}//end of edit Food details method private void btnBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StockManagement sm = StockManagement.getInstance(); this.Hide(); sm.Show(); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { itemRow.itemID = txtItemID.Text; itemRow.name = txtItemName.Text; itemRow.limitQuantity = Int32.Parse(txtLimit.Text); itemRow.unitOfMeasurement = txtUnitOfMesasure.Text; //######### double purchasePrice; bool res1 = Double.TryParse(txtPurchacePrice.Text, out purchasePrice); if (res1 == false) { MessageBox.Show("please Fill the purchase price"); } else { itemRow.purchase_price = (float)purchasePrice; } itemRow.suppliedBy = "ss"; itemRow.unitOfMeasurement = txtUnitOfMesasure.Text; //setting category id String cid = Util.getCategoryID("ItemCategory", comboItemcategories.Text); MessageBox.Show(cid); itemRow.categoryID = cid; itemRow.image = Util.convertImageToBinary(picBocitempic.Image); using (DBEntities db = new DBEntities()) { if (operation == "insert") { db.Items.Add(itemRow); MessageBox.Show("Item Added Successfully"); } else if (operation == "update") { db.Entry(itemRow).State = EntityState.Modified; MessageBox.Show("Item details Updated Successfully"); } db.SaveChanges(); } StockManagement sm = StockManagement.getInstance(); sm.clearItemList(); sm.loadKitchenItems(); this.Hide(); sm.Show(); }//end of save method
private void btnBackItemAlerts_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { sm.Show(); this.Hide(); }