 public void AddDiscountGroupToCache(DiscountGroupDetails ObjDiscountGroupDetails)
         Int32 Index = ListDiscountGroups.BinarySearch(ObjDiscountGroupDetails, ObjDiscountGroupDetails);
         if (Index < 0)
             ListDiscountGroups.Insert(~Index, ObjDiscountGroupDetails);
             DefaultDiscountGroupIndex = ListDiscountGroups.FindIndex(e => e.IsDefault);
     catch (Exception ex)
         CommonFunctions.ShowErrorDialog("VendorMaster.AddDiscountGroupToCache()", ex);
        public Double GetVendorDiscount(String VendorName, Double Amount)
                DiscountGroupDetails ObjDiscountGroupDetails = GetVendorDiscount(VendorName);
                if (ObjDiscountGroupDetails == null)

            catch (Exception ex)
                CommonFunctions.ShowErrorDialog("VendorMaster.GetVendorDiscount()", ex);
        private void CreateVendorPurchaseOrder(ReportType EnumReportType, DataRow[] drItems, DataRow[] drVendors,
                                               String SelectedDateTimeString, Int32 StartRow, Int32 StartColumn,
                                               List <Int32> ListItemIndexes, List <Int32> ListVendorIndexes, Excel.Workbook xlWorkbook)
                Boolean        PrintVATPercent = false;
                ReportSettings CurrReportSettings = null;
                String         ReportTypeName = "", BillNumberText = "", SaveFileName = "";
                switch (EnumReportType)
                case ReportType.PURCHASEORDER:
                    CurrReportSettings = CommonFunctions.ObjPurchaseOrderSettings;
                    ReportTypeName     = "Purchase Order";
                    PrintVATPercent    = true;
                    BillNumberText     = "PO#";
                    SaveFileName       = txtBoxOutputFolder.Text + "\\PurchaseOrder_" + SelectedDateTimeString + ".xlsx";

                Excel.Worksheet xlPOWorksheet = xlWorkbook.Sheets[1];

                #region Print PO Sheet for each Vendor
                Double Quantity;

                Int32 POHeaderStartRow = 0;
                Int32 POStartRow = POHeaderStartRow + 5;
                Int32 PONumber = CurrReportSettings.LastNumber;
                Int32 ValidVendorCount = ListVendorIndexes.Where(s => (s >= 0)).ToList().Count;
                Int32 ValidItemCount = ListItemIndexes.Where(s => (s >= 0)).ToList().Count;
                Int32 ProgressBarCount = (ValidVendorCount * ValidItemCount);
                Int32 Counter = 0;
                Int32 SlNoColNum = 1, ItemNameColNum = 2, OrdQtyColNum = 3, RecdQtyColNum = 4, PriceColNum = 5, TotalColNum = 6;
                Int32 ReportAppendRowsAtBottom = CommonFunctions.ObjApplicationSettings.ReportAppendRowsAtBottom;
                Int32 OrderTotalRowOffset = 1 + ReportAppendRowsAtBottom, DiscountRowOffset = 2 + ReportAppendRowsAtBottom, OldBalanceRowOffset = 3 + ReportAppendRowsAtBottom, TotalCostRowOffset = 4 + ReportAppendRowsAtBottom;
                Int32 VendorCount = 0, PODetailsCount = 5;
                for (int i = 0; i < ListVendorIndexes.Count; i++)
                    if (ListVendorIndexes[i] < 0)
                    lblStatus.Text = "Creating " + ReportTypeName + " for Vendor " + VendorCount + " of " + ValidVendorCount;
                    Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet = xlWorkbook.Worksheets.Add(Type.Missing, xlWorkbook.Sheets[xlWorkbook.Sheets.Count]);
                    String          SheetName   = drVendors[ListVendorIndexes[i]]["VendorName"].ToString().Replace(":", "").
                                                  Replace("\\", "").Replace("/", "").
                                                  Replace("?", "").Replace("*", "").
                                                  Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
                    xlWorkSheet.Name = ((SheetName.Length > 30) ? SheetName.Substring(0, 30) : SheetName);

                    VendorDetails ObjCurrentVendor = CommonFunctions.ObjVendorMaster.GetVendorDetails(drVendors[ListVendorIndexes[i]]["VendorName"].ToString());

                    #region Print PO Items
                    Int32 SlNo = 0;

                    #region Print PO Header
                    Excel.Range xlRange = xlWorkSheet.Cells[1 + POHeaderStartRow, 1];

                    Int32 CustDetailsStartRow = 1 + POHeaderStartRow;
                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow, SlNoColNum];
                    xlRange.Value     = "Name";
                    xlRange.WrapText  = true;
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow, SlNoColNum + 1].Value = drVendors[ListVendorIndexes[i]]["VendorName"].ToString();

                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 1, SlNoColNum];
                    xlRange.Value     = "Address";
                    xlRange.WrapText  = true;
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 1, SlNoColNum + 1].Value = drVendors[ListVendorIndexes[i]]["Address"].ToString();
                    xlRange          = xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 1, SlNoColNum + 1];
                    xlRange.WrapText = true;
                    if (drVendors[ListVendorIndexes[i]]["Address"].ToString().Length >= 25)
                        xlRange.EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 25;

                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 2, SlNoColNum];
                    xlRange.Value     = "TIN#";
                    xlRange.WrapText  = true;
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 2, SlNoColNum + 1].Value = drVendors[ListVendorIndexes[i]]["TINNumber"].ToString();

                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 3, SlNoColNum];
                    xlRange.Value     = "Phone";
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 3, SlNoColNum + 1].Value = drVendors[ListVendorIndexes[i]]["Phone"].ToString();

                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow, TotalColNum - 1];
                    xlRange.Value     = "Date";
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow, TotalColNum].Value = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");

                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[1 + CustDetailsStartRow, TotalColNum - 1];
                    xlRange.Value     = BillNumberText;
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 1, TotalColNum].Value = PONumber;
                    drVendors[ListVendorIndexes[i]]["PONumber"] = PONumber;

                    xlRange = xlWorkSheet.Range[xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow, 1], xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 3, TotalColNum]];

                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[POStartRow + 1, SlNoColNum].Value     = "Sl.No.";
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[POStartRow + 1, ItemNameColNum].Value = "Item Name";
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[POStartRow + 1, OrdQtyColNum].Value   = "Order Quantity";
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[POStartRow + 1, RecdQtyColNum].Value  = "Received Quantity";
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[POStartRow + 1, PriceColNum].Value    = "Price";
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[POStartRow + 1, TotalColNum].Value    = "Total";
                    xlWorkSheet.Range[xlWorkSheet.Cells[POStartRow + 1, SlNoColNum], xlWorkSheet.Cells[POStartRow + 1, TotalColNum]].Font.Bold = true;

                    for (int j = 0; j < ListItemIndexes.Count; j++)
                        if (ListItemIndexes[j] < 0)
                        ReportProgressFunc((Counter * 100) / ProgressBarCount);
                        if (xlPOWorksheet.Cells[StartRow + 1 + i, StartColumn + PODetailsCount + j].Value == null)
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(xlPOWorksheet.Cells[StartRow + 1 + i, StartColumn + PODetailsCount + j].Value.ToString()))

                        Quantity = Double.Parse(xlPOWorksheet.Cells[StartRow + 1 + i, StartColumn + PODetailsCount + j].Value.ToString());
                        drItems[ListItemIndexes[j]]["Quantity"] = Double.Parse(drItems[ListItemIndexes[j]]["Quantity"].ToString()) + Quantity;

                        xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1, SlNoColNum].Value     = SlNo;
                        xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1, ItemNameColNum].Value = drItems[ListItemIndexes[j]]["StockName"].ToString();
                        xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1, OrdQtyColNum].Value   = Quantity;
                        if (chkBoxUseOrdQty.Checked == true)
                            xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1, RecdQtyColNum].Value = Quantity;
                        xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1, PriceColNum].Value        = CommonFunctions.ObjProductMaster.GetPriceForProduct(drItems[ListItemIndexes[j]]["ItemName"].ToString(), ObjCurrentVendor.PriceGroupIndex);
                        xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1, PriceColNum].NumberFormat = "#,##0.00";
                        Excel.Range xlRangeSaleQty = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1, RecdQtyColNum];
                        Excel.Range xlRangePrice   = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1, PriceColNum];
                        Excel.Range xlRangeTotal   = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1, TotalColNum];
                        xlRangeTotal.Formula = "=(" + xlRangeSaleQty.Address[false, false] + "*" + xlRangePrice.Address[false, false] + ")";
                        xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1, TotalColNum].NumberFormat = "#,##0.00";

                    Excel.Range xlRangeSaleQtyFrom = xlWorkSheet.Cells[1 + POStartRow + 1, RecdQtyColNum];
                    Excel.Range xlRangeSaleQtyTo   = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + OrderTotalRowOffset - 1, RecdQtyColNum];
                    Excel.Range xlRangeTotalCost   = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + TotalCostRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                    Excel.Range xlRangeSaleTotal   = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + OrderTotalRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                    drVendors[ListVendorIndexes[i]]["Total"]    = "='" + xlWorkSheet.Name + "'!" + xlRangeSaleTotal.Address[false, false];
                    drVendors[ListVendorIndexes[i]]["Quantity"] = "=Sum('" + xlWorkSheet.Name + "'!" + xlRangeSaleQtyFrom.Address[false, false] + ":" + xlRangeSaleQtyTo.Address[false, false] + ")";

                    #region Sales Total Row
                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + OrderTotalRowOffset, TotalColNum - 1];
                    xlRange.Value     = "Sales Total";
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;

                    xlRange = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + OrderTotalRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                    Excel.Range xlRangeSalesTotalFrom = xlWorkSheet.Cells[1 + POStartRow + 1, TotalColNum];
                    Excel.Range xlRangeSalesTotalTo   = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + OrderTotalRowOffset - 1, TotalColNum];
                    xlRange.Formula      = "=Sum(" + xlRangeSalesTotalFrom.Address[false, false] + ":" + xlRangeSalesTotalTo.Address[false, false] + ")";
                    xlRange.Font.Bold    = true;
                    xlRange.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00";

                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Range[xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + OrderTotalRowOffset, 1], xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + OrderTotalRowOffset, TotalColNum - 1]];
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                    xlRange.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight;
                    xlRange.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;

                    #region Discount Row
                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + DiscountRowOffset, TotalColNum - 1];
                    xlRange.Value     = "Discount";
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;

                    DiscountGroupDetails ObjDiscountGroup = CommonFunctions.ObjVendorMaster.GetVendorDiscount(ObjCurrentVendor.VendorName);

                    xlRange = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + DiscountRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                    Excel.Range xlSalesTotal1 = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + OrderTotalRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                    if (ObjDiscountGroup.DiscountType == DiscountTypes.PERCENT)
                        xlRange.Formula = "=" + xlSalesTotal1.Address[false, false] + "*" + ObjDiscountGroup.Discount + "/100";
                    else if (ObjDiscountGroup.DiscountType == DiscountTypes.ABSOLUTE)
                        xlRange.Value = ObjDiscountGroup.Discount;
                        xlRange.Formula = "=" + xlSalesTotal1.Address[false, false];
                    xlRange.Font.Bold    = true;
                    xlRange.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00";
                    drVendors[ListVendorIndexes[i]]["TotalDiscount"] = "='" + xlWorkSheet.Name + "'!" + xlRange.Address[false, false];

                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Range[xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + DiscountRowOffset, 1], xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + DiscountRowOffset, TotalColNum - 1]];
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                    xlRange.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight;
                    xlRange.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;

                    if (PrintVATPercent)
                        #region VAT Percent Row
                        xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + OldBalanceRowOffset, TotalColNum - 1];
                        xlRange.Value     = "VAT Percent " + CurrReportSettings.VATPercent + "%";
                        xlRange.Font.Bold = true;

                        xlRange = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + OldBalanceRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                        Excel.Range xlSalesTotal = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + OrderTotalRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                        Excel.Range xlDiscount   = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + DiscountRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                        xlRange.Formula      = "=(" + xlSalesTotal.Address[false, false] + "-" + xlDiscount.Address[false, false] + ")*" + CurrReportSettings.VATPercent + "/100";
                        xlRange.Font.Bold    = true;
                        xlRange.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00";
                        drVendors[ListVendorIndexes[i]]["TotalTax"] = "='" + xlWorkSheet.Name + "'!" + xlRange.Address[false, false];

                        xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Range[xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + OldBalanceRowOffset, 1], xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + OldBalanceRowOffset, TotalColNum - 1]];
                        xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                        xlRange.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight;
                        xlRange.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;

                    #region Total Cost Row
                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + TotalCostRowOffset, TotalColNum - 1];
                    xlRange.Value     = "Total";
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;

                    xlRange = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + TotalCostRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                    Excel.Range xlRangeSalesTotal = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + OrderTotalRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                    Excel.Range xlRangeDiscount   = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + DiscountRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                    Excel.Range xlRangeOldBalance = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + OldBalanceRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                    xlRange.Formula      = "=Round(" + xlRangeSalesTotal.Address[false, false] + "+" + xlRangeOldBalance.Address[false, false] + "-" + xlRangeDiscount.Address[false, false] + ", 0)";
                    xlRange.Font.Bold    = true;
                    xlRange.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00";

                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Range[xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + TotalCostRowOffset, 1], xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + TotalCostRowOffset, TotalColNum - 1]];
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                    xlRange.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight;
                    xlRange.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;

                    xlRange = xlWorkSheet.Range[xlWorkSheet.Cells[POStartRow + 1, 1], xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + POStartRow + 1 + TotalCostRowOffset, TotalColNum]];

                    SellerInvoiceForm.AddPageHeaderAndFooter(ref xlWorkSheet, CurrReportSettings.HeaderSubTitle, CurrReportSettings);

                if (chkBoxCreateSummary.Checked)
                    CreateVendorSummarySheet(drVendors, xlWorkbook, CurrReportSettings);

                xlApp.DisplayAlerts = false;
                xlApp.DisplayAlerts = true;
                Excel.Worksheet FirstWorksheet = xlWorkbook.Sheets[1];

                #region Write PONumber to Settings File
                CurrReportSettings.LastNumber = PONumber;

                lblStatus.Text = "Completed creation of " + ReportTypeName + "s for all Vendors";

            catch (Exception ex)
                CommonFunctions.ShowErrorDialog("VendorPurchaseOrderForm.CreateVendorPurchaseOrder", ex);
        public override void CreateInvoice(Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet)
                String SheetName = ObjSellerDetails.Name.Replace(":", "").
                                   Replace("\\", "").Replace("/", "").
                                   Replace("?", "").Replace("*", "").
                                   Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
                xlWorkSheet.Name = ((SheetName.Length > 30) ? SheetName.Substring(0, 30) : SheetName);

                Int32       InvoiceHeaderStartRow = 0;
                Int32       InvoiceStartRow       = InvoiceHeaderStartRow + 5;
                Excel.Range xlRange = null;

                #region Print Invoice Items
                Int32 SlNo = 0;
                Int32 SlNoColNum = 1, ItemNameColNum = 2, OrdQtyColNum = 3, SalQtyColNum = 4, PriceColNum = 5, TotalColNum = 6;
                Int32 ReportAppendRowsAtBottom = CommonFunctions.ObjApplicationSettings.ReportAppendRowsAtBottom;
                Int32 SalesTotalRowOffset = 1 + ReportAppendRowsAtBottom, DiscountRowOffset = 2 + ReportAppendRowsAtBottom, OldBalanceRowOffset = 3 + ReportAppendRowsAtBottom, TotalCostRowOffset = 4 + ReportAppendRowsAtBottom;

                #region Print Invoice Header
                xlRange = xlWorkSheet.Cells[1 + InvoiceHeaderStartRow, 1];

                Int32 CustDetailsStartRow = 1 + InvoiceHeaderStartRow;
                xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow, SlNoColNum];
                xlRange.Value     = "Name";
                xlRange.WrapText  = true;
                xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow, SlNoColNum + 1].Value = ObjSellerDetails.Name;

                xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 1, SlNoColNum];
                xlRange.Value     = "Address";
                xlRange.WrapText  = true;
                xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 1, SlNoColNum + 1].Value = ObjSellerDetails.Address;
                xlRange          = xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 1, SlNoColNum + 1];
                xlRange.WrapText = true;
                if (ObjSellerDetails.Address.Length >= 25)
                    xlRange.EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 25;

                if (CurrReportSettings.Type == ReportType.INVOICE)
                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 2, SlNoColNum];
                    xlRange.Value     = "TIN#";
                    xlRange.WrapText  = true;
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 2, SlNoColNum + 1].Value = ObjSellerDetails.TINNumber;

                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 3, SlNoColNum];
                    xlRange.Value     = "Phone";
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 3, SlNoColNum + 1].Value = ObjSellerDetails.Phone;
                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 2, SlNoColNum];
                    xlRange.Value     = "Phone";
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 2, SlNoColNum + 1].Value = ObjSellerDetails.Phone;

                xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow, TotalColNum - 1];
                xlRange.Value     = "Date";
                xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow, TotalColNum].Value = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");

                xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[1 + CustDetailsStartRow, TotalColNum - 1];
                xlRange.Value     = InvoiceNumberText;
                xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 1, TotalColNum].Value = SerialNumber;

                xlRange = xlWorkSheet.Range[xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow, 1], xlWorkSheet.Cells[CustDetailsStartRow + 3, TotalColNum]];

                xlWorkSheet.Cells[InvoiceStartRow + 1, SlNoColNum].Value     = "Sl No";
                xlWorkSheet.Cells[InvoiceStartRow + 1, ItemNameColNum].Value = "Item Name";
                xlWorkSheet.Cells[InvoiceStartRow + 1, OrdQtyColNum].Value   = "Order Quantity";
                xlWorkSheet.Cells[InvoiceStartRow + 1, SalQtyColNum].Value   = "Sales Quantity";
                xlWorkSheet.Cells[InvoiceStartRow + 1, PriceColNum].Value    = "Price";
                xlWorkSheet.Cells[InvoiceStartRow + 1, TotalColNum].Value    = "Total";
                xlWorkSheet.Range[xlWorkSheet.Cells[InvoiceStartRow + 1, SlNoColNum], xlWorkSheet.Cells[InvoiceStartRow + 1, TotalColNum]].Font.Bold = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < ListProducts.Count; i++)
                    ProductDetailsForInvoice CurrProd = ListProducts[i];

                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1, SlNoColNum].Value         = SlNo;
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1, ItemNameColNum].Value     = CurrProd.Description;
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1, OrdQtyColNum].Value       = CurrProd.OrderQuantity;
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1, SalQtyColNum].Value       = CurrProd.SaleQuantity;
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1, PriceColNum].Value        = CurrProd.Rate * (1 + CurrProd.CGSTDetails.TaxRate + CurrProd.SGSTDetails.TaxRate);
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1, PriceColNum].NumberFormat = "#,##0.00";
                    Excel.Range xlRangeSaleQty = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1, SalQtyColNum];
                    Excel.Range xlRangePrice   = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1, PriceColNum];
                    Excel.Range xlRangeTotal   = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1, TotalColNum];
                    xlRangeTotal.Formula = "=(" + xlRangeSaleQty.Address[false, false] + "*" + xlRangePrice.Address[false, false] + ")";
                    xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1, TotalColNum].NumberFormat = "#,##0.00";

                Excel.Range xlRangeSaleQtyFrom = xlWorkSheet.Cells[1 + InvoiceStartRow + 1, SalQtyColNum];
                Excel.Range xlRangeSaleQtyTo   = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + SalesTotalRowOffset - 1, SalQtyColNum];
                Excel.Range xlRangeTotalCost   = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + TotalCostRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                Excel.Range xlRangeSaleTotal   = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + SalesTotalRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                if (CurrReportSettings.Type == ReportType.INVOICE)
                    TotalSalesValue = "='" + xlWorkSheet.Name + "'!" + xlRangeSaleTotal.Address[false, false];
                else if (CurrReportSettings.Type == ReportType.QUOTATION)
                    TotalSalesValue = "='" + xlWorkSheet.Name + "'!" + xlRangeSaleTotal.Address[false, false];

                #region Sales Total Row
                xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + SalesTotalRowOffset, TotalColNum - 1];
                xlRange.Value     = "Sales Total";
                xlRange.Font.Bold = true;

                xlRange = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + SalesTotalRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                Excel.Range xlRangeSalesTotalFrom = xlWorkSheet.Cells[1 + InvoiceStartRow + 1, TotalColNum];
                Excel.Range xlRangeSalesTotalTo   = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + SalesTotalRowOffset - 1, TotalColNum];
                xlRange.Formula      = "=Sum(" + xlRangeSalesTotalFrom.Address[false, false] + ":" + xlRangeSalesTotalTo.Address[false, false] + ")";
                xlRange.Font.Bold    = true;
                xlRange.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00";

                xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Range[xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + SalesTotalRowOffset, 1], xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + SalesTotalRowOffset, TotalColNum - 1]];
                xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                xlRange.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight;
                xlRange.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;

                #region Discount Row
                xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + DiscountRowOffset, TotalColNum - 1];
                xlRange.Value     = "Discount";
                xlRange.Font.Bold = true;

                DiscountGroupDetails ObjDiscountGroup = CommonFunctions.ObjSellerMaster.GetSellerDiscount(ObjSellerDetails.Name);

                xlRange = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + DiscountRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                Excel.Range xlSalesTotal1 = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + SalesTotalRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                if (ObjDiscountGroup.DiscountType == DiscountTypes.PERCENT)
                    xlRange.Formula = "=" + xlSalesTotal1.Address[false, false] + "*" + ObjDiscountGroup.Discount + "/100";
                else if (ObjDiscountGroup.DiscountType == DiscountTypes.ABSOLUTE)
                    xlRange.Value = ObjDiscountGroup.Discount;
                    xlRange.Formula = "=" + xlSalesTotal1.Address[false, false];
                xlRange.Font.Bold    = true;
                xlRange.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00";
                TotalDiscount        = "='" + xlWorkSheet.Name + "'!" + xlRange.Address[false, false];

                xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Range[xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + DiscountRowOffset, 1], xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + DiscountRowOffset, TotalColNum - 1]];
                xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                xlRange.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight;
                xlRange.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;

                if (PrintOldBalance)
                    #region Old Balance Row
                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + OldBalanceRowOffset, TotalColNum - 1];
                    xlRange.Value     = "Old Balance";
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;

                    xlRange              = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + OldBalanceRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                    xlRange.Value        = ObjSellerDetails.OldBalance;
                    xlRange.Font.Bold    = true;
                    xlRange.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00";

                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Range[xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + OldBalanceRowOffset, 1], xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + OldBalanceRowOffset, TotalColNum - 1]];
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                    xlRange.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight;
                    xlRange.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;

                if (CurrReportSettings.Type == ReportType.INVOICE)
                    #region VAT Percent Row
                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + OldBalanceRowOffset, TotalColNum - 1];
                    xlRange.Value     = "VAT Percent " + CurrReportSettings.VATPercent + "%";
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;

                    xlRange = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + OldBalanceRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                    Excel.Range xlSalesTotal = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + SalesTotalRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                    Excel.Range xlDiscount   = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + DiscountRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                    xlRange.Formula      = "=(" + xlSalesTotal.Address[false, false] + "-" + xlDiscount.Address[false, false] + ")*" + CurrReportSettings.VATPercent + "/100";
                    xlRange.Font.Bold    = true;
                    xlRange.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00";
                    TotalTax             = "='" + xlWorkSheet.Name + "'!" + xlRange.Address[false, false];

                    xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Range[xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + OldBalanceRowOffset, 1], xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + OldBalanceRowOffset, TotalColNum - 1]];
                    xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                    xlRange.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight;
                    xlRange.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;

                #region Total Cost Row
                xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + TotalCostRowOffset, TotalColNum - 1];
                xlRange.Value     = "Total";
                xlRange.Font.Bold = true;

                xlRange = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + TotalCostRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                Excel.Range xlRangeSalesTotal = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + SalesTotalRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                Excel.Range xlRangeDiscount   = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + DiscountRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                Excel.Range xlRangeOldBalance = xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + OldBalanceRowOffset, TotalColNum];
                xlRange.Formula      = "=Round(" + xlRangeSalesTotal.Address[false, false] + "+" + xlRangeOldBalance.Address[false, false] + "-" + xlRangeDiscount.Address[false, false] + ", 0)";
                xlRange.Font.Bold    = true;
                xlRange.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00";

                xlRange           = xlWorkSheet.Range[xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + TotalCostRowOffset, 1], xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + TotalCostRowOffset, TotalColNum - 1]];
                xlRange.Font.Bold = true;
                xlRange.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight;
                xlRange.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;

                xlRange = xlWorkSheet.Range[xlWorkSheet.Cells[InvoiceStartRow + 1, 1], xlWorkSheet.Cells[SlNo + InvoiceStartRow + 1 + TotalCostRowOffset, TotalColNum]];

                SellerInvoiceForm.AddPageHeaderAndFooter(ref xlWorkSheet, CurrReportSettings.HeaderSubTitle, CurrReportSettings);
            catch (Exception ex)
                CommonFunctions.ShowErrorDialog("InvoiceVAT.CreateInvoice()", ex);
        public void LoadVendorMaster(DataTable dtVendorMaster, DataTable dtDiscountGroupMaster)
                ObjVendorMaster = new VendorMaster();

                #region Load Line from Vendor Master
                CommonFunctions.ListVendorLines = new List <String>();
                Boolean ContainsBlanks = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < dtVendorMaster.Rows.Count; i++)
                    DataRow dtRow = dtVendorMaster.Rows[i];
                    String  Line  = dtRow["Line"].ToString().Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "").ToUpper();
                    if (Line.Trim().Length == 0)
                        ContainsBlanks = true;
                    else if (!CommonFunctions.ListVendorLines.Contains(Line))

                CommonFunctions.ListVendorLines.Insert(0, "<All>");
                if (ContainsBlanks)

                #region Load Discount Groups
                for (int i = 0; i < dtDiscountGroupMaster.Rows.Count; i++)
                    DataRow dtRow = dtDiscountGroupMaster.Rows[i];
                    //DiscountGroup	Discount	DiscountType	Default	Description

                    DiscountGroupDetails ObjDiscountGroupDetails = new DiscountGroupDetails();
                    ObjDiscountGroupDetails.Name         = dtRow["DiscountGroup"].ToString().Trim();
                    ObjDiscountGroupDetails.Discount     = Double.Parse(dtRow["Discount"].ToString().Trim());
                    ObjDiscountGroupDetails.DiscountType = PriceGroupDetails.GetDiscountType(dtRow["DiscountType"].ToString().Trim());
                    ObjDiscountGroupDetails.IsDefault    = (Int32.Parse(dtRow["Default"].ToString().Trim()) == 1);
                    ObjDiscountGroupDetails.Description  = dtRow["Description"].ToString().Trim();


                #region Load Vendor Details
                for (int i = 0; i < dtVendorMaster.Rows.Count; i++)
                    DataRow dtRow = dtVendorMaster.Rows[i];
                    //SlNo	VendorName	Address	TINNumber	Phone	Line	OldBalance	PriceGroup	DiscountGroup

                    VendorDetails ObjVendorDetails = new VendorDetails();
                    ObjVendorDetails.VendorName    = dtRow["VendorName"].ToString().Trim();
                    ObjVendorDetails.Address       = dtRow["Address"].ToString().Trim();
                    ObjVendorDetails.TINNumber     = dtRow["TINNumber"].ToString().Trim();
                    ObjVendorDetails.Phone         = dtRow["Phone"].ToString().Trim();
                    ObjVendorDetails.Line          = dtRow["Line"].ToString().Trim();
                    ObjVendorDetails.PriceGroup    = "";
                    ObjVendorDetails.DiscountGroup = "";

                    if (dtRow["PriceGroup"] != DBNull.Value && dtRow["PriceGroup"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                        ObjVendorDetails.PriceGroup = dtRow["PriceGroup"].ToString().Trim();
                    if (dtRow["DiscountGroup"] != DBNull.Value && dtRow["DiscountGroup"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                        ObjVendorDetails.DiscountGroup = dtRow["DiscountGroup"].ToString().Trim();

                    ObjVendorMaster.AddVendorToCache(ObjVendorDetails, ObjProductMaster.ListPriceGroups);
            catch (Exception ex)
                CommonFunctions.ShowErrorDialog("ProductLine.LoadVendorMaster()", ex);