private void MakePartScrewable(Screws screws, Vector3[] screwsScale) { if (screws != null && screws.screwsPositionsLocal != null && screws.screwsRotationLocal != null && screws.screwsTightness != null && screwsScale != null) { for (int i = 0; i < screws.screwsPositionsLocal.Length; i++) { GameObject screw = GameObject.Instantiate(screwModelToUse); = ( + "_SCREW" + (i + 1)); screw.transform.SetParent(parentGameObject.transform); screw.transform.localPosition = screws.screwsPositionsLocal[i]; screw.transform.localScale = screwsScale[i]; screw.transform.localRotation = new Quaternion { eulerAngles = screws.screwsRotationLocal[i] }; screw.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("DontCollide"); } this.parentGameObjectCollider = this.parentGameObject.GetComponent <Collider>(); } screwableLogic = parentGameObject.AddComponent <ScrewableLogic>(); screwableLogic.SetSavedInformation(screws, screw_material, screw_soundClip, parentGameObject, parentGameObjectCollider, this); if (screws.screwsTightness.All(element => element == screwableLogic.maxTightness)) { //All Screws tight. Make part fixed this.parentGameObjectCollider.enabled = false; partFixed = true; screwableLogic.SetPartFixed(partFixed); } }
/// <summary> /// This loads the current (either loaded save or empty information about the screw into the MonoBehaviour class. /// This is needed so that the MonoBehaviour can work independet from the main class. /// </summary> /// <param name="screws">This is the screws save where all the information for a part is stored</param> /// <param name="screw_material">The screw material</param> /// <param name="screw_soundClip">The soundclip to be played when screwing in/out</param> /// <param name="parentGameObject">The parent gameObject</param> /// <param name="parentGameObjectCollider">The parent gameObjects collider</param> /// <param name="screwablePart">The screwable part object</param> public void SetSavedInformation(Screws screws, Material screw_material, AudioClip screw_soundClip, GameObject parentGameObject, Collider parentGameObjectCollider, ScrewablePart screwablePart) { this.screwablePart = screwablePart; this.screws = screws; this.screw_material = screw_material; this.screw_soundClip = screw_soundClip; this.parentGameObject = parentGameObject; this.parentGameObjectCollider = parentGameObjectCollider; }
private void ScrewIn(GameObject hitScrew, Screws screws, int screwIndex) { if (screws.screwsTightness[screwIndex] >= 0 && screws.screwsTightness[screwIndex] <= maxTightness - 1) { AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(this.screw_soundClip, hitScrew.transform.position); hitScrew.transform.Rotate(0, 0, rotationStep); hitScrew.transform.Translate(0f, 0f, -transformStep); screws.screwsPositionsLocal[screwIndex] = hitScrew.transform.localPosition; screws.screwsRotationLocal[screwIndex] = hitScrew.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles; screws.screwsTightness[screwIndex]++; UpdateScrewInfoTightness(hitScrew, screws.screwsTightness[screwIndex]); } }
private void ScrewOut(GameObject hitScrew, Screws screws, int screwIndex) { if (screws.screwsTightness[screwIndex] > 0 && screws.screwsTightness[screwIndex] <= maxTightness) { AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(this.screw_soundClip, hitScrew.transform.position); hitScrew.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -rotationStep); hitScrew.transform.Translate(0f, 0f, transformStep); //Has to be adjustable screws.screwsPositionsLocal[screwIndex] = hitScrew.transform.localPosition; screws.screwsRotationLocal[screwIndex] = hitScrew.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles; screws.screwsTightness[screwIndex]--; UpdateScrewInfoTightness(hitScrew, screws.screwsTightness[screwIndex]); } partFixed = false; screwablePart.SetPartFixed(false); }
/// <summary> /// makes part that got created using the Constructor boltable by creating child GameObjects using the bolt_model loaded /// </summary> /// <param name="screws">The screws of the single part</param> private void MakePartScrewable(Screws screws) { for (int i = 0; i < screws.screwsPositionsLocal.Length; i++) { GameObject bolt = GameObject.Instantiate(boltModelToUse); = ( + "_BOLT" + (i + 1)); bolt.transform.SetParent(parentGameObject.transform); bolt.transform.localPosition = screws.screwsPositionsLocal[i]; bolt.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f); bolt.transform.localRotation = new Quaternion { eulerAngles = screws.screwsRotationLocal[i] }; bolt.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("DontCollide"); } this.parentGameObjectCollider = this.parentGameObject.GetComponent <Collider>(); if (screws.screwsTightness.All(element => element == 8)) { //All Screws tight. Make part fixed this.parentGameObjectCollider.enabled = false; partFixed = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Generates the Screws for a part and makes them detectable using the DetectBolting method /// <para>Dont ever change the name of the BOLT GameObject that gets created, which is always + "_BOLT + boltNumber</para> /// <para>example: Racing Turbocharger_BOLT1</para> /// <para>the constructor will auto find the correct gameObject to create the screws on (if names did not change)</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="screwsListSave">SortedList of saved information for ALL Parts!</param> /// <param name="parentGameObject">The "parentGameObject" GameObject on which bolts should be placed. This should always be the ModAPI part.rigidPart when using modapi!!!</param> /// <param name="screwsPositionsLocal">The position where each screw should be placed on the parentGameObject GameObject</param> /// <param name="screwsRotationLocal">The rotation the screws should have when placed on parentGameObject GameObject</param> /// <param name="screwsSizeForAll">The size for all screws to be used as a single value if it is set to 8 you need to use the wrench size 8 to install the parts</param> /// <param name="assets">The assets bundle to use. this will by default load the model as 'bolt_nut.prefab' and the material as 'bolt-texture.mat make sure those are inside your prefab</param> public ScrewablePart(SortedList <String, Screws> screwsListSave, GameObject parentGameObject, Vector3[] screwsPositionsLocal, Vector3[] screwsRotationLocal, int screwsSizeForAll, AssetBundle assets) { this.assets = assets; this.selectedItem = GameObject.Find("PLAYER/Pivot/AnimPivot/Camera/FPSCamera/SelectItem"); this.selectedItemFSM = selectedItem.GetComponent <PlayMakerFSM>(); FsmHook.FsmInject(selectedItem, "Hand", new Action(ChangedToHand)); FsmHook.FsmInject(selectedItem, "Tools", new Action(ChangedToTools)); this._wrenchSize = selectedItemFSM.Fsm.GetFsmFloat("OldWrench"); this.bolt_material = assets.LoadAsset <Material>("bolt-texture.mat"); this.boltModelToUse = (assets.LoadAsset("bolt_nut.prefab") as GameObject); this.parentGameObject = parentGameObject; this.screwsDefaultPositionLocal = screwsPositionsLocal; this.screwsDefaultRotationLocal = screwsRotationLocal; if (screwsListSave != null) { Screws loadedScrews; bool successWhenLoading = screwsListSave.TryGetValue(, out loadedScrews); if (successWhenLoading) { //Save provided and found in file this.screws = loadedScrews; } else { this.screws = new Screws(); } } if (this.screws == null) { //No Save provided this.screws = new Screws(); //Initialize boltSize int[] boltSize = new int[screwsPositionsLocal.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < boltSize.Length; i++) { boltSize[i] = screwsSizeForAll; } for (int i = 0; i < boltSize.Length; i++) { if (boltSize[i] < 5) { boltSize[i] = 5; } else if (boltSize[i] > 15) { boltSize[i] = 15; } } //Initialize boltTightness int[] boltTightness = new int[screwsPositionsLocal.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < boltTightness.Length; i++) { boltTightness[i] = 0; } this.screws.partName =; this.screws.screwsPositionsLocal = screwsPositionsLocal; this.screws.screwsRotationLocal = screwsRotationLocal; this.screws.screwsSize = boltSize; this.screws.screwsTightness = boltTightness; } MakePartScrewable(this.screws); }
private void LoadScrewsSave(SortedList <String, Screws> screwsListSave, Vector3[] screwsPositionLocal, Vector3[] screwsRotationLocal, int[] sizes) { if (screwsListSave != null) { Screws loadedScrews; bool successWhenLoading = screwsListSave.TryGetValue(, out loadedScrews); if (successWhenLoading) { //Save provided and found in file this.screws = loadedScrews; } else { //Save provided but part not found inside this.screws = new Screws(); //Initialize screwSize int[] screwSize = new int[screwsPositionLocal.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < screwSize.Length; i++) { screwSize[i] = sizes[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < screwSize.Length; i++) { if (screwSize[i] < 5) { screwSize[i] = 5; } else if (screwSize[i] > 15) { screwSize[i] = 15; } } //Initialize screwTightness int[] screwTightness = new int[screwsPositionLocal.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < screwTightness.Length; i++) { screwTightness[i] = 0; } this.screws.partName =; this.screws.screwsPositionsLocal = screwsPositionLocal; this.screws.screwsRotationLocal = screwsRotationLocal; this.screws.screwsSize = screwSize; this.screws.screwsTightness = screwTightness; } } if (this.screws == null) { //No Save provided this.screws = new Screws(); //Initialize screwSize int[] screwSize = new int[screwsPositionLocal.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < screwSize.Length; i++) { screwSize[i] = sizes[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < screwSize.Length; i++) { if (screwSize[i] < 5) { screwSize[i] = 5; } else if (screwSize[i] > 15) { screwSize[i] = 15; } } //Initialize screwTightness int[] screwTightness = new int[screwsPositionLocal.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < screwTightness.Length; i++) { screwTightness[i] = 0; } this.screws.partName =; this.screws.screwsPositionsLocal = screwsPositionLocal; this.screws.screwsRotationLocal = screwsRotationLocal; this.screws.screwsSize = screwSize; this.screws.screwsTightness = screwTightness; } }