public void DoSomethingOnAWebPageWithSelenium2()
            //Console.WriteLine("In DoSomethingOnAWebPageWithSelenium2");
            //Console.WriteLine(Driver == null ? "Driver is null" : "Driver good");
            var guineaPigPage = new GuineaPigPage(Driver, "");

            // verify the page title is correct - this is actually checked as part of the constructor above.
            Driver.Title.ShouldContain("I am a page title - Sauce Labs");
        public void DoSomethingElseOnAWebPageWithSelenium()
            //Console.WriteLine("In DoSomethingElseOnAWebPageWithSelenium");
            //Console.WriteLine(Driver == null ? "Driver is null" : "Driver good");
            var guineaPigPage = new GuineaPigPage(Driver, "");
            // find and click the link on the page

            // verify the browser was navigated to the correct page
        public void DoSomethingElseAgainOnAWebPageWithSelenium()
            //Console.WriteLine("In DoSomethingElseAgainOnAWebPageWithSelenium");
            //Console.WriteLine(Driver == null ? "Driver is null" : "Driver good");
            var guineaPigPage = new GuineaPigPage(Driver, "");

            // read the useragent string off the page
            var useragent = guineaPigPage.GetUserAgent();
