "0001.png" }.AttachToDocument().onclick += async delegate { new IHTMLHorizontalRule { }.AttachToDocument(); var dir = (DirectoryEntry)await chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry(new { type = "openDirectory" }); await dir.WriteAllBytes("0001.png", c0001); await dir.WriteAllBytes("0002.png", c0002); new IHTMLPre { "done" }.ToString(); }; } ); }
//public ArrayBuffer readAsArrayBuffer(Blob blob); public string readAsBinaryString(Blob blob) { throw null; }