public override void step() { foreach (var player in foreach (var m in player.board.minions) { if (m.Value.minionState == Science_Wars_Server.Minions.Minion.MinionState.DEAD) continue; // calculate the distance of each minion to this minion var dist = (m.Value.getWorldPosition() - worldPosition).magnitude; // if the minion in the range then add deal damage if (dist < RADIUS_DEFAULT) { GameUtilities.Damage damage = new GameUtilities.Damage(dmgPerSecond * Chronos.deltaTime, GameUtilities.DamageType.PHYSICAL); // bu çok gecici bir şey olduğu için network'den yollamak sıkıntı yaratıcak latency'den dolayı bunun yerine client bu olayı simule edicek. NailTrapSlowEffect slowEffect = new NailTrapSlowEffect(slowAmount); m.Value.dealDamage(damage,ownerPlayer,false); if(m.Value.addEffect(slowEffect)) { Messages.OutgoingMessages.Game.GAddEffectOnMinionNailTrapSlow.sendMessage(, m.Value, slowEffect); } } } remainingDuration -= Chronos.deltaTime; if (remainingDuration <= 0) destroyable = true; }
public static void sendMessage(ICollection<Player> receiverPlayers, Minion minion, NailTrapSlowEffect effect) { RawMessage msg = new RawMessage(); msg.putInt("id", TypeIdGenerator.getMessageId(typeof(GAddEffectOnMinionNailTrapSlow))); if (receiverPlayers != null && receiverPlayers.Count != 0) { msg.putInt("iid", minion.instanceId); msg.putInt("tid", TypeIdGenerator.getMinionEffectId(effect.GetType())); msg.putFloat("sa", effect.slowAmount); foreach (var receiverPlayer in receiverPlayers) receiverPlayer.user.session.client.SendMessage(msg); } }