public void TestAddCourseNormalAddition() { School school = new School(); school.AddCourse(new Course("Chemistry")); Assert.IsTrue(school.OfferedCourses.Count == 1); }
public void SchoolTestAddCourseSecondTime() { var course = new Course("Javascript"); var school = new School("Boby Georgiev"); school.AddCourse(course); school.AddCourse(course); }
public void TestHasCourseMissingCourse() { School school = new School(); school.AddCourse(new Course("Chemistry")); Assert.IsFalse(school.HasCourse(new Course("Biology"))); }
public void TestHasCourseNullObject() { School school = new School(); school.AddCourse(new Course("Chemistry")); Assert.IsFalse(school.HasCourse(null)); }
public static void Main() { var stoyanov = new Student("Stoyanov", "54443AZ"); var petrov = new Student("Petrov", "54444AZ", "no like"); var mimi = new Student("Mimi", "55221RX", "very cute"); var students = new List<Student> { stoyanov, petrov, mimi }; var teachers = new List<Teacher> { new Teacher("Gadiov"), new Teacher("Ivanov"), new Teacher("Georgiev") }; teachers[1].Detail = "The best teacher ever"; foreach (var teacher in teachers) { Console.WriteLine("Teacher: " + teacher.Name); } foreach (var student in students) { Console.WriteLine("Student: " + student.Name + " - " + student.UniqueClassNum + " - " + student.Detail); } var history = new Discipline("History", new List<Student>() { stoyanov, petrov, mimi}, 25); var mechanics = new Discipline("Mechanics", new List<Student>() { mimi, petrov }, 53, "important discipline"); var class19A = new SchoolClass("19A", students, teachers); var mySchool = new School(new List<SchoolClass>() { class19A }); }
public void TestHasCourseExistingCourse() { School school = new School(); school.AddCourse(new Course("Chemistry")); Assert.IsTrue(school.HasCourse(new Course("Chemistry"))); }
static void Main() { var someSchool = new School(); var eveningClass = new Class("Level#2"); var trainer = new Teacher("Mr. NakMan"); var disciplineClassA = new Discipline("OOP", 2, 2); var firstStudent = new Student("Anamalech", 1); var thirdStudent = new Student("Corson", 3); var secondStudent = new Student("Boruta", 2); var forthStudent = new Student("Lucifer", 4); //Okay. Let's summon the demons... pardon, Demos! someSchool.AddClass(eveningClass); eveningClass.AddTeacher(trainer); trainer.AddDiscipline(disciplineClassA); eveningClass.AddStudent(firstStudent); eveningClass.AddStudent(secondStudent); eveningClass.AddStudent(thirdStudent); eveningClass.AddStudent(forthStudent); Console.WriteLine(eveningClass.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); }
public void AddNewCourse_AddCoursesWithEqualNames() { School theSchool = new School(); theSchool.AddNewCourse("CSharp"); theSchool.AddNewCourse("CSharp"); }
public void SchoolAddCourseTest() { School school = new School(); Course course = new Course("HQPC"); school.AddCourse(course); Assert.AreEqual("HQPC", course.Name, "Adding courses to school works incorrectly."); }
public void SchoolTestRemoveExistentStudent() { var course = new Course("Javascript"); var school = new School("TUES"); school.AddCourse(course); school.RemoveCourse(course); }
public void SchoolRemoveNotExistingStudentFromCourseTest() { School cSharpSchool = new School("C# School"); Course cSharpCourse = new Course("C# Course"); cSharpSchool.RemoveCourse(cSharpCourse); Assert.AreEqual(0, cSharpSchool.CountOfCourses()); }
public void TestRemoveCourseNormalRemoval() { School school = new School(); school.AddCourse(new Course("Chemistry")); school.AddCourse(new Course("Geography")); school.RemoveCourse(new Course("Chemistry")); Assert.IsTrue(school.OfferedCourses.Count == 1); }
public void SchoolTestRemoveNonExistingCourse() { var firstCourse = new Course("Javascript"); var secondCourse = new Course("Csharp"); var school = new School("TUES"); school.AddCourse(firstCourse); school.RemoveCourse(secondCourse); }
public void SchoolAddStudentInCourseTest() { School cSharpSchool = new School("C# School"); Course cSharpCourse = new Course("C# Course"); cSharpSchool.AddCourse(cSharpCourse); Assert.AreEqual(1, cSharpSchool.CountOfCourses()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { School school = new School(); Course<Student> course = new Course<Student>(); Student student = new Student("A",10000); course[0] = student; school.AddCourse(course); }
public void AddNewCourse_AddOneCourse() { School theSchool = new School(); theSchool.AddNewCourse("CSharp"); School myObject = theSchool; Type myType = typeof(School); FieldInfo setOfCourses = myType.GetField("courses", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); IList<Course> courses = setOfCourses.GetValue(myObject) as IList<Course>; Assert.IsTrue(courses.Count == 1); }
public void School_ChecIsNotkUniqeNumber() { School school = new School(); Course<Student> course = new Course<Student>(); Student student = new Student("Anonymouse",10000); course[0] = student; school.AddCourse(course); bool falseCondition = School.CheckForTrueUniqeNumber(10000); Assert.IsFalse(falseCondition,"Probably Uniqe Number funcionalty issue in the School class."); }
public void AddNewStudent_AddOneStudent() { School theSchool = new School(); theSchool.AddNewStudent("Gosho"); School myObject = theSchool; Type myType = typeof(School); FieldInfo setOfStudents = myType.GetField("students", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); IList<Student> students = setOfStudents.GetValue(myObject) as IList<Student>; Assert.IsTrue(students.Count == 1); }
public void SchoolRemoveCourseNonExistentTest() { List<Course> courses = new List<Course> { new Course("HQPC"), new Course("JS Fundamentals"), new Course("JS UIDOM"), new Course("JS OOP"), new Course("DSA") }; Course toRemove = new Course("DB"); School school = new School(courses); school.RemoveCourse(toRemove); }
public void AddNewStudent_AddFewStudents() { School theSchool = new School(); int few = 5; for (int i = 0; i < few; i++) { theSchool.AddNewStudent("Gosho"); } School myObject = theSchool; Type myType = typeof(School); FieldInfo setOfStudents = myType.GetField("students", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); IList<Student> students = setOfStudents.GetValue(myObject) as IList<Student>; Assert.IsTrue(students.Count == few); }
public void AddNewCourse_AddFewCoursesWithDifferantNames() { School theSchool = new School(); int few = 5; for (int i = 0; i < few; i++) { theSchool.AddNewCourse("CSharp" + i); } School myObject = theSchool; Type myType = typeof(School); FieldInfo setOfCourses = myType.GetField("courses", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); IList<Course> courses = setOfCourses.GetValue(myObject) as IList<Course>; Assert.IsTrue(courses.Count == few); }
public void SchoolRemoveCourseTest() { List<Course> courses = new List<Course> { new Course("HQPC"), new Course("JS Fundamentals"), new Course("JS UIDOM"), new Course("JS OOP"), new Course("DSA") }; School school = new School(courses); school.RemoveCourse(courses[1]); // JS Fundamentals int expectedCoursesCount = 4; Assert.AreEqual(expectedCoursesCount, school.Courses.Count, "Removing existing courses from school works incorrectly."); // 4 courses remaining }
public static void Main() { Student pesho = new Student("Pesho", "201411V21", "very tallented, self-critical"); Student misho = new Student("Misho", "201411V13"); // Student gatyo = new Student("Gosho", "201411V13"); // should throw exception Student gosho = new Student("Gosho", "201412V13"); Student katya = new Student("Katya", "201412V19", "likes litterature, expecially indian novels of Karl May"); Discipline maths = new Discipline("Mathematics", new List<Student>() { pesho, gosho, misho }, 35); Discipline litterature = new Discipline("Litterature", new List<Student>() { gosho, misho, katya }, 15, "optional"); Discipline informatics = new Discipline("Informatics", new List<Student>() { pesho, gosho, katya, misho }, 50, "main discipline"); Teacher peshova = new Teacher("Peshova", new List<Discipline>() { litterature }); Teacher dushkov = new Teacher("Dushkov", new List<Discipline>() { maths, informatics }); SchoolClass class201411V = new SchoolClass("201411V", new List<Student>() { pesho, misho }, new List<Teacher>() { peshova }); // below row should throw exception // SchoolClass class201412 = new SchoolClass("201411V", new List<Student>() { }, new List<Teacher>() { peshova, dushkov }); SchoolClass class201412V = new SchoolClass("201412V", new List<Student>() { }, new List<Teacher>() { peshova, dushkov }); School eg = new School(new List<SchoolClass>() { class201411V, class201412V }); }
public void AddNewStudent_AddTooManyStudents() { School theSchool = new School(); Type myType = typeof(School); FieldInfo maxID = myType.GetField("maxID", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); FieldInfo minID = myType.GetField("minID", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); FieldInfo idGenerator = myType.GetField("studentIDGenerator", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); uint minimumIDValue = 10; uint maximumIDValue = 99; minID.SetValue(myType, minimumIDValue); maxID.SetValue(myType, maximumIDValue); idGenerator.SetValue(theSchool, minimumIDValue); for (uint count = minimumIDValue; count <= maximumIDValue + 1; count++) { theSchool.AddNewStudent("Gosho"); } }
public void SignStudentForCourse_SighUnexistingStudentForCourse() { School theSchool = new School(); Course newCourse = theSchool.AddNewCourse("CSharp"); theSchool.SignUpStudentForCourse(10000, newCourse.Name); }
public void SignStudentForCourse_SighStudentForUnexistingCourse() { School theSchool = new School(); Student newStudent = theSchool.AddNewStudent("Pesho"); theSchool.SignUpStudentForCourse(newStudent.Id, "CSharp"); }
public void SignStudentForCourse_SighOneStudentForOneCourse() { School theSchool = new School(); Student newStudent = theSchool.AddNewStudent("Pesho"); Course newCourse = theSchool.AddNewCourse("CSharp"); theSchool.SignUpStudentForCourse(newStudent.Id, newCourse.Name); School myObject = theSchool; Type myType = typeof(School); FieldInfo setOfCourses = myType.GetField("courses", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); IList<Course> courses = setOfCourses.GetValue(myObject) as IList<Course>; Assert.IsTrue(courses[courses.IndexOf(newCourse)].IsAttendingTheCourse(newStudent)); }
public void SignOutStudentOfCourse_SighOutUnexistingStudentOfCourse() { School theSchool = new School(); Course newCourse = theSchool.AddNewCourse("CSharp"); theSchool.SignOutStudentOfCourse(10000, newCourse.Name); }
public void TestInitialise() { = new School(); }
public void SchoolConstructorTestNameNullValue() { var school = new School(null); }