public void Leave(Student student)
            if (student == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("The student to leave can't be null!");

 public Class(string name, Teacher[] teach, Student[] stud)
     if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) throw new ArgumentNullException("The give argument is null or have only white spaces");
         ClassName = name;
         TeachersList = new List<Teacher>(teach);
         StudentsList = new List<Student>(stud);
        public void Join(Student student)
            if (this.Students.Count == 30)
                throw new OverflowException("The number of students int each ciurse must be between 1 and 30!");

            if (student == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("The stydent for joining the course can't be null!");

        static void Main()
            Student[] inFirstClass = new Student[]
                new Student("Alex","Borisov","1"),
                new Student("Borislav","Vaptsarov","2"),
                new Student("Kiril","Voinov","3")

            Student[] inSecondClass = new Student[]
                new Student("Fili[","Borisov","1"),
                new Student("Megan","Vasilova","2"),
                new Student("Aspartan","E525","3")

            Discipline[] firstDiscipline = new Discipline[]
                new Discipline("Mathematics",2,5),
                new Discipline("Algorithms",3,8),
                new Discipline("Sleeping",10,24)

            Discipline[] secondDiscipline = new Discipline[]
                new Discipline("Physics",2,5),
                new Discipline("Hitting",3,8),
                new Discipline("Peeing on ppl",2,4)

            Teacher[] teachers = new Teacher[]
                new Teacher("Ivan","Kostolov",firstDiscipline),
                new Teacher("Troll","Mogilov",secondDiscipline)

            Teacher[] teachersS = new Teacher[]
                new Teacher("Troll","Mogilov",secondDiscipline)

            Class[] classes = new Class[]
                new Class("12A",teachers,inFirstClass),
                new Class("12B",teachers,inSecondClass)

            School thisSChool = new School("PMG - Akad. Ivan Guzelev", classes);
 public void Test_StudentNameShouldntBeNull()
     Student firstStudent = new Student(null);
 public void Test_StudentNameShouldntBeEmpty()
     Student firstStudent = new Student(string.Empty);
 public void Test_StudentsShouldHaveUniqueID()
     Student firstStudent = new Student("Pesho");
     Student secondStudent = new Student("Gosho");
     Assert.AreNotEqual(firstStudent.Id, secondStudent.Id);