public bool beginQuery()
            Regex work_regex  = new Regex(@"([\d]+)\sWorks(\sfound|)\sin");
            Regex error_regex = new Regex("div[^\\>]*class=\"[\\w\\s]*errors");

            int works = 0;                              // number of works: default 0 until a number can be found

            String url = "";

            if (this.minimum < 0 && this.maximum > -1)
                url = UrlGenerator.searchUrlMax(this.maximum, this.tag, this.custom);
            else if (this.maximum < 0 && this.minimum > -1)
                url = UrlGenerator.searchUrlMin(this.minimum, this.tag, this.custom);
            else if (this.maximum > -1 && this.minimum > -1)
                url = UrlGenerator.searchUrlMinMax(this.minimum, this.maximum, this.tag, this.custom);
                url = UrlGenerator.searchUrl(this.tag, this.custom);
            String raw = Scraper.scrape(url);                                                                   // scrape search results page

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(raw) != true)
                if (Int32.TryParse(work_regex.Match(raw).Groups[1].ToString().Trim(), out works) == false)
                // if the response is not empty, regex for number and attempt to parse as int
                // if successful: parsed number will be stored in var works, replacing default 0
                // if unsuccessful, default 0 will remain

            // either way, return number of works
            // successful scraping will return number
            // unsuccessful scraping will return 0
            this.results = works;

        public static Work beginQuery(int id)
            String url = UrlGenerator.workUrl(id);
            String raw = Scraper.scrape(url);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(raw) == true)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Work could not be found!", id.ToString());

            Work result = new Work();

            Regex title_regex     = new Regex("<h2 class=\"[^\"]*title[^\"]*\">(?'title'[^\\<]*)");
            Regex author_regex    = new Regex("<a[^>]*rel=\"author\"[^>]*>(?'author'[^<]*)");
            Regex publish_regex   = new Regex("<dd class=\"published\">(?'publish'\\d\\d\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\d)");
            Regex update_regex    = new Regex("<dd class=\"status\">(?'update'\\d\\d\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\d)");
            Regex bookmarks_regex = new Regex("<dd class=\"bookmarks\"><a[^>]*>(?'bookmarks'\\d*)");

            String title     = "";
            String author    = "";
            int    chapters  = 1;
            int    words     = 0;
            int    comments  = 0;
            int    kudos     = 0;
            int    bookmarks = 0;
            int    hits      = 0;

            Match title_match  = title_regex.Match(raw);
            Match author_match = author_regex.Match(raw);

            if (title_match.Groups["title"].Success == true)
                title = title_match.Groups["title"].ToString().Trim();
            if (author_match.Groups["author"].Success == true)
                author = author_match.Groups["author"].ToString().Trim();

            Match chapters_match = regexNumericField("chapters").Match(raw);

            Int32.TryParse(matchProperty(chapters_match, "chapters"), out chapters);

            Match words_match = regexNumericField("words").Match(raw);

            Int32.TryParse(matchProperty(words_match, "words"), out words);

            Match comments_match = regexNumericField("comments").Match(raw);

            Int32.TryParse(matchProperty(comments_match, "comments"), out comments);

            Match kudos_match = regexNumericField("kudos").Match(raw);

            Int32.TryParse(matchProperty(kudos_match, "kudos"), out kudos);

            Match bookmarks_match = bookmarks_regex.Match(raw);

            Int32.TryParse(matchProperty(bookmarks_match, "bookmarks"), out bookmarks);

            Match hits_match = regexNumericField("hits").Match(raw);

            Int32.TryParse(matchProperty(hits_match, "hits"), out hits);

            Match    publish_match = publish_regex.Match(raw);
            DateTime published     = new DateTime();

            if (publish_match.Groups["publish"].Success == true && DateTime.TryParse(publish_match.Groups["publish"].ToString(), out published) == false)
                // checking first if the capture group exists. if not, condition will fail anyway.
                // then running int32 try parse, if successful, value will be stored regardless of if condition (out published)
                // if group exists but int try parse fails, published will be assigned january 1st, 1970 instead: a common failsafe value
                published = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
            result.published = published;

            Match    update_match = update_regex.Match(raw);
            DateTime updated      = new DateTime();

            if (update_match.Groups["update"].Success == false || chapters == 1)
                updated = published;
            else if (update_match.Groups["update"].Success == true && DateTime.TryParse(update_match.Groups["update"].ToString(), out updated) == false)
                // same procedure as above, except if no update date can be detected or there is only 1 chapter
                // the publish date will be used, since oneshots and fics with only 1 chapter yet don't have an update date
                published = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
            result.updated = updated;

            result.title     = title;
      = author;
            result.chapters  = chapters;
            result.words     = words;
            result.comments  = comments;
            result.kudos     = kudos;
            result.bookmarks = bookmarks;
            result.hits      = hits;
