public void PhraseTest() { Phrase phrase = new Phrase("<name>, I am testing this phrase.", 5, 3, 0); Assert.AreEqual(phrase.Text, "<name>, I am testing this phrase."); Assert.AreEqual(phrase.NounPosition, 5); Assert.AreEqual(phrase.VerbPosition, 3); Assert.AreEqual(phrase.NamePosition, 0); }
public void PhraseManagerTest() { PhraseManager manager = new PhraseManager("Blah"); Phrase phrase1 = new Phrase("<name>, I am testing this phrase.", 5, 3, 0); Phrase phrase2 = new Phrase("So it's gonna be forever, or it's going to go down in flames!"); Phrase phrase3 = new Phrase("And you love the game!", 4, 2); manager.AddPhrase(phrase1); manager.AddPhrase(phrase2); manager.AddPhrase(phrase3); Assert.AreEqual(manager.PhraseCount(), 3); Phrase phrase = manager.PhraseAt(1); Assert.AreEqual(phrase.Text, "So it's gonna be forever, or it's going to go down in flames!"); phrase = manager.PhraseAt(2); Assert.AreEqual(phrase.VerbPosition, 2); }
public int RemovePhrase(Phrase input) { if (!phrases.Contains(input)) { return -1; } phrases.Remove(input); return 0; }
public int AddPhrase(Phrase input) { if (!phrases.Contains(input)) { phrases.Add(input); return 0; } return -1; }
public async Task<int> Load(string path) { IFile file = await FileSystem.Current.GetFileFromPathAsync(path); if (file != null) { XDocument document = XDocument.Load(await file.OpenAsync(FileAccess.Read)); if (document.Root.Value == "Phrases") { foreach (XElement child in document.Root.Descendants()) { Phrase currentPhrase = new Phrase(child.Value, int.Parse(child.Attribute("nounPos").Value), int.Parse(child.Attribute("verbPos").Value), int.Parse(child.Attribute("namePos").Value)); AddPhrase(currentPhrase); } } } else { //throw new System.IO.InvalidDataException("Error: Could not load phrases."); } return 0; }