        private static void OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args)
            if (Player.ChampionName != "Sejuani")
            AbilitySequence = new int[] { 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1 };
            Chat.Print("SanJuanni Loaded!", Color.CornflowerBlue);
            Chat.Print("Enjoy the game and DONT TROLL!", Color.Red);
            Game.OnTick += GameOnTick;
            Game.OnUpdate += OnGameUpdate;

            #region Skill
            Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 800, SkillShotType.Linear);
            W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W, 350);
            E = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W, 1000);
            R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 1175, SkillShotType.Linear);

            Gapcloser.OnGapcloser            += AntiGapCloser;
            Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interrupter_OnInterruptableSpell;
            Drawing.OnDraw += GameOnDraw;
 public static void MyActivatorPage()
     MyActivator = MyMenu.AddSubMenu("Items Settings", "Items");
     MyActivator.AddLabel("Items avaible to use with Activator:");
     MyActivator.Add("talisman", new CheckBox("Use Talisman of Ascension"));
     MyActivator.Add("randuin", new CheckBox("Use Randuin"));
     MyActivator.Add("glory", new CheckBox("Use Righteous Glory"));
     MyActivator.Add("fotmountain", new CheckBox("Use Face of the Mountain"));
     MyActivator.Add("mikael", new CheckBox("Use Mikaels Crucible"));
     MyActivator.Add("ironsolari", new CheckBox("Use Locket of the Iron Solari"));
     MyActivator.Add("items.sliderHP", new Slider("Use items when HP is lower than {0}(%)", 30, 1, 100));
     MyActivator.Add("items.enemiesinrange", new Slider("Use items when there are {0} enemies in range", 3, 1, 5));
     MyActivator.Add("bilgewater", new CheckBox("Use Bilgewater Cutlass"));
     MyActivator.Add("bilgewater.HP", new Slider("Use Bilgewater Cutlass if hp is lower than {0}(%)", 60, 0, 100));
     MyActivator.Add("botrk", new CheckBox("Use Blade of The Ruined King"));
     MyActivator.Add("botrk.HP", new Slider("Use Blade of The Ruined King if hp is lower than {0}(%)", 60, 0, 100));
     MyActivator.Add("youmus", new CheckBox("Use Youmus Ghostblade"));
     MyActivator.Add("items.Youmuss.HP", new Slider("Use Youmuss Ghostblade if hp is lower than {0}(%)", 60, 1, 100));
     MyActivator.Add("youmus.Enemies", new Slider("Use Youmus Ghostblade when there are {0} enemies in range", 3, 1, 5));
     MySpells = MyMenu.AddSubMenu("Spells Settings");
     MySpells.AddGroupLabel("Smite settings");
     MySpells.Add("SRU_Red", new CheckBox("Smite Red Buff"));
     MySpells.Add("SRU_Blue", new CheckBox("Smite Blue Buff"));
     MySpells.Add("SRU_Dragon", new CheckBox("Smite Dragon"));
     MySpells.Add("SRU_Baron", new CheckBox("Smite Baron"));
     MySpells.Add("SRU_Gromp", new CheckBox("Smite Gromp"));
     MySpells.Add("SRU_Murkwolf", new CheckBox("Smite Wolf"));
     MySpells.Add("SRU_Razorbeak", new CheckBox("Smite Bird"));
     MySpells.Add("SRU_Krug", new CheckBox("Smite Golem"));
     MySpells.Add("Sru_Crab", new CheckBox("Smite Crab"));
     MySpells.AddGroupLabel("Spells settings:");
     MySpells.AddGroupLabel("Heal settings:");
     MySpells.Add("spells.Heal.Hp", new Slider("Use Heal when HP is lower than {0}(%)", 30, 1, 100));
     MySpells.AddGroupLabel("Ignite settings:");
     MySpells.Add("spells.Ignite.Focus", new Slider("Use Ignite when target HP is lower than {0}(%)", 10, 1, 100));