 /// <summary>
 /// Converts a string to RTF based on scintilla configuration
 /// </summary>
 public static String GetConversion(Language lang, ScintillaControl sci, int start, int end) 
     UseStyle[] useStyles = lang.usestyles;
     Dictionary<uint, ColorData> StyleColors = new Dictionary<uint, ColorData>(MAX_COLORDEF);
     Dictionary<string, FontData> StyleFonts = new Dictionary<string, FontData>(MAX_FONTDEF);
     String text = sci.Text.Clone().ToString();
     StringBuilder rtfHeader = new StringBuilder(RTF_HEADEROPEN);
     StringBuilder rtfFont = new StringBuilder(RTF_FONTDEFOPEN);
     StringBuilder rtfColor = new StringBuilder(RTF_COLORDEFOPEN);
     StringBuilder rtf = new StringBuilder();
     char[] chars = text.ToCharArray();
     int lengthDoc = text.Length;
     int lastStyleByte = -1;
     string lastFontName = "";
     int lastFontSize = -1;
     bool lastBold = false;
     bool lastItalic = false;
     uint lastBack = 0;
     uint lastFore = 0;
     if (end < 0 || end > lengthDoc) 
         end = lengthDoc;
     int totalColors = 1;
     int totalFonts = 0;
     //  Grab all styles used based on the Style Byte. 
     //  Then store the basic properties in a Dictionary.
     for (int istyle = start; istyle < end; istyle++) 
         // Store Byte
         int styleByte = sci.StyleAt(istyle);
         // Check Difference
         if (styleByte != lastStyleByte) 
             // Store Style
             UseStyle sty = useStyles[styleByte];
             // Grab Properties
             string fontName = sty.FontName;
             int fontSize = sty.FontSize * 2;
             bool bold = sty.IsBold;
             bool italic = sty.IsItalics;
             uint back = (uint)sty.BackgroundColor;
             uint fore = (uint)(sty.fore != null && sty.fore.Length > 0 ? int.Parse(sty.fore.Substring(2, sty.fore.Length - 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) : 0);
             if (lastFontName != fontName || lastFontSize != fontSize || lastBold != bold || lastItalic != italic || lastBack != back || lastFore != fore) 
                 // Check Colors
                 ColorData backColorTest;
                 ColorData foreColorTest;
                 if (!StyleColors.TryGetValue(back, out backColorTest)) 
                     Color newColor = Color.FromArgb((int)back);
                     backColorTest = new ColorData(totalColors++, newColor);
                     StyleColors.Add(back, backColorTest);
                     rtfColor.AppendFormat(RTF_SET_COLOR, newColor.R, newColor.G, newColor.B);
                 if (!StyleColors.TryGetValue(fore, out foreColorTest)) 
                     Color newColor = Color.FromArgb((int)fore);
                     foreColorTest = new ColorData(totalColors++, newColor);
                     StyleColors.Add(fore, foreColorTest);
                     rtfColor.AppendFormat(RTF_SET_COLOR, newColor.R, newColor.G, newColor.B);
                 // Check Fonts
                 FontData fontTest;
                 if (!StyleFonts.TryGetValue(fontName, out fontTest)) 
                     fontTest = new FontData(totalFonts, fontName);
                     StyleFonts.Add(fontName, fontTest);
                     rtfFont.Append(@"{" + RTF_SETFONTFACE + totalFonts + " " + fontName + ";}");
                 rtf.Append((lastStyleByte == -1 ? "{\\pard\\plain" : "}{\\pard\\plain"));
                 // Write out RTF
                 rtf.AppendFormat(RTF_SET_FORMAT, fontTest.FontIndex, fontSize, backColorTest.ColorIndex, foreColorTest.ColorIndex, (bold ? "" : "0"), (italic ? "" : "0"));
             lastFontName = fontName;
             lastFontSize = fontSize;
             lastBold = bold;
             lastItalic = italic;
             lastBack = back;
             lastFore = fore;
         lastStyleByte = styleByte;
         char ch = chars[istyle];
         String curr = "";
         if (ch == '{') curr = "\\{";
         else if (ch == '}') curr = "\\}";
         else if (ch == '\\') curr = "\\\\";
         else if (ch == '\t') 
             if (sci.IsUseTabs) curr = RTF_TAB;
             else curr = "".PadRight(sci.Indent, ' ');
         else if (ch == '\n') 
             if (istyle == 0 || chars[istyle - 1] != '\r') curr = "\\line\n";
         else if (ch == '\r') curr = "\\line\n";
         else if (!(Char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch) || Char.IsWhiteSpace(ch))) curr = "\\'" + ((int)ch).ToString("x2");
         else curr = ch.ToString();
     // Close Headers
     rtfHeader.AppendFormat("\n{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}", rtfFont.ToString(), rtfColor.ToString(), rtf.ToString(), "}");
     return rtfHeader.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a string to RTF based on scintilla configuration
        /// </summary>
        public static String GetConversion(Language lang, ScintillaControl sci, int start, int end)
            UseStyle[] useStyles = lang.usestyles;
            Dictionary <uint, ColorData>  StyleColors = new Dictionary <uint, ColorData>(MAX_COLORDEF);
            Dictionary <string, FontData> StyleFonts  = new Dictionary <string, FontData>(MAX_FONTDEF);
            String        text      = sci.Text.Clone().ToString();
            StringBuilder rtfHeader = new StringBuilder(RTF_HEADEROPEN);
            StringBuilder rtfFont   = new StringBuilder(RTF_FONTDEFOPEN);
            StringBuilder rtfColor  = new StringBuilder(RTF_COLORDEFOPEN);
            StringBuilder rtf       = new StringBuilder();

            char[] chars         = text.ToCharArray();
            int    lengthDoc     = text.Length;
            int    lastStyleByte = -1;
            string lastFontName  = "";
            int    lastFontSize  = -1;
            bool   lastBold      = false;
            bool   lastItalic    = false;
            uint   lastBack      = 0;
            uint   lastFore      = 0;

            if (end < 0 || end > lengthDoc)
                end = lengthDoc;
            int totalColors = 1;
            int totalFonts  = 0;

            //  Grab all styles used based on the Style Byte.
            //  Then store the basic properties in a Dictionary.
            for (int istyle = start; istyle < end; istyle++)
                // Store Byte
                int styleByte = sci.StyleAt(istyle);
                // Check Difference
                if (styleByte != lastStyleByte)
                    // Store Style
                    UseStyle sty = useStyles[styleByte];
                    // Grab Properties
                    string fontName = sty.FontName;
                    int    fontSize = sty.FontSize * 2;
                    bool   bold     = sty.IsBold;
                    bool   italic   = sty.IsItalics;
                    uint   back     = (uint)sty.BackgroundColor;
                    uint   fore     = (uint)(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sty.fore) ? int.Parse(sty.fore.Substring(2, sty.fore.Length - 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber) : 0);
                    if (lastFontName != fontName || lastFontSize != fontSize || lastBold != bold || lastItalic != italic || lastBack != back || lastFore != fore)
                        // Check Colors
                        ColorData backColorTest;
                        ColorData foreColorTest;
                        if (!StyleColors.TryGetValue(back, out backColorTest))
                            Color newColor = Color.FromArgb((int)back);
                            backColorTest = new ColorData(totalColors++, newColor);
                            StyleColors.Add(back, backColorTest);
                            rtfColor.AppendFormat(RTF_SET_COLOR, newColor.R, newColor.G, newColor.B);
                        if (!StyleColors.TryGetValue(fore, out foreColorTest))
                            Color newColor = Color.FromArgb((int)fore);
                            foreColorTest = new ColorData(totalColors++, newColor);
                            StyleColors.Add(fore, foreColorTest);
                            rtfColor.AppendFormat(RTF_SET_COLOR, newColor.R, newColor.G, newColor.B);
                        // Check Fonts
                        FontData fontTest;
                        if (!StyleFonts.TryGetValue(fontName, out fontTest))
                            fontTest = new FontData(totalFonts, fontName);
                            StyleFonts.Add(fontName, fontTest);
                            rtfFont.Append(@"{" + RTF_SETFONTFACE + totalFonts + " " + fontName + ";}");
                        rtf.Append((lastStyleByte == -1 ? "{\\pard\\plain" : "}{\\pard\\plain"));
                        // Write out RTF
                        rtf.AppendFormat(RTF_SET_FORMAT, fontTest.FontIndex, fontSize, backColorTest.ColorIndex, foreColorTest.ColorIndex, (bold ? "" : "0"), (italic ? "" : "0"));
                    lastFontName = fontName;
                    lastFontSize = fontSize;
                    lastBold     = bold;
                    lastItalic   = italic;
                    lastBack     = back;
                    lastFore     = fore;
                lastStyleByte = styleByte;
                char   ch   = chars[istyle];
                String curr = "";
                if (ch == '{')
                    curr = "\\{";
                else if (ch == '}')
                    curr = "\\}";
                else if (ch == '\\')
                    curr = "\\\\";
                else if (ch == '\t')
                    if (sci.IsUseTabs)
                        curr = RTF_TAB;
                        curr = "".PadRight(sci.Indent, ' ');
                else if (ch == '\n')
                    if (istyle == 0 || chars[istyle - 1] != '\r')
                        curr = "\\line\n";
                else if (ch == '\r')
                    curr = "\\line\n";
                else if (!(Char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch) || Char.IsWhiteSpace(ch)))
                    curr = "\\'" + ((int)ch).ToString("x2");
                    curr = ch.ToString();
            // Close Headers
            rtfHeader.AppendFormat("\n{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}", rtfFont.ToString(), rtfColor.ToString(), rtf.ToString(), "}");