void RigidBody_ContactPointCallback_Destruction(ref HkContactPointEvent value)
            ProfilerShort.Begin("Grid Contact counter");
            MyGridContactInfo info = new MyGridContactInfo(ref value, m_grid);

            if (info.IsKnown)

            var myEntity = info.CurrentEntity;//value.Base.BodyA.GetEntity() == m_grid.Components ? value.Base.BodyA.GetEntity() : value.Base.BodyB.GetEntity();
            if (myEntity == null || myEntity.Physics == null || myEntity.Physics.RigidBody == null)
            var myBody = myEntity.Physics.RigidBody;

            // CH: DEBUG
            var physicsBody1 = value.GetPhysicsBody(0);
            var physicsBody2 = value.GetPhysicsBody(1);
            if (physicsBody1 == null || physicsBody2 == null)

            var entity1 = physicsBody1.Entity;
            var entity2 = physicsBody2.Entity;
            if (entity1 == null || entity2 == null || entity1.Physics == null || entity2.Physics == null)

            if (entity1 is MyFracturedPiece && entity2 is MyFracturedPiece)

            var rigidBody1 = value.Base.BodyA;
            var rigidBody2 = value.Base.BodyB;

            if (rigidBody1.HasProperty(HkCharacterRigidBody.MANIPULATED_OBJECT) || rigidBody2.HasProperty(HkCharacterRigidBody.MANIPULATED_OBJECT))

            if (info.CollidingEntity is Sandbox.Game.Entities.Character.MyCharacter || info.CollidingEntity == null || info.CollidingEntity.MarkedForClose)

            var grid1 = entity1 as MyCubeGrid;
            var grid2 = entity2 as MyCubeGrid;

            // CH: TODO: This is a hack Instead, the IMyDestroyableObject should be used and the subpart DoDamage code could delegate it to the grid
            // The thing is, this approach would probably need a rewrite of this whole method...
            if (grid2 == null && entity2 is MyEntitySubpart)
                while (entity2 != null && !(entity2 is MyCubeGrid))
                    entity2 = entity2.Parent;

                if (entity2 != null)
                    physicsBody2 = entity2.Physics as MyPhysicsBody;
                    rigidBody2 = physicsBody2.RigidBody;
                    grid2 = entity2 as MyCubeGrid;

            if (grid1 != null && grid2 != null && (MyCubeGridGroups.Static.Physical.GetGroup(grid1) == MyCubeGridGroups.Static.Physical.GetGroup(grid2)))

            ProfilerShort.Begin("Grid contact point callback");

                var vel = Math.Abs(value.SeparatingVelocity);
                bool enoughSpeed = vel > 3;
                //float dot = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Normalize(LinearVelocity), Vector3.Normalize(info.CollidingEntity.Physics.LinearVelocity));

                Vector3 velocity1 = rigidBody1.GetVelocityAtPoint(info.Event.ContactPoint.Position);
                Vector3 velocity2 = rigidBody2.GetVelocityAtPoint(info.Event.ContactPoint.Position);

                float speed1 = velocity1.Length();
                float speed2 = velocity2.Length();

                Vector3 dir1 = speed1 > 0 ? Vector3.Normalize(velocity1) : Vector3.Zero;
                Vector3 dir2 = speed2 > 0 ? Vector3.Normalize(velocity2) : Vector3.Zero;

                float mass1 = MyDestructionHelper.MassFromHavok(rigidBody1.Mass);
                float mass2 = MyDestructionHelper.MassFromHavok(rigidBody2.Mass);

                float impact1 = speed1 * mass1;
                float impact2 = speed2 * mass2;

                float dot1withNormal = speed1 > 0 ? Vector3.Dot(dir1, value.ContactPoint.Normal) : 0;
                float dot2withNormal = speed2 > 0 ? Vector3.Dot(dir2, value.ContactPoint.Normal) : 0;

                speed1 *= Math.Abs(dot1withNormal);
                speed2 *= Math.Abs(dot2withNormal);

                bool is1Static = mass1 == 0;
                bool is2Static = mass2 == 0;

                bool is1Small = entity1 is MyFracturedPiece || (grid1 != null && grid1.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Small);
                bool is2Small = entity2 is MyFracturedPiece || (grid2 != null && grid2.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Small);

                float dot = Vector3.Dot(dir1, dir2);

                float maxDestructionRadius = 0.5f;

                impact1 *= info.ImpulseMultiplier;
                impact2 *= info.ImpulseMultiplier;

                MyHitInfo hitInfo = new MyHitInfo();
                var hitPos = info.ContactPosition;
                hitInfo.Normal = value.ContactPoint.Normal;

                //direct hit
                if (dot1withNormal < 0.0f)
                    if (entity1 is MyFracturedPiece)
                        impact1 /= 10;

                    impact1 *= Math.Abs(dot1withNormal); //respect angle of hit

                    if ((impact1 > 2000 && speed1 > 2 && !is2Small) ||
                        (impact1 > 500 && speed1 > 10)) //must be fast enought to destroy fracture piece (projectile)
                    {  //1 is big hitting

                        if (is2Static || impact1 / impact2 > 10)
                            hitInfo.Position = hitPos + 0.1f * hitInfo.Normal;
                            impact1 -= mass1;

                            if (Sync.IsServer && impact1 > 0)
                                if (grid1 != null)
                                    var blockPos = GetGridPosition(value.ContactPoint, rigidBody1, grid1, 0);
                                    grid1.DoDamage(impact1, hitInfo, blockPos, grid2 != null ? grid2.EntityId : 0);
                                    MyDestructionHelper.TriggerDestruction(impact1, (MyPhysicsBody)entity1.Physics, info.ContactPosition, value.ContactPoint.Normal, maxDestructionRadius);
                                hitInfo.Position = hitPos - 0.1f * hitInfo.Normal;
                                if (grid2 != null)
                                    var blockPos = GetGridPosition(value.ContactPoint, rigidBody2, grid2, 1);
                                    grid2.DoDamage(impact1, hitInfo, blockPos, grid1 != null ? grid1.EntityId : 0);
                                    MyDestructionHelper.TriggerDestruction(impact1, (MyPhysicsBody)entity2.Physics, info.ContactPosition, value.ContactPoint.Normal, maxDestructionRadius);


                            MyDecals.HandleAddDecal(entity1, hitInfo);
                            MyDecals.HandleAddDecal(entity2, hitInfo);

                if (dot2withNormal < 0.0f)
                    if (entity2 is MyFracturedPiece)
                        impact2 /= 10;

                    impact2 *= Math.Abs(dot2withNormal); //respect angle of hit

                    if (impact2 > 2000 && speed2 > 2 && !is1Small ||
                        (impact2 > 500 && speed2 > 10)) //must be fast enought to destroy fracture piece (projectile)
                    {  //2 is big hitting

                        if (is1Static || impact2 / impact1 > 10)
                            hitInfo.Position = hitPos + 0.1f * hitInfo.Normal;
                            impact2 -= mass2;

                            if (Sync.IsServer && impact2 > 0)
                                if (grid1 != null)
                                    var blockPos = GetGridPosition(value.ContactPoint, rigidBody1, grid1, 0);
                                    grid1.DoDamage(impact2, hitInfo, blockPos, grid2 != null ? grid2.EntityId : 0);
                                    MyDestructionHelper.TriggerDestruction(impact2, (MyPhysicsBody)entity1.Physics, info.ContactPosition, value.ContactPoint.Normal, maxDestructionRadius);
                                hitInfo.Position = hitPos - 0.1f * hitInfo.Normal;
                                if (grid2 != null)
                                    var blockPos = GetGridPosition(value.ContactPoint, rigidBody2, grid2, 1);
                                    grid2.DoDamage(impact2, hitInfo, blockPos, grid1 != null ? grid1.EntityId : 0);
                                    MyDestructionHelper.TriggerDestruction(impact2, (MyPhysicsBody)entity2.Physics, info.ContactPosition, value.ContactPoint.Normal, maxDestructionRadius);


                            MyDecals.HandleAddDecal(entity1, hitInfo);
                            MyDecals.HandleAddDecal(entity2, hitInfo);

                //float destructionImpact = vel * (MyDestructionHelper.MassFromHavok(Mass) + MyDestructionHelper.MassFromHavok(info.CollidingEntity.Physics.Mass));
                //destructionImpact *= info.ImpulseMultiplier;

                //if (destructionImpact > 2000 && enoughSpeed)
                //    CreateDestructionFor(destructionImpact, LinearVelocity + info.CollidingEntity.Physics.LinearVelocity, this, info, value.ContactPoint.Normal);
                //    CreateDestructionFor(destructionImpact, LinearVelocity + info.CollidingEntity.Physics.LinearVelocity, info.CollidingEntity.Physics, info, value.ContactPoint.Normal);

                //    ReduceVelocities(info);

        void RigidBody_ContactPointCallback(ref HkContactPointEvent value)
            ProfilerShort.Begin("Grid Contact counter");

            var entity1 = value.Base.BodyA.GetEntity();
            var entity2 = value.Base.BodyB.GetEntity();
            if (entity1 == null || entity2 == null)

            //DA used to stop appliyng force when there is planet/ship collisions to  increase performance after ship crashes on planet
            if ((Math.Abs(value.SeparatingVelocity) < 0.3f) && (entity1 is MyTrees || entity1 is MyVoxelPhysics || entity2 is MyVoxelPhysics || entity2 is MyTrees))

            MyGridContactInfo info = new MyGridContactInfo(ref value, m_grid);

            var myBody = value.Base.BodyA.GetEntity() == m_grid.Components ? value.Base.BodyA : value.Base.BodyB;

            // CH: DEBUG

            if (info.CollidingEntity is Sandbox.Game.Entities.Character.MyCharacter || info.CollidingEntity.MarkedForClose)

            if (MyFakes.LANDING_GEAR_IGNORE_DAMAGE_CONTACTS && MyCubeGridGroups.Static.NoContactDamage.HasSameGroupAndIsGrid(entity1, entity2))
            ProfilerShort.Begin("Grid contact point callback");
            bool doSparks = MyPerGameSettings.EnableCollisionSparksEffect && (info.CollidingEntity is MyCubeGrid || info.CollidingEntity is MyVoxelMap);

            // According to Petr, WasUsed does not work everytime
            //if (value.ContactProperties.WasUsed)
                // Handle callbacks here

            bool deformationPerformed = false;

            if (Sync.IsServer && value.ContactProperties.ImpulseApplied > MyGridShape.BreakImpulse && info.CollidingEntity != null && info.EnableDeformation && m_grid.BlocksDestructionEnabled)
                float deformation = value.SeparatingVelocity;
                if (info.RubberDeformation)
                    deformation /= 5;

                HkBreakOffPointInfo breakInfo = CreateBreakOffPoint(value, info.ContactPosition, MyGridShape.BreakImpulse);
                PerformDeformation(ref breakInfo, false, value.SeparatingVelocity);
                deformationPerformed = true;
            else if (doSparks && value.SeparatingVelocity > 2.0f && value.ContactProperties.WasUsed && !m_lastContacts.ContainsKey(value.ContactPointId) && info.EnableParticles)
                m_lastContacts[value.ContactPointId] = MySandboxGame.TotalGamePlayTimeInMilliseconds;
                AddCollisionEffect(info.ContactPosition, value.ContactPoint.Normal);

            // Large dynamic ships colliding with floating objects
            // When low separating velocity or deformation performed, disable contact point
            // Floating object will still collide with kinematic part of ship and won't push it
            if (m_grid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Large && !myBody.IsFixedOrKeyframed && info.CollidingEntity is MyFloatingObject && (Math.Abs(value.SeparatingVelocity) < 0.2f || deformationPerformed))
                var prop = value.ContactProperties;
                prop.IsDisabled = true;

        void RigidBody_ContactPointCallback_Destruction(ref HkContactPointEvent value)
            ProfilerShort.Begin("Grid Contact counter");
            MyGridContactInfo info = new MyGridContactInfo(ref value, m_grid);

            if (info.IsKnown)

            var myBody = info.CurrentEntity.Physics.RigidBody;//value.Base.BodyA.GetEntity() == m_grid.Components ? value.Base.BodyA : value.Base.BodyB;
            var myEntity = info.CurrentEntity;//value.Base.BodyA.GetEntity() == m_grid.Components ? value.Base.BodyA.GetEntity() : value.Base.BodyB.GetEntity();

            // CH: DEBUG
            var entity1 = value.Base.BodyA.GetEntity();
            var entity2 = value.Base.BodyB.GetEntity();

            var rigidBody1 = value.Base.BodyA;
            var rigidBody2 = value.Base.BodyB;

            if (entity1 == null || entity2 == null || entity1.Physics == null || entity2.Physics == null)

            if (entity1 is MyFracturedPiece && entity2 is MyFracturedPiece)

            if (rigidBody1.HasProperty(HkCharacterRigidBody.MANIPULATED_OBJECT) || rigidBody2.HasProperty(HkCharacterRigidBody.MANIPULATED_OBJECT))

            if (info.CollidingEntity is Sandbox.Game.Entities.Character.MyCharacter || info.CollidingEntity == null || info.CollidingEntity.MarkedForClose)

                MyCharacter character = MySession.ControlledEntity as MyCharacter;
                if (character != null && character.VirtualPhysics != null)
                    foreach (var constraint in character.VirtualPhysics.Constraints) 
                        IMyEntity cstrEntityA = constraint.RigidBodyA.GetEntity();
                        IMyEntity cstrEntityB = constraint.RigidBodyB.GetEntity();

                        if (info.CurrentEntity == cstrEntityA || info.CurrentEntity == cstrEntityB || info.CollidingEntity == cstrEntityA || info.CollidingEntity == cstrEntityB)

            var grid1 = entity1 as MyCubeGrid;
            var grid2 = entity2 as MyCubeGrid;

            if (grid1 != null && grid2 != null && (MyCubeGridGroups.Static.Physical.GetGroup(grid1) == MyCubeGridGroups.Static.Physical.GetGroup(grid2)))

            ProfilerShort.Begin("Grid contact point callback");

            if (Sync.IsServer)
                var vel = Math.Abs(value.SeparatingVelocity);
                bool enoughSpeed = vel > 3;
                //float dot = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Normalize(LinearVelocity), Vector3.Normalize(info.CollidingEntity.Physics.LinearVelocity));

                Vector3 velocity1 = rigidBody1.GetVelocityAtPoint(info.Event.ContactPoint.Position);
                Vector3 velocity2 = rigidBody2.GetVelocityAtPoint(info.Event.ContactPoint.Position);

                float speed1 = velocity1.Length();
                float speed2 = velocity2.Length();

                Vector3 dir1 = speed1 > 0 ? Vector3.Normalize(velocity1) : Vector3.Zero;
                Vector3 dir2 = speed2 > 0 ? Vector3.Normalize(velocity2) : Vector3.Zero;

                float mass1 = MyDestructionHelper.MassFromHavok(rigidBody1.Mass);
                float mass2 = MyDestructionHelper.MassFromHavok(rigidBody2.Mass);

                float impact1 = speed1 * mass1;
                float impact2 = speed2 * mass2;

                float dot1withNormal = speed1 > 0 ? Vector3.Dot(dir1, value.ContactPoint.Normal) : 0;
                float dot2withNormal = speed2 > 0 ? Vector3.Dot(dir2, value.ContactPoint.Normal) : 0;

                speed1 *= Math.Abs(dot1withNormal);
                speed2 *= Math.Abs(dot2withNormal);

                bool is1Static = mass1 == 0;
                bool is2Static = mass2 == 0;

                bool is1Small = entity1 is MyFracturedPiece || (grid1 != null && grid1.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Small);
                bool is2Small = entity2 is MyFracturedPiece || (grid2 != null && grid2.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Small);

                float dot = Vector3.Dot(dir1, dir2);

                float maxDestructionRadius = 0.5f;

                impact1 *= info.ImpulseMultiplier;
                impact2 *= info.ImpulseMultiplier;

                MyHitInfo hitInfo = new MyHitInfo();
                var hitPos = info.ContactPosition;
                hitInfo.Normal = value.ContactPoint.Normal;

                //direct hit
                if (dot1withNormal < 0.0f)
                    if (entity1 is MyFracturedPiece)
                        impact1 /= 10;

                    impact1 *= Math.Abs(dot1withNormal); //respect angle of hit

                    if (entity2 is MyFracturedPiece)

                    if ((impact1 > 2000 && speed1 > 2 && !is2Small) ||
                        (impact1 > 500 && speed1 > 10)) //must be fast enought to destroy fracture piece (projectile)
                    {  //1 is big hitting

                        if (is2Static || impact1 / impact2 > 10)
                            hitInfo.Position = hitPos + 0.1f * hitInfo.Normal;
                            impact1 -= mass1;
                            if (grid1 != null)
                                var blockPos = GetGridPosition(value, grid1, 0);
                                grid1.DoDamage(impact1, hitInfo, blockPos);
                                MyDestructionHelper.TriggerDestruction(impact1, (MyPhysicsBody)entity1.Physics, info.ContactPosition, value.ContactPoint.Normal, maxDestructionRadius);
                            hitInfo.Position = hitPos - 0.1f * hitInfo.Normal;
                            if (grid2 != null)
                                var blockPos = GetGridPosition(value, grid2, 1);
                                grid2.DoDamage(impact1, hitInfo, blockPos);
                                MyDestructionHelper.TriggerDestruction(impact1, (MyPhysicsBody)entity2.Physics, info.ContactPosition, value.ContactPoint.Normal, maxDestructionRadius);


                if (dot2withNormal < 0.0f)
                    if (entity2 is MyFracturedPiece)
                        impact2 /= 10;

                    impact2 *= Math.Abs(dot1withNormal); //respect angle of hit

                    if (impact2 > 2000 && speed2 > 2 && !is1Small ||
                        (impact2 > 500 && speed2 > 10)) //must be fast enought to destroy fracture piece (projectile)
                    {  //2 is big hitting

                        if (is1Static || impact2 / impact1 > 10)
                            hitInfo.Position = hitPos + 0.1f * hitInfo.Normal;
                            impact2 -= mass2;
                            if (grid1 != null)
                                var blockPos = GetGridPosition(value, grid1, 0);
                                grid1.DoDamage(impact2, hitInfo, blockPos);
                                MyDestructionHelper.TriggerDestruction(impact2, (MyPhysicsBody)entity1.Physics, info.ContactPosition, value.ContactPoint.Normal, maxDestructionRadius);
                            hitInfo.Position = hitPos - 0.1f * hitInfo.Normal;
                            if (grid2 != null)
                                var blockPos = GetGridPosition(value, grid2, 1);
                                grid2.DoDamage(impact2, hitInfo, blockPos);
                                MyDestructionHelper.TriggerDestruction(impact2, (MyPhysicsBody)entity2.Physics, info.ContactPosition, value.ContactPoint.Normal, maxDestructionRadius);


                //float destructionImpact = vel * (MyDestructionHelper.MassFromHavok(Mass) + MyDestructionHelper.MassFromHavok(info.CollidingEntity.Physics.Mass));
                //destructionImpact *= info.ImpulseMultiplier;

                //if (destructionImpact > 2000 && enoughSpeed)
                //    CreateDestructionFor(destructionImpact, LinearVelocity + info.CollidingEntity.Physics.LinearVelocity, this, info, value.ContactPoint.Normal);
                //    CreateDestructionFor(destructionImpact, LinearVelocity + info.CollidingEntity.Physics.LinearVelocity, info.CollidingEntity.Physics, info, value.ContactPoint.Normal);

                //    ReduceVelocities(info);

        void RigidBody_ContactPointCallback(ref HkContactPointEvent value)
            ProfilerShort.Begin("Grid Contact counter");

            var otherEntity = value.GetOtherEntity(m_grid);
            var otherPhysicsBody = value.GetPhysicsBody(0);
            var thisEntity = m_grid;
            if (otherEntity == null || thisEntity == null)

            //DA used to stop appliyng force when there is planet/ship collisions to  increase performance after ship crashes on planet
            if ((Math.Abs(value.SeparatingVelocity) < 0.3f) && (otherEntity is MyTrees || otherEntity is MyVoxelPhysics))

            MyGridContactInfo info = new MyGridContactInfo(ref value, m_grid);

            var myBody = RigidBody;// value.Base.BodyA.GetEntity() == m_grid.Components ? value.Base.BodyA : value.Base.BodyB;

            if (info.CollidingEntity is Sandbox.Game.Entities.Character.MyCharacter || info.CollidingEntity.MarkedForClose)

            if (MyFakes.LANDING_GEAR_IGNORE_DAMAGE_CONTACTS && MyCubeGridGroups.Static.NoContactDamage.HasSameGroupAndIsGrid(otherEntity, thisEntity))

            ProfilerShort.Begin("Grid contact point callback");
            bool hitVoxel = info.CollidingEntity is MyVoxelMap || info.CollidingEntity is MyVoxelPhysics;

            if(hitVoxel && m_grid.Render != null) {

            bool doSparks = MyPerGameSettings.EnableCollisionSparksEffect && (info.CollidingEntity is MyCubeGrid || hitVoxel);

            // According to Petr, WasUsed does not work everytime
            //if (value.ContactProperties.WasUsed)
                // Handle callbacks here

                var pos = ClusterToWorld(value.ContactPoint.Position);
                var vel = -GetVelocityAtPoint(pos);
                vel *= 0.1f;
                var fn = Math.Abs(Gravity.Dot(value.ContactPoint.Normal) * value.ContactProperties.Friction);
                if (vel.Length() > 0.5f)
                    MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawArrow3D(pos, pos + fn * vel, Color.Gray, Color.Gray, false);

            if (doSparks && Math.Abs(value.SeparatingVelocity) > 2.0f && value.ContactProperties.WasUsed && !m_lastContacts.ContainsKey(value.ContactPointId) && info.EnableParticles)
                m_lastContacts[value.ContactPointId] = MySandboxGame.TotalGamePlayTimeInMilliseconds;
                AddCollisionEffect(info.ContactPosition, value.ContactPoint.Normal);

            bool doDust = MyPerGameSettings.EnableCollisionSparksEffect && hitVoxel;
            float force = Math.Abs(value.SeparatingVelocity * (Mass / 100000));
            if (doDust && force > 0.25f && info.EnableParticles)
                float scale = MathHelper.Clamp(force / 10.0f, 0.2f, 4.0f);
                AddDustEffect(info.ContactPosition, scale);
            // Large dynamic ships colliding with floating objects
            // When low separating velocity or deformation performed, disable contact point
            // Floating object will still collide with kinematic part of ship and won't push it
            if (m_grid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Large && !myBody.IsFixedOrKeyframed && info.CollidingEntity is MyFloatingObject && (Math.Abs(value.SeparatingVelocity) < 0.2f))
                var prop = value.ContactProperties;
                prop.IsDisabled = true;
