private static Messages[] LoadMessages(bool ForManger = false) { int count = 0; int temp = 0; Messages[] msg = null; SqlDataReader reader; if (ForManger) { reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader("select count(byuser) as res_count,* from msgs"); } else { reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader("select count(byuser) as res_count,* from msgs where byuser="******"res_count"]; msg = new Messages[count]; } msg[temp] = new Messages(); msg[temp].ByUser = (int)reader["byuser"]; msg[temp].Topic = reader["topic"].ToString(); msg[temp].MsgId = (int)reader["msgid"]; } reader.Close(); return(msg); }
public static User GetUser(string suser, string spass) { User retuser = null; SqlDataReader reader; spass = SetPassword(spass); SqlParameter puser = new SqlParameter("@user", suser); SqlParameter ppass = new SqlParameter("@pass", spass); reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader("SELECT * from users where username=@user and password=@pass", puser, ppass); if (reader != null && reader.Read()) { retuser = new User(); retuser.Name = (string)reader["name"]; retuser.UserName = (string)reader["username"]; retuser.Password = ReturnPassword(reader["password"].ToString()); retuser.Email = (string)reader["email"]; retuser.ID = int.Parse(reader["id"].ToString()); retuser.Tel = (string)reader["tel"]; retuser.Control = (User.TypeControl)reader["control"]; retuser.TempPersonal = (bool)reader["TempPersonal"]; retuser.TempGeneral = (bool)reader["TempGeneral"]; retuser.Sector = (string)reader["Sector"]; GLOBALVARS.LastUserChangeFile = DateTime.Now; UpdateManager.UpdateLastTimeCheck(); } reader.Close(); DBFunction.CloseConnections(); return(retuser); }
public void LoadShadchanHandlers(int chadchanid = 0, ListView lstvw = null, bool mkcolor = false) { string addsql = ""; if (chadchanid != 0) { addsql = " and chadchan =" + chadchanid; } lstvw.Items.Clear(); SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader("select,peoples.chadchan,peoples.firstname, as pid,peoples.lastname,,relatedid from peoples" + " inner join peopledetails on ID=relatedid inner join users on where chadchan <> 0" + addsql); while (reader.Read()) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(new string[] { reader["firstname"].ToString(), reader["lastname"].ToString(), "שדכן מטפל : " + reader["name"].ToString(), reader["pid"].ToString(), reader["id"].ToString() }, 4); if (mkcolor) { item.ForeColor = Color.Blue; } lstvw.Items.Add(item); } reader.Close(); }
private string RegisterDateToReport(int id) { string sql = ""; string rep = ""; switch (rep_type) { case ReportType.Client: sql = "select regdate from registerinfo where relatedid=" + id; break; case ReportType.User: sql = "select dateadded from users where id=" + id; break; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql)) { return(rep); } SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql); if (reader.Read()) { rep = "<h3>קיים במאגר מ <span class='label label-default'>" + reader.GetDateTime(0).ToShortDateString() + "</span></h3><hr>"; } reader.Close(); return(rep); }
public void openShiduchActivityForm(ListView lst, People MyPeople = null) { //עדכון פעילות if (lst.SelectedItems.Count <= 0) { return; } if (lst.Name == "lstReminder") { openReminder = true; } int idActivity = int.Parse(lst.SelectedItems[0].Tag.ToString()); // int idSideB = int.Parse(lstMyActivity.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[5].Text); s = ReadById(idActivity); //להביא את ההערות של הכרטיס השני string notesSide = removeFromString(s.NotesSummary) + "\r\n" + "=====צד ב'=====" + Environment.NewLine; string sql = "select NotesSummary from ShiduchActivity s " + "where s.UserId=" + s.UserId + " and PeopleId=" + s.IdSideB + " and IdSideB=" + s.PeopleId + " and Action=" + s.Action + " and abs(DATEDIFF(day,s.Date,'" + s.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt") + "'))" + " between 0 and 15"; SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql); if (reader.Read()) { notesSide += removeFromString(reader["NotesSummary"].ToString()); } reader.Close(); s.NotesSummary = notesSide; if (MyPeople == null) { MyPeople = new People(); SqlDataReader reader1 = People.ReadById(s.PeopleId); if (reader1.Read()) { PeopleManipulations.ReaderToPeople(ref MyPeople, ref reader1); } reader1.Close(); } ShiduchActivityForm sForm; if (openReminder)//אם נפתח דרך התזכורות { sForm = new ShiduchActivityForm(s, MyPeople, false, true, false, true); } else { sForm = new ShiduchActivityForm(s, MyPeople, false, true, false); } sForm.Show(); sForm.FormClosed += SForm_FormClosed; }
public static SqlDataReader ReadAll(bool ReallyAll = false) { SqlDataReader reader; string top = "top 100"; if (ReallyAll) { top = ""; } reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader("select " + top + " * from log order by Date desc"); return(reader); }
public static void LoadDictonary() { SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader("select * from Dictionary"); while (reader.Read()) { DictinorayRow row = new DictinorayRow(); row.LoadFromReader(reader); DictinorayList.Add(row); } reader.Close(); }
public static Log ReadById(int id) { Log retlog = new Log(); SqlDataReader reader; reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader("select * from log where id=" + id); if (reader.Read()) { ReaderToLog(ref reader, ref retlog); } reader.Close(); return(retlog); }
private void MultipileCheck() { // newPeople = new People(); newPeople.FirstName = txtfname.Text; newPeople.Lasname = txtlname.Text; newPeople.City = txtcity.Text; newPeople.Tz = txtTZ.Text; newPeople.Details.DadName = DadNametxtdadname.Text; newPeople.Details.MomName = txtmomname.Text; newPeople.OpenDetailsForAdd = radGeneral.Checked; newPeople.OpenForPersonalAdd = radPersonal.Checked; newPeople.Sexs = radMale.Checked ? 1 : 2; if (newPeople.OpenDetailsForAdd) { newPeople.Temp = GLOBALVARS.MyUser.TempGeneral; } else { newPeople.Temp = GLOBALVARS.MyUser.TempPersonal; } SqlParameter[] prms = new SqlParameter[10]; string sql = ""; sql += "select p.ID, FirstName,lastname, ByUserName,RegDate " + "from peoples p inner join peopledetails pd on p.ID = pd.relatedid inner join " + "registerinfo r on pd.relatedid=r.relatedid where show <> 8 AND " + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[0], txtfname.Text, "FirstName", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[1], txtlname.Text, "Lastname", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[2], txtcity.Text, "City", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[4], DadNametxtdadname.Text, "DadName", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[5], txtmomname.Text, "MomName", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[6], txtTZ.Text, "Tz", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE); sql = BuildSql.CheckForLastAnd(ref sql); SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql, prms); if (reader.HasRows) { reader.Read(); string text = "כרטיס כבר קיים במערכת" + Environment.NewLine + "כרטיס על שם:" + reader["FirstName"] + " " + reader["Lastname"] + ", נקלט בתאריך: " + reader["RegDate"] + ", על ידי: " + reader["ByUserName"]; MessageBox.Show(text, "כרטיס קיים", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); reader.Close(); return; } OK = true; Close(); }
private static void LoadLabelsToAllLabels() { SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader("select * from Labels"); AllLabels = new Labels[65]; int index = 0; while (reader.Read()) { AllLabels[index] = new Labels(reader["label"].ToString(), reader["cat"].ToString(), int.Parse(reader["ID"].ToString())); index++; } reader.Close(); }
public static ShiduchActivity ReadById(int id) { string sql = "select s.*, as remindID, r.Date as remindDate,r.Done,r.IdUser " + "as remindIdUser from ShiduchActivity s " + "inner join ReminderActivity r on s.Id=r.IdActivity where s.Id=" + id; SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql); ShiduchActivity activity = new ShiduchActivity(); if (reader.Read()) { readerToShiduchActivity(ref reader, ref activity); } reader.Close(); return(activity); }
public static SqlDataReader ReadById(int ID) { try { string sql = "select * from peoples p inner join peopledetails pd on p.ID = pd.relatedid inner join " + "registerinfo r on pd.relatedid=r.relatedid where p.ID=" + ID; SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql); return(reader); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("השגיאה הבאה התרחשה \n" + ex.Message); return(null); } }
public void LoadClients() { string sql; GLOBALVARS.Clients = new ArrayList(); sql = "select firstname + ' ' + lastname as allname,id from peoples where show=0 order by firstname "; SqlDataReader reader; reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql); while (reader != null && reader.Read()) { KeyValueClass temp = new KeyValueClass((string)reader["allname"], (int)reader["ID"]); GLOBALVARS.Clients.Add(temp); } reader.Close(); }
public void LoadShadcanim() { string sql, where; int controlhide = 1, index = -1; Shadchanim = new ArrayList(); if (GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Control == User.TypeControl.Admin || GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Control == User.TypeControl.Manger) { where = ""; } else if (thisSideB) { where = " where id=" + ShiduchActivity.UserId; } else { where = "where id=" + GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID; } sql = "select name,id from users " + where; SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql); while (reader != null && reader.Read()) { KeyValueClass temp = new KeyValueClass((string)reader["name"], (int)reader["ID"]); if (int.Parse(temp.Value.ToString()) == GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID) { if (index < 0) { index = txtReminderInCare.Items.Count; } temp.Text = "שלי"; } //אם הטיפול הוא אצל מישהו אחר ממני if (updateActivity && int.Parse(temp.Value.ToString()) == ShiduchActivity.reminder.IdUser) { index = txtReminderInCare.Items.Count; } Shadchanim.Add(temp); txtReminderInCare.Items.Add(temp); } reader.Close(); DBFunction.CloseConnections(); txtReminderInCare.SelectedIndex = index; }
public static void SetDurationLogin() { string sql = "select * from[Log] t inner join(" + "select UserId, max(date) as MaxDate from[Log] where UserId =" + GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID + " group by UserId, action) tm " + " on t.UserId = tm.UserId and = tm.MaxDate where Action = 1"; SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql); if (reader.Read()) { string s = "update Log set DateExit='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt") + "' where id =" + reader["id"].ToString(); reader.Close(); DBFunction.Execute(s); } if (!reader.IsClosed) { reader.Close(); } }
private void loadNotes(ListView lstvw = null) { lstNotesOfPeople.Items.Clear(); txtNoteText.Text = ""; btnNoteSave.Enabled = false; SqlDataReader reader = null; if (lstvw == null) { lstvw = lstNotesOfPeople; } ListViewItem item; // ||GLOBALVARS.MyUser.CanEdit if (GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Control == User.TypeControl.Manger || GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Control == User.TypeControl.Admin) { reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader("select * from NotesOfPeople n where n.PeopleId=" + MyPeople.ID); } else { reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader("select * from NotesOfPeople n where n.UserId=" + GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID + "and n.PeopleId=" + MyPeople.ID); } lstNotesOfPeople.BeginUpdate(); MyPeople.Note = new List <NotesOfPeople>(); NotesOfPeople n = new NotesOfPeople(); while (reader.Read()) { MyPeople.Note.Add(n.ReaderToNotes(ref reader)); item = new ListViewItem(new string[] { DateTime.Parse(reader["NoteDate"].ToString()).ToShortDateString(), (string)reader["UserName"], (string)reader["NoteText"], reader["NoteId"].ToString() }); item.Tag = reader["UserId"].ToString(); lstvw.Items.Add(item); } lstNotesOfPeople.EndUpdate(); reader.Close(); }
private static void LoadLastUpdateFromFileAndDb() { //START OF CHECK IF THERE IS A UPDATE string LastupdateSql = "select top 1 Status,Lastupdate,FilesToBeUpdate,LastAlertsChanges,LastPeopleChanges,LastUserChange,LastChatChange from general"; GetLastUpdate(); reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(LastupdateSql); if (reader.HasRows) { reader.Read(); GLOBALVARS.LastSwUpdateDB = DateTime.Parse(reader["Lastupdate"].ToString()); GLOBALVARS.LastAlertsCheckDB = DateTime.Parse(reader["LastAlertsChanges"].ToString()); GLOBALVARS.LastPeopleCheckDB = DateTime.Parse(reader["LastPeopleChanges"].ToString()); GLOBALVARS.LastUserChangeDB = DateTime.Parse(reader["LastUserChange"].ToString()); GLOBALVARS.LastChatChangeDB = DateTime.Parse(reader["LastChatChange"].ToString()); FilesToBeUpdate = (int)reader["FilesToBeUpdate"]; GLOBALVARS.StatusSw = (int)reader["Status"]; } FilesToBeUpdate++; reader.Close(); //END OF CHECK }
public static User GetUser(int id) { SqlDataReader reader; User retuser = null; SqlParameter pid = new SqlParameter("@id", id); reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader("select * from users where id=@id", pid); if (reader != null && reader.Read()) { retuser = new User(); retuser.Name = (string)reader["name"]; retuser.UserName = (string)reader["username"]; retuser.Password = reader["password"].ToString().Split('^')[1]; retuser.Email = (string)reader["email"]; retuser.ID = int.Parse(reader["id"].ToString()); retuser.Tel = (string)reader["tel"]; retuser.Control = (User.TypeControl)reader["control"]; retuser.TempPersonal = (bool)reader["TempPersonal"]; retuser.TempGeneral = (bool)reader["TempGeneral"]; retuser.Sector = (string)reader["Sector"]; } reader.Close(); return(retuser); }
public static SqlDataReader GetHistory(bool card, People p) { string sql = "select * from HistoryChangeDetails h where h.IdPeople=" + p.ID; return(DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql)); }
public static void CheckForUpdate() { Thread updatethread; int tempid; // SqlDataReader tempreader; LoadLastUpdateFromFileAndDb(); if (GLOBALVARS.LastSwUpdateDB <= GLOBALVARS.LastSwUpdateFile) { return; } GLOBALVARS.LastSwUpdateFile = DateTime.Now; //START CHECK WHICH FILES ARE UPDATED OpenUpdateFile(); reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader("Select active,filename,version,[date],id,data from FileUpdates"); string sfilename = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Modules[0].FileName; if (reader.HasRows) { //ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(ShowUpdateDialog)); updatethread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ShowUpdateDialog)); updatethread.IsBackground = true; updatethread.Start(); } UpdatedList = new List <FileAndVersion>(); while (!ThreadFinsihLoading) { } //Loop Until Thread Loaded while (reader.Read()) { FileAndVersion ftemp = new FileAndVersion(); ftemp.Filename = (string)reader["Filename"]; ftemp.Date = (DateTime)reader["Date"]; tempid = (int)reader["id"]; UpdatedList.Add(ftemp); if (!SerachInTheListFiles(ftemp)) { // tempreader= DBFunction.ExecuteReader("Select data from FileUpdates where id=" + tempid); // tempreader.Read(); byte[] data = (byte[])reader["data"]; // tempreader.Close(); winupdate.PbUpdate.Value++; if (((bool)reader["Active"])) { // Check if this is the sw itself File.WriteAllBytes(Application.StartupPath + "//temp.ex", data); File.Move(sfilename, "old.del"); File.Move("temp.ex", sfilename); } else { File.WriteAllBytes(Application.StartupPath + "//" + ftemp.Filename, data); } } else { winupdate.PbUpdate.Value++; } } winupdate.PbUpdate.Value++; reader.Close(); UpdateTheFile(); UpdateLastTimeCheck(DateTime.Now); Process.Start(sfilename); Environment.Exit(Environment.ExitCode); }
public static SqlDataReader ReadSql(string sql, params SqlParameter[] prms) { return(DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql, prms)); }
private void Search(object obj) { SqlDataReader reader; SqlParameter[] prms = new SqlParameter[25]; string Sql = ""; string AgeSql = ""; string whoami = ""; string whoiwant = ""; string sqlwhoiwant = ""; string sqlwhoami = ""; string noteswhoami = ""; string noteswhoiwant = ""; string LearnStatus = ""; string Subscription = ""; string sexs = ""; int fromage = (int)txtfromage.Value; int tillage = (int)txttillage.Value; string show = " AND SHOW <> 8 AND (show <2 or (show=5 and chadchan like '%{" + GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID + "}%') or (show=4 and chadchan like '%{" + GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID + "}%'))"; string IdFilter = ""; if (GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Control == User.TypeControl.Manger || GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Control == User.TypeControl.Admin) { show = " and show <> 8"; } if (txtlearnstatus.SelectedIndex != -1) { LearnStatus = BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[16], txtlearnstatus.Text, "LearnStatus", BuildSql.SqlKind.EQUAL); } if (tillage > 0) { AgeSql = BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[0], fromage, "age", BuildSql.SqlKind.BETWEEN, true, tillage); } // if(chksubscription.Checked) // Subscription= BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[17], chksubscription.Checked, "Subscription", BuildSql.SqlKind.EQUAL,false); if (txtid.Value != 0) { IdFilter = " peoples.ID=" + txtid.Value + " AND "; } if (txtwhoami.Text.Length > 0) { noteswhoami = whoami = "("; foreach (string s in splitwords(txtwhoami.Text)) { if (s.Trim().Length > 0) { whoami += " whoami like N'%" + s + "%' and"; noteswhoami += " notes like N'%" + s + "%' and"; } } whoami = whoami.Remove(whoami.Length - 3, 3); noteswhoami = noteswhoami.Remove(noteswhoami.Length - 3, 3); noteswhoami += ")"; whoami += ")"; sqlwhoami = "(" + whoami + " or " + noteswhoami + ")"; } if (txtwhoiwant.Text.Length > 0) { whoiwant = noteswhoiwant = "("; foreach (string s in splitwords(txtwhoiwant.Text)) { if (s.Trim().Length > 0) { whoiwant += " whoiwant like N'%" + s + "%' and"; noteswhoiwant += " notes like N'%" + s + "%' and"; } } whoiwant = whoiwant.Remove(whoiwant.Length - 3, 3); noteswhoiwant = noteswhoiwant.Remove(noteswhoiwant.Length - 3, 3); noteswhoiwant += ")"; whoiwant += ")"; sqlwhoiwant = "(" + whoiwant + " or " + noteswhoiwant + ")"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(whoiwant) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(whoami)) { sqlwhoami += " and "; } if (txtsexs.SelectedIndex != -1) { sexs = BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[12], txtsexs.SelectedIndex + 1, "sexs", BuildSql.SqlKind.EQUAL); } Sql = " select schools,sexs,firstname,lastname,tall,age,City,fat," + "FaceColor,Looks,WorkPlace,Beard,Zerem,Eda,LearnStatus,DadWork," + "Background,Status,Tz,KindChasidut,HealthStatus,ZeremMom,Street," + "DadName,MomName,MomWork," + "[peopledetails].[relatedid],[Peoples].[ID],Tel1,Tel2,Telephone,PhoneOfBachur from peoples inner join peopledetails on ID=relatedid where temp='false' AND " + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[1], txtfname.Text, "FirstName", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[2], txtlname.Text, "Lastname", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[3], txtbeard.Text, "beard", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[4], txtbg.Text, "background", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[5], txtcoverhead.Text, "coverhead", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[6], txtdadwork.Text, "dadwork", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[7], txtfacecolor.Text, "facecolor", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) + IdFilter + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[8], txtfat.Text, "fat", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) + AgeSql + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[9], txtlooks.Text, "looks", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[10], txtpeticut.Text, "openhead", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[11], txtschool.Text, "schools", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) + sexs + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[13], txtzerem.Text, "(eda", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE, false, null, true) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[14], txtzerem.Text, "zerem", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE, false, null, false, ") AND ") + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[15], txtstatus.Text, "Status", BuildSql.SqlKind.EQUAL) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[17], txtCity.Text, "City", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[18], txtPhone.Text, "(Tel1", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE, false, null, true) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[19], txtPhone.Text, "Tel2", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE, false, null, true) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[20], txtPhone.Text, "Telephone", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE, false, null, true) + BuildSql.GetSql(out prms[21], txtPhone.Text, "PhoneOfBachur", BuildSql.SqlKind.LIKE, false, null, false, " ) AND ") + sqlwhoami + sqlwhoiwant + LearnStatus + Subscription; Sql = BuildSql.CheckForLastAnd(ref Sql); Sql += show; Sql += " ORDER BY ID DESC"; reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(Sql, prms); // fs.Search(txtfreeserach.Text, (FreeSearch.accuracy)cmb_accuracy.SelectedIndex); List <People> lst = new List <People>(); while (reader.Read()) { People p = new People(); PeopleManipulations.ReaderToPeople(ref p, ref reader, PeopleManipulations.RtpFor.ForSearch); lst.Add(p); } olstpeople.BeginUpdate(); olstpeople.SetObjects(lst); olstpeople.EndUpdate(); reader.Close(); DBFunction.CloseConnections(); //picload.Visible = false; btnfilter.Enabled = true; }
public string CreateGeneralReport(DateTime?dtstart = null, DateTime?dtend = null) { int temp = 0; SqlParameter date1 = new SqlParameter("@dtstart", dtstart.Value); SqlParameter date2 = new SqlParameter("@dtend", dtend.Value); string sfilter = " CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS DATE) = CAST(date AS DATE) "; if (dtstart != null && dtend != null) { sfilter = " (date between @dtstart and @dtend) "; } string uglysql = "REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(info, '0', '')," + "'1', ''),'2', ''),'3', ''),'4', ''),'5', ''),'6', ''),'7', ''),'8', ''),'9', ''),'^', '') as clientname"; SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader("select name, as uid," + uglysql + ",action,userid,date,level from log LEFT JOIN USERS ON where " + sfilter + " and (action=" + (int)Log.ActionType.ClientOpen + " or action=" + (int)Log.ActionType.Login + // " or action=" + (int)Log.ActionType.PhoneFormOpen + " or action=" + (int)Log.ActionType.GoodDateCall + // " or action=" + (int)Log.ActionType.StartDate + " or action=" + (int)Log.ActionType.FailCall + /* " or action=" + (int)Log.ActionType.FailDateCall */ ")", date1, date2); sw = new Dictionary <Log.ActionType, KeyValueClass>(); sw.Add(Log.ActionType.ClientOpen, new KeyValueClass("", 0)); sw.Add(Log.ActionType.Login, new KeyValueClass("", 0)); // sw.Add(Log.ActionType.PhoneFormOpen, new KeyValueClass("", 0)); // sw.Add(Log.ActionType.GoodDateCall, new KeyValueClass("", 0)); // sw.Add(Log.ActionType.StartDate, new KeyValueClass("", 0)); // sw.Add(Log.ActionType.FailCall, new KeyValueClass("", 0)); // sw.Add(Log.ActionType.FailDateCall, new KeyValueClass("", 0)); user = new Dictionary <string, KeyValueClass>(); client = new Dictionary <string, KeyValueClass>(); while (reader.Read()) { switch ((Log.ActionType)reader["action"]) { case Log.ActionType.Login: if (sw.ContainsKey(Log.ActionType.Login)) { temp = (int)sw[Log.ActionType.Login].Value; sw[Log.ActionType.Login].Value = ++temp; sw[Log.ActionType.Login].Text += "<tr><td>" + reader["name"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; } // else //////// need to create default value for all types of action // { // sw.Add(Log.ActionType.Login, new KeyValueClass("<tr><td>" + reader["name"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>", // 1)); // } if (user.ContainsKey(reader["name"].ToString())) { TempData tobj = new TempData(); tobj = (TempData)user[reader["name"].ToString()].Value; tobj.opensw++; tobj.openswdata += "<tr><td>" + reader["name"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; user[reader["name"].ToString()].Value = tobj; } else { TempData tobj = new TempData(); tobj.opensw++; tobj.openswdata += "<tr><td>" + reader["name"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; user.Add(reader["name"].ToString(), new KeyValueClass("", tobj)); } break; //case Log.ActionType.PhoneFormOpen: // temp = (int)sw[Log.ActionType.PhoneFormOpen].Value; // sw[Log.ActionType.PhoneFormOpen].Value = ++temp; // sw[Log.ActionType.PhoneFormOpen].Text += "<tr><td>" + reader["name"].ToString() + "<td>" + reader["clientname"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; // if (user.ContainsKey(reader["name"].ToString())) // { // TempData tobj = new TempData(); // tobj = (TempData)user[reader["name"].ToString()].Value; // tobj.opentel++; // tobj.openteldata += "<tr><td>" + reader["clientname"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; // user[reader["name"].ToString()].Value = tobj; // } // else // { // TempData tobj = new TempData(); // tobj.opentel++; // tobj.openteldata += "<tr><td>" + reader["clientname"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; // user.Add(reader["name"].ToString(), new KeyValueClass("", // tobj)); // } // break; case Log.ActionType.ClientOpen: temp = (int)sw[Log.ActionType.ClientOpen].Value; sw[Log.ActionType.ClientOpen].Value = ++temp; sw[Log.ActionType.ClientOpen].Text += "<tr><td>" + reader["name"].ToString() + "<td>" + reader["clientname"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; if (user.ContainsKey(reader["name"].ToString())) { TempData tobj = new TempData(); tobj = (TempData)user[reader["name"].ToString()].Value; tobj.openclient++; tobj.openclientdata += "<tr><td>" + reader["clientname"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; user[reader["name"].ToString()].Value = tobj; } else { TempData tobj = new TempData(); tobj.openclient++; tobj.openclientdata += "<tr><td>" + reader["clientname"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; user.Add(reader["name"].ToString(), new KeyValueClass("", tobj)); } break; //case Log.ActionType.GoodDateCall: // temp = (int)sw[Log.ActionType.GoodDateCall].Value; // sw[Log.ActionType.GoodDateCall].Value = ++temp; // sw[Log.ActionType.GoodDateCall].Text += "<tr><td>" + reader["name"].ToString() + "<td>" + reader["clientname"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; // if (user.ContainsKey(reader["name"].ToString())) // { // TempData tobj = new TempData(); // tobj = (TempData)user[reader["name"].ToString()].Value; // tobj.datecall++; // tobj.datecalldatat += "<tr><td>" + reader["clientname"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; // user[reader["name"].ToString()].Value = tobj; // } // else // { // TempData tobj = new TempData(); // tobj.datecall++; // tobj.datecalldatat += "<tr><td>" + reader["clientname"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; // user.Add(reader["name"].ToString(), new KeyValueClass("", // tobj)); // } // break; //case Log.ActionType.StartDate: // temp = (int)sw[Log.ActionType.StartDate].Value; // sw[Log.ActionType.StartDate].Value = ++temp; // sw[Log.ActionType.StartDate].Text += "<tr><td>" + reader["name"].ToString() + "<td>" + reader["clientname"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; // if (user.ContainsKey(reader["name"].ToString())) // { // TempData tobj = new TempData(); // tobj = (TempData)user[reader["name"].ToString()].Value; // tobj.startdate++; // tobj.startdatedata += "<tr><td>" + reader["clientname"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; // user[reader["name"].ToString()].Value = tobj; // } // else // { // TempData tobj = new TempData(); // tobj.startdate++; // tobj.startdatedata += "<tr><td>" + reader["clientname"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; // user.Add(reader["name"].ToString(), new KeyValueClass("", // tobj)); // } // break; //case Log.ActionType.FailDateCall: // temp = (int)sw[Log.ActionType.StartDate].Value; // sw[Log.ActionType.FailDateCall].Value = ++temp; // sw[Log.ActionType.FailDateCall].Text += "<tr><td>" + reader["name"].ToString() + "<td>" + reader["clientname"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; // if (user.ContainsKey(reader["name"].ToString())) // { // TempData tobj = new TempData(); // tobj = (TempData)user[reader["name"].ToString()].Value; // tobj.callfail++; // tobj.callfaildata += "<tr><td>" + reader["clientname"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; // user[reader["name"].ToString()].Value = tobj; // } // else // { // TempData tobj = new TempData(); // tobj.callfail++; // tobj.callfaildata += "<tr><td>" + reader["clientname"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; // user.Add(reader["name"].ToString(), new KeyValueClass("", // tobj)); // } // break; //case Log.ActionType.FailCall: // temp = (int)sw[Log.ActionType.StartDate].Value; // sw[Log.ActionType.FailDateCall].Value = ++temp; // sw[Log.ActionType.FailDateCall].Text += "<tr><td>" + reader["name"].ToString() + "<td>" + reader["clientname"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; // if (user.ContainsKey(reader["name"].ToString())) // { // TempData tobj = new TempData(); // tobj = (TempData)user[reader["name"].ToString()].Value; // tobj.callnoanswer++; // tobj.callnoanswerdata += "<tr><td>" + reader["clientname"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; // user[reader["name"].ToString()].Value = tobj; // } // else // { // TempData tobj = new TempData(); // tobj.callnoanswer++; // tobj.callnoanswerdata += "<tr><td>" + reader["clientname"].ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + reader["date"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; // user.Add(reader["name"].ToString(), new KeyValueClass("", // tobj)); // } // break; } } reader.Close(); return(AnalyzeData()); }
public string CreateDatesReport(DateTime dt_start, DateTime dt_end) { string html = ""; int dates = 0; int dates_unpaid = 0; SqlParameter[] prms = new SqlParameter[2]; prms[0] = new SqlParameter("dt_start", dt_start); prms[1] = new SqlParameter("dt_end", dt_end); string moreinfo = ""; bool paid = false; string nopay = "<span class='label label-danger'> לא שילם </span>"; string lbl = ""; string sql = "select date,info,action,userid,name,replace(left(info,CHARINDEX(N'^',info,0)),'^','') as clientname" + " from Log left join users on userid = left" + " join RegisterInfo on relatedid = replace(substring(info, CHARINDEX('^', info), 6), '^', '')" + " where (action = 13 or action = 10) and replace(substring(info, CHARINDEX('^', info), 6), '^', '') > 2750 "; if (dt_start != null && dt_end != null) { sql += " and date between @dt_start and @dt_end"; moreinfo = " מתאריך " + dt_start.ToShortDateString() + " עד לתאריך " + dt_end.ToShortDateString(); } sql += " order by action,date desc"; html += CreateHtmlReport("פגישות", moreinfo); html += Properties.Resources.ShadchanStartDatesHeader; SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql, prms); while (reader.Read()) { Log.ActionType a_type = (Log.ActionType) int.Parse(reader["ACTION"].ToString()); paid = reader["paid"] as bool? ?? false; if (!paid) { lbl = nopay; dates_unpaid++; } else { lbl = ""; } //switch (a_type) //{ // case Log.ActionType.GoodDateCall: // html += START_TABLE_ROW + "<td class='success'>" + reader["clientname"] + " " + lbl + "</td>" + // CreateCol("class='success'", reader["name"]) // + CreateCol("class='success'", reader["date"]) + END_TABLE_ROW; // dates++; // break; // case Log.ActionType.StartDate: // html += START_TABLE_ROW + "<td class='active'>" + reader["clientname"] + " " + lbl + "</td>" + // CreateCol("class='active'", reader["name"]) // + CreateCol("class='active'", reader["date"]) + END_TABLE_ROW; // dates++; // break; //} } reader.Close(); html += Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ShadchanStartDatesFooter; html += "<h1>הפגישות שנעשו בזמן הזה : <label class='label label-default'>" + dates.ToString() + "</label></h1>"; html += "<h1>פגישות לכאלה שלא שילמו : <label class='label label-default'>" + dates_unpaid.ToString() + "</label></h1>"; html += "</div></div></body></html>"; using (TextWriter txtwrite = File.CreateText(path)) { txtwrite.Write(html); } return(path); }
public string CreateUserReport(string username, int userid, DateTime dt_start, DateTime dt_end) { // string clienttableheader = global::Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ClientTableHeader; string html = ""; SqlParameter[] prms = new SqlParameter[2]; prms[0] = new SqlParameter("dt_start", dt_start); prms[1] = new SqlParameter("dt_end", dt_end); string moreinfo = "<b>שדכן:</b> " + username + ", <b>מזהה שדכן:</b> " + userid.ToString() + "</br>"; string sqlLog = "select firstname + ' ' + lastname as allname, peoples.ID ,action,userid,date " + " from log JOIN peoples ON not like '' and SUBSTRING(, CHARINDEX('^',log.Info)+1,DATALENGTH( - 1)= Peoples.ID" + " where UserId = " + userid + " and action = 2 "; if (dt_start != null && dt_end != null) { sqlLog += " and date between @dt_start and @dt_end"; moreinfo += " מתאריך " + dt_start.ToShortDateString() + " עד לתאריך " + dt_end.ToShortDateString(); } html += CreateHtmlReport("שדכן", moreinfo); html += RegisterDateToReport(userid); SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sqlLog, prms); html += "<u><h2>פירוט</h2></u><div class='row' style='width:80%'>"; while (reader.Read()) { Log.ActionType a_type = (Log.ActionType) int.Parse(reader["ACTION"].ToString()); switch (a_type) { case Log.ActionType.ClientOpen: clientlog_open += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateCol("", reader["allname"]) + CreateCol(null, reader["date"]) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["allname"].ToString(), (int)reader["ID"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.openForms, ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus.completed); count_openclient++; break; } } reader.Close(); reader = ShiduchActivity.GetActivities(false, null, false, false, true, dt_start, dt_end, 0, userid); while (reader.Read()) { ShiduchActivity.ActionType action = (ShiduchActivity.ActionType) int.Parse(reader["Action"].ToString()); switch (action) { case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.proposal: userAction_proposal += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["FullNameA"].ToString(), (int)reader["PeopleId"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.proposal, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientProposal++; break; case userAction_date += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["FullNameA"].ToString(), (int)reader["PeopleId"],, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientDate++; break; case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.details: userAction_details += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["FullNameA"].ToString(), (int)reader["PeopleId"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.details, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientDetails++; break; case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.other: userAction_other += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["FullNameA"].ToString(), (int)reader["PeopleId"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.other, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientOther++; break; } } reader.Close(); clientlog_open += "</tbody></table></div>"; userAction_proposal += "</tbody></table></div>"; userAction_date += "</tbody></table></div>"; userAction_details += "</tbody></table></div>"; userAction_other += "</tbody></table></div>"; html += clientlog_open + userAction_proposal + userAction_date + userAction_details + userAction_other; html += "</div><hr>"; // end div of all info tables and create hr html += Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ClientSumAction.Replace("שדכן", "לקוח"); html += SumClientsTableList(); html += "</tbody></table><hr><u><h2>סך הכל</h2></u>"; html += SumClientsData(); html += global::Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ReportEnd; using (TextWriter txtwrite = File.CreateText(path)) { txtwrite.Write(html); } return(path); }
public static SqlDataReader GetActivities(bool my, People p = null, bool all = false, bool inCare = false, bool allForManagerReport = false, DateTime date1 = default(DateTime), DateTime date2 = default(DateTime), int peopleId = 0, int userId = 0, bool MyAllForDiary = false, int action = -1, int status = -1, bool DiaryManager = false) { List <ShiduchActivity> list = new List <ShiduchActivity>(); ShiduchActivity item; if (p == null) { p = new People(); } //פעילויות שלי string select, from, where = "", sql, orderBy = "", sActionNUmber = " s.Action<4 "; select = "select s.*,p2.FirstName+' '+p2.LastName as FullNameB "; from = "from ShiduchActivity s left join Peoples p2 on s.IdSideB=p2.ID "; where = " where s.PeopleId=" + p.ID; if (my)//פעיליות שהשדכן עשה לכרטיס זה { if (GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Control == User.TypeControl.Admin || GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Control == User.TypeControl.Manger) { where += " and " + sActionNUmber; } else { where += " and s.UserId=" + GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID + " and s.action<4"; } } if (all)//פעילויות של כלל השדכנים לכרטיס זה לא כולל פגישה { select += ",u.Name "; from += " inner join users u on =s.userid "; if (GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Control != User.TypeControl.Admin && GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Control != User.TypeControl.Manger) { where += " and s.Action in(0,2,3,5)"; } } if (inCare) { select += " ,p.FirstName+' '+p.LastName as FullNameA,r.Date as remindDate "; from += " left join Peoples p on s.peopleid = inner join ReminderActivity r on r.IdActivity=s.Id "; where = " where s.UserId=" + GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID + " and s.action<4 and s.Status=0 and r.Done=0 and r.Date<=getdate() "; } if (allForManagerReport) { if (DiaryManager) { sActionNUmber = "s.action<5"; if (action > 0)//-1 לא נבחר 0 הכל { sActionNUmber = "s.Action=" + (action - 1); } //אם זה מנהל שבודק פעילות של שדכן מסוים אז הוא יכול לראות את הכל if (status > 0)//אם לא בחר סטטוס מסוים אז מביאים את הכל { where += " and s.Status=" + (status - 1); } } select += " ,p.FirstName+' '+p.LastName as FullNameA,u.Name, as userID," + "r.Date as remindDate, as remindID ,r.IdUser as remindIdUser ,Done "; from += " left join Peoples p on s.peopleid = inner join users u on =s.userid" + " inner join ReminderActivity r on r.IdActivity=s.Id "; where = " where " + sActionNUmber + " and s.Date between'" + date1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt") + "' and '" + date2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt") + "' "; if (peopleId != 0) { where += " and s.PeopleId=" + peopleId; } if (userId != 0) { where += " and s.UserId=" + userId; } orderBy = " order by s.Action,s.Status "; } if (MyAllForDiary) { select += ",r.Date as remindDate,r.Done,p.FirstName+' '+p.LastName as FullNameA,u.Name "; from += " left join Peoples p on s.peopleid = inner join ReminderActivity r on" + " r.IdActivity=s.Id inner join users u on =s.userid "; where = " where s.UserId=" + userId + " and s.Date between'" + date1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt") + "' and '" + date2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt") + "' "; if (action > 0)//-1 לא נבחר 0 הכל { where += " and s.Action=" + (action - 1); } else if (DiaryManager)//אם זה מנהל שבודק פעילות של שדכן מסוים אז הוא יכול לראות את הכל { where += " and s.action<5"; } else { where += " and s.action<4"; } if (status > 0)//אם לא בחר סטטוס מסוים אז מביאים את הכל { where += " and s.Status=" + (status - 1); } } sql = select + from + where + orderBy; SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql); return(reader); }
public void SForm_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { ShiduchActivityForm f = (sender as ShiduchActivityForm); ShiduchActivityForm form2; if ( { SaveOpenReminder = true; if (f.OpenNewActivity) { ShiduchActivity s = new ShiduchActivity(); s.UserId = f.Activity.UserId; s.PeopleId = f.Activity.PeopleId; s.IdSideB = f.Activity.IdSideB; form2 = new ShiduchActivityForm(s, f.MyPeople); form2.isNew_Active_From_Complete_Active = true; form2.Show(); form2.FormClosed += SForm_FormClosed; } } if ((sender as ShiduchActivityForm).OpenSideB)//אם רוצה לפתוח פעילות של הצד השני { //f.Close(); People person = f.Shiduch; People shiduch = f.MyPeople; string sql = "select s.*, as remindID, r.Date as remindDate,r.Done,r.IdUser as remindIdUser from ShiduchActivity s inner join ReminderActivity r " + "on s.Id=r.IdActivity " + "where s.UserId=" + f.Activity.UserId + " and PeopleId=" + person.ID + " and IdSideB=" + shiduch.ID + " and Action=" + f.Activity.Action + " and abs(DATEDIFF(day,s.Date,'" + f.Activity.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt") + "'))" + " between 0 and 15"; // " and ( convert(varchar(10), s.Date, 103)='" + f.Activity.Date.ToShortDateString() + "' "+ //"or convert(varchar(10), s.Date, 103)>'" + f.Activity.Date.ToShortDateString() + // "' or s.Date >= DATEADD(DAY, -14,'" + f.Activity.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt") + "'))"; SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql); ShiduchActivity s = new ShiduchActivity(); string notesSide = removeFromString(f.Activity.NotesSummary); if (reader.Read()) { ShiduchActivity.readerToShiduchActivity(ref reader, ref s); s.NotesSummary = removeFromString(s.NotesSummary) + "=====צד ב'=====" + Environment.NewLine + notesSide; form2 = new ShiduchActivityForm(s, person, false, true); } else { s.IdSideB = shiduch.ID; s.Action = f.Activity.Action; s.UserId = f.Activity.UserId; s.NotesSummary += "\r\n =====צד ב'=====\r\n" + notesSide; form2 = new ShiduchActivityForm(s, person, true, false, true); } reader.Close(); form2.Show(); form2.FormClosed += SForm_FormClosed; //אם יש כבר פעילות דומה אז לפתוח אותה //אחרת לפתוח טופס חדש של פעילות } if ((sender as ShiduchActivityForm).save) { //foreach (Form frm in Application.OpenForms) //{ // if (frm.GetType() ==typeof( MainForm)) // { // (frm as MainForm).LoadReminder(); // } //} //saveReminder = true; } }
public static ArrayList GetMatches(People people) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); mydic_whoami.Clear(); mydic_whoiwant.Clear(); foreach (DictinorayRow row in DictinorayRow.DictinorayList) { int temp = row.IsMatchWord(people.Details.WhoAmI); if (temp == 1 || temp == -1) { if (temp == -1) { row.ChangeToUpSitewords(); } mydic_whoami.Add(row); mydic_not_type.Add(row); } } foreach (DictinorayRow row in DictinorayRow.DictinorayList) { int temp = row.IsMatchWord(people.Details.WhoAmI); if (temp == 1 || temp == -1) { if (temp == -1) { row.ChangeToUpSitewords(); } mydic_whoiwant.Add(row); mydic_not_type.Add(row); } } MatchesChecks xmatch = new MatchesChecks(); xmatch.p = people; string show = " AND SHOW <> 8 AND (show <2 or (show=5 and chadchan like '%{" + GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID + "}%') or (show=4 and chadchan like '%{" + GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID + "}%'))"; if (GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Control == User.TypeControl.Manger || GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Control == User.TypeControl.Admin) { show = " and show <> 8"; } string sql = "select zerem,looks,show,chadchan,whoami,whoiwant,[peopledetails].[relatedid],[Peoples].[ID],FirstName,facecolor,sexs,Lastname,tall,status,fat,age,show,notes from peoples inner join peopledetails on ID=relatedid "; sql += xmatch.GetSqlCheck() + show; SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql); while (reader.Read()) { Match result = new Match(); result.Name = reader["firstname"].ToString() + " " + reader["lastname"].ToString(); result.ID = (int)reader["id"]; //FAT CHECK result.FatCheckString = xmatch.FatCheck(reader["fat"].ToString(), ref result.FatMatchLevel); //FACECOLOR CHECK result.FaceColorCheckString = xmatch.FaceColorCheck(reader["facecolor"].ToString(), ref result.FaceColorMatchLevel); //Looks CHECK result.LooksCheckString = xmatch.LooksCheck(reader["looks"].ToString(), ref result.LooksMatchLevel); //FromDic CHECK result.DicCheckString.AddRange(xmatch.CheckFromDic(reader["looks"].ToString(), "LookChange", ref result.DicMatchLevel)); // result.DicCheckString.AddRange(xmatch.CheckFromDic(reader["zerem"].ToString(), "ZeremChange", ref result.DicMatchLevel)); result.DicCheckString.AddRange(xmatch.CheckFromDic(reader["facecolor"].ToString(), "FaceChange", ref result.DicMatchLevel)); // STATUS CHECK result.StatusCheckString = xmatch.StatusCheck(reader["status"].ToString(), ref result.MatchLevel); //EDA CHECK NEEEED TO FIXXX result.ZeremOfEdaString = xmatch.ZeremCheck(reader["zerem"].ToString(), ref result.ZeremOfEdaMatchLevel); //WHOAMI + LOOKFOR CHECK result.WhoamiCheckString.AddRange(xmatch.FindPropties(reader["whoiwant"] as string, ref result.WhoAmIMatchLevel, false)); result.LookForCheckString.AddRange(xmatch.FindPropties(reader["whoami"] as string, ref result.LookForMatchLevel, true)); result.MatchLevel += result.FaceColorMatchLevel + result.FatMatchLevel + result.LooksMatchLevel + result.ZeremOfEdaMatchLevel + result.LookForMatchLevel + result.WhoAmIMatchLevel + result.DicMatchLevel; list.Add(result); } reader.Close(); return(list); }
public void LoadShadcanim() { string sql; // string txt=""; int controlhide = 1; GLOBALVARS.Shadchanim = new ArrayList(); GLOBALVARS.Users = new List <User>(); User u; // cmbusers.Items.Add(new KeyValueClass("הכל", 0)); if (GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Control == User.TypeControl.Admin) { controlhide = 100; } sql = @"select u.ID,,,,count(r.ByUser) as d,t1.mdate,t2.mdateexit,Sector from users u left join RegisterInfo r on u.ID=r.ByUser left join (select l.UserId, max( mdate from log l where l.Action=1 group by l.UserId ) t1 on t1.UserId=u.ID left join (select l.UserId, max(l.DateExit) mdateexit from log l where l.Action=1 group by l.UserId ) t2 on t2.UserId=u.ID where u.Control<" + controlhide + @" group by u.ID,,,,t1.mdate,t2.mdateexit,Sector order by d desc"; SqlDataReader reader; reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql); lstchadcan.Items.Clear(); ConnetKnow = 0; while (reader != null && reader.Read()) { u = new User(); u.Name = (string)reader["name"]; u.ID = (int)reader["ID"]; u.Tel = (string)reader["tel"]; u.Email = (string)reader["email"]; u.Sector = (string)reader["Sector"]; if (u.Sector.Length > 0) { string[] s = u.Sector.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) { if (u.SectorView.Length > 0) { u.SectorView += ", "; } u.SectorView += GLOBALVARS.Sectors.ToArray()[int.Parse(s[i])].SectorName; } } GLOBALVARS.Users.Add(u); KeyValueClass temp = new KeyValueClass((string)reader["name"], (int)reader["ID"]); GLOBALVARS.Shadchanim.Add(temp); lstchadcan.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] { (string)reader["name"], (string)reader["tel"], (string)reader["email"], reader["ID"].ToString(), reader["d"].ToString(), Connect(ref reader) }, 2)); } reader.Close(); DBFunction.CloseConnections(); if (controlhide != 1) { lblconnect.Visible = true; lblconnect.Text += ConnetKnow + " מתוך " + GLOBALVARS.Shadchanim.Count; } }
public string CreateClientReport(string clientname, int userid, DateTime dt_start, DateTime dt_end) { string clienttableheader = global::Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ClientTableHeader; string html = ""; SqlParameter[] prms = new SqlParameter[2]; prms[0] = new SqlParameter("dt_start", dt_start); prms[1] = new SqlParameter("dt_end", dt_end); string moreinfo = "<b>לקוח:</b> " + clientname + ", <b>מזהה לקוח:</b> " + userid.ToString() + "</br>"; string sqlLog = "select name, as xid,info,action,userid,date,level from log LEFT JOIN USERS ON where like '%" + userid.ToString() + "'"; if (dt_start != null && dt_end != null) { sqlLog += " and date between @dt_start and @dt_end"; moreinfo += " מתאריך " + dt_start.ToShortDateString() + " עד לתאריך " + dt_end.ToShortDateString(); } sqlLog += " order BY log.ACTION "; html += CreateHtmlReport("לקוח", moreinfo); html += RegisterDateToReport(userid); SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sqlLog, prms); html += "<u><h2>פירוט</h2></u><div class='row' style='width:80%'>"; while (reader.Read()) { Log.ActionType a_type = (Log.ActionType) int.Parse(reader["ACTION"].ToString()); switch (a_type) { case Log.ActionType.ClientOpen: clientlog_open += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateCol("", reader["name"]) + CreateCol(null, reader["date"]) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["name"].ToString(), (int)reader["userid"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.openForms, ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus.completed); count_openclient++; break; } } reader.Close(); reader = ShiduchActivity.GetActivities(false, null, false, false, true, dt_start, dt_end, userid); while (reader.Read()) { ShiduchActivity.ActionType action = (ShiduchActivity.ActionType) int.Parse(reader["Action"].ToString()); switch (action) { case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.proposal: clientAction_proposal += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["Name"].ToString(), (int)reader["userID"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.proposal, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientProposal++; break; case clientAction_date += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["Name"].ToString(), (int)reader["userID"],, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientDate++; break; case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.details: clientAction_details += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["Name"].ToString(), (int)reader["userID"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.details, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientDetails++; break; case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.other: clientAction_other += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["Name"].ToString(), (int)reader["userID"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.other, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientOther++; break; } } reader.Close(); clientlog_open += "</tbody></table></div>"; clientAction_proposal += "</tbody></table></div>"; clientAction_date += "</tbody></table></div>"; clientAction_details += "</tbody></table></div>"; clientAction_other += "</tbody></table></div>"; html += clientlog_open + clientAction_proposal + clientAction_date + clientAction_details + clientAction_other; html += "</div><hr>"; // end div of all info tables and create hr html += Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ClientSumAction; html += SumClientsTableList(); html += "</tbody></table><hr><u><h2>סך הכל</h2></u>"; html += SumClientsData(); html += global::Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ReportEnd; using (TextWriter txtwrite = File.CreateText(path)) { txtwrite.Write(html); } return(path); }