/// <inheritdoc />
        public void AugmentCompletionSession(ICompletionSession session, IList <CompletionSet> completionSets)
            // The IntelliSense calculation within comments is rather simple. To detect when the completion is
            // currently located within an XML documentation comment, the following "tricks" are used.
            // 1. The filtering algorithm in use never removes "!--" (indicating an XML comment) from the
            //    completion set, so it is always listed when completion is invoked.  In addition, the sorting
            //    algorithm always places this item first in the completion set.
            // 2. Since this particular tag is not valid elsewhere in C#, it is easily used to determine when the
            //    caret is inside an XML documentation comment.
            if (completionSets.Count == 0 || completionSets[0].Completions.Count == 0 ||
                completionSets[0].Completions[0].DisplayText != "!--")
                // Not inside a documentation comment, so leave things alone

            // Next, we need to determine if the user pressed "<" or simply pressed Ctrl+Space to invoke code
            // completion.  Since the C# IntelliSense provider doesn't include any existing "<" character in the
            // reported ApplicableTo tracking span, we must insert this character when it's not already present.
            // XML itself makes this easy - the "<" character will either appear immediately before the
            // ApplicableTo span or it will not be present.
            ITextSnapshot snapshot   = _textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot;
            SnapshotPoint startPoint = completionSets[0].ApplicableTo.GetStartPoint(snapshot);

            string prefix = String.Empty;

            if (startPoint > 0 && snapshot.GetText(startPoint.Position - 1, 1) != "<")
                prefix = "<";

            // Use the GlyphKeyword glyph for "normal" XML tags, to match the glyphs used by C#
            // for the standard IntelliSense tags. Use the GlyphGroupMacro glyph for other completion
            // items that expand to something other that what the user wrote (e.g. "true" expands to
            // <see langword="true"/> as opposed to <true/>).
            // The descriptions for custom tags is copied from the Sandcastle XML Comments Guide.  Obsolete
            // custom tags are not included.
            var iconSource = _provider.GlyphService.GetGlyph(StandardGlyphGroup.GlyphKeyword,
            var macroIconSource = _provider.GlyphService.GetGlyph(StandardGlyphGroup.GlyphGroupMacro,

            // The elements are context sensitive so only show them if applicable based on the elements
            // determined to be valid by the C# IntelliSense provider.
            var allTags = completionSets.SelectMany(c => c.CompletionBuilders).Select(b => b.DisplayText).Concat(
                completionSets.SelectMany(c => c.Completions).Select(c => c.DisplayText)).ToList();

            // Elements allowed anywhere
            var completions = new List <Completion>
                new CustomCompletion(session, "conceptualLink", prefix + "conceptualLink target=\"\xFF\"/>",
                                     "This element is used to create a link to a MAML topic within the See Also section of a " +
                                     "topic or an inline link to a MAML topic within one of the other XML comments elements.",
                                     iconSource, ""),
                new Completion("inheritdoc", prefix + "inheritdoc/>", "This element can help minimize the " +
                               "effort required to document complex APIs by allowing common documentation to be " +
                               "inherited from base types/members.", iconSource, ""),
                new CustomCompletion(session, "inheritdoc cref", prefix + "inheritdoc cref=\"\xFF\"/>",
                                     "Inherit documentation from a specific member.", iconSource, ""),
                new CustomCompletion(session, "inheritdoc cref/select", prefix + "inheritdoc cref=\"\xFF\" " +
                                     "select=\"summary|remarks\"/>", "Inherit documentation from a specific member and comments.",
                                     iconSource, ""),
                new Completion("token", prefix + "token", "This element represents a replaceable tag within " +
                               "a topic.", iconSource, "")

            // General top-level elements
            if (allTags.Contains("exception"))
                    new Completion("AttachedEventComments", prefix + "AttachedEventComments", "This element " +
                                   "is used to define the content that should appear on the auto-generated attached " +
                                   "event member topic for a given WPF routed event member.", iconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("AttachedPropertyComments", prefix + "AttachedPropertyComments",
                                   "This element is used to define the content that should appear on the auto-generated " +
                                   "attached property member topic for a given WPF dependency property member.",
                                   iconSource, ""),
                    new CustomCompletion(session, "event", prefix + "event cref=\"\xFF\"",
                                         "This element is used to list events that can be raised by a type's member.",
                                         iconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("overloads", prefix + "overloads", "This element is used to define the " +
                                   "content that should appear on the auto-generated overloads topic for a given set of " +
                                   "member overloads.", iconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("preliminary", prefix + "preliminary/>",
                                   "This element is used to indicate that a particular type or member is preliminary and " +
                                   "is subject to change.", iconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("threadsafety", prefix + "threadsafety static=\"true\" instance=\"false\"/>",
                                   "This element is used to indicate whether or not a class or structure's static and " +
                                   "instance members are safe for use in multi-threaded scenarios.", iconSource, "")

            // General inline elements
            if (allTags.Contains("list"))
                    new Completion("note", prefix + "note type=\"note\"", "This element is used to create a " +
                                   "note-like section within a topic to draw attention to some important information.",
                                   iconSource, "")

                // Language-specific keyword extensions.  The C# provider allows these at any level but
                // Sandcastle only uses them if they are inline.
                    new Completion("null", prefix + "see langword=\"null\"/>", "Inserts the language-specific " +
                                   "keyword 'null'.", macroIconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("static", prefix + "see langword=\"static\"/>", "Inserts the " +
                                   "language-specific keyword 'static'.", macroIconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("virtual", prefix + "see langword=\"virtual\"/>", "Inserts the " +
                                   "language-specific keyword 'virtual'.", macroIconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("true", prefix + "see langword=\"true\"/>", "Inserts the language-specific " +
                                   "keyword 'true'.", macroIconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("false", prefix + "see langword=\"false\"/>", "Inserts the " +
                                   "language-specific keyword 'false'.", macroIconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("abstract", prefix + "see langword=\"abstract\"/>", "Inserts the " +
                                   "language-specific keyword 'abstract'.", macroIconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("async", prefix + "see langword=\"async\"/>", "Inserts the " +
                                   "language-specific keyword 'async'.", macroIconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("await", prefix + "see langword=\"await\"/>", "Inserts the " +
                                   "language-specific keyword 'await'.", macroIconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("async/await", prefix + "see langword=\"async/await\"/>", "Inserts the " +
                                   "language-specific keyword 'async/await'.", macroIconSource, "")

            // Code element extensions
            if (allTags.Contains("code"))
                    new CustomCompletion(session, "code import", prefix + "code language=\"\xFF\" title=\" \" " +
                                         "source=\"..\\Path\\SourceFile.cs\" region=\"Region Name\"/>", "This element is used " +
                                         "to indicate that a multi-line section of text should be imported from the named " +
                                         "region of the named file and formatted as a code block.", iconSource, ""),
                    new CustomCompletion(session, "code language", prefix + "code language=\"\xFF\" " +
                                         "title=\" \"></code>", "This element is used to indicate that a multi-line section of " +
                                         "text should be formatted as a code block.", iconSource, ""),

            // The augmented completion set is created from the previously existing one (created by the C#
            // language service), and a CompletionSet created for the custom XML tags. The moniker and display
            // name for the additional set are not used, since the augmented set always returns the values
            // reported by the original completion set.
            CompletionSet additionalCompletionSet = new CompletionSet("", "", completionSets[0].ApplicableTo,
                                                                      completions, Enumerable.Empty <Completion>());

            completionSets[0] = new AugmentedCompletionSet(session, completionSets[0], additionalCompletionSet);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void AugmentCompletionSession(ICompletionSession session, IList<CompletionSet> completionSets)
            // The IntelliSense calculation within comments is rather simple. To detect when the completion is
            // currently located within an XML documentation comment, the following "tricks" are used.
            // 1. The filtering algorithm in use never removes "!--" (indicating an XML comment) from the
            //    completion set, so it is always listed when completion is invoked.  In addition, the sorting
            //    algorithm always places this item first in the completion set.
            // 2. Since this particular tag is not valid elsewhere in C#, it is easily used to determine when the
            //    caret is inside an XML documentation comment.
            if(completionSets.Count == 0 || completionSets[0].Completions.Count == 0 ||
              completionSets[0].Completions[0].DisplayText != "!--")
                // Not inside a documentation comment, so leave things alone

            // Next, we need to determine if the user pressed "<" or simply pressed Ctrl+Space to invoke code
            // completion.  Since the C# IntelliSense provider doesn't include any existing "<" character in the
            // reported ApplicableTo tracking span, we must insert this character when it's not already present.
            // XML itself makes this easy - the "<" character will either appear immediately before the
            // ApplicableTo span or it will not be present.
            ITextSnapshot snapshot = _textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot;
            SnapshotPoint startPoint = completionSets[0].ApplicableTo.GetStartPoint(snapshot);

            string prefix = String.Empty;

            if(startPoint > 0 && snapshot.GetText(startPoint.Position - 1, 1) != "<")
                prefix = "<";

            // Use the GlyphKeyword glyph for "normal" XML tags, to match the glyphs used by C#
            // for the standard IntelliSense tags. Use the GlyphGroupMacro glyph for other completion
            // items that expand to something other that what the user wrote (e.g. "true" expands to
            // <see langword="true"/> as opposed to <true/>).
            // The descriptions for custom tags is copied from the Sandcastle XML Comments Guide.  Obsolete
            // custom tags are not included.
            var iconSource = _provider.GlyphService.GetGlyph(StandardGlyphGroup.GlyphKeyword,
            var macroIconSource = _provider.GlyphService.GetGlyph(StandardGlyphGroup.GlyphGroupMacro,

            // The elements are context sensitive so only show them if applicable based on the elements
            // determined to be valid by the C# IntelliSense provider.
            var allTags = completionSets.SelectMany(c => c.CompletionBuilders).Select(b => b.DisplayText).Concat(
                completionSets.SelectMany(c => c.Completions).Select(c => c.DisplayText)).ToList();

            // Elements allowed anywhere
            var completions = new List<Completion>
                new CustomCompletion(session, "conceptualLink", prefix + "conceptualLink target=\"\xFF\"/>",
                    "This element is used to create a link to a MAML topic within the See Also section of a " +
                    "topic or an inline link to a MAML topic within one of the other XML comments elements.",
                    iconSource, ""),
                new Completion("inheritdoc", prefix + "inheritdoc/>", "This element can help minimize the " +
                    "effort required to document complex APIs by allowing common documentation to be " +
                    "inherited from base types/members.", iconSource, ""),
                new CustomCompletion(session, "inheritdoc cref", prefix + "inheritdoc cref=\"\xFF\"/>",
                    "Inherit documentation from a specific member.", iconSource, ""),
                new CustomCompletion(session, "inheritdoc cref/select", prefix + "inheritdoc cref=\"\xFF\" " +
                    "select=\"summary|remarks\"/>", "Inherit documentation from a specific member and comments.",
                    iconSource, ""),
                new Completion("token", prefix + "token", "This element represents a replaceable tag within " +
                    "a topic.", iconSource, "")

            // General top-level elements
                    new Completion("AttachedEventComments", prefix + "AttachedEventComments", "This element " +
                        "is used to define the content that should appear on the auto-generated attached " +
                        "event member topic for a given WPF routed event member.", iconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("AttachedPropertyComments", prefix + "AttachedPropertyComments",
                        "This element is used to define the content that should appear on the auto-generated " +
                        "attached property member topic for a given WPF dependency property member.",
                        iconSource, ""),
                    new CustomCompletion(session, "event", prefix + "event cref=\"\xFF\"",
                        "This element is used to list events that can be raised by a type's member.",
                        iconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("overloads", prefix + "overloads", "This element is used to define the " +
                        "content that should appear on the auto-generated overloads topic for a given set of " +
                        "member overloads.", iconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("preliminary", prefix + "preliminary/>",
                        "This element is used to indicate that a particular type or member is preliminary and " +
                        "is subject to change.", iconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("threadsafety", prefix + "threadsafety static=\"true\" instance=\"false\"/>",
                        "This element is used to indicate whether or not a class or structure's static and " +
                        "instance members are safe for use in multi-threaded scenarios.", iconSource, "")

            // General inline elements
                    new Completion("note", prefix + "note type=\"note\"", "This element is used to create a " +
                        "note-like section within a topic to draw attention to some important information.",
                        iconSource, "")

                // Language-specific keyword extensions.  The C# provider allows these at any level but
                // Sandcastle only uses them if they are inline.
                    new Completion("null", prefix + "see langword=\"null\"/>", "Inserts the language-specific " +
                        "keyword 'null'.", macroIconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("static", prefix + "see langword=\"static\"/>", "Inserts the " +
                        "language-specific keyword 'static'.", macroIconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("virtual", prefix + "see langword=\"virtual\"/>", "Inserts the " +
                        "language-specific keyword 'virtual'.", macroIconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("true", prefix + "see langword=\"true\"/>", "Inserts the language-specific " +
                        "keyword 'true'.", macroIconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("false", prefix + "see langword=\"false\"/>", "Inserts the " +
                        "language-specific keyword 'false'.", macroIconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("abstract", prefix + "see langword=\"abstract\"/>", "Inserts the " +
                        "language-specific keyword 'abstract'.", macroIconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("async", prefix + "see langword=\"async\"/>", "Inserts the " +
                        "language-specific keyword 'async'.", macroIconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("await", prefix + "see langword=\"await\"/>", "Inserts the " +
                        "language-specific keyword 'await'.", macroIconSource, ""),
                    new Completion("async/await", prefix + "see langword=\"async/await\"/>", "Inserts the " +
                        "language-specific keyword 'async/await'.", macroIconSource, "")

            // Code element extensions
                    new CustomCompletion(session, "code import", prefix + "code language=\"\xFF\" title=\" \" " +
                        "source=\"..\\Path\\SourceFile.cs\" region=\"Region Name\"/>", "This element is used " +
                        "to indicate that a multi-line section of text should be imported from the named " +
                        "region of the named file and formatted as a code block.", iconSource, ""),
                    new CustomCompletion(session, "code language", prefix + "code language=\"\xFF\" " +
                        "title=\" \"></code>", "This element is used to indicate that a multi-line section of " +
                        "text should be formatted as a code block.", iconSource, ""),

            // The augmented completion set is created from the previously existing one (created by the C#
            // language service), and a CompletionSet created for the custom XML tags. The moniker and display
            // name for the additional set are not used, since the augmented set always returns the values
            // reported by the original completion set.
            CompletionSet additionalCompletionSet = new CompletionSet("", "", completionSets[0].ApplicableTo,
                completions, Enumerable.Empty<Completion>());

            completionSets[0] = new AugmentedCompletionSet(session, completionSets[0], additionalCompletionSet);