public override void ViewWillAppear(bool animated)
            base.ViewWillAppear (animated);
            // This is not double loading becuase it is a new _loader each time and the _newSL is a get set
            _loader = new List<SongToSave> ();
            _dbWorker = new DBWorker ();
            _dbWorker.StartDBWorker ();
            dbPath = _dbWorker.GetPathToDb ();

            var conn = new SQLiteConnection (dbPath);
            // this seems redundant.
            foreach (var item in conn.Table<SongToSave>()) {
                var tempSong = new SongToSave () {
                    BookTitle = item.BookTitle,
                    BookAuthor = item.BookAuthor,
                    PlayPosition = item.PlayPosition
                _loader.Add (tempSong);
            conn.Close ();
            // why am I using two list?
            _newSL = _loader;

            TableView.ReloadData ();
        public TestCell(SongToSave song, string reuseIdentifier)
            : base(UITableViewCellStyle.Default, reuseIdentifier)
            this.Song = song;
            _nameLabel = new UILabel ();
            _imageView = new UIImageView ();
            _titleFont = UIFont.FromName ("Papyrus", 20.0f);

            this.ContentView.AddSubview (_imageView);
            this.ContentView.AddSubview (_nameLabel);
            this.ContentView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
        public BookSpineCell(SongToSave song, string reuseID)
            : base(UITableViewCellStyle.Default, reuseID)
            _song = song;

            _bookTitle = new UILabel ();
            _spineImage = new UIImageView ();
            _titleFont = UIFont.FromName ("Papyrus", 20.0f);

            this.ContentView.AddSubview (_spineImage);
            //			this.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
            this.ContentView.AddSubview (_bookTitle);
            //			this.ShouldIndentWhileEditing = true;
        public void Stopper()
            Console.WriteLine ("Test point one");
            dbWorker = new DBWorker ();
            dbWorker.StartDBWorker ();
            dbPath = dbWorker.GetPathToDb ();
            var conn = new SQLiteConnection (dbPath);
            // this playingstate shit is not working right?
            var playerState = _musicPlayer.PlaybackState;
            if (playerState == MPMusicPlaybackState.Playing || playerState == MPMusicPlaybackState.Paused){
                // need to disable the play buttons and change the title/artist text to null
                Console.WriteLine ("Test point two");
                playPauseBtn.Enabled = false;
                stopBtn.Enabled = false;
                positionSkipBtn.Enabled = false;
                timerBtn.Enabled = false;

                titleLbl.Text = "Song Not Selected";
                artistLbl.Text = "Artist Not Available";
                currentTimeLbl.Text = "0:00:00";
                lengthLbl.Text = "0:00:00";
                positionSld.SetValue(0f, false);

                Console.WriteLine("music was playing or paused"); // debugging
                PlayPauseSwitch = "play";
                string stopTitle = _musicPlayer.NowPlayingItem.Title;
                string authorChecker = _musicPlayer.NowPlayingItem.Artist;
                string stopAuthor = " ";
                if (authorChecker == null || authorChecker.Length < 1)
                    stopAuthor = "No Artist";
                    stopAuthor = authorChecker;
                Console.WriteLine("Author Saving: " + stopAuthor); // debugging
                double startingPoint = _musicPlayer.CurrentPlaybackTime;
                Console.WriteLine ("Stopping point: {0}", startingPoint);

                var query = conn.Table<SongToSave>().Where(q => q.BookTitle == stopTitle);
                SongToSave sts;

                if (query.Count() > 1){
                    Console.WriteLine("We have a problem, more than one book stored"); // debugging
                else if (query.Count() > 0){
                    // replace the entry
                    foreach (var item in query){
                        sts = new SongToSave() {BookTitle = stopTitle, BookAuthor = stopAuthor, PlayPosition = startingPoint, ID = item.ID};
                    sts = new SongToSave() {BookTitle = stopTitle, PlayPosition = startingPoint};


                UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView("Position Saved", stopTitle, null, "OK", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Stopped Nothing"); //debugging
        public override void ViewWillAppear(bool animated)
            base.ViewWillAppear (animated);

            // causes the table data to be reloaded each time the view will appear
            _songList = new List<SongToSave> ();
            var conn = new SQLiteConnection (dbPath);
            foreach (var item in conn.Table<SongToSave>()) {
                var tempSong = new SongToSave () {
                    BookTitle = item.BookTitle,
                    BookAuthor = item.BookAuthor,
                    PlayPosition = item.PlayPosition
                _songList.Add (tempSong);
            conn.Close ();
            this.TableView.ReloadData ();