private void addTableContent() { for (int i = 1; i <= DataList.Count; i++) { ScalesValue data = DataList[i - 1]; string date = data.Time.ToString(); int row_index, col_index; if (!mIndexMapper.TryGetValue(date, out row_index)) { row_index = mEndRow + 1; mIndexMapper.Add(date, row_index); object lastValue = mSheet.Cells[mEndRow, COL_INDEX].Value; setCellData(row_index, COL_INDEX, lastValue is double?((double)lastValue) + 1 : 1); } if (!mIndexMapper.TryGetValue(data.ScaleTag, out col_index)) { col_index = mEndCol + 1; mIndexMapper.Add(data.ScaleTag, col_index); } setCellData(row_index, COL_TIME_INDEX, date); setCellData(row_index, col_index, data.Weight); mSheet.Cells[row_index, col_index].NumberFormat = "#.#"; for (int j = COL_TIME_INDEX + 1; j <= mEndCol; j++) { Range cell = mSheet.Cells[row_index, j]; if (cell.Value == null) { cell.Value = 0; } } } // Hardcode time column Range timeRange = getRange(mStartRow, mEndRow, COL_TIME_INDEX, COL_TIME_INDEX); timeRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit(); Range countRange = getRange(mStartRow, mEndRow, COL_INDEX, COL_INDEX); countRange.Columns.AutoFit(); Range tableRange = getRange(mStartRow, mEndRow, mStartCol, mEndCol); Borders border = tableRange.Borders; border.LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; }
///<summary> ///Return scalesValue from database from <paramref name="fromDate"/> to <paramref name="toDate"/> ///</summary> ///<param name="fromDate">from Date, if null will get all value until toDate</param> ///<param name="toDate">take until Date, if null will get all value after fromDate</param> public List <ScalesValue> getScalesValue(string fromDate, string toDate) { try { string condition = null; if (fromDate != null) { condition = " where Time >= @fromDate"; } if (toDate != null) { if (condition == null) { condition = " where "; } else { condition += " and "; } condition += "Time <= @toDate"; } string query = String.Format("select {0}, {1}, {2} from {3} {4} order by {5}", COL_SCALES_TIME, COL_SCALES_WEIGHT, COL_SCALES_TAG, TABLE_SCALES_VALUE, condition, COL_SCALES_TIME); //SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand(query, mConnection); setQuery(query); if (fromDate != null) { mCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fromDate", DateTime.Parse(fromDate)); } if (toDate != null) { mCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@toDate", DateTime.Parse(toDate)); } System.Data.Common.DbDataReader reader = mCmd.ExecuteReader(); List <ScalesValue> list = new List <ScalesValue>(); while (reader.Read()) { ScalesValue value = new ScalesValue(reader.GetDateTime(0), (float)reader.GetDouble(1), reader.GetString(2)); list.Add(value); } reader.Close(); return(list); } catch (Exception e) { UnhandledExceptionEventArgs arg = new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, false); CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, arg); return(null); } }