        private void RecalcMaxHp(IMySlimBlock obj)
            List <IMyTerminalBlock> allTerminalBlocks =
                new List <IMyTerminalBlock>();

            GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType <IMyCubeBlock>(allTerminalBlocks);

            double count = 0;

            foreach (var block in allTerminalBlocks)
                count += block.IsWorking || block.IsFunctional ? 100d : 0d;

            HealthBlockBase = allTerminalBlocks.Count;//*(runningPercent);
        private void RecalcMaxHp(IMySlimBlock obj)
            List<IMyTerminalBlock> allTerminalBlocks =
                    new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();


            double count = 0;
            foreach (var block in allTerminalBlocks)
                count += block.IsWorking || block.IsFunctional ? 100d : 0d;

            HealthBlockBase = allTerminalBlocks.Count;//*(runningPercent);
 /// <summary>
 /// Any player who owns a block on the grid can modify it. If noone owns a block everyone can modify it.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="player"></param>
 /// <param name="block"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool CanModify(IMyPlayer player, IMySlimBlock block)
     return CanModify(player, block.CubeGrid);
        private static bool CanDamageBlock(long attackerEntityId, IMySlimBlock block, MyStringHash type)
            foreach (ProtectionArea area in Config.Areas)
                if (IsProtected(block))

                // if we can't find out who attacks and the block is inside the area, we don't apply the damage
                IMyEntity attackerEntity;
                if (!MyAPIGateway.Entities.TryGetEntityById(attackerEntityId, out attackerEntity))
                    return false;

                if (type == MyDamageType.Grind)
                    IMyPlayer player;
                    if (attackerEntity is IMyShipGrinder)
                        player = MyAPIGateway.Players.GetPlayerControllingEntity(attackerEntity.GetTopMostParent());

                        if (player == null)
                            return false;

                        return CanModify(player, block);

                    return _handtoolCache.TryGetPlayer(attackerEntity.EntityId, out player) && CanModify(player, block);
                // we don't want players to destroy things in protection areas...
                return false;
            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to find out whether an block is inside a protected area or not. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="block"></param>
        /// <returns>True if the block is inside a protected area. If the block is null it will return false.</returns>
        public static bool IsProtected(IMySlimBlock block)
            if (block == null || Config == null || Config.Areas == null || !Config.ProtectionEnabled)
                return false;

            return Config.Areas.Any(area => area.Contains(block)) ^ Config.ProtectionInverted;
        private static bool CanDamageBlock(long attackerEntityId, IMySlimBlock block, MyStringHash type)
            if (!IsProtected(block)) 
                return true;

            IMyEntity attackerEntity;
            if (!MyAPIGateway.Entities.TryGetEntityById(attackerEntityId, out attackerEntity))
                return false;

            if (type == MyDamageType.Grind)
                IMyPlayer player;
                if (attackerEntity is IMyShipGrinder)
                    player = MyAPIGateway.Players.GetPlayerControllingEntity(attackerEntity.GetTopMostParent());

                    if (player == null)
                        return false;

                    return CanModify(player, block);

                return _handtoolCache.TryGetPlayer(attackerEntity.EntityId, out player) && CanModify(player, block);
            // we don't want players to destroy things in protection areas...
            return false;
        public void GetMultiblockConfig()
#warning TODO: Restrict barrel placement to directly in front of the main body

            List <Sandbox.ModAPI.IMySlimBlock> connectedBlocks = new List <Sandbox.ModAPI.IMySlimBlock>();

            Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyCubeGrid grid = (Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyCubeGrid)MDBody.CubeGrid;
            Matrix          localMatrix     = MDBody.LocalMatrix;
            List <Vector3I> searchQueue     = new List <Vector3I>()
                FindOffset(localMatrix, new Vector3I(2, 0, 1)),  //right port
                FindOffset(localMatrix, new Vector3I(-2, 0, 1)), //left port
                FindOffset(localMatrix, new Vector3I(0, 0, 3)),  //front port

            while (searchQueue.Count > 0)
                Vector3I searchLocation = searchQueue[0];

                Sandbox.ModAPI.IMySlimBlock block = grid.GetCubeBlock(searchLocation);

                if (block != null)
                    if (!connectedBlocks.Contains(block))
                        if (block.GetObjectBuilder().SubtypeId.ToString().Contains("MassDriver"))

                        switch (block.GetObjectBuilder().SubtypeId.ToString())
                        case "MassDriverCord":
                            searchQueue.Add(FindOffset(block.FatBlock.LocalMatrix, new Vector3I(0, 0, 1)));       //front port
                            searchQueue.Add(FindOffset(block.FatBlock.LocalMatrix, new Vector3I(0, 0, -1)));      //back port

                        case "MassDriverCordSupport":
                            searchQueue.Add(FindOffset(block.FatBlock.LocalMatrix, new Vector3I(0, 0, 1)));       //front port
                            searchQueue.Add(FindOffset(block.FatBlock.LocalMatrix, new Vector3I(0, 0, -1)));      //back port

                        case "MassDriverCordTurn":
                            searchQueue.Add(FindOffset(block.FatBlock.LocalMatrix, new Vector3I(1, 0, 0)));       //right port
                            searchQueue.Add(FindOffset(block.FatBlock.LocalMatrix, new Vector3I(0, -1, 0)));      //bottom port

                        case "MassDriverCapacitor":
                            //need to change the translation matrix a little because of the block's even-block-count depth and height
                            Vector3 fixedCapTranslation = block.FatBlock.LocalMatrix.Translation + block.FatBlock.LocalMatrix.Forward + block.FatBlock.LocalMatrix.Down;
                            Matrix  fixedCapMatrix      = block.FatBlock.LocalMatrix;
                            fixedCapMatrix.Translation = fixedCapTranslation;

                            searchQueue.Add(FindOffset(fixedCapMatrix, new Vector3I(0, 0, 2)));      //front port
                            searchQueue.Add(FindOffset(fixedCapMatrix, new Vector3I(0, 0, -3)));     //back port
                            searchQueue.Add(FindOffset(fixedCapMatrix, new Vector3I(0, -1, 0)));     //bottom port

                        case "MassDriverBarrelSector":
                            searchQueue.Add(FindOffset(block.FatBlock.LocalMatrix, new Vector3I(0, 0, 2)));      //front port
                            searchQueue.Add(FindOffset(block.FatBlock.LocalMatrix, new Vector3I(0, 0, -2)));     //back port

                        case "MassDriverBarrelTip":
                            searchQueue.Add(FindOffset(block.FatBlock.LocalMatrix, new Vector3I(0, 0, -2)));     //back port




            //count attached parts
            int barrelCount      = connectedBlocks.FindAll(b => b.GetObjectBuilder().SubtypeId.ToString().Contains("MassDriverBarrel")).Count;
            int compulsatorCount = connectedBlocks.FindAll(b => b.GetObjectBuilder().SubtypeId.ToString() == "MassDriverCapacitor").Count;

            //build list of connected batteries
            compulsators = new List </*Sandbox.ModAPI.*/ IMyBatteryBlock>();
            foreach (var batt in connectedBlocks.FindAll(b => b.GetObjectBuilder().SubtypeId.ToString() == "MassDriverCapacitor"))
                compulsators.Add(batt.FatBlock as /*Sandbox.ModAPI.*/ IMyBatteryBlock);

            //update custom name and info instance
            MDBody.SetCustomName("Mass Driver (" + barrelCount.ToString() + "B|" + compulsatorCount.ToString() + "C)");

            if (Data.Drivers.Find(d => d.Id == MDBody.EntityId) == null) //add entry for damage handler
                Data.Drivers.Add(new MDInfo(MDBody.EntityId, compulsatorCount));
                MDInfo existingEntry = Data.Drivers.Find(d => d.Id == MDBody.EntityId);
                existingEntry.DamageMultiplier = compulsatorCount;

            MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("", Data.Drivers.Count().ToString());