/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        static public void AddHighlight(ScintillaControl sci, Int32 line, Int32 indicator, Int32 value)
            Int32 start = sci.PositionFromLine(line);
            Int32 length = sci.LineLength(line);
			if (start < 0 || length < 1)
			// Remember previous EndStyled marker and restore it when we are done.
            Int32 es = sci.EndStyled;
			// Mask for style bits used for restore.
            Int32 mask = (1 << sci.StyleBits) - 1;
            Language lang = PluginBase.MainForm.SciConfig.GetLanguage(sci.ConfigurationLanguage);
			if (indicator == indicatorDebugCurrentLine)
                sci.SetIndicFore(indicator, lang.editorstyle.DebugLineBack);
			else if (indicator == indicatorDebugEnabledBreakpoint)
				sci.SetIndicFore(indicator, lang.editorstyle.ErrorLineBack);
			else if (indicator == indicatorDebugDisabledBreakpoint)
				sci.SetIndicFore(indicator, lang.editorstyle.DisabledLineBack);
			sci.SetIndicStyle(indicator, 7);
			sci.CurrentIndicator = indicator;
			sci.IndicatorValue = value;
			sci.IndicatorFillRange(start, length);
			sci.StartStyling(es, mask);
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public static void AddHighlight(ScintillaControl sci, Int32 line, Int32 indicator, Int32 value)
     if (sci == null) return;
     Int32 start = sci.PositionFromLine(line);
     Int32 length = sci.LineLength(line);
     if (start < 0 || length < 1) return;
     Int32 es = sci.EndStyled;
     Int32 mask = (1 << sci.StyleBits) - 1;
     Language lang = PluginBase.MainForm.SciConfig.GetLanguage(sci.ConfigurationLanguage);
     if (indicator == indicatorDebugCurrentLine)
         sci.SetIndicFore(indicator, lang.editorstyle.DebugLineBack);
         sci.SetIndicSetAlpha(indicator, 40); // Improve contrast
     else if (indicator == indicatorDebugEnabledBreakpoint)
         sci.SetIndicFore(indicator, lang.editorstyle.ErrorLineBack);
         sci.SetIndicSetAlpha(indicator, 40); // Improve contrast
     else if (indicator == indicatorDebugDisabledBreakpoint)
         sci.SetIndicFore(indicator, lang.editorstyle.DisabledLineBack);
         sci.SetIndicSetAlpha(indicator, 40); // Improve contrast
     sci.SetIndicStyle(indicator, 7);
     sci.CurrentIndicator = indicator;
     sci.IndicatorValue = value;
     sci.IndicatorFillRange(start, length);
     sci.StartStyling(es, mask);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        static public void AddHighlight(ScintillaControl sci, Int32 line, Int32 indicator, Int32 value)
            Int32 start = sci.PositionFromLine(line);

            Int32 length = sci.LineLength(line);
			if (start < 0 || length < 1)

			// Remember previous EndStyled marker and restore it when we are done.
            Int32 es = sci.EndStyled;
			// Mask for style bits used for restore.
            Int32 mask = (1 << sci.StyleBits) - 1;

			if (indicator == indicatorDebugCurrentLine)
				sci.SetIndicFore(indicator, DataConverter.ColorToInt32(PluginMain.settingObject.DebugLineColor));
			else if (indicator == indicatorDebugEnabledBreakpoint)
				sci.SetIndicFore(indicator, DataConverter.ColorToInt32(PluginMain.settingObject.BreakPointEnableLineColor));
			else if (indicator == indicatorDebugDisabledBreakpoint)
				sci.SetIndicFore(indicator, DataConverter.ColorToInt32(PluginMain.settingObject.BreakPointDisableLineColor));

			sci.SetIndicStyle(indicator, /* (int)ScintillaNet.Enums.IndicatorStyle.RoundBox */ 7);
			sci.CurrentIndicator = indicator;
			sci.IndicatorValue = value;
			sci.IndicatorFillRange(start, length);
			sci.StartStyling(es, mask);